Thursday, May 6, 2010

Trabues at Cannon Beach 2006

Trabues at Cannon Beach
Originally uploaded by paynehollow
Here we are on our one and only trip to the west coast, up in Oregon. Beautiful place to visit. We stopped at Mt St Helens on that trip, as well as visited the ocean and the temperate rain forest. Would have loved to spent more time there.

We visited Mt St Helens on a foggy, misty cool day. We went in to the theater where they do a short show about the history of the blown up mountain/volcano.

They describe the mountain and all that happened when Mt St Helens blew, talking about all the grandeur and power and beauty and tragedy and then, at the end of the video, the screen rises, the curtains behind the screen part and you're given a view of MT ST HELENS! Except, on this day at least, all we saw were clouds, so the big View was a bit anti-climatic.

Still, this trip was a beautiful, wonderful trip. Maybe we'll get back there some day.

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