Saturday, July 24, 2021

Quote of the Week...

My favorite quote of this week is one I can't find but went something like this... It was a question asked of folks in wheelchairs about what they wish other people knew. One response...

"I would like for people to stop saying I'm 'confined to a wheelchair.'

My wheelchair is NOT a prison I'm confined in. My wheelchair is my LIBERTY. In my wheelchair, I can get out in the world and be free."



Marshal Art said...

Wow. One would think a guy in a wheelchair would understand what "confined in a wheelchair" means.

Feodor said...

Marshal, you’re ignorant of the bunkered confines of your moral imagination.

Dan Trabue said...

Wow. The point, Marshal, is that words have an impact. We should use words wisely, not like a Pre-K student still figuring out language.

One would think a guy who is an adult would understand the problem with the phrase.

Dan Trabue said...

Marshal decided that he knows better what disabled people should think than disabled people. He was rude and condescending to them. So I deleted his comment.

The hubris and fragility of white conservatives today is just astounding.

Feodor said...

Your interlocutors, Dan - Marshal, Craig, Stan, and the fake Scot - are armchair insurrectionists. They love lies; they've covered up for Russia; they delegitimize government and the responsibilities and ethics of governing. They all turn a blind eye to belonging to a community that need not agree with them yet still - as a society - the whole modern community provides them what they and their families need to survive. But Marshal, Craig, Stan, and the fake Scot all articulate ongoing hate toward the modern community they depend upon.

Dan Trabue said...

Just to sum up: Marshal thinks he knows better than disabled people what disabled people should think.

Marshal thinks he knows better than most black people what black people should think.

Marshal thinks he knows better than experts the data and reality in their area of expertise.

Marshal thinks that he knows better than epidemiologists what rules should be in place in a time of a pandemic.

Marshal thinks he knows better than little women what those little ladies should think.

Marshal thinks he knows better than historians who is and isn't a better president.

Marshal thinks he knows better than journalists how to report the news.

And Marshal thinks that Trump represents a good, moral, rational, honest and intelligent leader, in spite of reality.

This is the epitome of modern Trump-style, no-nothing, anti-expert "conservatives."

Their planet-shattering egos have no bounds or moral decency and they fail to recognize even the obvious and observable.

Dan Trabue said...

Marshal also thinks he can comment here with comments that demean others with vulgar, oppressive language.

He can't.

I would have left the comment - full of unsupported nonsense and ad hom attacks - if not for the vulgar attacks on innocent people.

And my apologies for the "no-nothing" typo in the previous comment. It should have read "know-nothing AND no-nothing..." because their accusations are always filled with no, nothing supported. Just empty claims.

It's why Trump-style "conservatism" full of its endless attacks with no support with clearly false claims is a non-starter for rational adults. EVEN IF you agree with his awful policies.

Decency, honesty and integrity still mean something, even to many conservatives. My deeply conservative and traditional parents would have been appalled by today's "conservatives."

Dan Trabue said...

And here's a hint, Marshal: ANYTIME you, personally, use the term "perversions," you pervert the meaning. For one.

And another: ANYTIME you use an historically oppressed group to identify someone not in that group in an attempt to demean them by comparing them to that group, you are continuing the oppression of those groups.

Stop the actual perversion, Marshal. Stop the actual oppression/mocking/belittling of a group of historically oppressed people.

Part of the problem, I think, of modern conservatives is that they don't even seem to recognize their vulgar attacks for what they are.

Marshal Art said...

And you continue to lie about me and what I've said. I've demeaned no one not named Dan Trabue and by speaking truthfully about what constitutes perversion...something you support, enable and defend like any true fake Christian does.

The true problem, beyond your wholesale ignorance of conservatism, is your unwillingness to speak truthfully, your cowardice to engage with those who do and your rampant hypocrisy and promotion of lies. Unlike some on the left, you aren't merely mistaken. You're an out and out liar and I've proven this regularly with ease. My last comment, which you deleted like the cowardly pussy you are, was an example of that.

Your last comment above...what you pretend is "part of the problem" which doesn't more proof you know nothing about conservatism and that you hate truth.

You're a liar, defender of perversion, a raging hypocrite and worst of all, in dire need of the real Jesus Christ you mock with your fake claims of being one of His followers. I pray in His name God grants you the epiphany you so desperately need while you've the time to reject evil and come to Him.

Dan Trabue said...

Marshal... "The true problem, beyond your wholesale ignorance of conservatism, is your unwillingness to speak truthfully..."

The irony here is that I'm speaking truthfully speaking truthfully and you are telling a lie. But here's your chance.. Show me where I've stated something false.

Show me one thing about what I know/I've said about conservatism that demonstrates I'm ignorant of conservatism.

I'm saying that's a bullshit false claim. I'm saying that you can't and you won't support it.

Now is your opportunity to show that you're speaking truthfully about my ignorance. Support the claim or admit it was a false claim. One chance.

Dan Trabue said...

Let me demonstrate what should be obvious to any adult need adult, why your attacks are upon women and those with learning difficulties.

You have used the R word and the P word to try to attack me and belittle me. The suggestion is, Dan is like a P...., which is a vulgar term for a woman.

Now, that works as an insult IF and only if a "Woman" is an awful, terrible thing to be.. But if you respect women and value them then being called a woman is not an insult or derogatory or negative.

You wouldn't call me a Nobel prize winner in an attempt to insult me. Why? Because Nobel Prize winners are highy valued and respected people.

It ONLY works to use an allusion like a vulgar term for a woman or a vulgar term for those with an intellectual delay IF you devalue those people (as many have historically).

IF you view women as highly valued and respected, HOW is it anything BUT disrespectful and vulgar to attempt to belittle me by calling me one in the most vulgar manner possible?

And yet, conservatives like you do do use such terms as an insult. And thus, this leaves me wondering if you even understand how it is an insult to women and those with intellectual delays?

It's a reasonable Line of logic and question. NOT a failure to understand conservatism.

How am I wrong. And a warning, if you insult women or those with intellectual delays in your answer it will be deleted and you will be finished here. Be smart enough to figure this out.

Dan Trabue said...

Marshal's comments were deleted because he couldn't even begin to make his case without indulging in the very worst of vulgar attacks - and I'd specifically WARNED him to tread carefully and he blew it. Thereby demonstrating that he apparently doesn't even get it, demonstrating that, at least in the case of Marshal, I was correct.

Marshal said in a soon-to-be-deleted comment...

"It's a lie for insisting conservatives engage in vulgar attacks (not to mention hypocritical)... For that to be in any way true, you'd have to provide an example and an explanation for why it satisfies the claim..."

Stop. Right here.

You and other conservatives have and DO engage in childish name-calling using the P word and the R word.

Do you admit that much is factual?

Assuming you do, since you admit it in your comment, you continued...

" You know it's a lie given how far more common it is for the word to be used to denote cowardice and weakness.." (speaking of the P word)

The point is, WHY is it considered (by some) to denote cowardice and weakness? PRECISELY BECAUSE vulgar rapey-type of boys and men have long associated being a woman with cowardice and weakness. It IS an insult to women (who are neither cowardly nor weak, as a rule) and it is a VULGAR (by definition) term long associated with/embraced by sexual predators, rapists, misogynists and stalkers.

You're done here because you couldn't even get through an explanation without using the term AND because you've demonstrated, by your clueless-ness on the term, that you don't understand WHY it is such a vulgar insult, thereby demonstrating the veracity of my claim/statement about conservatives like you.

Now, go away. You're done on this post and you should know YOU should never use those two terms or the term, "Perversion," as you only use them as clubs to assault historically oppressed people by actual perverts like yourself.

Feodor said...

Nazis vacated moral reason in order to feel good condemning others and indulging in brutality. Marshal has a Nazi soul.

Dan Trabue said...

Here's the very stable genius that Marshal thinks is a great president, in spite of expert opinion...

"Trump sought to make Milley the leader of an operation to restore order [during the George Floyd protests, which Trump called an "insurrection!"], but after the general reiterated that he wasn't in an operational role, the president lost it.

"You're all f---ed up," Trump said, according to the book. "Every one of you is f---ed up."

Trump then looked at Vice President Mike Pence, who had been a quiet observer, and directed his ire toward his No. 2.

"Including you!" the president said, according to the book."

The man is and was a menace and Marshal and his ilk can't see it or won't see it. Brutality and vulgarity has taken hold of his sin-sick soul.

Dan Trabue said...

Marshal, no doubt, would agree with Trump's idea of bringing in the military against the black folk (and their allies) protesting police violence last year.

Feodor said...

Marshal is losing his grip on sanity. It’s about time.

Dan Trabue said...

Yes, sadly, delusion and desperation are widespread in Maga-land. I mean, look at them citing the craziest of conspiracy theorists and believing not especially bright or competent liars and fear mongers.

They're going full on delusional and becoming emotionally fragile trainwrecks. You can hear the desperation and fear and crazy in their words as they type them. You can practically see the frothing about the mouths.

Dan Trabue said...

On his own blog he's now disputing what scientists and even many rational conservatives have been noting for years: Race is a social construct, not a biological one.

"Today, the mainstream belief among scientists is that race is a social construct without biological meaning."

He's talking about it because that's one part of CRT. I figured that was at least ONE thing about CRT that even emotionally fragile and not especially scientifically literate white conservative evangelicals could agree upon.

But not Marshal.

In spite of what DNA, Science, Biologists and experts tell us, Marshal will go with his gut. Or something.

Marshal says that race can be determined by DNA. He's factually wrong.

"they would need to let him know that a DNA test, no matter how sophisticated,
can’t tell him what his race is."

And on and on it goes...

AMA, Scientific American, Harvard, on and on, expert after expert all agree. But Marshal knows better because... what? The Bible? Because the people he listens to disagrees with the experts? Because he doesn't understand science?

Even though many Christians and Christian groups (like the Gospel Coalition, below) affirm that race is a social construct not a biological reality, Marshal disputes it.

Or conservative Tony Evans, with Focus on the Family...

Just like Evans says here, I've heard the same thing for years in conservative Christian circles - there is only ONE race, the Human Race. Indeed, if one believes (as I think Marshal does) that we all come from one couple - Adam and Eve - how could we be anything BUT one race at the genetic level?

Doesn't matter. Marshal knows better than the AMA, and all these scientific experts AND better than all these Christians who affirm that race is a social construct, not a biological reality.

No cure for delusion, I guess. Or delusions of grandeur.

Feodor said...

The cure is to exorcise from our culture what composed the mental materials driving the raging irrationality of half of us white people. We need to deal rationally with the breakdown of the American Dream that, for almost a century, guaranteed a better life for each successive generation. That reality - for whites only - ended in the aftermath of post-industrial globalized economies in massive job loss and exponentially rising executive pay bringing massive unseen income disparity to our - white peoples- way of life. Republican minds that could foresee this administered the rhetorical drugs of racism, misogyny, bigotry and anti-modernism as some spook spell gathering white people into regressive, destructive and self-destructive raging.

Craig and Stan pipe the rhetoric. Marshal and the fake bagpiper dance the rage.

Feodor said...

Marry a black woman and your child wont have your hair. All it took was the ability for human people to travel inter-continentally, and stop killing them.

Ethnicity is a function of human movement and time.

But whiteness, which you soak yourself in, Marshal, is a 400 year manufactured fake identity for the purpose of making profit off of other peoples' bodies.

Dan Trabue said...

Marshal asked (in a now deleted comment because he'd already blown it. But these are easily answered questions if you just listen to what the experts say. And when one is NOT a human biologist, then it pays to listen to the experts. It's fine to ask questions if one truly is ignorant or doesn't understand, but then, to listen to the experts and tell them they're wrong, that's different...)

Marshal asked...

"But why do we look different? Why is my hair and eye color different from others'? Why is my skin color and bone structure different than others? Which social group or organization made it so and how did they do it? Did the do it intentionally or accidentally?"

Race is real, but it's not genetic. It's a real social construct. And any human group living in one place for millenia is going to adapt to that space. It doesn't matter if it were a "white" family line that was plucked from Europe and dropped into Africa and left there for (I don't know...) 100,000 years.

Of course, you'd have to first recognize and acknowledge that human beings have been around for hundreds of thousands of years, and not six thousand.

In short, it's as Feodor noted (and he noted it because it's what the scholars tell us, I'm sure): Ethnicity is a function of human movement/place and time. That's all. No genetically different humans. No DNA differences between races. It's a social construct, built over time and place.

Marshal, if you can answer a question directly and clearly and respectfully, you may answer this question, if you wish:

A black woman and white man had a child in 1500 (he raped her because that's how it happened throughout European history - because racism and sexism have had huge impacts on our policies and history, of course - but that's an aside). That child had children with a white partner. And their child. On and on for 20 generations of children. Because of that one black ancestor, what "race" is that child, 20 generations removed? Why?

Marshal Art said...

You didn't answer my question at all. Your anal wart didn't, either. Despite a group of humans migrating anywhere, their physiological adaption to the new environ throughout the generations is still a biological change, is it not?

As to your question, that child will be, by all appearances as well as due to the genetic contributions of the one black ancestor of 20 generations ago likely diluted or displaced, that child is likely white. In a related question to you, why is your God, Barely Obummer considered a black man, and why?

Feodor said...

Because store security follows him when he’s shopping yo make sure he doesn’t steal stuff. And because a few million white people swallowed the outrageous insane lie that he’s Kenyan.

James Baldwin : What white people have to do, is try and find out in their own hearts why it was necessary to have a nigger in the first place, because I'm not a nigger, I'm a man, but if you think I'm a nigger, it means you need it.

And yet, 400 years of white brutality forced diverse African descendants to create one of the worlds strongest cultures: blackness. A culture which built these colonies from starvation villages to a Superpower. And didn’t get paid for it.