In discussing the Iraq Invasion (yet again!) over at another blog, I asked the question of the war-supporters: 1. Ought laws be followed?
And the follow up: 2. You're now president. What laws would you propose that everyone should follow that we're willing to follow as well?
This led to the response: Yes, laws should be followed. The second question is asked from a perspective in which the US should be accountable to international law. I don't believe that. I don't think the US should participate nor adhere to ANY international law, because usually those laws are not favorable for us. Every free person on this planet is free because of America, we've NEVER been on the side of evil and that has earned us the right not to have our motives questioned. !
And I followed up with this breakdown of his logic, as I saw it: So, as I understand it, you think that any nation that has never been on the side of evil has earned the right to not have their motives questioned? Those blameless nations can decide if and when and whom they need to bomb for whatever purposes.
Conversely, those nations that are not blameless/that HAVE been on the side of evil don't get to bomb when and whom they please? Is that a fair assessment?
If so, then who decides which nations are the blameless ones who've never been on the side of evil and which nations aren't?
I paused for a response and none was forthcoming and so I continued.You see, there are too many logical difficulties with your reasoning. The feeling that we must make our own rules is fairly common in human nature, but it is an immature belief based upon fear, emotions, immorality and inconsistency that is hard to justify if you are concerned about logic, justice and morality.
Once you've said that only blameless nations can choose to bomb others, two immediate problems pop up.
1. There are no blameless nations and it would be naive to think so. I love my country; I think her Constitution and history are something to be proud of. But, God bless us, we have made mistakes.
We have chosen to embrace evil at times when it seemed the best choice in a bad situation.
We have targeted and bombed cities of civilians (Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki).
We have supported terrorists (contras, the Salvadoran gov't) with weapons, money and training.
We have supported corrupt, murderous despots (Saddam, Pinochet, Somoza) and subverted democracy in other sovereign nations.
I fully understand that some who made these decisions did so thinking they were doing the best they could. But we know all about good intentions. A nation which has killed whole cities of children and committed war crimes and supported terrorism CAN NOT claim to be blameless.
I'll split this essay up here, so folk could deal with each of the parts separately if they wish. Unfortunately, I will be away from my computer much of this coming week, so I may not have a chance to respond right away, but feel free to make comments.