Sunday, December 11, 2005

Snowy Lampposts

Snowy Lampposts
Originally uploaded by paynehollow.

Does anyone know how to take good snowy day pictures? This was a beautiful, misty whiteout sort of snow and I took several shots in various settings but couldn't get a decent one.


Deb said...

If your camera is fully automatic exposure, the whiteness of the snow may be causing the camera to misinterpret the light level and underexpose the picture. If you can manually override either the shutter speed or aperture, try setting the shutter speed slower or the aperture larger (actually smaller number) than what the camera's meter indicates.

Thanks, you've just reminded me why I could never be happy with a camera that had no manual exposure controls. I'm hoping to finally buy myself that digital camera for Christmas!

Dan Trabue said...

Thanks, Deb. It's mostly an auto point and shoot, but there may be some settings I can play with.

Deb said...

I forgot to mention, even if it is mostly automatic a lot of times you can fool the meter by pointing it at a darker area in the photo, then "locking in" the exposure settings (on some cameras you do this by pushing the shutter release halfway down), then composing the photo and shooting.