Sunday, December 29, 2024

Jimmy Carter, the Best Man to Ever be President


So very thankful for the lives, wisdom and grace of Jimmy and Rosayln Carter...
“A strong nation, like a strong person, can afford to be gentle, firm, thoughtful, and restrained. It can afford to extend a helping hand to others. It is a weak nation, like a weak person, that must behave with bluster and boasting and rashness and other signs of insecurity.”

“War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn to live together in peace by killing each other's children.”

“America did not invent human rights. In a very real sense… human rights invented America.”

“We have become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams.”

“Failure is a reality; we all fail at times, and it's painful when we do. But it's better to fail while striving for something wonderful, challenging, adventurous, and uncertain than to say, " I don't want to try because I may not succeed completely.”

"the main thing I want to impress on the listeners today is just to use every influence you have to encourage up more attention being paid by banks and by city governments and by state governments and by the federal government to making housing available for everybody, decent housing."

Monday, December 2, 2024


Shame on Joe Biden for pardoning his son. This is just wrong. It doesn't matter if the other side lives by avoiding justice and decency, it's still wrong for progressive minded people to do it. We MUST stand behind the notion that the rich and powerful and elite are not above justice.

Even if H Biden's misdeeds were not as serious or harmful as the many sexual predatory and harmfully corrupt misdeeds of the "maga" GOP, he should still not be pardoned. This is a black mark on Biden's legacy and sends exactly the wrong message at precisely the wrong time.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Oppose DEI? Why?

There has been and will be on-going a good deal of talk and criticism of the very basic human rights notion of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). Many of the newly empowered Right are demonizing it and wanting to remove efforts to be more diverse, more equitable and more inclusive. It makes me wonder if they know what DEI stands for... because what reasonable, moral person is against those things?

I also think that some think of DEI as a way to be condescendingly kind to the "poor and needy." It's not.

DEI is based upon well-researched data that supports the very common sense notion that we all do better when all are included. And it's not just a catchy slogan, data supports it. I'll not cite the data here but I can if anyone wants the data/research.

When there are more people from more backgrounds, businesses and agencies (churches, community groups, gatherings, etc) do better. We're more productive and more intelligent collectively than we are individually. Think about it... of course, that's just common sense.

The reality is that...

We don't know what we don't know
We can't see what we can't see
And that's OK.

What's not OK is not beginning with the humility
To acknowledge that there are some things
We don't know and can't see

I work for an agency that helps fellow citizens with disabilities to be more included in the public sphere, including in housing and employment. We have more than one time heard the story that goes something like this...

"Hi, we're trying to get Mary in for a job interview but we can't find an accessible entrance."
"Oh, no problem, there are no steps if you go around back..."

Fine, we go around back, where there is no stairway, but there is ONE step. Mary is in a big heavy powerchair and it can't make it up that one step. We go back to the front office and report this.

"Oh, no problem. You can also get in back by the dumpster, just go around it and there's a door."

Great. The dumpster entrance. We try it, but the dumpster is blocking it. We return to the front office.

"Can't get in. Dumpster is blocking it."

"Funny, we've never had any people come in in wheelchairs reporting a problem."


"Think about it. Have you EVER had people come in in wheelchairs? Is it possible you haven't recognized the problem/difficulty because you haven't lived that life?"

More than once, we've heard that kind of story. The details may change, but the end result doesn't.
But the thing is, our fellow citizens with disabilities can and do bring value to employers and agencies. People of color can and do bring value... immigrants, women, LGBTQ folks... we ALL bring something of value and when we're not working for diversity, equity and inclusion... yes, those left out are hurt, but the thing is, we're ALL hurt by that. Businesses suffer from not having a well-rounded work force. Schools suffer from not having a spectrum of students and employees.

We're all better when everyone is included. It's not for "those" people that we include.

It's for all of us.

Friday, November 8, 2024


Mother Mary said

"I rejoice
For behold, from now on
all generations will call me blessed...

or perhaps

many generations will call me blessed
and other generations will try to hold me down
keep me in my place
tell me what to do and when and how to do it

nonetheless, God's grace and justice
will last from generation to generation
the proud will be scattered
the mighty be torn down from their thrones
and the humble, the poor, the outcast,
they will be greeted, welcomed and lifted up
and the rich sent away, empty-handed!"

With a mother like that, 
it's no wonder Jesus turned out the way he did.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Lazarus and the Rich Man

Those who know me know I don't really believe in the notion of hell as has been advanced in many religious traditions. But I do appreciate the story of Lazarus and the Rich Man that Jesus told (sort of depicted, above, in an early art of mine).

As you may or may not recall, it begins by introducing us to "a certain rich man who was splendidly clothed" and who led a life of indulgent excess, not caring for the poor literally outside his gate. And literally outside his gate, in the story, Jesus tells us that poor Lazarus was wasting away in sickness. And eventually, Lazarus dies, as does the rich man.

As an aside, the rich man is never given a name, while Lazarus is named.
This is counter to popular traditions of naming the rich and powerful but letting the poor and women remain anonymous. Somewhere in the middle ages, some started calling the rich man, "Dives," (Latin for "rich guy") but that's not in the Bible.

The story continues in the afterlife where the rich man suffers in agony in a flaming hell. Meanwhile, Lazarus is comforted by a loving God ("Father Abraham" in the text), a God of the poor and marginalized. The rich man (somehow) can see Lazarus in the arms of God and begs God to send Lazarus down with just a drop of cooling water... and he begs God to send Lazarus to warn his fellow rich brothers.

And just a note, here: The text doesn't say anything about the rich man being a bad man or that he intentionally rejected God. He was just indifferent to the poor people outside his gate.
And I'll also note that in Dives' pleas, he asks God to send Lazarus to tend to him. Even in the rich man's misery, Lazarus is just a servant to be ordered around.

But God reminds the rich man that he had it all in his lifetime and made no time for Lazarus... and that it's impossible to resolve it now. What I find valuable in this parable/story is that God concludes, "Besides, there is a great chasm between us and you..."

I think, implied, is that there WAS and IS a chasm between the rich man who cared nothing for the poor and marginalized, and the rest of creation: It is the chasm that the rich man himself constructed, keeping the poor outside his walls, outside his gates.

The good news, then, is that we can tear down those walls, now, today. We can join together with those living in poverty, those from other nations and backgrounds, those of different races, those with disabilities... we can all come together and work for the good of all, and not just ourselves.

It remains an important and humbling lesson for we who are so rich.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

She Started a Band

She started a band
that raised a prayer
that started a chant
a jig, an aire

a movement began
a challenge a fight
which moved like dance
of grace and of light

the community that rose
from the ground to the sky
was full of love
with grit in their eyes

a better day would come
they knew it to be true
because they were the ones
who would see it through.

She started a band
and that's the point.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

No Good Humans VS GOOD Humans

The question has been asked about Jesus (and others, a few times) in the pages of the Bible saying something like "There is no one good but God..." as Jesus does in Luke 18 and other places where Jesus is speaking to the "rich young ruler" (who approached Jesus, saying, "Good teacher, why...")

First of all, we have to note at least two things:

1. Jesus (and other biblical authors/speakers) refer to good people. "The sun shines on the evil and the good," for instance. But many other instances, as well. Jesus clearly thought there were good people.

2. The reality that, in spite of what the Bible says, of course, there are good people as good is typically defined/understood. There ARE good people definitionally, in the real world.

Now, dealing with the passage in question. In Luke 18, Jesus is in the context (here and throughout his ministry) of dealing with the legalism and gracelessness of the Pharisees. Jesus even offers a parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector:

To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else,
Jesus told this parable:

“Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector.  I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’

 “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’

“I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. 
For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled,
and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

Following that parable, Jesus reminds everyone (with an eye to the Pharisees who he JUST addressed):

Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”

He said that in dealing with the arrogance and gracelessness and self-perceived "righteousness" of the Pharisees.

In THAT literal, specific context of the proud, arrogant, graceless, legalistic Pharisees, the story moves to a rich ruler approaching Jesus - another of the typical antagonists in Jesus' life and message... the OPPOSITE of the humble poor and marginalized that Jesus told us he'd come to preach good news to (and in contrast to the wealthy, powerful and arrogant, who would be "brought down" in Mary's Magnificat and other places). The rich ruler talks and Jesus answers:

A certain ruler asked him, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

“Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered.
No one is good - except God alone.

Then, when the rich ruler tells Jesus (rather arrogantly!) that he's kept all the rules since he was a boy (!!) to THAT man (and by extension, the other arrogant legalists like the Pharisees) and THAT man specifically, Jesus says:

“You still lack one thing.
Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.
Then come, follow me.”

Jesus using the hyperbolic saying "there is no one good but God" is addressing the arrogant rich and powerful ruler, along with the Pharisees in the crowd and for the benefit of the poor and marginalized people that Jesus came to preach good news to. Indeed, for those humble poor and marginalized folks, THIS response of Jesus WAS good news. "He's taking on the man! He's bringing down the arrogant and powerful rich ones!"

The marginalized poor folks were well aware that they weren't perfect... that they fail to hit the mark. They understood/understand imperfection and the flaws of humanity. They know that they are not perfectly good like God. But the rich and powerful, the arrogant and legalistic like the Pharisees, THEY often didn't know this, blinded as they were by their wealth and privilege.

In the text and context of this story, Jesus makes clear who he is addressing with his "No one is good" hyperbole...

To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else...

Sunday, September 8, 2024

On the Goodness of Humanity

When I was a young conservative man, I listened to what my conservative Christian teachers told me:

Humanity is totally depraved.
Humanity is evil.
There is no one good, no, not one.

I listened and I believed. I believed it so intently that I could not conceive of this theory being anything but entirely, 100% perfectly correct and indisputable. After all, look at Hitler. Look at those men who would rape women... who would beat children. Monsters. Awful human beings. And there's a reason for that, I was told and I believed: Humanity is evil, corrupt, depraved in every possible way... the human mind in ALL humans was darkened and incapable of understanding good.

So, I was told and so, I believed.

The longer I live, the more I listened to conservative "defense" of this idea, the more that conservatives have pushed me away from believing this is a rational (or biblical, for that matter) opinion/human theory. It is, at the very best, entirely unproven and unsupported and at worst, an awful, oppressive and damaging theory promoted for less-than-noble reasons.

And why have I changed my opinion? Simple reality. I can see with my own eyes that there are indeed, good people in the world. Many of them.

And understand: I'm not saying that all of humanity is good all of the time. Of course, not. There are genuinely bad people deliberately doing genuinely bad/harmful things. There are the Hitlers, the rapists, the abusers. The men who would sexually assault women then boast how they can get away with it because of their power, wealth and position.

But the every day people - especially the helpers - those who teach, who nurse, who nurture, who assist, the social workers, the environmentalists, the people whose jobs are to empower the poor, marginalized, the sick and disabled... I know these people. They are just who and what they appear to be: Good people engaged in helpful activities for positive reasons.

And, at the same time that they're being helpful and working for justice and peace, they're also not engaged in deliberately harmful, "bad" behavior.

The social worker who has worked for 38 years now - all of her adult life - who entered the field because she wanted to be true to God and God's repeated calls to ally with and for the poor and marginalized... and so, for almost four decades has helped homeless people get off the streets, to find housing, to get needed health care, to get out of abusive relationships, to get out of addictions. She has welcomed the poor and homeless into her own home and kitchen. She's helped the children in these homeless families get needed resources. She's seen some of those formerly un-housed children get college degrees and go into helping professions themselves.

And sure, she's sometimes impatient, she has her own anxieties and depressions, but she hasn't stolen, she hasn't assaulted people, she's been faithful in her relationships, she sure hasn't killed.

She is a genuinely good person, a hard worker whose life work has NOT been just to enrich herself, but to find solutions to problems that poor and oppressed people face. She is a genuinely good person, by any rational measure.

And I personally know dozens of people like this intimately. And for those I don't know as well, I know hundreds of people less well whose life stories fit this model. They are clearly good people by reasonable measures. There is no serious evidence of corruption or total depravity or evil in their lives.

They are, to a person, imperfect people. But being imperfect is not the same as being bad. It's just not.

I bring this up because I've been asking this question for years now and trying to find examples for months now: WHERE is the hard evidence to support this claim that all humans are bad people, totally corrupt and depraved... evil, even? WHERE is the evidence that they have "rebellious hearts?" I've asked... as well as asking for a definition of "rebellious heart..."?

And every time, this question goes unanswered and ignored. The few times that anyone even tries to address it, there answer is almost always something along the lines of "We don't have to answer! It's self-evident! It's already proven!"

But it's not. It's just not. Go ahead - do a search for anyone even trying to make a rational case that proves that all humans are evil, bad and have "rebellious hearts..." There's no one even trying to prove it.

They are assuming that the answer is a given - "Of course, people are evil, ALL people! That's why the only just punishment is an eternity of torture!" Just like I believed, when I was a young conservative. But that assumption remains unproven and the unproven nature of the claim is problematic. One can't just bully their way into forcing agreement... especially when you're making a counter intuitive claim - a claim that real world data disproves.

We can SEE good people all around us. Every day. Or at least I can.

The only way I ever see any try to deal with that is, "Well, you're not judging who is good rightly... They may be good by human standards, but not by "god's standards." But when I ask for proof or support for that, the question remains unanswered.

I find it incredibly puzzling, this complete avoidance of the topic.

But the flip side of all of this is that these "people are evil" theorists have helped me see the beautiful goodness of the Beloved Community. There ARE so many people out there being truly good, truly great and what a blessing that is to see in action. So, thank you conservatives, for finally pushing me completely away from the "people are evil" failed theory.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Joy and Unity vs Anger and Division

I am so glad that the Democrats are trying to focus on joy, positive, unity and common ground. Aside from just being more pleasant, I think it makes for a strong contrast with the GOP messaging which is... not so much.

One of the great contrasts could be found in the music each party used at their conventions. For instance, look at the contrast between Stevie Wonder - ambassador of love, joy and positivity- for the DNC Convention, vs Kid Rock for the GOP Convention.

Wonder sang his deeply spiritual and uplifting "Higher Ground..."

"Lovers keep on lovin'
Believers keep on believin', um yeah
Sleepers just stop sleepin'
'Cause it won't be too long, oh, yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm so darn glad He let me try it again
'Cause my last time on earth, I lived a whole world of sin
I'm so glad that I know more than I knew then
Gonna keep on tryin'
'Til I reach my highest ground, whoo!"

As someone noted about the song: "The chorus references God, second chances, the choice to turn away from sin, a quest for spiritual redemption, and the constant struggle that comes with self-improvement, all with a sunny, relentless optimism and the boundless energy that comes from Wonder’s vocal delivery."

That was the DNC's musical representation.

As contrasted with Kid Rock's, American Bad Ass, which I can't quote directly here because of the sexism, misogyny and vulgarity...

"They call me cowboy, I'm the singer in black
So throw a finger in the air and let me see where you're at...
F*** all, y'all!
...I'm an American bad ass, watch me kick
You can roll with rock or you can suck my d***
I'm a porno flick, I'm like Amazing grace
I'm gonna f*** some h*** after I rock this place..."


The GOP is making itself the party of vulgarity and loyalty to one man.

The DNC is positioning itself as the party of Joy and Unity and a nation bound together by higher ideals of love and kindness and finding common ground. Did you see all the GOP leaders on the DNC stage?
The contrast is jarring and I think the GOP will suffer for it.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Dancing Down Joy

Feminine Divine #15

She stood tall and golden,
this dry summer grass
beneath a setting sun that was
still smacking the ground like
a leather belt
and anger

when the breeze blew
she grooved a little
and when the wind gusted
she danced like a storm
and soon
she danced the rain into being
and all the earth danced along


Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Biblical Take on Sin?

Bubba, who has re-appeared on Marshal's website, recently has been suggesting he wants to ask me questions and have a conversation on the notion of sin and morality and harm. He said:

what it is I really want to discuss -- sin vs harm, and whether calling an act sinful qualifies as harmful!

Let's take a look at what he probably means by "Sin." Even though I've done this repeatedly for their sake... I'll take a shot at it again. Not so much for their sake but for mine, to put down in words what I'm learning from what I consider their bad example.

"Sin" is a problematic word. It has all kinds of baggage. Humans have been using their preferred notions of "sin" to beat up on and further marginalize people for a very long time. "Sin," in relatively modern conservative religionist's circles has been used to heap guilt upon people and as a tool to say, "YOU are not one of us, YOU are not a decent human in "god's" eyes. YOU are "totally depraved."

LOOK at that. TOTALLY depraved. AAAGH! That sounds horrible! What do they mean by it?

According to the conservative religionists at "Ligonier Ministries..."

"The doctrine of total depravity
does not mean that all humankind is as evil as it possibly could be.


Rather, it means that sin affects the whole person. We are born
poisoned, and
polluted by sin.
Our minds are darkened and we
cannot see or understand the truth.
Our hearts are defiled so that they do not love the truth.
We love what we should hate, and we hate what we should love.
Our wills are in bondage to sin, and we cannot believe the gospel in and of themselves.


Sin, the word typically used in the New Testament... the word used by Jesus... is literally translated as
missing the mark
as in shooting for a target and coming up short. Not being perfect. Not achieving perfection.

Well, of course, humanity is not perfect. No one who is human and self-aware suggests that.

But merely "missing the mark of perfection" is not the same, in any way, as DEPRAVED, much less TOTALLY DEPRAVED.

It is not the same as being "corrupted, poisoned and polluted by sin" (by "missing the mark..."?)

The word SIN has been stained, it seems to me, by the human traditions found in conservative evangelical Christianity and other more repressive religious traditions. So, I'm reluctant to use the word, "sin." It has become a mark of abuse and oppression. It causes nightmares and PTSD in people who have been terrorized by the use of the word, "sin."

But biblically, "missing the mark..."? Failing to be perfect? That, I'm fine with. We humans are, after all, imperfect. We miss the mark of perfection. But what of it? Does that make us actually evil? Worthy of the hatred and punishment of God? I do not think that is rational or biblical.

I'd suggest that it's when you add all these human interpretations, opinions and traditions that "sin" becomes problematic.

This is why I prefer to deal with notions like, "Is this harmful or helpful? Does it promote wholesome healing and community... or division and hatred?" That which is harmful is wrong, is a "sin," in the more negative sense that some human traditions and opinions suggest.

Further, "the Bible" has made no "opinion" on "sin." Rather, human writers and thinkers have offered opinions, in the Bible and afterwards. And those opinions are sometimes helpful and sometimes harmful.

As a starting point.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Kamala Harris, Our Next President?

 Contrasting Harris and Trump

1. Kamala Harris was a respected prosecutor
Trump is a disreputable actual criminal felon

2. Prosecutor Harris is highly educated and demonstrably intelligent
Trump is... not

3. Prosecutor Harris prosecuted sexual predators
Trump IS a sexual predator

4. Prosecutor Harris prosecuted the owners of scam colleges that ripped off students
Trump WAS the owner of a scam university that ripped off students - until he was stopped by law enforcement

5. Attorney General Harris helped win a settlement against five banks that helped homeowners harmed by those banks
Property owner Trump defrauded homeowners and was caught and forced to repay nearly all the money from the defrauded victims of his crime

6. Harris has released her tax records and been transparent about her business dealings
Trump has famously never released his tax records and been intentionally vague and obtuse about his wealth and business dealings, beyond boasting boorishly about how wealthy he is

7. Harris supports women's rights to self-determination as it regards health care decisions and pregnancies and would work to restore women's rights on this front
Trump boasts that he caused the overturning of Roe v. Wade

8. Harris is a stellar role model for women, girls and all good people
Trump is a stalker of women and girls and just not a good man - Trump boasts and laughs about sexual assault and abusing his wealth and privilege to ogle teenaged girls while they were dressing

9. Harris would not try to deport "all" undocumented immigrants, nor would she refer to them crassly as "the illegals"
Trump has promised to try to deport all undocumented immigrants as soon as he wins (IF he wins), never mind the shattering economic impact such a policy would have on average US families and employees

10. Harris has zero instances of her being indicted or convicted of crimes and no impeachments on her record
Trump, as we all know, was impeached twice and in the last four years has had dozens of indictments against him, resulting (so far) in 34 actual felony convictions

Additionally, so far as I can tell, Harris has no criminal colleagues or close allies in her coterie
Trump surrounded himself with many corrupt people resulting in at least 9 criminal convictions of his allies and staff (or former staff)

To be clear, I have policy disagreements with Harris and I hope she has learned from some of her policy mistakes in the past... Harris does not speak with the overwhelming fluid, compelling elegance of the Obamas... She (like the rest of humanity) is a flawed person running for an important office. But from all appearances and given the known data, there's just no contest between Harris and Trump as to who the better, more intelligent, more decent candidate is.

We'll see where this goes.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Is Deporting ALL Undocumented Immigrants a Rational Theory/Policy?

No. The answer is, No. Not even close.

Set aside the human rights notions that humans have human rights including the right to self-determination and to move from places they view as unsafe to places they view as safe. Just forget that.

Also, forget the overwhelming biblical and faith-based notions of welcoming immigrants and doing unto others as you'd have them do unto you.

Forget human kindness and decency.

The GOP and the "project 2025" types are saying that, given a chance, they will deport ALL undocumented immigrants. That's something north of 10 million people.

But think about it. What are the economic results of suddenly removing/deleting 10 million people from the US economy... from the US workforce? Do we know?

Yes, we do. According to a wide variety of economic experts, the result of such a policy (IF they could pull it off) would be economic disaster for the US economy. The data from experts:

Of those 11.3 million, we estimate that 7 million are workers. What is the economic contribution of these unauthorized workers? What would the nation stand to lose in terms of production and income
if these workers were removed and returned to their home countries?

Mass deportation of 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants would also remove these 7 million workers from the U.S. economy, reducing the total number of U.S. workers by nearly 5 percent.

[They crunch the numbers and...]

The main findings of this report are as follows:
• A policy of mass deportation would immediately reduce the nation’s GDP by 1.4 percent,
and ultimately by 2.6 percent, and reduce cumulative GDP over 10 years by $4.7 trillion.

• Mass deportation would cost the federal government nearly
$900 billion in lost revenue over 10 years.

• Hard-hit industries would see double-digit reductions in their workforces.

And economist after economist, research after research say the same thing. And it's only reasonable. You can't just delete 5% of the workforce and the income and consumption and tax base that those people represent and expect that it won't harm the economy. Indeed, it will probably harm the "regular US workers" the most (Trump and his level of super-wealthy may well not be impacted significantly, but most of us are not super-wealthy, are we?).

Trump's proposed mass deportations would backfire on US workers

...The immigrants being targeted for removal are the lifeblood of several parts of the US economy. Their deportation will instead prompt US business owners to cut back or start fewer new businesses, in some cases shifting their investments to less labor-intensive technologies and industries, while scaling back production to reflect the loss of consumers for their goods.

Prior episodes of mass deportations and exclusions have occurred at several moments in US history. Research has shown that, far from generating economic benefits, their net effect was to reduce employment and earnings for US workers—in the short run and long run.

I could go on and on. But just read what scholars and economic experts are saying about this very bad idea. Trump's policy change (which he probably can't implement now any more than he did in his first adminstration) would devastate our economy and have widespread negative consequences.

One of the starting points for conservative ideology is reasonably weigh the consequences of an action or policy, and that we should watch out for unintended consequences. Indeed.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

We All Need More Kindness

We all need more kindness, more patience, more grace, more love.

We desperately need less violence, less vitriol, less demonization of the other, especially the Struggling Other, the marginalized and poor, the ill and down and out.

Prayers for Donald Trump and the person killed in the shooting, as well as those harmed in the shooting.

Prayers for the shooter - who was not much more than a child - and their family.

Prayers for the violent and those who promote violence, that they will choose other ways.

Prayers that we all take action to see an end, or at least a lessening, of violence. Especially violence and harm towards those who struggle.

Friday, July 5, 2024

What IF Biden Steps Down?

Great Cloud of Witnesses

I do not pretend to be a genius when it comes to politics and I sure don't know if Biden should or shouldn't step down. This is not a call for him to step down. Having said that, however, if his health is failing, it would not be unreasonable for him to step aside. He's certainly earned his rest. Clearly, him considering stepping down is now on the table, so let's talk about it.

So, IF he steps aside (many are asking), who could possibly run? I've seen conservatives say things like...

"All the names put forward have significant negatives and don't seem to be particularly strong candidates."

I would just respond to THAT notion by saying... setting aside that conservatives disagree with Democratic policies for whatever reasons, are you kidding me? "Significant negatives..."? Especially as compared to the GOP alternative (but truly, even aside from that)? Really?

Just three examples of many great choices.

1. Kamala Harris
A. She's the vice president!
B. Before that she was a successful senator and before that, a respected lawyer.
C. All of which is to say she is highly educated, smart and has political history and savvy.
D. Additionally, she's been an inspiration to girls, women, women of color and their allies in reaching the heights she has. She is the first woman vice president. She's the first person of color in that role.
E. She's relatively young, so no worries of her being "too old."
F. And, of course, she's not irrational nor does she talk like an idiot or make promises of prosecuting her political enemies.

For 1,000 reasons, she's an extremely qualified candidate and far and away better than the convicted candidate. I'd love to see her debate Trump.

2. Andy Beshear
(I'm sort of hoping that IF there's a shift away from Biden, it would be a Harris/Beshear ticket, but then, I'm prejudiced for the Kentuckian)
A. Governor of Kentucky
B. The very popular Democrat governor of a very red state. Kentuckians, by and large, love Andy.
C. Highly educated, clearly intelligent, well-spoken and familiar with and experienced in politics.
D. Like Harris, although he is a highly intelligent and skilled lawyer, he has never promised to use the justice system to prosecute his political enemies.
E. Like Harris, I would love to see Beshear in a debate against Trump.
F. Also quite young and yet, educated and experienced with a clear history of wise political leadership.

3. Pete Buttigieg
A. Another highly educated, clearly intelligent, very experienced politician
B. All of the above points about Beshear are true for Buttigieg, as well
C. Military service
D. Multilingual (maybe not completely fluidly in all cases, but clearly familiar with multiple languages and able to answer questions in multiple languages - that compared to Trump, who tends to speak English at about a 3rd to 5th grade level).
E. Would destroy Trump in a debate.

That's just three super strong candidates right off the bat.

In ALL of these, it would be nice to have intelligent, respectful, respectable adults in office. In each of these people, they have lovely and supportive marriages (not that this is a requirement) and are actually part of and relatively faithful to their particular faith tradition. They each have demonstrated that they know the Bible better than the other candidate (not that knowing the Bible is a prerequisite for being president, but if you're going to present yourself as a religious person, you should actually be familiar with that religion - Trump is clearly not, although he is willing to shill a poorly-made, overly-expensive Bible to people willing to lose their money in Trump's name).

None of these very intelligent, very experienced leaders have any scandals or arrest records, whereas their opponent is NOT intelligent and is a moral disgrace for many reasons and is clearly corrupt and a felon, to boot.

With each of these candidates, none of them are perfect people, of course. Each of them have things I strongly disagree with in their politics and policies. But are they qualified and strong candidates? Of course, they are. "Significant negatives" for these (and other) candidates? I just don't see it.


I will note that I didn't mention Michelle Obama. I think it is a given that she is of course an extremely qualified and strong candidate for the office if she wanted to run. I think she would almost certainly win in a landslide, so strong she is as a candidate and just a clearly wise, good person. But she's been consistently clear that she's not interested in the job and so, I didn't mention her.

Beyond her, the list of qualified, strong candidates is pretty long. I just chose three of the most obvious candidates from my point of view, not to say there aren't other qualified candidates.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Happy Birthday, Edwin Way Teale!

“Time is the river.
We are the islands.
Time washes around us and flows away and with it flow fragments of our lives.
So, little by little, each island shrinks…
But where, who can say, down the long stream of time, are our eroded days deposited?”

“The long fight to save wild beauty represents democracy at its best.
It requires citizens to practice the hardest of virtues--self-restraint.
Why cannot I take as many trout as I want from a stream?
Why cannot I bring home from the woods a rare wildflower?
Because if I do, everybody in this democracy should be able to do the same.

My act will be multiplied endlessly.
To provide protection for wildlife and wild beauty,
everyone has to deny himself proportionately.
Special privilege and conservation are ever at odds.”

“It is those who have compassion for all life who will best safeguard the life of [humanity].
Those who become aroused only when [humans are] endangered become aroused too late.

We cannot make the world uninhabitable for other forms of life and have it habitable for ourselves.
It is the conservationist who is concerned with the welfare of all the land and life of the country,
who, in the end, will do most to maintain the world as a fit place for human existence.”

"The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us,
the less taste we shall have for destruction."

~Wise quotes from naturalist, Edwin Way Teale, who was born June 2, 1899 and lived up until 1980, my senior year of high school. (So, I'm a little late in noting his birthday, but it was the right month, at least!)

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Wisdom from Rumi

Your grief for what you’ve lost lifts a mirror
up to where you are bravely working.
Expecting the worst, you look, and instead,
here’s the joyful face you’ve been wanting to see.
Your hand opens and closes and opens and closes.
If it were always a fist or always stretched open,
you would be paralysed.
Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and
the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated
as birdwings.

~"Bird Wings," by the great Muslim Poet, Rumi

Be like the sun for grace and mercy.
Be like the night to cover others' faults.
Be like running water for generosity.
Be like death for rage and anger.
Be like the Earth for modesty.
Appear as you are.
Be as you appear.


Saturday, June 15, 2024

Happy Pride Day!

"Goodness is stronger than evil.
Love is stronger than hate.
Light is stronger than darkness.
Life is stronger than death.
Victory is ours through God who loved us."

~Desmond Tutu

"Love him and let him love you. Do you think anything else under heaven really matters?"

~James Baldwin

"and when we speak we are afraid
our words will not be heard
nor welcomed
but when we are silent
we are still afraid
So it is better to speak
we were never meant to survive"

~Audre Lorde

"This is my commandment, That you love one another, as I have loved you."


"Hope will never be silent."

~Harvey Milk

"To be afraid is to behave as if the truth were not true."

~Bayard Rustin

"Without community, there is no liberation."

~Audre Lorde

Thursday, June 13, 2024

She Dreamed

She dreamed of 
a rampaging river
ripping through the cold night sky

She dreamed of impossible
made practical
and doubtful
giving it a try

She dreamed of worlds clashing
and uniting
of day and and of night
of digging deeper holes
of black and of white
and all the colors, implied
in between
She dreamed 
of magick and mastery
of fear and of flight 
of hope and of horror
despair and of fright
but mostly

she dreamed of Hope

And then
she woke up
filled her cups with water
and took them 
to the river
and poured them deep within.

Monday, June 10, 2024

RIP, James Lawson

"...For me, nonviolence is that quality that comes out of all the great world religions, the notion that the creative force of the universe is love, that God is love, and that love is all encompassing. Gandhi insists—and I think this is Gandhi’s great contribution—that the creative force of the universe is the force that we humans must learn to exercise because that force is the only force that can cause the human race to do on earth God’s will.

And nonviolence is power. It is not, as I was originally told in college in 1947, just persuasion. Persuasion is a form of power. Aristotle says that power is the capacity to achieve purpose. It is a God given gift of creation to human beings. Nonviolence has its deep roots in the long journey of the human family as so many people operated out of love and truth in spite of all that was raging around them.

As Gandhi and King also said, nonviolence is the science of how you create your own life in the image of God. Nonviolence is the science of how you create a world that practices justice, truth and compassion."

"My mother’s word was you should not retaliate by fighting. At age eight, in the Spring of the fourth grade, I slapped a boy who yelled racist epithets at me on Main Street. And for the first time, when I returned home from this errand for my mother, I told her about the incident.

She continued to do what she was doing in the kitchen and without turning around to face me, responded, “Jimmy, what good did that do?” And there was a long period of silence in the house as I heard her voice telling me who I was–that I was loved, that I belonged to God, and that we were a family of the church, and how important that community was to us, that I did not need to use my fists on anyone. Her last sentence to me was, “Jimmy, there must be a better way.”"

The Reverend James Lawson, September 22, 1928 – June 10, 2024

Friday, June 7, 2024

A Song of Water and of History

Studying history begins
for me, today
with a long look at
the water running
in no particular hurry
in the stream next to me.

It is, I realize,
the same water my grandmother drank
and boiled her snap beans in
It is the same water we crossed to escape torture
and the same water they drowned us in
before we escaped.

It is the Water that gathered all in one place
and separated the Dry Land from the Dry Land
It is the Water over which the Spirit hovered
and within which life began.

And so, I went down to the river to pray.
Down by the riverside.
Where we laid down our sword and shield
where we hung our harps and wept
bleeding history from our face
for the captors demanded we sing a song
of Zion
of Home
of Sanctuary
and there was

And so, studying history,
I remembered and recalled and imagined
and I built an ark
a boat bound for the promised land
over Jordan's stormy banks
beyond the muddy waters of the Ohio
across the Rio Grande

and like the stream beside me
I sang a song
a song
of Water
and of History
and of that first pair of centipedes that
crawled out of the water
and made a home for the rest of us
and waited for Paradise.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

And the Jurors Say...

Just to be clear: IF the verdict is Not Guilty, I will be disappointed, but I won't be in the streets protesting and calling it a sham. IF, on the other hand, he's found guilty, you can count on anger and protests from Trump and his allies.


Monday, May 27, 2024

Down by the Riverside

A version of Down by the Riverside inspired by a band called, I think, A Southern Gospel Revival. From my church service, yesterday. We really enjoy pulling together makeshift bands to do these sorts of songs. Side note: This is my debut of me playing an acoustic bass.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Fundamentalism as a Parasite


Stan, over at the conservative Winging It blog, referred to this article (below) from Psychology Today. He, of course, took it to be a destructive, bad bit of information (apparently entirely missing the point - or actually, proving the point), but I found it to be very insightful, especially for followers of Jesus. Jesus, after all, spent his adult life teaching warnings about what might be called the religious fundamentalism in the Pharisees.

Words of wisdom:

In moderation, religious and spiritual practices can be great for a person’s life and mental well-being. But religious fundamentalism—which refers to the belief in the absolute authority of a religious text or leaders*—is almost never good for an individual. This is primarily because fundamentalism discourages any logical reasoning or scientific evidence that challenges its scripture, making it inherently maladaptive.

It is not accurate to call religious fundamentalism a disease, because that term refers to a pathology that physically attacks the biology of a system. But fundamentalist ideologies can be thought of as mental parasites. A parasite does not usually kill the host it inhabits, as it is critically dependent on it for survival. Instead, it feeds off it and changes its behavior in ways that benefit its own existence.

By understanding how fundamentalist ideologies function and are represented in the brain using this analogy, we can begin to understand how to inoculate against them, and potentially, how to rehabilitate someone who has undergone ideological brainwashing—in other words, a reduction in one’s ability to think critically or independently...

One particularly intriguing example of parasitic manipulation occurs when a hairworm infects a grasshopper and seizes its brain in order to survive and self-replicate. This parasite influences its behavior by inserting specific proteins into its brain. Essentially, infected grasshoppers become slaves for parasitic, self-copying machinery.

In much the same way, Christian fundamentalism is a parasitic ideology that inserts itself into brains, commanding individuals to act and think in a certain way—a rigid way that is intolerant to competing ideas. We know that religious fundamentalism is strongly correlated with what psychologists and neuroscientists call "magical thinking," which refers to making connections between actions and events when no such connections exist in reality. Without magical thinking, the religion can’t survive, nor can it replicate itself. Another cognitive impairment we see in those with extreme religious views is a greater reliance on intuitive rather than reflective or analytical thought, which frequently leads to incorrect assumptions since intuition is often deceiving or overly simplistic."

[Welp! -Dan]

There's a lot there. Thanks, Stan!

* Note on fundamentalism: The word itself means "getting to the root of, the foundations of... getting to the bottom." That's not necessarily problematic, depending on what roots one is speaking of. But the word itself is a relatively new word coined to speak specifically of religious fundamentalism as we know it today, "to denote a strict and unques­tioning set of beliefs linked to literal readings of sacred texts." or...

"Fundamentalist is said (by George McCready Price) to have been first used in print by Curtis Lee Laws (1868-1946), editor of "The Watchman Examiner," a Baptist newspaper. The movement may have roots in the Presbyterian General Assembly of 1910, which drew up a list of five defining qualities of "true believers" which other evangelicals published in a mass-circulation series of books called "The Fundamentals."

So, getting to the roots of Jesus' teachings, THAT is something I support and celebrate. But "a strict and unquestioning set of beliefs linked to literal/inerrant sacred texts..." that is problematic, from a rational point of view and, given the problems found in the Bible that Jesus had with the fundamentalist Pharisees, a biblical problem.

Seems to me.