I'm so sorry that it's
looking like this is not the year we'll get a president. We had so many
great candidates who had no penii. We really SHOULD have a female
running to beat Trump, this WAS the year and I'm sorry it's looking like
it's looking like it's not turning out that way. They clearly were the
better candidates.
In honor of what should have been, I'm re-posting a poem about resistance, along with some of my art of strong women.
xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx
Rise up wild daughter of the woods
dance and romp
struggle and scream
kick and punch
Persist. Resist. Insist. Consist
of and within your
own sweet and glorious dragon Self.
Kick at the stones and
split the sky into
one thousand shards of color
bellow in rage
Or don't.
Just rest and relax or do
it is your own unchained soul wants.
It IS your life.
Live it by your rules.
Live it by your rules.
This poet stands with you and your choices.
(Not that you need my approval.)