Saturday, May 17, 2008

Planting Seeds of Truth...

Farming Friends
Originally uploaded by paynehollow
We keep hearing the charge being thrust at Obama that he's all inspiration and no plan. "Sure, he gives a good speech, but has no plan for how he's going to do all these things!!" they say.

So, let's put this twist of reality to death.

If you go to McCain's website and look at the Issues link. There are 12 links there, one of which is a link to his speeches and one is another link to "On the Issues". So McCain gives some detail to 10 topics, listed here:

Economic plan
Human dignity
Border Security
Ethics Reform
Nat'l Security
2nd Amendment

Obama, on the other hand, under HIS Issues link has 23 issues he gives information about. Basically, all or most of McCain's and then thirteen more topics, including plans for Rural America, for Urban America, for Poverty, for Technology (McCain has no plans for these critical areas??) and so on.

Now, let's look at the depth with which the candidates cover these topics. I won't bore you with a detailed study into each of them, I just picked McCain's first topic: Economics.

McCain's economics plan page has 6 pages of text and big pictures.

Obama's economics plan page has 7 pages of text and ONE small picture and one larger graphic.

Fair enough, about the same. BUT, Obama has at the bottom of his page (and I believe on EACH of his 23 topics he gives detailed plans on), a link to an EVEN MORE detailed plan, if you want to read more about it.

On the Economics link page, at the bottom, Obama lists "for more info" and gives links to THREE more documents: His overall economic plan, his plan for small businesses and his plan for the home mortgage crisis.

So, having driven a stake through that beast's heart, let's lay to rest the "He has no plan" BS, unless those who whine about it are ALSO going to spend twice as much time criticizing McCain for having not even a THIRD (at a guess) of the detailed info about his plan that Obama has.

No one need ever repeat that twisted truth again.

You're welcome.

[Facts, they're really helpful things.]


bjarturthebaptist said...

Facts are quite helpful, but we mustn't let them get in the way of heartfelt opinion. ;)

Dan Trabue said...

Welcome to Payne Hollow, bjartur (is that swedish???). And I agree, opinion is a fine, fine thing...

Long may it reign!

bjarturthebaptist said...

A Nordic nom de plume.