Saturday, February 8, 2025

Don't be Used by a User

Don't be deceived... anytime an openly hedonistic, openly corrupt, clearly amoral narcissist leader welcomes the religious into his house, he is always only planning on using them for personal gain and power. It's almost biblical, isn't it?

And I know that I've heard some conservatives note that he is a greedy, filthy man, but that maybe GOD can use "such a man" for saving the church. Again, the only one who will be used are the religious people who lend him their support. Corrupt con men have already told you who they are and what they want - power and money. If they're playing nice with you, it's only to use you. A dog returns to its vomit, St Peter also says.

More from 2 Peter 2:

"These false teachers take pleasure in openly doing evil,
so they are like dirty spots and stains among you.
They delight in trickery while eating meals with you.

Every time they look at a woman they want her,
and their desire for sin is never satisfied.
They lead weak people into the trap of sin,
and they have taught their hearts to be greedy...

They brag with words that mean nothing...

These false teachers promise [the duped followers/supporters] freedom,
but they themselves are not free.
They are slaves of things that will be destroyed.
For people are slaves of anything that controls them"

[and there, it might be noted that this is true for the con man AND his marks,
where the con man is controlled by his unbridled greed and lust and his marks
are controlled by the con man]

Truly, WHO does Peter sound like he's talking about... almost as if these were prophetic words from God.


Feodor said...

She left her first husband, dumped the second one after cheating on him, then married a member of the rock band Journey, broke into the band's bank account & embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars after committing fraud and running a Ponzi scheme. Now she’ll lead the White House Faith Office.

Dan Trabue said...

Marshal, the point of this post is, as I stated: "anytime an openly hedonistic, openly corrupt, clearly amoral narcissist leader welcomes the religious into his house, he is always only planning on using them for personal gain and power."

Do you have ANY data to suggest this isn't true, generally? Do you have ANY data to suggest that this isn't especially clearly true in the case of your pervert prince?

Provide data or move on.

Your corrupt convicted felon has created a pro-conservative religious liberty (specifically) office by hiring another serial cheater. Corrupt people surround themselves with corrupt people. To pretend that this man is doing anything but using some conservative religionists (themselves, apparently mostly charlatans) to pretend to some faith which he clearly doesn't have is to defend a literally false teacher.

You've blinded yourself and I'm sure you can't be convinced of how thoroughly you've been fooled by a thoroughly stupid, thoroughly amoral anti-christ, but regardless, don't post unless you provide data to support your empty claims.

Marshal Art said...

"Marshal, the point of this post is, as I stated: "anytime an openly hedonistic, openly corrupt, clearly amoral narcissist leader welcomes the religious into his house, he is always only planning on using them for personal gain and power."

Do you have ANY data to suggest this isn't true, generally?"

I don't need any. YOU'RE the one making a truth claim. It is YOU who has no data to suggest this is happening now in any way, shape or form. It's just something you hope is happening so that your hatred seems justified to actual Christians and Americans.

Google's AI Overview defines a hedonistic person as "someone who is devoted to seeking pleasure and avoiding pain". Clearly, Trump has been seeking the improvement of American without regard for the pain and suffering involved in working toward that goal...even setting aside assassination attempts. He's the Energizer Bunny liars of your stripe pretended Joe Biden was. Biden was awake four hours/day, while Trump sleeps four hours/day. Doesn't sound like a hedonist to me, even if he shoots a round or two now and then.

An openly corrupt president would at some point be found to have indulged in corruption. Your kind failed to find any the first term and there's no sign of it now. Constantly falling back on spurious claims of his private sector dealings doesn't make this charge true. Allegation does not equal guilty and Christians don't act like you in pretending it does.

The same Google AI Overview describes "narcissist" as "someone who has an exaggerated sense of self-importance and a lack of empathy". Thus, this term is cheaply chosen to apply falsely to Trump. What your kind wants to regard as "exaggerated sense of self-importance" is what most people seek to instill in their own kids...the sense that they are capable of accomplishing great things. And given how his policies have led to and will lead to better, safer lives for all Americans and many of foreign nations as well, it's baffling to suggest he's acting without empathy. Well, who cares if he cares for no one when his actions make life so much better for so many?

"Amoral" is defined as "lacking a moral sense, unconcerned with the rightness or wrongness of in "an amoral attitude about sex".

Well, that too is a falsely applied word. He clearly has a sense of right and wrong. It's just not the sense you demand he must have (a sense not imposed upon worse presidents, like Biden and Obama...with these two, you do your typical thing of heaping praise without just cause or concern for their legitimate and serious shortcomings). His notions are simply different than yours and, excuse me if I'm mistaken, but I believe you've taken a stance against imposing one's morality upon others.

Thus, he's not "amoral", but only not "moral" by YOUR standards. And even when we consider his history of adultery, it's a single behavior where he was in the wrong. That one behavior doesn't mean he doesn't find other sexual appetites immoral.

So, with these actual definitions of the words you're using to besmirch a far better and truer man than you, your subsequent charge that he is using the religious for personal gain and power is not at all a given by any stretch of honest, Christian imagination, and as such there's nothing for which I need bring any "data". You've created a fiction and you expect ME to prove it's fiction. You do this to avoid having to defend your lies and false allegations. And now you're going to delete me again because I've exposed your false claim of Christianity yet again. And by this you've proven that attempts to engage in true, adult, good-faith, intelligent discourse is impossible with a liar like you. So, my response to your crap will be again made at my blog, where you can protest and not be deleted and then flee because you can't fool anyone there that you're actually a Christian.

Buh bye, now.

Dan Trabue said...


An openly corrupt president would at some point be found to have indulged in corruption. Your kind failed to find any the first term and there's no sign of it now.

HE IS A CONVICTED FELON for his corruption, convicted in a free court of law by a jury of his peers.

He has been found guilty of establishing a fake university.

He has been found guilty of abusing his charitable organization.

He is, on the face of it, corrupt in dozens of ways.

That you don't see it only speaks to how well this idiot conman has been able to dupe his marks. The conned rarely see or understand how they've been played for a fool until LONG past when they should have recognized.

The con is that Trump is enriching himself off of dupes like you.
The con is that Trump is keeping himself out of jail and out of the courthouse thanks to dupes like you.

HOW MUCH have you "donated"/given/been swindled by this idiot billionaire conman? Give me a dollar amount.

Dan Trabue said...

I had said:

"Marshal, the point of this post is, as I stated: "anytime an openly hedonistic, openly corrupt, clearly amoral narcissist leader welcomes the religious into his house, he is always only planning on using them for personal gain and power."

Do you have ANY data to suggest this isn't true, generally?"

Marshal responded:

I don't need any. YOU'RE the one making a truth claim.

Yes. Yes, you do. My blog, my rules. You have an unrelenting unrepentant history of making stupidly false claims without even TRYING to support them with data. YOU have to support truth claims.

As to me, I'm offering a truism.

anytime an openly hedonistic,
openly corrupt,
clearly amoral narcissist leader
welcomes the religious into his house,
he is always only planning on using them for personal gain and power."

Do you doubt that Truism? That likelihood?

Trump is objectively openly hedonistic. The man has golden toilets, has had multiple affairs and is a serial cheater, and an entire lifetime of loafing at his golf course and other luxury places avoiding pain (avoiding the draft, avoiding actual labor, etc) and indulging in decadent luxury.

You simply can't deny that reality. And if you do, it doesn't matter. Reality doesn't need you to agree with it.

Likewise for the rest.

Do you SERIOUSLY think that this man is a seriously follower of the humble prince of peace, the man who's come to preach good news to the poor and marginalized? If so, how blind can one man be?

Dan Trabue said...


describes "narcissist" as "someone who has an exaggerated sense of self-importance and a lack of empathy". Thus, this term is cheaply chosen to apply falsely to Trump.

Wow. I don't know what to tell you, my man. You've blinded yourself to reality. Get help. In the meantime, if you have nothing but your blind devotion to an open narcissist, hedonist, cheater, corrupt con man, don't bother commenting. YOU must support your claims. As I've done.

Dan Trabue said...

The advantage I have when proving my claims is that I'm looking at just the known data. He IS a convicted felon, convicted for his corruption. He HAS been found guilty of cheating his charity. He WAS found guilty of establishing his fake college to rip people off. He IS a serial cheater who openly laughs about sexually preying upon women and girls and how he can get away with it because of his wealth and white power/position. He WAS found guilty of cheating employees in the past, of abusing redlining rules, etc etc.

Reality is tough to beat when all you rely upon are your wishes and fantasies about a very openly bad man.

Dan Trabue said...

Here's a question you can answer, Marshal, if you dare: IF the SCOTUS or other courts rule against his fascist take-overs... THEN will you condemn this idiot pervert's strongman behaviors? IF he "takes over" Gaza and Panama and makes the playgrounds for the ultra-wealthy and other hedonists like him, THEN will you condemn the fascist behaviors?

Is there ANYTHING he can do that you won't bow down and kiss his butt and say, "yes, boss, yes, yes, yes!!"

Marshal Art said...

You're lying again. You haven't supported a damned thing, particularly in rebutting anything I've said.

But I expected this middle school crap from you. Frankly I can't expect better because you're incapable of presenting better. Thus, my full responses will be at my blog where truth and freedom reign.

Marshal Art said...

It's only "really tough to beat" if one is a gullible TDS hater like you, so willing to believe the worse because of that grace embracing hatred of yours.

Try rebutting the above, Dan. I love to laugh.

Marshal Art said...

"You have an unrelenting unrepentant history of making stupidly false claims without even TRYING to support them with data."

You're an inveterate fake Christian liar, and this is a totally unsupportable lie having no resemblance to how I present my positions. It would be more obvious if you had a pair of testicles and allowed my comments to stand without deleting them on false premises. I don't care if you delete me. But we both know you're a little girl of man, lacking honor, integrity and Christian character. You're a fraud, a hater and evil as all get out.