Monday, December 2, 2024


Shame on Joe Biden for pardoning his son. This is just wrong. It doesn't matter if the other side lives by avoiding justice and decency, it's still wrong for progressive minded people to do it. We MUST stand behind the notion that the rich and powerful and elite are not above justice.

Even if H Biden's misdeeds were not as serious or harmful as the many sexual predatory and harmfully corrupt misdeeds of the "maga" GOP, he should still not be pardoned. This is a black mark on Biden's legacy and sends exactly the wrong message at precisely the wrong time.


Feodor said...

Wrong. Your liberalism continues to operate on default Whiteness. Which is say, the remainder of supremacist thinking.

Is pardoning thousands for marijuana wrong? Biden did that. Governors do the same thing. So your “rich and powerful elite” claim fails. Is pardoning thousands of undocumented immigrants wrong? Reagan granted amnesty to 3 million.

But your claim that there is an “other side” is the central failing of supremacist equivalency making. There is no other side. There is no legitimate conservative framing of justice to respectfully debate with. There is only fascist demagoguery and a mass willingness to ignore the system of laws and courts by those who will assume leadership - if only by erasure and destruction - of our constitutional structure and and a century+ of appropriate bipartisan due diligence. Not only do they not identify Jan 6 as an insurrection and Trump as a convicted felon. They are determined to abuse justice for their personal grievances and gain.

We cannot ignore or abide it.

Europeans hid Jews from Nazis. Some of those Jews were criminals. Should they have handed them over for their crimes?

Injustice toward one is injustice toward all.

Essentially, when injustice is done to any individual, it affects the well-being and sense of security of everyone in a community,

Dan Trabue said...

I don't know what you're saying or what "default whiteness" has to do with wanting to see the very rich and powerful held accountable for misdeeds, especially in the context of the corruptly lawless Trump.

No, pardoning undocumented immigrants isn't wrong... they've done no harm and the only misdemeanors they "committed" were/are irrational and unjust. And I GET that the maga GOP is stating they're committed to abusing the justice system for their own personal grievance and gain. I don't see what that has to do with holding H Biden accountable for misdeeds he's clearly done.

Feodor said...

Oppressed people understand that justice is never fair and equal. That the very inequality of the application so very often snatches up people not because they’ve done wrong - like so many unsnatched others - but because the snatches are related to targeted groups. When the police target some people and not others just because of who they are… AND when the punishment is carried on by passionate interest that the targeted criminal hurt more than others, when increasing the suffering is desired… oppressed people know that that is injustice. Even if the man did it, he exists in a context where he is the one that is wanted in a special way apart from all others having done the same thing.

Whiteness does not want to see the prejudicializing of our justice administration as ill-legitimizing. We believe in ourselves as just.

Hunter Biden would not serve Just time.

Feodor said...

A German Jewish embezzler in 1938 would not serve Just time.

Feodor said...

A gay thief in 1960 would not serve Just time.

Feodor said...

Trans women addict now does not serve Just time.

Feodor said...

You yourself are advocating treating Hunter Biden as a member of a group. The rich and powerful. Has the President pardoned a thousand such people?

What did the President say? You didn’t address it.

You yourself admit that the incoming administration - with Hunter Biden’s name on their lips - will administer a corrupt justice. But, because Hunter Biden is a member of the group, “rich and powerful”, you don’t mind.

Dan Trabue said...


You voted for this guy on the false premise that he was a decent man, a more capable man for the job, a better man and choice than was Donald Trump. In no way was that ever true

Prove it. Prove it. PROVE ANY of your stupidly inane ridiculously false claims OR admit that they are all just the rather shallow and immoral ramblings of your own subjective opinions.

Until you do that, move on. Stupid, rude, inane and childish claims from you will not stand without support.

Dan Trabue said...


It's funny, but unfortunately shameful, to hear you pretend such as you can ever claim the moral high ground.

The thing is, I am morally and rationally consistent. I stood opposed to Bill Clinton and never voted for him because of his MUCH LESS vulgarities and indecencies (compared to Trump).

I stand opposed to Biden giving a pardon to his son EVEN THOUGH his misdeeds (the relatively benign "crimes" of an addict caught up in his addictions) even though they are of a much less deadly, dangerous, sexually predatory, overtly obvious indecencies and actual crimes of your pervert conman convicted and corrupted felon.

I DO have the higher moral ground. As long as you all are supporting and defending your narcissist, corrupt pervert, you have no basis for any moral grounding. You MIGHT try to make your case on something like a "Well, when we let rich and powerful perverts get away with crimes and misdeeds that should not stand, THEN I think that things will get better..."

It's an immoral and godless and soulless answer, but you could try to make that case. But you have ZERO grounding to make a moral case. You've lost. History and decency will judge you all harshly.

You can't deny that Trump is a liar of historic proportions.
You can't deny that he is a sexual predator.
You can't deny that he is a vulgar hedonistic narcissist.
You can't deny that he was righteously impeached twice.
You can't deny that he was found culpable of sexual assault in a court of law.
You can't deny that he is a convicted felon and would be convicted of MUCH more if he wasn't a wealthy, powerful white man.

These are all facts. And yet, you still vote for him.

Your empty unsupported claims will be deleted, Marshal. The facts are against you. Reality is against you. Morality and decency are against you.

If you don't offer proof for your childish and inane claims, don't bother posting them. Those are the rules on this blog. Do it or move on. Don't waste our time.

Feodor said...

Dan, the Biden Administration is said to be contemplating pardons for people demonstrably innocent of any charges that would be manufactured under a Trump junta DOJ. People like Anthony Fauci, Mary Cheney, etc. what do you think of this use of Presidential pardons?

Dan Trabue said...

I don't know the right answers. My opinion is this:

WHAT would Biden pardon Fauci, Elizabeth Cheney, etc, FOR? They have committed no crimes. They were just doing their jobs.

Do I think that Biden should just issue a blanket pardon for people like them, for ANYTHING they might have done?

No, of course not.

But the problem with the idiotic, pedantic claims of "jailing" such people as Fauci and Cheney is, there is no charge. Jailed for WHAT? Doing their job? Making medical recommendations in the midst of a pandemic? Going through with an investigation? Those are not crimes.

If I were a Fauci or Cheney, I most certainly would not want any pardon from Biden... What have I DONE? I'd ask.

If the idiot and his people want to try to prosecute based upon nothing, BRING IT, I'd say.

Now, having said that, I fully recognize that idiots like Trump and his followers might make actual trouble for people like Fauci and Cheney. But him trying to follow through with this empty threat only undermines him, because there is a limit to how far his idiot judiciary nominees will go.

One can't pardon where no hint of a crime has been committed.

I'm relatively sure this is the idiot red meat that Trump throws out for his gullible brain-washed followers, not that he would or could actually pursue any "criminal" actions where literally nothing has been done.

That's distinctly different than a case like H Biden, where he's clearly committed criminal misdeeds, albeit nonsense crimes committed by an addict.

Again, if I were a Cheney, I'd say, "Bring it, you amoral idiot."

Dan Trabue said...

Answering an inane opinion from Marshal that he posted WITH NO SUPPORT:

Biden was a better president and man than "man" because Biden never boasted about sexually assaulting women and getting away with it because he's rich and powerful and willing to abuse the system.

Biden was a better president and man that your "man" because Biden never abused his power to ogle teenaged girls getting dressed and then laughed about it on national radio.

Biden was a better president and man than your "man" because Biden was not credibly accused of sexual assault over 20 times, nor was he ever found culpable for sexual assault in a court of law.

Those things alone show not only that Biden was a better president and man, but that your "man" was not fit for president in the first place.

Add to that the proven corruption and hedonism of your "man," add to that the constant attacks on a free press, add to that his barely veiled support for racists, add to that the way he flamed the fires of conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists, empowering them (along with rapists and racists) so that the attack on the Capitol was likely to happen... your "man" was never a credible, rational or moral option to be anything but the felon that he's shown himself to be.

But this is obvious to most of the world. You've blinded yourself to basic decency and reason, son. Get help.

Dan Trabue said...

Marshal, unsupported claims will be deleted.

Saying there is "no evidence that Trump is a sexual predator" is demonstrably false. There is the testimony of over TWENTY WOMEN. There are his own words where he boasts and laughs about sexual assault and about ogling half-naked girls and getting away with it all because he's rich and powerful. There is a judgment from a court of law that found him culpable of sexual assault.

All of that IS evidence. Objectively. That you may disagree with the evidence is not the same as there being no evidence. That you may guess (with no proof) that these women are all liars is not the same as you being right in your guess about these nearly 2 dozen women you don't even know.

See how it works?

IF you make a fact claim and act like it's an objective fact, THEN YOU must provide data.

Marshal Art said...

"You can't deny that he is a vulgar hedonistic narcissist."

From Wiki: "Narcissism is a self-centered personality style characterized as having an excessive preoccupation with oneself and one's own needs, often at the expense of others." When have you lefties ever produced a single scrap of evidence which proves the claim that Trump is a narcissist?

As to "hedonism": Here's Wiki's definition. By the most common understanding, one would be hard-pressed to find anyone who does not have some degree of hedonism in their character. And while I certainly don't deny that Trump has indulged himself, most who create wealth do so as well, with few accumulating even 10% of his wealth who will eschew any degree of self-indulgence. But as the term implies seeking pleasure while avoiding pain, it's absurd for anyone to suggest that Trump finds all his tribulations and trials as "pleasurable". Indeed, he is doing what he's doing knowing full well the pain and suffering which will follow. Go ahead and try proving any of this is untrue. I'll wait here while you simply delete me instead.

Dan Trabue said...

"Narcissism is a self-centered personality style characterized as having an excessive preoccupation with oneself and one's own needs, often at the expense of others." When have you lefties ever produced a single scrap of evidence which proves the claim that Trump is a narcissist?


Look, educate yourself. The evidence of Trump's malignant narcissism is in nearly every point and speech he's made over the last nine years. "I AM THE ONLY ONE who will make things better." "ALL the smartest and best people agree with me..." etc, etc.

Read for understanding. Open your eyes, you've been played for a fool.

And yes, Trump is a text book hedonists (one of the signs of narcissism, by the way). He has to have the best of everything, gold toilets, gold everything, a new younger wife every few years, mistresses on the side, ogling teenaged girls on the side... the setting up of charities and schools to enrich himself while ripping off others, etc, etc.

Wanting to not experience pain is one thing. Enjoying yourself in a comfortable home with food and pleasant temperatures and safety is one thing.

The narcissistic hedonism of your pervert king is WAY beyond all of that. One can excuse the moderately self-interested person as just watching out for themselves/taking care of themselves. Trump's vulgar opulence is way beyond that. And again, it's the malignant narcissism that makes it so much worse.

Look, again, you can make a case, if you want, that you think we should overlook the vulgarity, the harm, the sexual predation, the misogyny, the racism... IF the man makes the US work better (he doesn't and hasn't and doesn't have a plan to do anything but make it worse for most people). But you can't in good faith say that the pervert you defend is anything but a malignantly nasty, vulgar, sexist pig. He is what he is and he makes it abundantly clear to anyone but the useful idiots who have believed the con man.

Dan Trabue said...

It's a reality that Trump is a convicted felon.
It's a reality that Trump boasted about sexually assaulting women and ogling teen-aged girls.
It's a reality that Trump has a history of sexual assault claims, including a finding in a court of law.
(and related to that - it's a sad reality that most rapists get off because our judicial system has failed to convict them, which is to say, our justice system has failed).
It's a reality that Trump lost the 2020 election.
etc, etc, etc.

I've pointed to plenty of data-driven realities, Marshal. You denying them doesn't make it not reality.

Feodor said...

I think it’s gutless to allow earnest governmental leaders to be reputationally damaged and financially ruined over long months of a legal fight because of vendetta.

You’ve abandoned common sense and whimsically cast public servants into the storm of brutality. Pretty White of you.

Dan Trabue said...

I would disagree with that opinion, Feodor. I think it's not advisable to give pardons when no charges are pending. That, to me, feeds into giving the maga-types more power. It would be gutless to do that and lacking in common sense and common decency, seems to me. Again, if it were ME, I'd tell Biden, Hell no, don't give me a "pardon" when nothing has even been charged.

And I can't see how that has anything with either of us being white fellas.

Dan Trabue said...

Marshal stated, with no proof and falsely:

No one is a "convicted felon" until a sentence is imposed.

When one is convicted of a felony (or MULTIPLE felonies) in a free courtroom by a jury of one's peers, one is literally a convicted felon. That's how words work. Now, there are some consequences of being a convicted felon that may not take effect until sentencing, but that doesn't mean one is not a convicted felon. For instance, apparently Trump still had the freedom to vote until sentencing, but that doesn't mean he was not convicted of felonies and, thus, was literally a convicted felon.

Feodor said...

Preemptive pardons are already part of our history. Not new.

Letting good public servants go through months of slander and defamation and into massive debt from sheer legal need, and telling them to go out there and buck up! in the face of universally and historically recognized abuse of our justice system for personal vengeance , is only a kind of brutality that unthinking (and therefore toxic) white masculinity could be blithely unconscious of.

Feodor said...

Much less the gaudy whim of faith that nothing will “really” happen to them.

Apparently fascist demagogues, despite whatever you’ve written, are harmless crazy uncles to you when you’re off the clock.

Feodor said...

I see now that Bernie Sanders is urging Biden to do it.

“On NBC News’ Meet the Press” on Sunday, moderator Kristen Welker asked Sanders for his thoughts on the possibility of Biden preemptively pardoning the committee members ahead of Trump’s upcoming presidency.

Sanders replied, “Well, I think he might want to consider that very seriously.”
“This is what authoritarianism is all about. It’s what dictatorship is all about,” Sanders, who may not be seeking another term in the Senate, said. “You do not arrest elected officials who disagree with you, who undertake an investigation.”

Feodor said...

Sacrificing people because of what protecting them looks like to others or because of how those in power would take it, that’s the dehumanizing baseline of whiteness in the Western Hemisphere.

Feodor said...

And let’s please acknowledge that anyone - anyone - receiving a pardon can decline it if they wish. They can decide for themselves.

Feodor said...

Further, Biden Commutes 37 Death Sentences Ahead of Trump’s Plan to Resume Federal Executions.