Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Woke Up This Mornin with My Mind Stayed on Freedom

 "In June 1961, Reverend Robert Wesby (c. 1927-1988) of Aurora, Illinois, created "I Woke Up This Morning with My Mind Stayed On Freedom" while spending time inHinds County, Mississippi's jail as a Freedom Rider. That autumn, 114 students sang the song at the Burglund High School Walk Out and march to McComb, Mississippi, city hall.

The song spread and became part of the civil rights movement, being one of the most notable pieces among many others. The song is referred to by Pete Seeger in his 1989 book Everybody Says Freedom. It falls under the folk music genre, which was popular in the 1930s and 1940s and was revived in the 1960s during the civil rights movement. Music and singing were an integral part of the movement, many songs being adapted from earlier religious songs."

Many thanks to those heroes who went before.

Well I woke up this morning with my mind stayed on freedom
Woke up this morning with my mind stayed on freedom
Woke up this morning with my mind stayed on freedom
Hallelu (Hallelu)
Hallelu (Hallelu)

Oh well I'm walking and talking with my mind stayed on freedom
Oh yes I'm walking and talking with my mind stayed on freedom
I said I'm walking and talking with my mind stayed on freedom
Hallelu (Hallelu)
Hallelu (Hallelu)


  1. Birmingham, Ala., is celebrating the 60th anniversary of the city's civil rights movement. It marked a turning point when leaders, including Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., looked to children to join the struggle for equal rights. The brutal response from white segregationists shocked the world, and it galvanized support for the Civil Rights Act. NPR's Debbie Elliott has this look back on what's known as the Children's Crusade.

    Paulette Roby walks along historic Fourth Avenue in downtown Birmingham.

    PAULETTE ROBY: All of these are Black-owned businesses along here…

    ELLIOTT: Roby chairs an association of the so-called Foot Soldiers, dedicated to documenting the stories of people, like Roby, who, as children, spent the spring of 1963 peacefully marching for human rights.

    ELLIOTT: Roby heads to where it happened - Kelly Ingram Park.

    ROBY: This is a very sacred place for me.

    ELLIOTT: It's catty-corner to 16th Street Baptist Church. Demonstrators deployed from there, but police were waiting with dogs and fire hoses and yellow school buses turned paddy wagons.
    TERRY COLLINS: My name's Terry Collins, and I was one of the thousands that participated in the children's march. Birmingham, at that time, was in constant turmoil. We were in a state of siege.

    ELLIOTT: Fear and intimidation, Collins says, were part of daily life so much that kids were willing to rise up in ways that their parents could not.

    COLLINS: People had economic concerns, and the children were not subject to that. They didn't have a job. They didn't have to be concerned about their careers being ruined and all that. We had nothing to lose.

    ELLIOTT: Collins was 15. His younger brother marched alongside him. He recalls the meticulous organization behind the Children's Crusade, including classes in nonviolence. If you could not refrain from retaliation when faced with force, he says, they would find another role for you - perhaps making signs. The demonstrators would divide up and depart from different directions to multiple destinations. He says they were prepared for attacks and even jail.

    COLLINS: Normally, people run away from being arrested, but we ran to it. Even though we might have to suffer brutality, we were going through that anyway. The threat of jailing us - so what? We were already in jail, even in our neighborhoods. There was just no fence.

    ELLIOTT: After months of mass meetings and training, the Foot Soldiers got their cue that it was time to deploy on local radio.

    COLLINS: There was a signal, and that was good goobly woobly (ph). That was the signal that that day - that a certain time, we would walk out of school and all converge downtown.

  2. In violation of the Espionage Act. Lock him up!

    Oh, those blind, corrupt, dehumanizing hypocrites, Craig and Marshal and Stan bin Laden and the fake bagpiper, all.

  3. Blind, corrupt, dehumanizing people defending the pervert-king:

    Extreme supporters of Donald Trump have met news of his federal indictment with visions of violence and retribution.

    At The Donald, a forum for ultra-MAGA Trump supporters, users demanded public executions and other forms of lynching to avenge the federal prosecution of Trump, for the alleged mishandling of state secrets at Mar a Lago after he was no longer president.

    The calls for violence appeared in comment threads, responding to posts on the front page of the forum Thursday night, after news broke of Trump’s latest legal troubles. The most extreme comments were written in response to a fanciful post insisting “the only solution” to DOJ’s efforts to lock up Trump would be to vote him back into the presidency, so Trump could “pardon himself and begin arresting those guilty of insurrection and sedition.”

    A user named “Belac186” offered a far deadlier fix: “The only way this country ever becomes anything like the Constitution says this country should be is if thousands of traitorous rats are publicly executed.” Commenter “DogFaceKilla” quickly chimed in to offer supplies: “I got some rope somewhere in the garage…” And “Heavy_Metal_Patriot” added: “Hans says we can borrow the flammenwerfer” — a reference to a battlefield flame thrower used to by German soldiers in World War II.

  4. Speaking of Trump allies, on this day and the historically HUGE Trump news, Craig made three posts... NONE of which deal with the Trump indictment. But, he did find time to note...

    We keep hearing about this document that "proves" that Joe Biden accepted a $5,000,000 bribe exists. and will be revealed at some point. We've also heard some GOP lawmakers promising impeachment for this. As usual, I think I'm in more of a wait and see mode right now. .."

    He's glad to gossip like a child about right-wing conspiracy theories, but NOT deal with the actual big news.

    And he'll insist that he's not a Trump supporter, but the data shows otherwise. Ignoring and downplaying crimes and misdeeds IS a way to lend support.


  5. Fragile, in denial, unconsciously seething. Their childishness is the calm before their own private constitutional breakdown.

  6. If you're suggesting that the GOP is heading for a group breakdown, I'd agree, and I would tend to think it's a good thing - they need to regroup and rebuild themselves away from this power-hungry race for the bottom indecency... IF they can do so without some significant violence on their part.

  7. 12 million Americans believe violence is acceptable to restore the pervert king to power.


  8. The astonishing thing, at the bottom of it all, is how Craig and Marshal and Stan bin Laden and the fake Scott simply will not realize who they are, what they’ve become.

  9. It seems to be tue... it seems they are truly trying to be moral as they oppress people... believing THEY are being rational and those who disagree with them are irrational... with the evidence being that daring to disagree with them is, itself, irrational.

    Strange times.


  10. Strange times indeed. We are not engaged in culture wars. We are engaged with those perpetrating a war on culture.

    Culture is the massive, slowly (but ever faster now) changing fizzing action produced by a mass society. With significant regional differences, culture is the ever evolving, not always progressing, amassing of culinary and artistic, labor and technological, intellectual and popular ideational, physical, political and legal, recreational and circadian trends of a peoples all together in the present.

    Culture is not brutality. Culture is not force. Culture is never an erasure of all communal bonds. Culture does not shoot through the door at neighbors or at the driver who rolled through the stop sign. Culture does not try to destroy the structures of the commonweal along with its own legal, judicial, governmental and health care.

    That would be brutalizing nihilism: despair and violent rage within an ideologically identified people who are resistingly realizing the identity manufactured for them is not an identity but an ideology of exclusive power. Living history tells us white people that the extent to which we consciously or unconsciously claim whiteness determines to what extent we are dead inside. And this goes for all us regardless of ethnicity.*

    A breathing corpse is not culture. Except for organisms living on decay.

    The very reason we have and continue to entertain ourselves with a plethora of zombie and horror film.

    *Because whiteness is not a holistic, adaptive cultural identity but an ideological claim to exclusionary power, it is therefore relative and negotiable.

    Many black, brown, and Asian persons have chosen to claim identity in whiteness by virtue of believing in the ideological superiority of white supremacy. We’ve all seen acquaintances or friends identify with the bully who beat or harassed them. Who wants to be on the ass whooped side of power instead of the ass whooping side?

    And, we all swim in the waters of our social constructs and unavoidably adopt its values.

    However, there are limits. And allies of white supremacy very often are hit with those limits. And their rigid personalities are formed in such contradictions.

  11. You guys are funny...believing your fantasy world is reality! 🤣🤣🤣

  12. Marshal complained, in a now deleted comment...

    Here, you again pretend what you're presenting is somehow typical and representative of Trump supporters.

    1. I never said the talks of Civil War and Rebellion was "somehow typical" of Trump supporters.

    2. I noted a news story about the reality of some Trump supporters speaking of Civil War.

    3. Instead of condemning this talk of violence by people in his camp, Marshal makes up a false claim to try to attack those who note the reality of violence on the radical right.

    4. There is, of course, a spectrum of the ~25-35% of the people who still support the pervert king. Some/most believe his dangerous conspiracy lies about a "stolen election" and "the press is the enemy" and "the FBI is part of a hollywood cabal of Communists," etc, etc.

    5. There is another section that believe those stupid lies AND who want to at least consider responding with violence if Trump gets held accountable.

    6. There is another section that doesn't really care but would be glad to engage in violence of varying degrees.

    7. There is another section who "wishes he wouldn't be so dramatic," but still think it's at least likely that "the Democrats" and the law enforcement agencies are just out to get Trump, even though he's innocent... but they don't want to see violence.

    8. And there's at least some Trump supporters who are starting to think that Trump is the liar and criminal he presents as... but who just can't quit him.

    A spectrum. This is, of course, the reality. What percentage are/will be willing to actually engage in violence IF "the election is stolen" and IF Trump goes to jail? Well, we just don't know.

    But ask yourself: IF you truly believe - as these useful idiots do - that "their" US is being "taken" from the good people by evil fascistic "communists..." intent on "destroying the US..." why WOULDN'T they engage in violence to prevent this coup/takeover of America by monsters? Do you believe that the US is being taken over by monsters, Marshal?

    Are you willing to kill to stop actual monsters from actually destroying the US?

    Good Lord, have mercy. Thankfully, most of us woke up this morning with our minds stayed on freedom!

  13. Why did you delete my comment? Can you answer that without lying? I don't recall that I said anything worthy of such a thing even based on YOUR moronic, ever changing, self-serving code of behavior.

  14. Marshal whined...

    Why did you delete my comment? Can you answer that without lying? I don't recall that I said anything worthy of such a thing even based on YOUR moronic, ever changing, self-serving code of behavior.

    I've asked you to be respectful and not make unsupported claims. You did. For instance, your question, itself was a gradeschool attempt at name-calling and unsupported claims. More evidence:

    I had said...

    "1. I never said the talks of Civil War and Rebellion was "somehow typical" of Trump supporters."

    Marshal responded...

    You constantly speak of "white supremacists" and Trump supporters harboring them. You constantly speak of right-wing violence. You constantly lie about such things.

    I repeat:

    I NEVER SAID that talks of civil war and rebellion were typical of Trump supporters. I noted the reality that it HAS happened with Trump supporters without guessing on the percentage.

    You claimed that I said that Civil War talk was typical of Trump and CONTINUED with the unsupported claim that I "constantly speak of white supremacists..." These are false claims unsupported by data or reality.

    Now, what you need to do in a respectful conversation when someone says "I didn't say that" and that's the fact, then you apologize for the false claim and attempt to clarify. You offered no apology and doubled down with the attempt to clarify.

    I have, indeed, spoken of the reality of white supremacists in the Trump camp. I don't know that I've ever made a single post about it (perhaps) but it's come up in conversations. "Regularly?" Hardly. Regardless, it's an unproven claim and a failure to apologize for the first stupidly false claim.

    Now, why WOULD someone note the reality of white supremacists and violent people in MAGA land? To "attack Trump" OR because it's a reasonable concern? Given the reality that law enforcement professionals (who conservatives used to respect and honor) rate the threat of white extremist violence as quite high, the reality is the experts believe it's a credible threat. That the threat is coming from a former president who is currently running for president again who is egging on these extremists (whatever their number is) is deeply troubling.

    There's no reasonable way to say that people are not justified in raising concern about white violence in Trump's camp. The real question is: WHY do YOU all not raise this concern?

    If Biden was egging on violence amongst any group, if any violent group said that they were emboldened by Biden's words and actions (as white supremacists have made clear with Trump), you can believe that progressives would call that out.

    So, for starters, those are some of the reasons why your abusive, limpid attempts at bullying and childish disrespect and unsupported false claims were deleted. And they will continue to be deleted.

    You've brought this on yourself with your own attempts at words of violence. You've threatened violence upon me and others, Marshal (in a childish tantrum sort of way that's more pathetic than intimidating, but still). You now have to go above and beyond to show you're engaging in good faith, because the evidence is that you're not.

  15. I had said...

    "2. I noted a news story about the reality of some Trump supporters speaking of Civil War."

    Marshal responded...

    Oh. A "news" story, as if the source is a legit news organization.

    YES. I cited - and now cite more - legitimate news sources reporting on the reality of violent talk amongst the frightened little white boys (and their allies) in MAGA land. Here:


    Boston Globe:


    You don't have to like legitimate professional heroes in the media, but that's what they are. YOU have NO DATA to show that these reports are not factual. WHY in the name of all that is holy and decent and good would you NOT join the adults in condemning this violent talk?

    Grow up, Marshal. This violence that you are toying with is unwinding your mind. You have been played for a useful idiot and continue to be played. Are you still sending money to your pervert king like all the other useful idiots in MAGA world? How many millions of dollars is this guy going to fleece you all for.

    Trump is a pervert conman and not even a witty, clever or intelligent one. He's a dupe, himself, probably deeply mentally ill. And yet, he's fooling you all, using you to his deviant ends.

  16. Marshal defended the violent useful idiots, saying...

    I've no doubt there is a faction of true, patriotic Americans who are getting fed up with the crap your kind has been foisting on the nation, especially since Trump first ran for office in 2015. I can't blame them, though I hope no one takes that bait and acts on an emotional level.

    THAT is why you are being deleted. Defending violent idiots, defending civil wars, ignoring the threat from your com"patriots..." this is not acceptable in liberty-loving adults.

    Grow up. Get help.

    You've been conned.

  17. I had asked Marshal...

    "Do you believe that the US is being taken over by monsters, Marshal?"

    He responded...

    Yes. They are the Democrat Party and their voters, useful idiots all.

    Understand, Marshal is literally saying that I, my wife and children, my pastor and church family, and Democrats/liberals across the nation are actual monsters intent on "taking over" the us to destroy it.

    Think about how insane that is, Marshal. You've been duped, you're part of a cult (and there's solid research supporting that claim).

    I had asked...

    "Are you willing to kill to stop actual monsters from actually destroying the US?"

    Marshal dodged the question and didn't answer directly. Instead he dodged, asking...

    Do you see a difference between killing monsters from other countries versus monsters who sprout up from among us?

    If I believed that there were actual criminals actually trying to kill and cause harm, I would and do support taking action to stop them. I'm not one who believes in killing - that's you - to stop enemies. I think it suffices to stand up to them and arrest them when they cross the line.

    But that's not an answer to my question, Marshal.

    Do you actually suppose the best move is to let assholes run roughshod over your fellow citizens even more than they've been doing already?

    It's a stupidly false claim and NOT an answer to the question.

    At what point will you defend your own?

    From actual violence? I have always stepped in to stop actual violence when it's happening. Sometimes by calling the police, sometimes by intervening and de-escalating.

    But since we (the 2/3 of the nation that aren't Trump's useful idiots) are not engaging in violence, that's irrelevant here.

    Now, no more comments from you until you answer the question that was put to you:

    YOU'VE (stupidly) said that YOU believe in your fear-damaged head that the US is being taken over by monsters who want to destroy the US. DO you believe in violence to stop these "monsters..."?

    I suspect, like most irrational cowards of your sort, that you're all blather and no action. That somewhere in your sin-sickened head, you recognize that my loved ones and colleagues and others like them - preachers, teachers, social workers, mental health workers, etc - are not ACTUALLY monsters and don't ACTUALLY want to "destroy" the US. You probably, in your more rational moments, recognize that we're just fellow citizens who disagree with you in good faith as we go about doing our good, helping work. So, you probably recognize that it would be evil to start killing such people for merely daring to disagree with you.

    But you tell me.

    If Trump goes to jail, will you engage in violence or encourage others to do so? Or will you say NO to stupid violent talk by those on your side? Or (more likely) cowardly remain silent and do nothing one way or the other?

  18. Marshal thinks the "woke" amongst
    the teachers,
    social workers,
    mental health workers,
    medical health workers,
    social justice advocates,
    (ie, the Helping professions, along with the reporters who cover the news and now, the law enforcement agencies) are monsters trying to destroy the US. Meanwhile, in the real world:

    The DOJ:

    "A Montana man was sentenced by Chief U.S. District Judge Brian M. Morris to 18 years in prison followed by five years of supervised release for
    shooting into a residence and
    attempting to shoot others with the
    intent of ridding a town of LGBTQI+ residents

    Department of Homeland Security:

    "The DHS document, distributed to government and law enforcement agencies on May 11, said that
    domestic violence extremists and people who commit hate crimes
    have increased threats of violence against
    the LGBTQIA+ community within the last year

    “These issues include actions linked to drag-themed events, gender-affirming care, and LGBTQIA+ curricula in schools," DHS said."

    "New FBI Data Shows More Hate Crimes

    Crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, Sikhs and bisexual people all more than doubled. Meanwhile, hate crimes against Black, White and LGBTQ people made up nearly half of all incidents...

    From 2020 to 2021, reported hate crimes rose by more than 11%, according to data collected by the FBI. Crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, Sikhs and LGBTQ people saw some of the highest increases."

    And on it goes...

  19. ‘Maybe they don’t exist’: Republicans question legitimacy of alleged audio recordings of Biden bribery scheme“

  20. What??! But, but, we KNOW that Biden is corrupt and stuff. You know, because he's corrupt and a cheater and liar and all.

    Good Lord, what's wrong with them?

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. We can’t expect that Craig will ever read this and absorb the investigatory findings can we? Craig will just shrug off his increasingly distant conscience which is now signaling him from Pluto.

    “Minneapolis Police: Scathing Report Exposes Racist and Unconstitutional Policing
    An investigation by the Justice Department found systemic abuses by the police that “made what happened to George Floyd possible,” the attorney general said.”

  23. I'd asked...

    "If Trump goes to jail, will you engage in violence or encourage others to do so? Or will you say NO to stupid violent talk by those on your side?"

    Marshal responded, but didn't answer, saying...

    Again with the suggestion that I might engage in or support illegal behavior.

    It was a simple couple of questions: If Trump is held accountable for crimes and goes to jail WOULD you engage in violence or encourage (support, root on, defend) others to do so?

    You SEEM to be saying that you would not personally engage in criminal behavior. That's good, as far as it goes.

    BUT, will you then condemn those who DO go the illegal route, tell them they're wrong, speak out against such idiocy and corruption? Or will you say things (as you've already said) that, "it'd be understandable... after all, a COUP happened...") Those kinds of words ARE defending and encouraging the violent criminals.

    So answer the question or move on.

  24. Marshal...

    That aside, those you like to list as if the list means anything, are morons and if they think like you they are indeed destroyers of our nation and its culture.

    Interestingly, in the Bible and in rational circles we see comments more like, "Those who are helping, who are acting in love, THEY are the followers of God." or, as Mr Rogers said,

    “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”

    That is, you can TELL the good from the bad by their actions, by what they're doing to help. That you consider such people "destroyers of our nation..." shows which side you're aligned with, and it's not the helpers.

    Such bigotry won't be passed on here. Your words undermine your credibility.

  25. "It was a simple couple of questions: If Trump is held accountable for crimes and goes to jail WOULD you engage in violence or encourage (support, root on, defend) others to do so?"

    This is why yours is a crap question: it assumes crimes were committed simply because Trump-hating lefties insist as much. Since he came down the escalator in 2015, he's been accused of many things without any true evidence. Indeed, most all of it has been outright lies of the type liars like you attribute to him. It's been said that "legal" actions against Trump are Stasi-like, like Stalin's Russia. What this means is that it isn't that Trump did anything wrong, but that those with the ability to attack him in an official capacity have done so, or tried to. Morons like you pretend it's all real stuff and that Trump is the crook your grace embracing bullshit demands. And you, being the petulant child you are, don't have the Christian character to be a man.

    Thus, your question must be re-worded in this manner in order for you to have asked an honest question:

    "If Trump is held accountable for crimes he actually committed and goes to jail WOULD you engage in violence or encourage (support, root on, defend) others to do so?"

    My answer then, is "NO!", because I don't defend criminal activity like you do. I defend the Will of God as clearly revealed in Scripture and the rule of law.

    The same is true regarding how I'd respond to those who would engage in violence in such a situation. But here's the thing: as I said, Trump's constantly defending himself against bullshit attacks, with the sole aim of depriving him of winning an election and holding public office. Your asshole party can't compete with him, so they seek to get him out of the way. They can't risk him winning again and doing as great a job as he did the first time, while at the same time exposing your kind for the frauds they are. They couldn't care less if he actually committed an actual crime as president, except that they could use it more easily to eliminate him.

    The whole point is to keep him out of office because he's proven himself to be far, far better a president than any Dem has been or could be...especially given the current crop of crappy Dems your party wants to put up if not Biden. You're just to much of a lying asshat to admit the truth.

    Now, if he's railroading is successful, supporters rising up to defend him is the stuff of justice your kind would get behind if it was one of your own. And don't try to pretend to the contrary, because that would just be another Dan lie. Yet, my own level of support or participation would still be contingent on the specifics of the situation. I believe that no bullshit conviction of him would stand judicial scrutiny in the higher courts and thus there would be no need for violence. I've no doubt whatsoever that you would love to see it so that you can use it as validation of the hatred you have for better people. You lefties are pushing better people to such behavior. Many of us are warning good people not to let their emotions rule them in these matters. After all, it's no good acting like progressives.

    So your "question" has been answered as comprehensively as possible and you can find no fault in it whatsoever. You'll delete it anyway because you're a lying coward who can't deal with truth, reason and logic.

  26. "That is, you can TELL the good from the bad by their actions, by what they're doing to help. That you consider such people "destroyers of our nation..." shows which side you're aligned with, and it's not the helpers."

    You're not "helpers" because you do some good deeds while you support all manner of evil. Only moron lefties would buy that crap. You don't do anything millions of conservatives aren't doing. But you do so much evil and no amount of "good deeds" can make up for it.

    I'm not the least bit bigoted except against evil people like you. My credibility is intact, and deleting my words and cherry picking them or purposely "paraphrasing" them in a false manner doesn't make your case. You're a liar and a coward and not at all a Christian. Everyone on the blogs knows it.

  27. I had asked...

    "It was a simple couple of questions:
    If Trump is held accountable for crimes and goes to jail
    WOULD you engage in violence or
    encourage (support, root on, defend) others to do so?"

    You responded...

    This is why yours is a crap question:
    it assumes crimes were committed
    simply because Trump-hating lefties insist as much.

    This is why yours is a crap answer:

    1. It ASSUMES that my question ASSUMED crimes were committed. I clearly stated the question conditionally: IF IT HAPPENS IN THE REAL WORLD THAT TRUMP IS CONVICTED OF CRIMES... IF. IF. IF.

    Do you understand the significance of IF?

    IF: on the condition or supposition that; in the event that.


    There is no assumption. I simply didn't say, "WHEN TRUMP IS CONVICTED OF CRIMES." I asked, quite clearly, IF he is convicted.

    You protest for me asking a reasonable question, given the many charges against him that legitimate adults of good faith - Chris Christie and other conservatives included - are asking. IF he is convicted, how will his brain-washed masses respond?

    Will they respond like Marshal and presume some evil intent in a reasonable question? That goes back to the strategies this vulgarly corrupt and stupid con-man uses on his useful idiots: Convincing them that there is a conspiracy afoot. IF he's convicted, it's only because "they" are out to get him - HIM, an innocent man. IF they tell you I'm guilty, he says to the UI, that's PROOF that I'm innocent - they're out to get me!

    Do you understand how you're just factually mistaken on this first point? I made no presumption in the question. I asked, IF...

    2. It's not a matter of "trump-hating lefties..." Good people of good will across the political spectrum recognize that he is at the very best, an extremely morally compromised man. He shows large observable indicators of mental illness - of malignant narcissism to a point where facts don't matter to him. He's glad to lie and spread slander and attacks to try to sway useful marks.

    This is observable across the political spectrum.

    Further, the man surrounds himself with corrupt people. People who've been convicted of breaking laws. Further, it's not like the various law enforcement agencies are just making anything up to find a reason to convict him: He's engaged in legally problematic behaviors in a wide range of activities.

    Taking of classified documents:

    He's being charged for 34 instances of crimes with the taking of classified material AND refusing to cooperate when called on it. IF Biden or Clinton had done that, you all would be up in arms.

    Other legal charges against him include (again, this is in the real world. No one is making any of this up):

    Hush money case related to Stormy Daniels

    The Georgia Election Interference Investigation

    The Jan. 6 Insurrection Investigation

    If Trump were so overtly corrupt and dishonest, surrounding himself with idiots and criminals, then no one would be chasing after him insisting we find something wrong out of nothing. Trump brings this all upon himself.

  28. Your *** party can't compete with him

    ? Are you unaware of reality?

    Trump has, at best, 35% support in the nation AND a huge number of people vociferously opposed to him.

    Trump has not won a popular election yet.

    Trump's supporters, by and large, lose elections.

    Trump managed to lose the 2022 elections (in-between elections which almost always go against the current president's party). An election that everyone was predicting would go the GOP... they LOST because of your pervert king.

    What are you talking about? Trump is a dream opponent for the Democrats... he has an easily proven losing track record... with the caveat being that, IF he wins (even in spite of never winning a popular vote, as in 2016), he's such a threat to our free republic. That, and it's a disgrace to our nation to even have that criminal pervert considered a viable candidate. He's a black eye to our nation and freedom, human rights-loving nations the world over.

    You've been conned. You've been played for a mark. How much money have you sent to your pervert king who says he's a billionaire and yet, STILL is taking money from suckers like you.

    A sucker is born every minute, said another con man.

    Hell, in spite of all the useful idiots and willing marks, I'd say there's a good chance Trump can't even win the GOP nomination (although I could well be wrong). He's just such a flawed, loser of a candidate. I mean, no matter the support he has, your side isn't stupid enough to recognize that he loses elections for the GOP.

    The ONLY way he stands a chance of winning is that the modern GOP has proven itself gutless and stupid and willing to back an obvious pervert con man. Which is just sad, sad, sad.

    Tell the truth, Marshal: IF the Democrats were running a convicted felon for President, you'd all lose your minds, wouldn't you? There would be no end to the cries of abuse of power and indecency, would there?

    Also, almost certain, the slovenly big mac king will die before four years are up. His wealth can shield him only so much for his piggish habits. What do you think the modern GOP will be like post-Trump? Do you think he has seriously broken the GOP (if not the US)?

    (Hint: He has. Whether you realize it or not.)

    I mean, you all have already demonstrated that integrity, decency, honor, honesty and basic moral fortitude mean very little-to-nothing to you. What is the "family values" party left with, if it's just a broken shell of corrupt people unaware of how they've been played by an overtly stupid con man?

  29. "1. It ASSUMES that my question ASSUMED crimes were committed. I clearly stated the question conditionally: IF IT HAPPENS IN THE REAL WORLD THAT TRUMP IS CONVICTED OF CRIMES... IF. IF. IF."

    Yeah...right..."if" if you don't believe in your black heart that Trump is guilty of all the many crimes for which he's been accuse since he became president as well as those for which he now stands accused. You're not talking to a lefty here. You can't BS me with this nonsense. You have nor reason to presume I would not expect Trump to pay for breaking the law according to typical sentencing guidelines. You have no reason to presume I would defend ANYONE found guilty (assuming an actual fair trial) of breaking the law. I'm not a Democrat. I don't roll like you people.

    Thus, I would not support any law breaking to extricate him from jail were he to be justly convicted of having committed a crime and similarly, you have no basis for presuming I'd respond any other way. In fact, let me put it to you this way:

    Now, you'd have to be incredibly daft to think that I (ie, the person you're asking the question to) think ANY of that.

    ARE you daft? Stupid? Brainwashed? OR can you reasonably and easily say, "Not that YOU support any of that. A person would have to be too stupid to walk through life to think that! Of course, not YOU..."

    "There is no assumption. I simply didn't say, "WHEN TRUMP IS CONVICTED OF CRIMES." I asked, quite clearly, IF he is convicted."

    Bullshit. Why would you even consider such a question if you didn't already believe him guilty of having committed a crime? Again...I'm not a progressive. I'm not stupid. Don't talk to me like I am...unless you're not bright enough to engage in discourse like an adult. So either you believe he's guilty of a crime, like all progressives do simply because he's Donald Trump, or you believe I'm the type who would engage in violence or encourage violence in response to his conviction. Either way, you're a dick who only uses "embrace grace" as a bludgeon while acting graceless at the drop of a hat.

    And by the way, quoting you quoting yourself you said, "If Trump is held accountable for crimes..." WHAT crimes? You clearly have some in mind and again, you believe he's guilty already. So don't bullshit me. Instead, embrace grace.

    "You protest for me asking a reasonable question, given the many charges against him that legitimate adults of good faith - Chris Christie and other conservatives included - are asking."

    There you go again...regard as "legitimate adults of good faith" (your exact words in this case, though it manifests constantly in similar expressions) those who simply are in agreement with your vile and graceless hatred of a man far, far better than your laughable alternative candidate in most every way.

    "IF he is convicted, how will his brain-washed masses respond?"

    Which "brain-washed masses"? Who are these people exactly? Those who believe there are more than two genders? Those who believe one isn't fully human at the moment of conception? Those who believe the rich aren't paying "their fair share", whatever the hell that is? Who exactly are these brain-washed people? Name a few. Surely you or your overlords can identify those who are brain-washed to any degree.

    That's all I have time for. I'd have preferred to respond to the other thread regarding women who disregard God's Will about who should pastor over men, but I don't want either thread to "time out". Chew on this for a while and try to actually provide answers yourself for a change. I'll definitely get to the rest of your laugh fest real soon.

  30. Marshal finally answered a question fairly directly:

    I would not support any law breaking to extricate him from jail were he to be justly convicted of having committed a crime

    So far, so good. I'm going to hold you to that. Marshal then went on...

    and similarly, you have no basis for presuming I'd respond any other way. In fact, let me put it to you this way:

    Now, you'd have to be incredibly daft to think that I (ie, the person you're asking the question to) think ANY of that.

    Well, the reality is that MANY MAGA people have been arrested and convicted of violently protesting in support of Trump. That has happened in the real world. It has happened that many MAGA and conservative types have promised "civil war" if Trump is arrested. That happens in the real world, still. You know this, right? Look, here it is:

    We have had a congressman from Arizona, Andy Biggs, who tweeted: "We have now reached a war phase."

    The failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake was speaking recently and said: "If you want to get to President Trump, you're going to have to go through me and 75 million Americans like me, and most of us are card-carrying members of the NRA."

    Or here...

    "Posters on "The Donald" are calling for "Civil War" if the former president is indicted

    “Surround Mar-a-Lago or wherever he currently is and prevent ‘law enforcement’ from entering,” one person wrote, per The Daily Beast.

    This prompted another to reply, “What if they use choppers to circumvent the Patriot moat?”

    Still other supporters brought up the possibility of a civil war. “Well, looks like we may have WWIII and our 2nd Civil War at the same time,” one poster wrote, just one of many references to a potential civil war on the forum in the last two days.

    “This should be treated as a declaration of war,” another posted..."

    So, I'm not making this up. There are REAL violent people or people promising violence and even war in support of their pervert king. I was, then, asking the reasonable question: Are you one of those who will support violence if and when Trump is sent to prison? So, the basis I have for asking you the question is that SOME on your side are proposing violence. It's a rational question, especially insofar as you have hinted at violence in the past and just, in general, use violent words.

    And that's the difference.

    Tell me this: IF and when Trump is arrested and if and when some on your side turn to violence, will you condemn them? Will you do your best to stop them?

    Because if you're not opposed to those on your side promoting violence, then you're lending aid to them.

  31. Why would you even consider such a question if you didn't already believe him guilty of having committed a crime?

    The man is undoubtedly a narcissist and pervert, data shows it.

    The man is undoubtedly corrupt, data shows it.

    The man has been charged with multiple crimes over the years - MULTIPLE credible crimes - and in some cases, he's used/abused the system to buy his way out of jail/conviction and other times, well, he's been convicted.

    The man is a narcissist con man who shows no sign of caring about truth or morality, again, the data is out there.

    Given ALL the credible charges, ALL the history we know of his behavior and actions, one would have to be naive and gullible in the extreme to think he's probably innocent of any crimes.

    I'm not naive or gullible.

  32. Which "brain-washed masses"? Who are these people exactly?

    That you need to ask is a red flag.

    Read. Open your mind. Free yourselves from the clutches of your pervert king and idiot con man. Don't be his useful idiot any longer.

    Or take it from the horse's mouth...

    "Former Trump supporter says she was 'brainwashed'"

  33. "Open your mind" That's funny!

    I post this to let you know that your source is once again suspect, but at the same time I want to assure you that, unlike you, I'm actually studying your links as I most always do (and by "most always", I mean, I do so more intently than you do anything I post, as evidenced by your moronic replies). Your Psyh Today piece is especially hilarious and suggests it's a freakin' joke book more than a serious, legitimate and compelling source of information. But I persist and will be providing my responses real soon. Stayed tuned and prepare to be schooled yet again.

  34. You cite some weird places unknown to me called sitejabber and trustpilot... where people (any people, unvetted people? Who? Just randos with a complaint? That's what it sounds like) where they rate websites based on, well, whatever they want to complain about. Presumably, some random unknown people on THESE particular websites complained about psychologytoday. So what?

    Also, true fact: Did you know that at trustpilot that SITEJABBER got a similarly low "review..."?

    These are non-expert complainers just complaining. It's meaningless.

    Also, this was based on an entire 61 reviews on sitejabber that unknown people rated pt at 1.8 from those 60 reviews. Do you know how many sitejabbers rated trustpilot? 930! A MUCH larger polling base (comprised of, again, we know not who, we know not their qualifications or story). Do you know what those 930 reviewed trustpilot at? 1.4.

    So, your own sources say that those sources are not trustworthy or are worthy of complaints.

    I could go on but this is just so deeply childishly meaningless.

    Oh, I'll go on. The TP website had TWENTY entire reviews of PT and of those TWENTY, some people took the time to complain. Maybe that they didn't get an answer quickly enough or, in some cases, they look like the reviewers are not all that healthy, mentally, based upon their own words and "complaints..."

    Marshal, this was a waste of your time and my time and is just so completely meaningless. Do better with your next comment or it may just be deleted. I don't mind reading your opinions or sources, but they should have some meat to them.

    These two review sites don't even rise to the level of any serious commentary.

  35. So, here is some of what the experts at PT had to say about the research they were conducting and the data they found.

    In a recent review paper published in the Journal of Social and Political Psychology, Psychologist and UC Santa Cruz professor Thomas Pettigrew argues that five major psychological phenomena can help explain this exceptional political event.
    1. Authoritarianism

    ...Although authoritarian personality is found among liberals, it is more common among the right-wing around the world. President Trump’s speeches, which include absolutist terms like “losers” and “complete disasters,” are naturally appealing to those who prefer authoritarianism.

    2. Social dominance orientation

    Social dominance orientation (SDO)—which is distinct but related to authoritarian personality syndrome—refers to people who have a preference for the societal hierarchy of groups, specifically with a structure in which the high-status groups have dominance over the low-status ones. Those with SDO are typically dominant, tough-minded, and driven by self-interest...

    A 2016 survey study of 406 American adults published this year in the journal Personality and Individual Differences found that those who scored high on both SDO and authoritarianism were those who intended to vote for Trump in the election...

    3. Prejudice

    It would be grossly unfair and inaccurate to say that every one of Trump’s supporters has a prejudice against ethnic and religious minorities, but it would be equally inaccurate to say that some do not...

    While the dog whistles of the past were more subtle, Trump’s are sometimes shockingly direct. There’s no denying that he routinely appeals to bigoted supporters when he calls Muslims “dangerous” and Mexican immigrants “rapists” and “murderers,” often in a blanketed fashion. Perhaps unsurprisingly, a new study has shown that support for Trump is correlated with a standard scale of modern racism.

    And on it goes. Well-reasoned explanations based upon research and data. Your response?

    Your Psyh Today piece is especially hilarious and suggests it's a freakin' joke book more than a serious, legitimate and compelling source of information.

    So... nyuh-uh? Classy. Adult. Well-reasoned.

    Seriously, do you NOT see yourself in that data-driven research explained above? Do you not see the appeal to authoritarianism and social hierarchy? Hell! In just the previous post YOU are appealing to a social hierarchy where you get to tell women that they don't have God's permission to preach! This research is talking about YOU. It fits YOU to a tee.
