Wednesday, May 24, 2023

New Days Lyrics, by Amanda Gorman

Cowards in Florida are banning books. Shame on them. One of the latest is a poetry book by Amanda Gorman. Shame on them. If you're opposed to powerful words of human liberty, you are free not to read it, but shame on those right wing parents and politicians who abuse their power to try to prevent others from reading words that they fear. 

Spread her powerful words. Let freedom ring in the backwards hearts of some Floridians!

May this be the day
We come together.
Mourning, we come to mend,
Withered, we come to weather,
Torn, we come to tend,
Battered, we come to better.
Tethered by this year of yearning,
We are learning
That though we weren’t ready for this,
We have been readied by it.
We steadily vow that no matter
How we are weighed down,
We must always pave a way forward.

This hope is our door, our portal.
Even if we never get back to normal,
Someday we can venture beyond it,
To leave the known and take the first steps.
So let us not return to what was normal,
But reach toward what is next.

What was cursed, we will cure.
What was plagued, we will prove pure.
Where we tend to argue, we will try to agree,
Those fortunes we forswore, now the future we foresee,
Where we weren’t aware, we’re now awake;
Those moments we missed
Are now these moments we make,
The moments we meet,
And our hearts, once all together beaten,
Now all together beat.

Come, look up with kindness yet,
For even solace can be sourced from sorrow.
We remember, not just for the sake of yesterday,
But to take on tomorrow.

We heed this old spirit,
In a new day’s lyric,
In our hearts, we hear it:
For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne.
Be bold, sang Time this year,
Be bold, sang Time,
For when you honor yesterday,
Tomorrow ye will find.
Know what we’ve fought
Need not be forgot nor for none.
It defines us, binds us as one,
Come over, join this day just begun.
For wherever we come together,
We will forever overcome.


  1. I've been checking her out. A sad case of another young person corrupted by leftism and race-hustling. She's definitely a hard worker, pushing to succeed in her endeavors as she perceives success. I applaud that for sure. But her point of view does not reflect reality and getting back to normal is not what those like her...or leftists in general...have any true understanding. I hope as she matures she comes to see more clearly.

  2. Of course, you opt to condescending to the young black woman... someone who has, I can easily assure you, had a broader positive impact on the world already than you have in your entire life. Sometimes, remaining quiet is the better part of wisdom.

    Just stop right there. Nothing short of an apology for your white arrogance will be posted on this thread from you, Marshal.


  3. Haters gotta hate.

    Black people have been overcoming people like Marshal for 500 years.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. No, Marshal, you just need to shut up. Ms Gorman has a right to her beliefs, her choices, and her life. But you cannot comprehend that you don’t count in all things.

    Just shut up.

  6. Marshal said, in a now deleted comment...

    Apparently it's not enough to give her props for her devotion to her beliefs.

    It's hard to tell how blind this man is. Does he TRULY think he's being kind in his patronizing condescension? Does he truly NOT know how white people have thus demonized, belittled and attacked black people with this kind of oppression? Or does he know and just don't care?

  7. Marshal also said...

    This confirms my factual belief that you demand compliance and those who won't comply are haters, or in this case, racist.

    You are free to disagree with the many who recognize the greatness of Ms Gorman. You are free to side with the racists (note: That's not calling you racist, just noting that the racists don't like Gorman, either. Nor do the white supremacists and the MAGA people longing for the "good old days"... and think about what THAT means!).

    You're just not free to vomit such nonsense here. For one thing, you are not a trained literary critic, so I'm not inclined to give much credence to your uneducated opinion. Secondly, you're not even critiquing her work for itself, you're reading her work through a partisan blindly political lens and finding things that offend your partisan conservative feelings.

    Third, the point of this post is not so much Gorman's glorious poetry, but the vulgar attempts to remove it from grade school students by accusing it of, of all things, "hate language!" That, and the cowardly trend among conservatives in places where they feel empowered to removed black voices and LGBTQ voices from a wide range of school settings.

    "Controlling the message" is where the Nazis began. Not that these weakling conservatives are Nazis, just that they're traveling that same path for many of the same reasons. You all fee like you're "losing" "Your" nation, that isn't yours to lose.

    You're not going to comment here, Marshal, without an apology of your attack on Ms Gorman.

  8. “So delete if you choose, given your not capable of such conversation. The point stands: you simply aren't willing to deal with opposing opinion, demanding instead abject compliance without the slightest hint of objection. That's so much easier for one of your limited intellect than actually engaging in discourse like an actual man.”

    Blind, ignorant, hypocrite.

  9. Dang. You tell a man he can't make abusive derogatory remarks in support of a vulgar, oppressive action and he just slips into full-on hate speech. Calling grown women "girls" and doubling down on the condescending, dog-whistle racist remarks.

    Go on, Marshal. You're done. I hope you saved your words. You should read them to yourself, ask your spouse or a respected adult friend about this, about your losing your mind and doubling down on offensive, vulgar attack language and how out-of-control you sound.

    Or just go away and stew in your hate.

  10. You're a liar. Go fuck yourself.

  11. There’s that all revealing, hate-bathed, anti-Christian hypocrisy again. What a fragile, inept child.

  12. I'm leaving Marshal's so very intelligent and vulgar remark just so it's clear the type of bullying, vulgar, middle school response these sort of men lash out with when they don't get their way. The violence and rape-ideation is inherent in his talk and always just below the surface, if not simply out there.

    Get help, Marshal.

  13. More about the mother who got the book removed from the grade school library...

    “I’m not an expert,” she said. “I’m not a reader. I’m not a book person. I’m a mom involved in my children’s education.”..

    The advocacy group Miami Against Fascism posted photos of Salinas at rallies with member of Proud Boys and Moms for Liberty, a conservative group that has protested school curriculums that mention LGBTQ rights, critical race theory and other issues. Salinas told JTA that she was not a member of either group, saying she had merely attended rallies where their members were present...

    Salinas expressed regrets for sharing a Facebook post in March about “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” a notoriously antisemitic hoax purporting to describe a Jewish plan for global domination.."

    Not an expert.
    Not a book person.
    Attending rallies with Proud Boys.

    We see.


  14. And if she were ONLY a mom involved in her own child's education/indoctrination, well, that's one thing. But by slandering Ms Gorman, she managed to get the book banned for OTHER parents and their children in that grade school library.

    That's the problem these proto-fascists bring.


  15. “A couple of total reprobates who reject the Lord in favor of lies.”

    Marshal doesn’t believe that the Lord said to love our neighbors. The Lord who had nowhere to lay his head. Apparently, then, everyone is our neighbor.

    Neither does Marshal believe that St Paul wrote down a passing, angry wish for all Judaizers (those who add extra behavioral and identity burdens to the Gospel message of saved by faith and nothing else), Paul wished they would castrate themselves.

    I wish Marshal the same thing: Marshal is a stone, cold brutalized. Or, he could change, confess his hate and inhumanity, and accept true, loving faith.

    I am surprised Marshal has any gag reflex left after all the shit he’s swallowed.

  16. Marshal, in a now-deleted comment:

    She didn't slander anyone, liar.

    1. She accused Ms Gorman of hate speech. Her poem is inspiring, it's well-writ, it's intelligent, it's compelling... it's MANY things, but "hate speech," it's not. That's just a stupidly gross slander. Good God, what's wrong with you all?

    She didn't "attend rallies with Proud Boys" (who have been maligned beyond their true character), but simply attended the same rallies they did.

    2. Yeah, I don't want to ever admit that I have the same interests and go to the same rallies as the Proud Boys. IF you find that you're supporting the same causes as the Proud Boys, it's time to re-evaluate your life.

    3. NOW you're defending the PROUD BOYS? How 'bout the KKK? Are they just more poor, misunderstood white boys?

  17. Marshal said, in a now-deleted comment due to the toxic misogyny and defense of racists...

    I haven't followed them closely, though I know how they came about and what they were in the beginning. I had no problem with it because it was mainly to show up wherever morons like you showed up to make trouble, and they'd give you some. I found that incredibly inspiring, intelligent, and compelling

    Marshal defends misogynistic, racist homophobes while he admits he doesn't follow them closely (ie, he's ignorant of them). I don't follow them closely, but still, I know...

    * Proud Boys consider themselves “Western chauvinists”
    * who romanticize a traditional, male-dominated version of Western culture.
    * While the Proud Boys vehemently deny adhering to a racist ideology,
    the organization is deeply rooted in white nationalism and misogyny.
    * As of December 31, 2021, 83 Proud Boys members and sympathizers have allegedly carried out
    * ideologically motivated crimes in the United States.
    * This number includes 54 Proud Boys defendants who participated in the Capitol breach on January 6, 2021.

    In reality,
    * the Proud Boys serve as a radicalization to violence vector
    * that seeks to ‘red pill’e recruits and sympathizers from mainstream conservatism.
    * The group’s narratives amplify latent anti-Marxist and anti-communist sentiment in certain ideographs of American patriotism, and
    * distorts those sentiments by mixing in
    * misogynistic,
    * fascistic, and
    * ethno-nationalist worldviews.5
    * The group has long held a “permeable barrier”f with white supremacist groups like
    * Identity Evropag and
    * the Rise Above Movement,h
    * as well as neo-Nazi accelerationist terror groups like
    * Atomwaffen Division and
    * the Base,
    * fighting alongside them at protests and sharing members.6

    You have to get out of your extremist echo chambers, STOP taking the "red pills" that idiot racists use to delude useful idiots like yourself and START educating yourself, listening to actual news from legitimate sources.

    It's embarrassing that you don't know that which you're defending.

  18. Marshal rages with such repugnant behavior.

  19. Marshal, in a now-deleted comment, requested:

    Why don't you tell us what you think "western chauvinist" means.

    Why don't you just ask your proud boys friends, it's THEIR term.

    According to them, then...

    ‘’I love being white and
    I think it’s something to be very proud of.
    I don’t want our culture diluted.
    We need to close the borders now and let
    assimilate to a Western, white, English-speaking way of life.’’

    - Gavin McInnes, New York Times, The Edge of Hip: Vice, a Brand, Sept. 28, 2003


    “I am a western chauvinist, and
    I refuse to apologize for creating the modern world.”
    — Proud Boys membership declaration

    These idiots are bigoted against the rest of the world that's not white and "Western." To the degree that non-westerners are willing to assimilate/embrace THEIR "western worldview and values," they're okay with others. Perhaps.

    But your bigot boys mean precisely what the word suggests: Bigoted in favor of white Western worldviews and histories (ignoring the great harm done by western colonialism and other practices, such as slavery and oppression of LGBTQ folks and women). Bigoted against everything that isn't white and western (and male).

    Why don't you explain why you don't recognize that as vapid and gross and, well, evil?

    But never mind. You've got to apologize for your attacks against Ms Gorman before you can comment here. You are certainly free to have a differing opinion about the art of her poetry (and please, child, as if YOU could write such poetry!), but your bigotry in your condescending remarks really need to be apologized for.

    On the "plus" side: Your white male chauvinism will help you fit in with those Proud Boys you're defending.

  20. “SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — The 72,000-student Davis School District north of Salt Lake City removed the Bible from its elementary and middle schools while keeping it in high schools after a committee reviewed the scripture in response to a parental complaint. The district has removed other titles, including Sherman Alexie’s “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” and John Green’s “Looking for Alaska,” following a 2022 state law requiring districts to include parents in decisions over what constitutes “sensitive material.”

    Half of white people are fucking stupid.

  21. “Until a drag queen walks into a school and beats 8 kids to death with a copy of "To Kill a Mockingbird" I think you're focusing on the wrong thing!" - Wanda Sykes

  22. Marshal complained...

    But "Black Power", BLM and CRT are legitimate and justified promotions of goodness and light.

    Well, yes, by and large, yes. Black power was/is a justice movement in response to overt racism and oppression by white oppressors who demonized everything that was "black" as evil. Telling black children raised in that sort of nation, "You child are a beautiful, powerful, wonderful human being..." IS a promotion of goodness and light.

    The same is true for BLM and CRT, because of course it is.

    Read, Marshal. Inform yourself, elevate your mind out of the white darkness of our actual dark white oppression history. Grow up.

  23. Marshal, your petty little threats are just an embarrassment to you and fuel for your conviction in a trial if you ever follow through with your grade school inanities and little boy threats.

    Grow up. This is not how adults talk.

  24. What is it you continually insist I'm threatening to do? It seems you've decided I mean to assault you physically. Where's the grace embracing in thatI? So now I'm a mugger along with being a racist, misogynist and "homophobe" (as if that's even a thing)?

  25. "Then if we ever actually meet face to face, it will go better for you."

    Boys in the toxic masculinity vein often make these sort of vaguely threatening hostile threats that they do to act tough. "It will go better for you when we meet face to face" IS a threat. HOW is it going to go badly for me if I don't apologize? You'll be even MORE childishly belligerent and stamp your little feet even harder?

    People recognize these threats for what they are. Toxic, bullying so-called "masculinity. "


  26. think it's OK to continually call others racist without just cause? You do it over and over and over and think the victim of your abuse is unjustified in lashing out physically? How does that work, exactly?

    1. I almost certainly have never called you a racist. My preferred way of dealing with it is noting, "When you say THAT, Marshal, you are making claims like racists do..." or "That is a racist thing to say..." citing the specific thing you've said and generally explaining if it needs to be explained.

    2. By way of example, after YOU brought up the idea of racism, I responded:

    You are free to side with the racists
    (note: That's not calling you racist,
    just noting that the racists don't like Gorman, either.
    Nor do the white supremacists and
    the MAGA people longing for the "good old days"... and think about what THAT means!).

    I literally made clear that I was NOT calling you a racist, merely noting that, factually in the real world, you were SIDING with the racists. That's just a fact.

    3. Thus, noting the reality of you siding with racists IS making a note based on just cause, the cause being: The reality is that you ARE siding with the overt racists and white supremacists who likewise, disdain this great young woman writer.

    4. Thus, there are no "victims of my abuse," as in noting the reality is not being abusive, just noting the reality.

    5. Thus, OF COURSE, grown adults ought not "lash out" in violent attacks when someone points out reality. I know that the toxic masculinity boy-types tend to lash out at everything, but that's not an adult response. I expect adults to act like adults.

    If you don't like it when people note that you're siding with racists, then maybe you ought not side with the racists.

  27. Marshal...

    You delete me again, you coward. I'll get to this nonsense soon

    If you're just going to comment to attack and say, "But I WILL answer soon..." just don't bother. Comment when you can. Coming on with venomous nonsense telling me you're going to talk soon is just nothing. It's swamp gas. It's entirely vapid and devoid of content.

    It's not adding anything to the conversation and it's just more toxic "masculinity" (there really needs to be a child-version of "masculinity..." Boyulinity, or something like that...).

    You want to comment with something substantive? Do so. Don't bother telling me that soon you're going to comment with something substantive.

  28. I will remind you that the POINT of this post is the cowardly banning of books that so many conservatives are embracing while hypocritically complaining of cancel culture. You all aren't opposed to cancel culture. Hell, you all invented it! You just don't like it when your garbage is removed from inappropriate settings or because it's abusive and vapid and childish.

  29. "1. I almost certainly have never called you a racist. My preferred way of dealing with it is noting, "When you say THAT, Marshal, you are making claims like racists do..." or "That is a racist thing to say..." citing the specific thing you've said and generally explaining if it needs to be explained."

    Classic distinction without a difference. And again, you weasel out with your routine insistence that exact words must be said for something to have been intended. Don't're not dealing with one of your own. I don't buy bullshit. Constant comparisons to racists is indeed expressing the charge that I'm racist. Worse, you're freaking wrong and lying about how what I say matches what racists say. I don't say racist things. Ever. But like race-hustlers, you take every opportunity to portray my words as racist, which is a typical tactic for censoring and stifling that which you can't oppose with logic, reason and intelligence...things you don't possess, so I get it.

    "You are free to side with the racists
    (note: That's not calling you racist,
    just noting that the racists don't like Gorman, either.
    Nor do the white supremacists and
    the MAGA people longing for the "good old days"... and think about what THAT means!)."

    What a weak attempt to deflect from your crime! Those who side with evil are evil. Those who side with racists are racists. Those who oppose racists do not side with them.

    Only morons would suggest that criticizing Gorman puts me in any racist camp. That's complete and cheap progressive crap. And again, the intention is to compel or force me to recant rather than to be so categorized. But not being a lefty, I'm not so compelled by lame bullshit like that. Furthermore, there's no comparison between white supremacists and MAGA people. That's just another lefty ploy employed for lack of a real and legit criticism of MAGA people...because you have none. The "good old days" for MAGA people is not identical, similar or a parallel for racists. Playing the race card is routine for your ilk.

    "3. Thus, noting the reality of you siding with racists IS making a note based on just cause, the cause being: The reality is that you ARE siding with the overt racists and white supremacists who likewise, disdain this great young woman writer."

    That's not a reality, asshat! That's you making a comparison which is forced simply because I'm not enamored with this chick like you are. At best you can say that I'm siding with people who aren't enamored with this chick like you are, which might also include racists, but that's of no significance whatsoever except to demean me personally. You're calling me a racist, you liar. And most racists are Dem voters, anyway. So they're more like you and other lefties who are still, like your Dem ancestors, fixated on superficial differences between the people you only claim to care about.

    "4. Thus, there are no "victims of my abuse," as in noting the reality is not being abusive, just noting the reality."

    Not a reality at all, but a fiction you created. By the way, how many actual racists have you interviewed to make this determination that I'm siding with them about this chick? Any? Were they all from your church? Again, there's no significance that racists might not like her, or that I don't think of her as highly as you do, despite my having acknowledged her achievements right from the start. Any racist friends of your do that, you lying creep?

  30. "5. Thus, OF COURSE, grown adults ought not "lash out" in violent attacks when someone points out reality."

    But you didn't point out "reality" at all. You implied I'm racist by CHOOSING to compare me to racists when there was no need to do so. There is no benefit to do so, except for you in hoping it might compel me to recant my position on this if there's any reason to do so.

    "I know that the toxic masculinity boy-types tend to lash out at everything, but that's not an adult response. I expect adults to act like adults."

    Adults don't go out of their way to make false comparisons between their debate opponents and racists. Adults don't even think of doing so. You're far more like a racist than I've ever been, simply by your leftism which depends so much on pitting groups against each other. So cut the crap.

    "If you don't like it when people note that you're siding with racists, then maybe you ought not side with the racists."

    I don't. I never have. That's YOUR schtick.

    "If you're just going to comment to attack and say, "But I WILL answer soon..." just don't bother. Comment when you can. Coming on with venomous nonsense telling me you're going to talk soon is just nothing. It's swamp gas. It's entirely vapid and devoid of content."

    Blah, blah, blah. I post to keep the thread alive because you engaged a time limit on the lame premise that you're inundated with spam. I don't buy it. But you do you.
