Thursday, February 11, 2021

Time to Unite

Imagine that there's a family that has been impacted by an abusive relationship. Imagine that the husband who was abusive had managed to fool almost half the family that he was a good guy, and that part of the family sided against the wife who was abused. Imagine that many people in the extended family sided with the husband when the wife left him... that they blamed her for being divisive and causing trouble.

That family NEEDS to come together.

But the way they need to come together is to unite behind the wife, the survivor of the abuse, the one who was strong enough to leave the abuser. The way for that family to unite is to condemn the abuser.

We can't "unify" if part of the family is ignoring the abuse. If part of the family is still siding with the abuser.

Unity IS important and for that family to be healed and made whole, it will come only when they all stand united against the abuse.

In our nation, we have a unique opportunity to start over, to move past the destructive and corrupt years of the Trump presidency. We ARE a divided nation and we need to find ways to unite.

But that unity can't come at the expense of ignoring the abuse.

Right now, today, it appears that a majority of the Republicans in the Senate are poised to refuse to hold the abuser, Trump, accountable for his clear and awful actions, his ongoing active divisiveness. And those Republican Senators who refuse to acknowledge Trump's culpability in his crimes and sedition are not going to listen to the Democrats, Independents, the liberals and the moderates in our calls for them to do the right thing.

But, right now, today, conservatives across the country, YOU all have the chance to unite the nation. You can do that by making all the calls you can to your GOP Senators to demand that they vote to convict Trump of the charge against him.
We stand ready to unite, but you all (conservatives) are the ones with the power to make it happen. Denouce Trump's actions. Insist that Trump is held accountable by the Senate.

Over half the nation is already united. Democrats and Republicans and former Republicans (who've left the party because of Trump)... conservatives, moderates and liberals and wild-eyed radicals... church-goers, atheists, gun-owners, environmentalists, black and white... over half the nation IS united.

Join us.


  1. I can't decide if your pathologically delusional, or just the basic "progressive" "Christian" liar. You constantly make these inane allegations about Trump, while never producing any solid, verifiable examples of real "abuse". In what way was Trump "destructive" or "corrupt"? Did he bribe the Ukraine with billions in aid money to get them to fire a prosecutor dealing with internal Ukrainian issues? Did he trade influence for profit? Did he destroy over 40,000 jobs (so far) with an executive order? For what crimes and sedition is he responsible?

    To convince anyone to vote against Trump for the false charges leveled against him by the real abusers of America is to be complicit in their evil. That's YOUR thing, Danny-boy. Don't pretend you have the high moral ground here. You don't now, and you never do.

    But you're absolutely right about one thing: half the nation IS united...behind the one guy who actually cared about America. It's why his enemies attack him. His eccentricities are just an excuse. And you're a liar.

  2. The thing is, Marshal, ANY RATIONAL ADULT can see that Trump was perversely, grotesquely dishonest and corrupt, that he has, for years, made stupid false claim after stupid outright lie that have led up to this inevitable moment. Again, THIS WAS INEVITABLE, we've been saying this for years. If you KEEP falsely calling the media "fake news" and "an enemy of the people" and call the system rigged against Trump and tell stupid people willing to believe it that "they want to steal the election from us and destroy the nation," SOME idiots WILL get violent. Your side did it with PizzaGate, with Alex Jones, with the attempted Michigan assassination/coup and they did it on Jan 6. It was inevitable, as we've been saying. It was dangerous, as we've been saying. It was in direct opposition to the ideals of a free republic, as we've been saying for years.

    And the facts prove it out.

    That you have bought into the series of Big Lies pitched to Stupid People only confirms that PT Barnum was right.

    As to each of your stupidly false conspiracy theories, they're just that. Stupidly false and conspiracy theories. Useful for fooling useful idiots but otherwise, just more vapid excrement from an inept conman.

    It's evident to some 60-70% of the nation. It's evident to the world. It's evident to historians and political experts and just plain rational people.

    It's not too late, Marshal. Save your soul. Open your eyes.

    Get on the right side of history.

    Or get out of the way. Trump is yesterday's vomit and that pervert is over and done. The only question that remains is, can the GOP save their soul and/or some semblance of self-respect by repenting and standing against Trump?

    Which side are you on, boy?

    No need to respond unless you can recognize that Trump lost the election, that HE started this attempted coup and was wrong.

    Or, how about this: Clearly, IF Trump had not been saying all he's been saying, demonizing the media and the election and calling for people to "fight" to "stop the steal," then clearly, THIS WOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED. Do you seriously disagree?

    Keep it short or it will be deleted.

    The insurrectionists have said themselves that they were there on Trump's orders. IF Trump hadn't incited them, they wouldn't have stormed the capitol in this pathetic and deadly coup attempt.

    DO you recognize that reality?

  3. One other question for you to answer, Marshal, if you want to try to comment here on this thread any more.

    IF it had been Obama who'd been relentlessly attacking Fox News and other news sources (of course, he wouldn't have, so it's a strain...) calling them fake news and an enemy of the people... and IF Obama had been telling his followers for months that the Republicans were going to try to steal the election... and IF after the election he'd been saying that he Won in a landslide, even though the results showed that he'd lost... and IF he kept telling his followers that the election was being stolen and the nation was being taken from his followers and that they were going to "get"/destroy his followers... and IF Obama had a rally ahead of time (and when everyone knew that his followers were talking about "civil war" and "taking back the country" and "stopping the steal..." with some openly talking about violence) prior to his opponent being counted as the winner... and IF Obama's followers had raided the Capitol, interrupted the election process, KILLED a cop and wounded hundreds of others in violent attacks, all the while yelling "We're going to kill the GOP..."

    IF that had happened, can you say with a straight face that you would not be calling for Obama being taken to jail?

    Don't lie. We all know the answer.

  4. Another reality/honesty check: You DO recognize that these wannabe insurrectionists were Trump supporters, yes? (Hint, listen to what they said and what they wore, the flags they carried)

    You DO recognize that at least some of them were talking about assassinating leaders that Trump had identified as threats to the nation?

    You DO recognize that they said they were there following Trump's orders?

    These are just fact check questions, there is only one right, fact-based answer to these questions.

  5. On 6 January, Jackie Speier was one of scores of members of Congress threatened by the mob of violent Trump supporters and white supremacists who stormed the US Capitol in an attempt to overthrow the results of the presidential election.

    Along with her peers, she was told to wear a gas mask and ordered to lie prostrate on the marble floor as the baying crowd pounded on the chamber door and the sound of gunfire rent the air. The terror of that day induced in her a flashback, to the events that brought her into politics in the first place when she lay bleeding from five gunshot wounds in the Guyana jungle, not knowing whether she would live or die.

    It was 18 November 1978, and she had travelled to Guyana as part of a congressional investigation into the Jonestown settlement and its cult leader, Jim Jones. The fact-finding group of 24 were ambushed by cult members on a jungle airstrip; the congressman for whom Speier then worked, Leo Ryan, and four others were murdered.

    Speier, shot five times and left for dead, had to wait 22 hours for help to arrive. She told herself as she lay on the tarmac that if she survived the ordeal she would devote herself to public service.

    That devotion, born of her bullet wounds, can be traced in a direct line from the Jonestown massacre, through the insurrection at the Capitol on 6 January, to her renewed efforts today to protect the United States from the threat of violent extremism. She is determined to strengthen safeguards against cults – whether of the Jonestown or Donald Trump variety and the white supremacist sedition he unleashed.

    “Jim Jones was a religious cult leader, Donald Trump is a political cult leader,” Speier told the Guardian. “As a victim of violence and of a cult leader, I am sensitive to conduct that smacks of that. We have got to be wary of anyone who can have such control over people that they lose their ability to think independently.”

  6. So, Marshal can't recognize reality in any of the questions I asked of him. Marshal can't even acknowledge that the deadly, dangerous rioters were Trump supporters. Those with the MAGA hats and the Trump flags and coming from conservative backgrounds and being anti-maskers and who will SAY THEMSELVES they were there supporting Trump to stop the "big steal," LIKE TRUMP TOLD THEM to do, specifically on that day.

    Marshal can't acknowledge that they WERE Trump supporters.

    He is full on delusional.

    The facts are that these were conservatives, "proud boys," Qanon nuts, Trump conspiracy theorists and Trump supporters. There is no data to suggest otherwise.

    Marshal: One final chance to show you're not completely delusional: WILL YOU denounce, unequivocally, the Qanon nuts AS nuts and delusional and demented spreaders of dangerous lies?

    I know some Qanon adherents personally, conservatives who used to be friends and who now openly talk either about civil war, or "taking the country back by force, if needed," and about nutty conspiracies about Clinton sex slaves, etc. It's sad. It's pathetic. And it's dangerous.

    Can you agree with that very simple reality?

  7. Marshal, you were a fan of Nikki Haley, weren't you? Are you still, now that she's denouncing Trump? Or is she another Antifa "plant," only pretending to be conservative to embarrass Trump?

    "Former US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley directly criticized former President Donald Trump for his involvement stoking the US Capitol riot in a new interview, a notable condemnation from someone who is widely viewed as harboring presidential hopes in a party that is still in thrall to Trump.
    "We need to acknowledge he let us down," she told Politico magazine in an interview published Friday. "He went down a path he shouldn't have, and we shouldn't have followed him, and we shouldn't have listened to him. And we can't let that ever happen again..."

    "When I tell you I'm angry, it's an understatement," Haley told Politico. "Mike has been nothing but loyal to that man. He's been nothing but a good friend of that man. ... I am so disappointed in the fact that [despite] the loyalty and friendship he had with Mike Pence, that he would do that to him. Like, I'm disgusted by it."

  8. "Over half the nation is already united. Democrats and Republicans and former Republicans (who've left the party because of Trump)... conservatives, moderates and liberals and wild-eyed radicals... church-goers, atheists, gun-owners, environmentalists, black and white... over half the nation IS united."

    No, Dan, we are clearly not.

    We agree on one thing only: Trump was bad. And we can't rally agree on the fact that Trump was REALLY BAD, insurrectionary bad. We don't agree on the clear case that Trumpism is a national threat and not going away very soon.

    We don't agree on correcting 400 years of brutalizing white supremacy and dissolving the massive effects of racism, bigotry, and misogyny that drive millions into poverty, ill health, and stolen promise.

    We don't agree that we should be in crisis mode regarding climate change.

    We don't agree that inequity is an acid on democracy and that high wealth earners have a civic obligation to be accountable to wealth earned because of public goods that disproportionately serve their profits.

    We don't agree that all citizens have an equal right to equal health care.

    We don't agree that all citizens have an equal right to fair and affordable housing.

    We don't agree that all citizens have an equal right to quality food options.

    We don't agree that all citizens have an equal right to clean water.

    We don't agree that native lands should be preserved.

    We don't agree that police should work to protect and serve all citizens and stop killing a whim.

    We don't agree that reason should rule. We don't agree that reason is corporately worked out by all people being represented at the table of decision making.

    We don't agree that every adult American gets a vote.

    We don't agree that felons have done their time and can be returned to citizenship.

    We don't agree that life is precious and needs to be protected through abolishment of the death penalty and full sex education and provision of contraceptives as the strongest measure to bring abortion down to zero.

    We don't agree that whiteness is a 400 year old manufactured identity that serves to repress our conscience and humanity so that brutality abasing women and black and brown and native people can proceed in order to build an Empire.

    We don't agree that everyone has a right to their religious belief or non belief, privacy of their sexual life, power of their self-identification, and ownership of their own bodies.

    We are not united.

    The only thing thing on which the sure majority of the nation is unified is that Donald Trump stripped the covering off of white brutality. We are not united on the eternal truth that white brutality is always wrong.

  9. "Marshal, you were a fan of Nikki Haley, weren't you? Are you still, now that she's denouncing Trump? Or is she another Antifa "plant," only pretending to be conservative to embarrass Trump?"

    As a matter of fact, fake Christian, I have the full interview from Politico in which she made her current opinions known. Just as with Trump, I have no 100% favorable opinion of her either. Would I vote for her? Against any Democrat, hell yeah. Is she my absolute pick in a primary? Who's she running against?

    I have a huge problem with many Republicans who are attacking him as if they're asshole Dems over this riot. I have rational and likely suspicions as to why they are voicing these reactions as they do. It doesn't serve them in my mind, but it also doesn't necessarily make them unsupportable. It's just a negative mark at this point. In other words, if it came down to her and a Dem, just as in 2016 I wouldn't put the nation at risk over it and be one less vote against the Dem.

    I am concerned about her comments regarding loyalty, as if it's just a one-way street. Pence had an option to refuse to count the votes from electors of states that acted in conflict with their state constitutions. Perhaps Haley's not any more aware of that then was Pence. I don't necessarily hate Pence because of his failure in that regard, as I have no reason to doubt he felt he was acting properly in counting the illegal states. But he was wrong and it cost Trump the election just as every fraudulent vote did as well.

  10. Most bi-partisan vote for impeachment in US history.

  11. I'm going to set aside your lying about me for just a moment to let you know I've posted more responses to your inane comments at my blog. You've done so little in refuting or debunking my list of Trump achievements, yet at the same time provided enough to keep me busy with my limited time. So far, you've got little real excuse for having opposed his reelection. Not surprising.

    Meanwhile, in so short a time, Biden's proven how unworthy of support he always was. I don't know if I'll be able to keep up when I finally get to the other side of the coin regarding which of the two was more worthy of the presidency.'re a liar.

  12. After averting a conviction in his second impeachment trial, former President Donald Trump faces significant new legal threats as prosecutors in Georgia have joined those in New York to conduct criminal investigations into his actions.

    Georgia officials announced they have opened investigations into Trump's efforts to overturn the state's election results, including by pressuring officials to "find" votes to swing the outcome in his favor.
    The new investigations add to a heaping list of legal issues facing the former President that could threaten his finances and possibly his freedom.

    Out of office and without the protections that the presidency afforded him, Trump is now facing multiple criminal investigations, civil state inquiries and defamation lawsuits by two women accusing him of sexual assault.

  13. Republicans killed Blue Lives Matter. They just waved off accountability for fomenting an insurrection that killed police. And the vast majority of murdered cops are killed by white men.

    So much for valuing life.

    Abortion is most drastically reduced by full sex education, free condoms, and fully informed healthcare. Republicans keep trying to kill off centers that provide all that.

    So much for valuing life.

  14. How long and hateful, Dan, did Craig and Marshal, and Stan go on about Colin Kaepernick taking a respectful knee at the anthem in memory of the slain? Zero about insurrection and accountability for Trump fomenting it.

    "Watch that crowd that told Colin Kaepernick he can't kneel during a football game trying to beat a police officer to death with an American flag. Look at that sh*t." Dave Chapelle.

    So much for how they value life.

    We’re nowhere near unified.

  15. The majority of the nation is unified that Trump is responsible, at least to some degree, for what he did, the insurrection he fomented. We have to find the common ground where we can, seems to me.

    What's our other option?

    As to the rest, of course, you're right on. The overwhelming silence from the "moral majority," the white evangelical church, will forever be a brand on their darkened souls.

  16. "The majority of the nation is unified that Trump is responsible, at least to some degree, for what he did, the insurrection he fomented."

    Re-read your comment. Basically you're saying this alleged majority is saying Trump is responsible for what he did...which is what normal people are saying about the actual rioters....that THEY are responsible for what THEY did. However, the difference is that it is asserted that Trump is responsible without any proof (as demonstrated by the impeachment kangaroo court).

    Secondly, please cite the polling data that supports your contention that the majority of the nation believes Trump incited THE RIOT...NOT "insurrection".

    "What's our other option?"

    Stop lying, try to support the lies you put forth as facts, stick to actual facts. Those are three...none of which you and your kind are interested in adopting.

    "The overwhelming silence from the "moral majority," the white evangelical church, will forever be a brand on their darkened souls."

    More lying. We haven't been silent at all. We've been saying the trial is a sham, because Trump did nothing wrong...he didn't incite the violence at the Capitol like your beloved BLM people incited destruction, looting and the murder of cops (David Dorn most obviously). Talk about "darkened souls". But then, you lefties don't have any soul...only unjustified hatred for a president who's done so much for more people than any of the Dems and socialists you support. That's not personal opinion. That's verifiable fact and demonstrably true, as I've been verifying and demonstrating at my blog.

    ""Watch that crowd that told Colin Kaepernick he can't kneel during a football game trying to beat a police officer to death with an American flag. Look at that sh*t.""

    Watch that dude shoot David Dorn because assholes like Colin Kaepernick (and BLM) told people cops are racists who hunt down and murder black people without cause. Look at that shit.

    Watch that other dude walk up to two cops eating lunch in their squad car and assassinate them because assholes like Colin Kaepernick (and BLM) told people cops are racists who hunt down and murder black people without cause. Look at that shit.

    Watch that other dude run up to two cops in their squad car and almost succeed in assassinating them because assholes like Colin Kaepernick (and BLM) told people cops are racists who hunt down and murder black people without cause. Look at that shit.

    Watch those other dudes attack police stations with Molotov cocktails with cops still inside because assholes like Colin Kaepernick (and BLM) told people cops are racists who hunt down and murder black people without cause. Look at that shit.

    Did Chappelle interview any of those who fought with cops at the Capitol and draw out an admission they intended to beat any cop to death? Will the left finally stop lying about how Sicknick died now that they know he did suffer any blunt force trauma and haven't come up with a definitive connection between the riot and his death?

    The American left: liars and hypocrites all.

  17. Marshal... "please cite the polling data that supports your contention that the majority of the nation believes Trump incited THE RIOT..."

    You say riot (and it was), we say insurrection (and it was).

    Poll: "According to a new Ipsos poll conducted for Reuters, 71 percent Americans believed that former President Donald Trump was at least "partially" responsible for inciting an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol Building on January 6."

    For what it's worth, I've never said that Trump is SOLELY responsible. The useful conservative idiots are of course responsible for their own actions.

    The fact remains: IF Trump hadn't done what he did, there would have been no insurrection. And the majority of the nation, including MITCH McCONNELL, believes Trump is at least partially responsible.

    McConnell: "Former President Trump's actions that preceded the riot were a disgraceful, disgraceful dereliction of duty... Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day."

    In this poll, the majority of the US says Trump is responsible... 58% believe that Trump is "A great deal/A good amount" responsible.

    The point remains, the majority of the nation recognizes Trump's culpability in what happened. The fact is, it would not have happened without him egging his useful idiots (the CONSERVATIVE TRUMP supporters who are responsible for harming dozens of police officers and the deaths of at least seven people) into this attack on the capitol.

    And yet, you remain silent, you can't even condemn the attacks on the police that Trump spurred on and that Trump supporters engaged in.

    Your shame lives on for all of history.

    This is on Trump. This is on you and yours.


  18. White supremacists like Marshal whine that a majority is always supposed to get their way: their childlike shallow understanding of Democracy.

    Trump lost the vote of Americans to Hillary in 2016.
    Trump lost the vote of Americans to Biden in 2020.
    Trump lost the vote of the majority on Impeachment on ... Incitement of the insurrection. Let’s say that again: a majority of the Senate - most bipartisan majority impeachment vote in US history - voted Trump as guilty of incitement.

    But the wave of craven Republicans and the cretin Marshal could care less about the cops screaming in pain and dying. Marshal prefers to say that dying from being chemically sprayed by insurrectionists instead of bludgeoned isn’t so bad. Such is his moral corruption.


  19. Dan, "What's our other option?"

    Coming together on Trump lasts... how long? Seems already to be ending.

    I don't think it is, in fact, an option to gloss over or even deemphasize the schisms our society is rudely stretched across. The divisions are literally our inheritance from our history. And we have to pay the price if we are going to heal them and become a nation that can govern itself for the good of all its citizens. We have never been such a thing, not without depriving people of color freedom. It's diversionary to keep the myth that we have. Only in the last 50 years have we been slowly building the conditions to achieve a nation.

    But the price to accomplish it includes:

    - Moral truth telling despite the scandal to the ignorant and and reclusive half of all white people.
    - Thorough education in our full history and politics for every student but especially for the children of the ignorant and reclusive half of all white people.
    - Economic and healthcare and social uplift policies for 70% of Americans.
    - Laws in all 50 states that prohibit bigoted speech targeting people as hate speech, including for the media.

  20. Natural gas and coal-fired power plants need water to stay online. Yet those water facilities froze in the cold temperatures and others lost access to the electricity they require to operate. "The ability of some companies that generate the power has been frozen. This includes the natural gas & coal generators," Governor Abbott wrote on Twitter.

    Wind is 23% of Texas energy production for itself. And northern states have heaters on wind turbines that prevent freezing>

    Craig is a stone cold liar.

  21. Craig was done before he started: facts don’t mean anything to him. Or 70 million other white people, Dan. Cannot be unified until facts matter and interpretation of facts are informed interpretations.

    August 27, 2010
    Antarctic Wind Turbines

    Three new wind turbines located between the United States' McMurdo Station and New Zealand's Scott Base provide alternative energy for both stations. Under optimal wind conditions, the three turbines produce approximately 330 kilowatts of electricity each, for a total of 990 kw. This would power approximately 100 average American households. This may save as much as 240,000 gallons of diesel fuel per year. The construction of the turbines is a joint project shared by the United States and New Zealand. This is the first electrical grid that connects two different nation's Antarctic stations' electrical systems into one common grid.

  22. Yes, what happened in Texas - that ongoing tragedy causing great suffering - appears to be caused by a combination of Texas own decision to be on a separate grid, their failure to plan for cold weather, their desire to build an energy system on the cheap, perhaps climate change (which contributed to their inability to properly plan for this sort of weather extreme) and, if so, then by, ironically, a long term hyperdependence on fossil fuels... and perhaps other reasons. However, NONE of the reasons are, "We had wind turbines... and THAT caused it, or at least contributed to it!"

    His reasoning is not functioning at a rational adult level. He appears to be listening to conservative conspiracy theories that are out there right now blaming wind turbines incorrectly. He needs to listen to experts, not conservative conspiracy theorists and emotionally fragile snowflake types who are seeking to blame anyone else rather than owning up to their own greed and incompetence.

    Oh, and his "helicopter" story appears to be another bit of actual fake news. I hear that the photos being circulated are from Norway several years ago.

  23. "You say riot (and it was), we say insurrection (and it was)."

    No. You say insurrection because it sounds worse and hyping the wrongs of your ideological opponents is an essential tactic to promote the lie that they're worse than you and yours. This regrettable event is light years removed from the common violent behavior of your side of the divide. That's not even debatable.

    As to your polling data, I don't know whether credit is due you for it. It contains the usual problems so common in your referencing them.

    1. I couldn't find the exact Ipsos poll from the first link. It links to an article which links to the Reuters article, but not to the poll itself. I went to Ipsos and tried to find it and thus far I've been unsuccessful in the attempt. I found similar polls there, but when I went by the number of people polled, I found nothing close. If you have it, please post it.

    2. Even allowing that the link is accurate in it's reporting of the poll, it refers to less than a thousand people polled. I know some like to pretend polls have some sort of science that assures us they're accurate representations of national sentiment, that's pretty hard to take seriously when less than a thousand...or even a few thousand (most polls are rarely more than two thousand respondents)... is supposed to be representative of a nation of 320 million. Even if we say only half of that number is adults, we're still talking 160 million allegedly feeling the same way a couple thousand did in a poll. And this one was shy of one thousand. The other polls I did find were half that number, so...

    3. The second link provided more detail. What we find is that Republicans are again underrepresented. Why they can't guarantee closer to equal numbers of GOP and Dem respondents never ceases to make me wonder. In this poll, the GOP percentage was the third behind Dems and Independents, and only above the 2-3% who didn't identify themselves as being among any of the three.

    4. This breakdown by party ignores the fact that among the GOP are a healthy number of NeverTrumpers. The same goes for independents who would otherwise lean conservative. This skews the results somewhat, though it did show results for the GOP that were exactly opposite those of Dems.


  24. 5. This is the second most important point: These articles of yours lie, like enemies of the people so often do. The lie is that it makes the claim that XX% of Americans believe such and such. An honest report must insist that XX% of Americans POLLED believe such and such. That's a huge difference.

    6. This is the most important point: Regardless of the numbers, it is appalling that anyone actually believe Trump bears responsibility for the Capitol riot. He did nothing, said nothing that justifies such a ludicrous and hatefully vile position. He did not "egg on" anyone to commit these violent acts. Indeed, he did just the opposite. But then, you lefties are liars and too many on the right lack the spine to stand firmly on the truth under all circumstances.

    The point remains, of those people polled, the majority falsely asserts Trump's culpability in what happened.

    "And yet, you remain silent, you can't even condemn the attacks on the police that Trump spurred on and that Trump supporters engaged in."

    Bullshit. I don't need to condemn that which I've never supported, and I certainly won't condemn this by saying Trump spurred it on. The fact is that I have and do condemn all such behavior, while you justify and rationalize far worse behavior that led to far worse results.

    "This is on Trump. This is on you and yours."

    False. This is on you and yours. Had those you worship not denied a fair hearing of the concerns of 74 million Americans, not ridiculed them as "conspiracy theorists" for questioning the many anomalies and irregularities and fraudulent practices that corrupted this election, you'd be blaming us for the rioting promised by YOUR kind were Trump to have won. Businesses weren't boarding up their buildings in fear of a Biden win.

  25. Like all lefties, you exploit the events of Jan 6 to the favor of your partisan ends. The following piece references facts and data surrounding that vile exploitation you and yours willfully choose to ignore in your attempt to further demonize better people.

  26. Deny the data, deny reality, deny facts all you want. The facts remain: Trump bears responsibility for this attack on the capitol. Trump AND HIS USEFUL IDIOT supporters bear responsibility for passing on the stupidly false claims that led up this attack on the election.

    A great majority of The People recognize this reality... except for Trump's useful idiots. What remains to be seen is whether or not one day you all will have a Come-To-God moment when your eyes are open to the horror that you supported... or will you go to your graves believing and promoting Trump's big lies?

    Regardless, it's just sad, pathetic.

  27. First, I didn't deny your "data". I denied what you said it means, because it only represents the OPINION of the tiny percentage of the adult population EXTREMELY tiny percentage you perversely need to believe reflect the OPINION of "most" Americans.

    Secondly, I deny no "facts". It is NOT a "fact" Trump bears any responsibility for the Capitol riots. It's AN OPINION...and a hateful, baseless opinion to boot, held mostly by pathetic haters like yourself, many of whom, like yourself, nonetheless pretend you're Christian. But Christians don't hate like you do and then lie about their hateful opinions being fact and reality. They also don't lie about the legitimate and rational opinions and suspicions of others being "stupidly false claims", and certainly with no evidence of their own to counter those opinions and suspicions.

    Finally, even if we honest people pretend the majority of Americans believe as you do about Trump bearing responsibility for the actions of a hundred or so people, it's meaningless. Opinions aren't facts because the whole world believes they are. I would think even a pretend Christian like you would be at least honest enough to admit it. "Big lies", indeed!

  28. It's "meaningless" that the majority of the nation thinks that our president conspired to overthrow a free election and to incite violence?

    No, of course, it's not meaningless. One's actions have consequences. IF you behave in such a way that a large majority thinks you're trying to incite violence, THEN that perception is on you. We're not thinking that he incited violence for no reason, after all.

    1. Trump has spent years undermining trust in the media.
    2. Trump has spent months and months undermining trust in a free election and the will of the people.
    3. Trump has said that IF he appears to have lost, THEN it's because the nation is being "stolen" from his true believers.
    4. Those are fighting words.
    5. For months now, maybe years, the extremist right - and even the not-so-extremist right... people like my 60 year old family members who believe what Trump says! - have been talking about the need for "civil war" and "the shedding of blood."

    ANY rational person could see that some portion of the unstable Right was ready for violence to protect against a "stolen" election, facts be damned.
    6. So, when some large portion of the useful idiots on the Right BELIEVE stupidly false claims from the president, thanks to his systematically sowing seeds of doubt in facts, experts and the media, that an election is being "stolen" in an attempt to "destroy their way of life," it is PREDICTABLE that some portion will respond with the very violence that they have been talking about.

    This was all predictable and we've been saying it for years. CONSERVATIVES REPUBLICANS have been saying it.

    No, the reality is that you're delusional, accepting exceedingly stupid false claims by an exceedingly corrupt and stupid con man.

    The question remains: Will you recognize that you've been played for a fool before you die or will you go to your grave believing an inept conman's stupidly false claims?

  29. Marshal: "You say insurrection because it sounds worse and hyping the wrongs of your ideological opponents is an essential tactic to promote the lie that they're worse than you and yours. This regrettable event..."

    Insurrection: a violent uprising against an authority or government.

    Marshal chooses to see breaking into the Capitol and beating and killing police as non-violent. Just regrettable. Nor does he see Congress as an authority or government.

    Marshal sees the insurrection as an ideological contest with poorly behaved moments.

    Marshal has lost his humanity and his soul.

    He's sick in the head. And a danger to the nation.

    As I've been saying for years.

  30. "It's "meaningless" that the majority of the nation thinks that our president conspired to overthrow a free election and to incite violence?"

    Let me clarify: The lie they believe is meaningless. That they believe is problematic. We should all want that our fellow citizens focus on what is true, not what is bullshit and unproven, such as the lie that Trump instigated, incited or said/did anything that led to what happened at the Capitol.

    "IF you behave in such a way that a large majority thinks you're trying to incite violence, THEN that perception is on you."

    No. It's on them! It's like saying the Bible is responsible for slavery because racist asshats use it to justify their racist enslaving of black people. But Scripture isn't saying anything at all like that, is it? No. It isn't. The same is true for Trump and all other Republicans you would seek to blame for the actions of those who use their words to justify their actions. Only a hater like yourself would bear such false witness.

    "We're not thinking that he incited violence for no reason, after all."

    You're not thinking. That's the problem. More accurately, you're not thinking that anyone can't clearly see how you're simply doing more demonizing of a guy who was far better a president than your Obama was and your Biden ever can be. It kills you that a guy like Trump was as great a president as he was and no attempt to overstate his character flaws (while totally ignoring the far worse flaws of your choices) can heal that death of your black soul.

    "1. Trump has spent years undermining trust in the media."

    Trump has spent years acknowledging what millions of Americans have understood for that same span of time, if not longer. It was the media itself that undermined the trust of the people due to their own laziness and willful bad behaviors.

    "2. Trump has spent months and months undermining trust in a free election and the will of the people."

    The lie here is the suggestion that Trump even needed to comment at all about the incredibly suspicious and then widely reported cases of fraud and misbehavior. The Democrat Party is legendary for its election fraud. But it wasn't as if no one noticed the many problems of this election until Trump spoke about it and then they jumped into action. It's not like we're leftist sheep. We pay attention and the illegal alterations of election laws in several states screams fraud.

    "3. Trump has said that IF he appears to have lost, THEN it's because the nation is being "stolen" from his true believers."

    Again...this is apparent to anyone paying attention. Trump never had to say a thing and it would've still be obvious. His record of America benefiting achievements made his reelection a slam dunk to people who truly care about the nation, rather than self-serving, destructive ideology of the type you favor.

    "4. Those are fighting words."

    What do you mean by this?

  31. "5. For months now, maybe years, the extremist right - and even the not-so-extremist right... people like my 60 year old family members who believe what Trump says! - have been talking about the need for "civil war" and "the shedding of blood.""

    Impugning the character of your family means nothing to me and is not evidence of anything. However, I fully question you relate their actual sentiments accurately, given how falsely you speak of what national conservative figures say and do. I have no doubt, however, that many fear such action may be ultimately necessary...not so much that they wish for it to come to pass, but that asshats like you may force them to action. Given how your kind are so into canceling...your own constant deleting of comments proves you're totally on board with stifling those who have a more honest, fact-based perspective you're incapable of shouldn't be surprised when the unheard resort to means of communication which can't be ignored. I'm told such people are justified in that case.

    "ANY rational person could see that some portion of the unstable Right was ready for violence to protect against a "stolen" election, facts be damned."

    You've proven you have no true understanding of what "rational" means or looks like. A truly rational person easily sees that false people like you get a tingle when such rare occurrences play out so that you can pretend they were expected. In the meantime, one shouldn't be surprised after a year of leftist violence based on bullshit that a portion of the right...stable or otherwise...will be fed up and choose to mirror the leftist approach. After years of truly peaceful rallies, demonstrations and protests by the right, the law of averages producing a totally uncharacteristic event is something only a lying lefty can promote as predictable. It's like a freezing winter storm in Texas. "I KNEW it was gonna happen!!!" Pathetic.

    "6. So, when some large portion of the useful idiots on the Right BELIEVE stupidly false claims from the president, thanks to his systematically sowing seeds of doubt in facts, experts and the media, that an election is being "stolen" in an attempt to "destroy their way of life," it is PREDICTABLE that some portion will respond with the very violence that they have been talking about."

    Again, the president's opinion on election fraud was totally unnecessary for honest, rational people who pay attention to see that more fraud than usual was taking place to deny Trump a second term. Even a significant percentage (I've seen reports of 30%, since you like polls so much) of Democrats believe the election wasn't on the up and up.

    And by the way, destruction of the American way of life in now in progress since Joey Plugs was illegally installed as president. I'll be counting the ways at my blog over the next few weeks.

    Your feigned outrage at alleged Trump people doing what your kind have been doing all year (and really, for far longer) is unconvincing. But it does cement your reputation as a liar.

    "The question remains: Will you recognize that you've been played for a fool before you die or will you go to your grave believing an inept conman's stupidly false claims?"

    I've never supported Biden, Clinton, Sanders, Obama or any other lefty, so I don't know what they hell you're talking about. I do know you're a liar for pretending claims of election fraud/irregularities is false, because you haven't proven any of the claims...any of the be false.

  32. I don't know what to tell you. You've been conned into believing a whole range of stupidly false claims. You've been conned by a pathetically inept con man and Bully. It's to the point where you are believing delusional beliefs. Get help.

  33. "You've been conned into believing a whole range of stupidly false claims."

    I don't know what to tell you. Claims aren't false until proven to be so. Any plans for doing that on your part?

    You want to pretend Trump was inept despite my providing multiple links demonstrating what a moronic assertion that truly is.

    And once again, do I need to again provide evidence for Biden's bullying ways? Trump never attacked the average citizen, taking on only the powerful or the celebrity. And Biden certainly bullied the Ukrainians! So you can continue to pretend I'm delusional, or you can prove it with something substantial. A link to some broad expressing the same baseless opinions as you won't cut it.

  34. 500,000 dead

    February 29, 2020
    Trump said, “so far we have lost nobody to coronavirus in the United States... you wonder — the press is in hysteria mode. CNN, fake news.” Trump referred to Democrats’ alleged efforts to politicize the Trump administration’s preparations for a possible outbreak here at home as “their new hoax.”

    Then, on Saturday, news of the first coronavirus death in the United States broke. Trump called a news conference to address the situation and was asked if he regrets the comments he made South Carolina — particularly his comments about a coronavirus-related “hoax.”

    “No no no,” Trump responded. “‘Hoax’ referring to the action [Dems] take to try and pin this on somebody, because we’ve done such a good job. The hoax is on them.”

    March 15, 2020

    Trump's claim at a White House briefing -- "It's a very contagious virus. It's incredible. But it's something we have tremendous control of" -- was sharply at odds with the assessment of public health experts, including one who appeared with him at the same briefing.

    He said in late January, soon after the US announced its first confirmed case, that "we have it totally under control." He said in late February, when the number of confirmed US cases was in the low dozens, that "we have it very much under control in this country."

    March 25, 2020

    US President Donald Trump has said he hopes the US will shake off coronavirus by Easter, even as New York's governor sounded the alarm that the illness is spreading faster than "a bullet train". On Tuesday, [Trump] told Fox News he hoped the country could get back to normal by Easter, which is on the weekend of 12 April.

    Mr Trump, a Republican, said: "We're going to be opening relatively soon... I would love to have the country opened up and just raring to go by Easter."

    He added in a subsequent interview: "Easter is a very special day for me... and you'll have packed churches all over our country."

    Speaking at a White House briefing later, Mr Trump said he was beginning "to see the light at the end of the tunnel.”

  35. Marshal... "Claims aren't false until proven to be so. Any plans for doing that on your part?"

    Almost everything you believe is false or based on faulty understanding. All of it.

    1. Trump lost the God damned election.

    2. He did not win in a landslide. That claimed on his part was a stupidly false one designed just to rile up is useful idiots.

    3. Trump is historically corrupt.

    4. Trump is historically dishonest.

    5. The media is not the enemy of the people. This is another stupidly false claim designed to rile up Trump's useful idiots and make them susceptible to his stupidly inept cons.

    6. Covid is a real threat and it always was. Trump lied when he said he had it under control back in February and in March and in April. He never had it under control because he never acted to get it under control. The vast majority of half a million covid deaths in the u.s. can be laid at his feet.

    7. With his attacks on the Free Press and his attacks on our election system, Trump laid the groundwork for some portion of the useful idiots to get violent. This was predictable and predicted. It's a false claim to say that he was not responsible for that. Mitch McConnell can see it, most of the Free World can see it. It's just his useful idiots that want to deny it. And they want to deny it because they still believe his stupidly false claim that he won the election in a landslide. Useful idiots are useful that way for the con men who use them.

    And on and on it goes. The proof is out there. I pointed you to it in the past. There is simply no grounds for saying that the media is an enemy of people. It's just reality, observable measurable reality, the Trump is the most overly dishonest president in US history. Trump just lost the election. There was no stolen election. The data is out there, confirmed by experts and electoral officials from all parties in all states.

    On and on it goes. Just stop. You're embarrassing yourself.

  36. "Almost everything you believe is false or based on faulty understanding. All of it."

    Then it should be easy enough to prove it, yet you don't. You haven't. Let's review:

    1. The question is whether or not he lost it legitimately or due to fraud. We're not likely to ever know the truth because few are willing to actually examine the mountains of evidence put forth in support of the latter premise. It's not likely all the evidence remains, either.

    2. This is Trump's belief and again, how will we ever know if the evidence isn't honestly examined and litigated? So far, you've not produced anything akin to "hard data" to back up your little list of leftist nonsense.

    3. If you're referring to his presidency, in what way has this alleged corruption manifested? Influence peddling like his successor? Extorting a foreign government like his successor? What exactly?

    4. What example of dishonesty can you produce that is any worse...or worse at all...than the dishonesty we see so often from those you support...or even from you yourself? I've been asking this for the entirety of Trump's presidency and you've yet to provide.

    5. The media referred to by Trump...the leftist indeed the enemy of the people for reasons for which I've provided "hard data" so many times. It continues still. Two prime examples are the media supported lie that there's a problem with racist cops murdering innocent unarmed black people. Unarmed black people aren't even the highest percentage of unarmed people shot by cops at all! Number two is the prevailing lies about both covid cases and deaths. Those numbers are not reflective of reality, and a Trump-hating media did nothing to hold "experts" accountable for the those false numbers, even after the CDC came out and stated clearly what the death numbers actually represent! Both of these falsehoods allowed and perpetuated by leftist media resulted in irrational fear in the general population.

    6. While Trump admitted to downplaying the threat in order to prevent widespread panic (that unholy bastard!!!), he said this while the number of known cases was no worse than a dozen or so. When he began working to stem the tide, YOUR people worked against him by inviting people to enjoy Chinatowns in various cities as if the source of the virus was not China and largely spread at that time due to exposure to people from or visitors to China. So, you have Trump seeking to keep people from freaking out, versus Democrat opponents seeking to attack Trump. I'll take Trump's intentions over you and your kind any day of the week.

    7. Trump was absolutely not responsible for the actions of so very few. History has shown that Trump supporters are the least likely to engage in violence...or even littering, for Pete's sake!...while your kind riots routinely and over lies that are easy to prove. You're lying right now. Your relying on Mitch McConnell is a lie as you do so because he parrots the lie that Trump was responsible. By your reasoning, Sanders is responsible for the shootings of Republican congresspeople practicing for a Congressional softball game. Kamela Harris, Corey Booker and other Dem assholes are responsible for burning cities, looting and assaults. Talk about useful idiots and con men!! No one does it better than you and yours.

    And your final paragraph is just more lies...assertions with no evidence to support any of it has always been the case. Keep lying, Dan. It's what you do best...and I've proven it repeatedly.

  37. RE Marshal's first... attempt at a point.

    Trump appointed lawyers gathered evidence and presented it before a dozen Trump appointed judges who reviewed everything presented.

    No go. Reason prevailed.

    Thus, the subsequent... attempts at a point fail reason but fulfill hysteria. And hysterics.

  38. Good Lord. He doesn't even realize how delusional he is.

  39. Good Lord (Someone Who's just a punchline to you). You don't even realize merely asserting I'm delusional is meaningless without a coherent argument in support of the claim.

  40. Facts that you can't dispute with actual data:

    Biden WON the election handily.
    Trump LOST the election.
    The claim that Trump made that he won and in a landslide is stupidly false.
    The results have been certified by all the experts with NO INDICATION of widespread fraud that would affect the results.
    The media is NOT the "enemy of the state," the claim is meaningless and just a demonization tool for con men to scare rubes.

    Etc. You have never disproven these facts because you can't disprove them. That you believe in these fairy tales in spite of an ability to support them is the sign that you're delusional at least on these many fronts.

    IF you said that the Unicorn Overlords from Venus was controlling Biden and McConnell
    AND IF you couldn't prove it,
    that would show a lack of connection from reality that you insist it's true.

    Same deal with your nutty beliefs.

  41. "unicorn overlords WERE controlling..."

  42. Craig and Stan don't believe in the unicorns... in this case. So Marshal is out on a limb with crazy. Too crazy for two of his right wing blogging friends.

    Is Trump destructive? The right wing is breaking up over Trump.

  43. Glenn is solidly in the unicorn camp, however, so split right down the middle with those four.

  44. Deleted me again, did ya, wuss? Of course you did. Truth doesn't work for you.

  45. Marshal, you're just repeating conspiracy theories and stupidly false claims. You can comment here IF you can prove that the election was stolen and that Trump won in a landslide.

    BUT, you can't prove that because it did not happen. Not, "Maybe it happened... we... we don't know..."

    No. It did not happen.

    You can't prove it because it did not happen.

    Y'all keep putting up stupidly false claims and you can't prove them and then you object when people push you away or say this is fake news or delete false claims and it hurts your feelings, but get over it.

    We're tired of your stupid stupidly false claims.

    It was odd first, then bewildering and then irritating after that but now, now, you're just a bore.

    A tremendous and stupidly false bore.

    It may be because you're too stupid to understand that Trump has conned you into believing something that is patently stupidly false. Or maybe you're trying to take part in the con too. Either way, you can't comment here unless you can prove your claims.

    And you can't.

  46. Speaking of anti-Christian, Dan, did you see the golden Trump idol at CPAC this weekend? Conservatives want to make America wander a desert for 40 years again.

  47. And the conservative white evangelicals are either bowing at that altar or, perhaps worse, recognizing the blasphemy and choosing to remain quiet.

    "It's a matter of personal choice," these complicit conservatives say, when it's about worshipping/kowtowing to a reprehensible human being or violently raiding a state or federal capitol... but they want to intervene in people's personal choices on sexuality, gender, medical decisions, etc.

  48. Wow. The hate just doesn't stop emanating from fake Christians. CPAC didn't commission that caricature and 8t wasn't given a place of prominence. I mean it's not like CPAC put up a Greek temple or anything, is it? An artist honors one of the best presidents in American history and you haters pretend it's idol worship, pretending your fawning over the incompetent Obama has been forgotten. Amazing but typical hypocrisy. Pathetic, but more poison fruit from two anti-Christian trees.

  49. Complain to Moses, Marshal, but I don’t think you’re going to be any luckier.

  50. Temple of Democracy vs (ugly) Golden Idol?

    I’ll play that.

  51. Marshal... "CPAC didn't commission that caricature and 8t wasn't given a place of prominence... An artist honors one of the best presidents in American history and you haters pretend it's idol worship"

    Of course, the facts are

    1. No serious experts, historians or political scholars anywhere at all are calling Trump "one of the best presidents in 'Merican history." Indeed, it is nearly universally recognized amongst scholars and widely amongst regular folks that Trump's presidency will go down as amongst the worst of US presidents.

    2. He has been objectively corrupt and narcissistic, as well as historically dishonest and just plain awful on a wide variety of fronts, and quite likely quite criminal. He may still end up with convictions for himself, his family and allies.

    3. IN SPITE of this clear disgrace of a trainwreck of a presidency, the GOP still bows down to his whims and attacks. Hell, McConnell - who RECOGNIZES Trump's responsibility for the insurrection violence - will STILL support him if he's the party's candidate next time around. And he loathes the man, recognizing what a trainwreck he has been. Trump has the GOP wrapped around his loathesome little finger.

    4. In THAT context, to bring in a Golden Statue of Trump for ANY place within a conservative convention... it's just emblematic of the honor the GOP gives this dishonorable POS. They either adore him (look at the Qanon worship! "Trump is coming to save us!" Have you READ what those types say about him?!) or fear him, like a tyrant god.

    I would not at all be surprised to see child sacrifices at today's worship service, along with some Gregorian-sounding "Salvete Moloch, Deus tenebris ab inferis, canticum laudis eius" (all hail Moloch, dark god of the underworld, we sing his praise...") ...You know, to ensure a golden harvest of votes with their blood sacrifices.

  52. Marshal, if you want to comment here, you will have to comment with facts. You can begin with "proof" that the election was "stolen." But you won't provide that data because you can't provide that data because it's false and stupidly false to suggest that Trump won in a landslide. It's a false claim. Stupidly false. Only a blind partisan or an idiot would believe it.

    IF you can either provide "proof" that the election was "stolen," you can comment. But you can't.

    IF you apologize for defending that dangerously, sick false claim and make it clear that of COURSE, Trump lost the election AND that he is a damned liar for saying otherwise, you can comment here.

    But your era of false claims - STUPIDLY false claims that insult the intelligence of rational adults - is over.

  53. "Marshal, if you want to comment here, you will have to comment with facts."

    Why should I? YOU never do! Your comment of Feb 28, 2021 at 7:46 AM didn't have any.

    "You can begin with "proof" that the election was "stolen.""

    I've provided much of the evidence gathered which demonstrates widespread fraud and irregularities that is more than possible to have stolen the election for Biden. You've not provided a single piece of evidence that rebuts or debunks any of it. And now you insist on playing this game as if you'd actually do more than merely delete what I might post because you're too cowardly and way too lacking in intelligence to mount an actual counter argument. Again, it took a blue moon visit by Les to provide anything close to it. But not you. No, you just delete and pretend you know with certainty that the election was on the up and up. Why? Just because you're too corrupt to give a flying rat's ass how Trump was ousted from the presidency just so long as he was.

    So again you lie when you say "you won't provide that data because you can't provide that data" when the truth is that I've provided quite a bit of it, and you've done nothing but delete it, dismiss it and pretend you've actually debunked it. None of it has been debunked...not even what Les offered, though it comes close (it's still an open question at this point).

    Thus, the only "false" claim...and a typically stupid one, as it comes from that I've not already provided evidence that might prove the contention if the evidence was ever scrutinized at all. Indeed, how many ballots should have been tossed because they failed to qualify under existing state laws in the various states where state courts and/or governors altered the election laws without their legislatures being involved? We'll never know because no one cared to look. Like assholes like you, the point was to remove Trump and whatever means could be utilized was allowed...because you and those you support are corrupt and liars.

    What's worse it that there will never be an apology from any of you without jail terms hanging over your heads. So the era of your corruption, lies and rampant unChristian immorality will continue. God save America from the likes of you! No one lies like Dan Trabue and those he supports.

  54. BTW, it's always good to keep in mind that out of an estimated 3000 working historians in America, you think the opinion of less than 200 is meaningful. And none of the them spoke to his policies and their impact on the nation. All subjective crap. You're so freaking pathetic.

  55. "much of the evidence gathered which demonstrates widespread fraud and irregularities"

    ... has been reviewed and denied significance by Trump appointed judges in Pennsylvania and Georgia.

    So, Marshal like the crazed and raging right, has only Insurrection and political violence as a choice, given that he cannot accept our democratic system.

    "An appeals court judge appointed by Trump, a Republican, on Friday ruled against his campaign’s effort to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s win in Pennsylvania based on unsupported allegations of voter fraud. “Free, fair elections are the lifeblood of our democracy. Charges of unfairness are serious. But calling an election unfair does not make it so,” Judge Stephanos Bibas wrote on behalf of a unanimous U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals panel. “Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here.” Two judges appointed by President George W. Bush, also a Republican, signed onto Bibas’ decision.

    13 federal cases have all been denied or settled without significance for election results. Several were withdrawn. Three, including the case Bibas heard on appeal, have been dismissed. One, concerning poll observer access in Philadelphia, resulted in a settlement after a judge rebuked Trump’s lawyers.

    In one instance, a Trump appointee dismissed a lawsuit brought by conservative lawyer Lin Wood seeking to halt certification of Biden’s victory in Georgia. “To halt the certification at literally the 11th hour would breed confusion and disenfranchisement that I find have no basis in fact and law,” U.S. District Judge Steven Grimberg in Atlanta wrote on Nov. 19."

    And then there is "the Supreme Court decision, in which the court declined to even accept a dubious filing from 18 Republican state attorneys general and the Trump campaign seeking to overturn the results in four states. Two justices offered a slightly more nuanced view — that the case should be accepted — but none were Trump appointees Barrett, Neil M. Gorsuch or Brett M. Kavanaugh. What’s more, the two justices (Samuel A. Alito Jr. and Clarence Thomas) also said they wouldn’t grant the requested relief, which was a significant rebuke in and of itself."

  56. Republicans are at a super spreader event worshipping a golden idol and whining about a plastic potato toy not having a penis - like Craig is doing - while Democrats are passing COVID relief for Americans.

    The difference between us.

  57. Another difference between modern progressives and modern conservatives (especially those in support of or in silence about Trump) is that with Cuomo, it goes without saying that OF COURSE we want all these allegations investigated (both the nursing home stuff and the harassment charges) and we want him held accountable if he did something inappropriate/criminal. That goes without saying.

    AND, with three women making accusations, we are quite suspicious.

    But for most modern conservatives, they just appear to have no shame or sense of morality, even by their standards (ie, things that they would criticize a Democrat for, they by and large won't criticize their own for - and we know without a doubt that if Obama had committed 1/10th of the misdeeds that Trump openly did, they'd want him in jail and would be screaming for it at rallies). They mostly fall into two camps - those who may vaguely and blandly tut-tut Trumps misdeeds (oh my, I wish he wouldn't be so outrageous, so vulgar...) but not condemn it openly OR they openly support him and excuse any and all of his crimes and atrocities. And then, there is the tiny minority who will actually stand up and condemn him strongly (the Romneys and McCains of the world) and refuse to lend him any support. Good for them, but they are a tiny minority, unfortunately, as we can see from the CPAC convention.

    Here's an interesting story in this vein...

  58. Marshal, in now deleted comments (because he has to provide his support for his stupidly false claims or admit they're false), said...

    "Your whining that conservatives are willing to overlook true misconduct is without basis and a lie so typical of liars like you. You first have to provide examples of these great deeds of evil you laughingly attempt to attribute to Trump."

    Trump HAS made false claims at an unprecedented and overt manner. Stupidly false claims. This is documented and observable and clearly true and factual. He made the stupidly false claim that he won the election in a landslide. STUPIDLY false. Only a moron or a partisan willing to embrace false claims would believe it.

    These unending false claims, these unending attacks on a free press ARE misconduct. Clearly so. They are also a sign of either overt fascism or just a delusional narcissism (or both). They are clear misconduct.

    The denial of these ongoing, endless misconducts of lying and attacks on the media are a sign of a sick, deluded mind. Republicans with some level of integrity recognize these false claims for what they are.

    That's just the reality of it all and you can't deny it with facts. Only a blind partisan and mistaken "opinion" that is worthless in its vapidity.

    Marshal also said... " I would say you also would have to demonstrate how your favored politicians are not guilty of their own crimes, but you lack the honesty to acknowledge any of them. "

    ? Cuomo appears to be clearly guilty of many wrongdoings. I condemn that, of course, because his actions are wrong and liberals like me are glad to condemn it. Period. Point blank.

    No such luck with Trump and his defenders.
