Wednesday, January 20, 2021

No Return

They want things to return to normal
but normal is a cage too small.


  1. They want things to return to what America hoped to be, not what asshat lefties like you want it to be, thereby making things worse for everyone.

  2. Keeping it classy.

    One thing I had in mind with this drawing and these words was the people I work for. I work with adults with disabilities. The "Normal" for people with significant impact of disability, 50 years ago, was institutionalization or being kept hidden at home. From there, we "progressed" to de-institutionalization and Adult Day Programs, where people with disabilities were congregated during the day with other adults with disabilities until they go "home," often to a congregated living facility. That's currently pretty much the norm.

    We want better than going back to normal. We want people with disabilities to have opportunity to access all the good things that any of us might hope for ourselves. Making connections in the community. Finding love. Moving into their own homes. Finding meaningful paid employment.

    And the thing is, this is good not just for those with disabilities, it's good for all of us.

    Can't you agree that busting out of the current "normal" jail to a more full life is something that we can all benefit from? Hell, if nothing else, as a conservative, you should appreciate people getting work and making their own money.

    Everything doesn't have to be a fight, Marshal.

  3. I asked you a question, Marshal. Can you agree that, at least in the case of the people I support, returning to "normal" is not sufficient, that we should seek to find something better than the old "normal..."?

    If you can admit to that bit of common ground, then we can go from there.

  4. And the people I work with are not the ONLY reason I created this post, there's more. But they have certainly been on my mind over the last year.

  5. Marshal, I get that you have an aversion to answering reasonable questions directly, but that's how adult conversations work. You want to comment here? Answer questions in a respectful and direct manner in a way that demonstrates you're not delusional on the point in question.

  6. Marshal, if you want to comment here you'll just have to answer questions in a respectful and direct manner in a way that demonstrates you're not delusional on the point in question.

  7. Dan, have you seen Craig or Stan or the colostomy bag or the fake bagpiper mourn 400,000 American dead?

    Neither have I. They continue to defame the Muslim religion for extremists that killed 3,000.

    But for a Republican Party that has added 300,000 avoidable American deaths in the last 12 months... not a word.

    What kind of religion IS that? A cousin to nazification.

  8. And where are the Blue Lives Matter crowd after the Capitol insurrection? 🦗These guys only defend the police when they abuse black and brown people.

    5 dead. Worse than Benghazi. And cheered on by Republicans to be strong and take their country back! Trial by combat!

  9. 400,200 dead. More than WWII American dead. Where is Marshal’s soul? 💩

  10. "Sometimes it still stops me in my tracks that because I believe insulin should be free, workers should be paid justly, we should house the homeless and not cage families, and that all people should be free to pursue education as they wish, and for that we are treated as radical and dangerous."

    AOC, under threat of assassination by Trump rioters.

  11. Marshal, telling me "You know where I stand" is not what I'm asking. I'm asking you to answer the question asked of you. Not sure what's not clear to you.

  12. Threatening violence like an impotent bully doesn't help your case.

    Just fyi, my question makes NO implications about your position. In fact, the question assumes you can agree. I'm just seeking clarity. The aversion that so many conservatives have to answering reasonable questions is astonishing.

  13. The problem, Dan, isn’t our society’s refusal to acknowledge the moral and Constitutional demand that equal access for people with disabilities. People with disabilities come under the same twisted Calvinist judgment that anyone and everyone who cannot serve straight white male power live under. The Other, in all glorious normalcies they come in, are the majority.

    And people like Marshall, twisting down the drain that is corrupt Calvinist nihilism, cannot live in a world in which straight white men are not solely in control. And they are, for now, running the Republican Party: the sewer rats that the GOP needed to win and whom they fed red meats of brutalizing racist, misogynist, and bigoted rhetoric to keep them.

    “Steve King, the Republican former congressman from Iowa, must feel robbed. Two years ago, he was stripped of all his committee assignments after asking, in an interview with The New York Times, “White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?” The Republican Party threw its weight behind King’s primary challenger, and he was whisked off the national stage, no longer to embarrass colleagues who prefer that racist demagogy be performed with enough finesse to allow for plausible deniability.

    Since then, standards have changed. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, Republican of Georgia, is every bit as bigoted as King, and 10 times as unhinged. By now, you’ve surely heard her theory that California wildfires might have been caused by a space laser controlled by Jewish bankers. That wasn’t Greene’s first foray into anti-Semitism; in 2018 she shared a notorious white nationalist video in which a Holocaust denier claimed that “Zionist supremacists have schemed to promote immigration and miscegenation.”

    Recently, Greene met with a far-right British commentator, Katie Hopkins, who has described migrants as “cockroaches” and said she doesn’t care if they die. Greene told her, “I would love to trade you for some of our white people here that have no appreciation for our country.” She described the results of the 2018 midterms as “an Islamic invasion of our government.” Greene endorsed calls for the execution of prominent Democrats and agreed with Facebook posts claiming that the Parkland and Sandy Hook school shootings were hoaxes. She harassed one of the Parkland massacre’s young survivors.

    As it happens, this week House Republicans are seeking to punish a prominent woman in their ranks — but it’s not Greene. A big chunk of the House Republican caucus is reportedly trying to oust Liz Cheney of Wyoming from leadership because she voted to impeach Donald Trump for inciting the Jan. 6 insurrection.”

  14. David Lee Huber. ⁣

    Shot 5 FBI agents.⁣
    Killed 2 of them. ⁣

    Nobody kills more police and law enforcement officers than white men. It's not even close actually. ⁣

    After the attack on the Capitol, most conservatives aren't even pretending that "Blue Lives" matter to them anymore.

  15. Uhm! Black clarity.

    Dan, these Dominionist idiots like Stan and Marshsl and Craig are just living in mendacity.

    “While promoting his new Super Bowl commercial that premiered last Sunday, Don Cheadle told Fox News that cancel culture is a “fabrication” and “not really real.” When asked if he believes in cancel culture, he told the news outlet, “I think that cancel culture, a lot of that is just a fabrication. It’s not really real.”

    He went on to explain his perspective, saying, “I don’t think a lot of people who are crying about being canceled are really ‘canceled.’ I think they just don’t enjoy the spot that they had before. And they’ve gotten flack and blowback. Now they want to talk about it in terms of something that is untoward or unfair.”

    Cheadle says that when people speak out on hot-button issues, they have to be prepared for the consequences. “I think that’s the risk you take. Right? If you want to poke your head up and be a loud voice, then you take the risk of the culture looking at you and going, ‘Yeah, I don’t want to listen to you. Next.’ That’s what it is. Don’t play.”

  16. Safe in the comfort of my kitchen, making a many mushroom soup and tuna salad, I listened to the Democratic House Managers present part of the case for impeaching Trump. They presented video and audio of the insurrectionists and how they had maps and got real time communications (from whom?!) on the whereabouts of those they sought, and came close to finding: Senators and Representatives. The audio captured insurrectionists - armed insurrectionists - talking about hanging Pence and Pelosi. The most moving, of course, was the heroism of the Capitol Police and the Metropolitan Police: how they were overwhelmed; how they pleaded for backup over their radios; how they were beaten with flag poles carrying Trump's flag; how one was tasered into a heart attack; how 147 or so were injured, some permanently; and how one Capitol Police officer was killed and two subsequently committed suicide.

    I know that the defense will acknowledge these horrific and tragic details but claim it is common sense that Trump didn't want this to happen and was not in control of these insurrectionists beating cops. They, too, will extol the bravery of the police men and women.

    But the insurrections did not come looking for officers.

    They came looking for Pelosi, of course, because for years she has been vilified by the Right. So, any wild Right violence prone insurrectionist would be looking for her.

    They also came looking for Pence. But who told them Pence was now enemy #1?

    Pence, who, 4 hours earlier and 4 years before that was still in the position of being the stalwart, loyal right hand man for Trump.

    At the rally, though, Trump called out Pence: he has the power to stop the steal, to hijack the vote affirmation process going on that say day at the Capitol. Trump: "Pence needs to come through for us." But at 12:00 noon Pence wrote that he could not do what Trump was asking: kill the democratic process. By 2:00, after the rally, the insurrectionists were at the Capitol doors, breaking in and declaring, as recorded, that they were ready to hang Pence.

    Who had sent them after Pence? Who set up Pence that very morning?

    Trump had watched them break in. Trump was watching them invade the Senate floor. And he tweeted, "Pence is a coward."

    Unable to find him, they injured and killed those who got in their way.

  17. And so, from today's headlines:

    "Donald Trump posted a tweet attacking his own vice president for lacking “the courage” to overturn the election for him ― enraging his Jan. 6 mob even further ― just minutes after learning that Mike Pence had been removed from the Senate chamber for his own safety.

    Newly elected Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) told reporters Wednesday night, following the second day of the former president’s impeachment trial, that Trump had called for his help in delaying election certification the afternoon of the U.S. Capitol attack but he had told Trump that Pence had just been taken from the Senate and he couldn’t talk just then.

    “He didn’t get a chance to say a whole lot because I said, ‘Mr. President, they just took the vice president out. I’ve got to go,’” Tuberville said.

    According to video footage from that day, Pence was removed from the Senate at 2:14 p.m. after rioters had broken into the Capitol, meaning that when Trump lashed out at Pence at 2:24 p.m., he already knew Pence’s life was in danger."

  18. It's nuts. The GOP is destroying itself and the Trump wing of the GOP doesn't even realize or care. It's a scorched earth policy.

    If Pence had one ounce of integrity, he'd demand that the GOP side of the Senate convict Trump. It's just pathetic how they bow down to an Idiot Despot. It's pathetic how there are some 70 million people who support the pervert.

  19. "A group of more than 100 former Republican officials have discussed the possibility of forming a conservative party due to their unhappiness with the direction of the GOP under former President Donald Trump and the likelihood he'll be acquitted at the end of his second impeachment trial, according to Republicans who participated in the conversation.

    Former Republican House Rep. Charlie Dent confirmed to CNN that he and about 120 Republicans held a conversation last Friday about whether to form a new party or a new faction within the Republican Party that would operate independently from the GOP.

    "Clearly, there are a number of Republicans like myself and other Republican leaders, who want a clean break from President Trump, and we are kind of rallying around some core founding principles like truth and honesty, and democracy, and rule of law," the former Pennsylvania congressman, who is a CNN contributor, told CNN's Chris Cuomo Thursday."

  20. "It's nuts. The GOP is destroying itself"

    Yeah. Maybe they're trying to lower themselves to Democrat level!

    "... and the Trump wing of the GOP doesn't even realize or care. It's a scorched earth policy."

    I'm not sure I know what you mean by this. The "Trump" wing is the actual conservative wing, which is what the entire GOP is supposed to look like. The rest are more Dem-like, which is what Trump supporters found unsupportable. But it's not the Trump supporters who are trying to remove these other Romney, Cheney, Kinzinger types. We simply are willing to wait to vote them out like free republics do. But maybe your haven't been paying attention. It's been going on since before Trump. Hell, even Kinzinger was elected as a Tea Party guy, though he ain't much of one now as far as I can tell.

    "If Pence had one ounce of integrity, he'd demand that the GOP side of the Senate convict Trump."

    That would be a sign of capitulation to the Idiot Party, not a sign of integrity. Integrity would demand that Trump was guilty of actually having done something wrong. He isn't.

    "It's just pathetic how they bow down to an Idiot Despot. It's pathetic how there are some 70 million people who support the pervert."

    Wait! I thought you were talking about Trump. Why are you bringing up Biden, he of the 52 executive orders like the freaking Politburo. And when will he be held accountable for his sexual assault of Tara Reid?

    "A group of more than 100 former Republican officials have discussed the possibility of forming a conservative party due to their unhappiness with the direction of the GOP under former President Donald Trump..."

    Big deal. There's been a host of NeverTrumpers among Republicans from the jump. Ever hear of the shamefully named "Lincoln Project"? They all "want a clean break" from the one guy who's managed to achieve more conservative policy goals than any of them put together. What they don't like about him is he's not in with the in crowd who stand to lose a lot by not having another like themselves. Their crap about "core founding principles" is smoke and mirrors.

    For my part, I have no problem with any group of Republicans forming a group to move an agenda they believe best reflects a better direction or means to get to the same destination. Unlike Dems, I believe true diversity is diversity of ideas (not skin color, sex or the like...that's not diversity that means anything). But to do any good, it has to be within the party, not the formation of a separate party that would dilute the electorate to the advantage of the Asshole Party now in power. Even if their problems with Trump were legitimate (which they aren't as they don't focus on the actual great things he's done, but on his eccentricities as if they were freaking members of the Asshole Party now in power), to remain in the power and exert persuasion upon the rest of the party would actually promote a united front against the Asshole Party now in power. If they can cheat enough to pretend they have more votes than Trump, who had more votes than any other Republican prior, they'll easily beat out either of two center-right parties that used to be one.
