Friday, June 12, 2020

True Story

 The red-shouldered hawk was sitting near and 
a family of robins in the maple in our back yard

Then, mom and dad robin began 
yelling down the hawk, 
from a distance, 
complaining about his presence

Mother and father were joined by three, 
then a dozen other robins, 
all squawking and yelling at the hawk
who still sat there
the smaller birds

One of the robins 
(the mom, I suspect, because, Moms) flew 
right up 
to the hawk and 
barked in his face

Other robins also got closer 
soon, even more robins joined in 
and then 
two cardinals and 
other birds I couldn't recognize
little sparrows maybe
all yelling at the hawk

I think they were saying
We are not your prey.

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