Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The Other America

The words of Dr King...

I'd like to use a subject from which to speak this afternoon, the Other America.

And I use this subject because there are literally two Americas. One America is beautiful for situation. And, in a sense, this America is overflowing with the milk of prosperity and the honey of opportunity. This America is the habitat of millions of people who have food and material necessities for their bodies; and culture and education for their minds; and freedom and human dignity for their spirits. In this America, millions of people experience every day the opportunity of having life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in all of their dimensions. And in this America millions of young people grow up in the sunlight of opportunity.

But tragically and unfortunately, there is another America. This other America has a daily ugliness about it that constantly transforms the ebulliency of hope into the fatigue of despair. In this America millions of work-starved men walk the streets daily in search for jobs that do not exist. In this America millions of people find themselves living in rat-infested, vermin-filled slums. In this America people are poor by the millions. They find themselves perishing on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity.

In a sense, the greatest tragedy of this other America is what it does to little children. Little children in this other America are forced to grow up with clouds of inferiority forming every day in their little mental skies. As we look at this other America, we see it as an arena of blasted hopes and shattered dreams. Many people of various backgrounds live in this other America. Some are Mexican Americans, some are Puerto Ricans, some are Indians, some happen to be from other groups. Millions of them are Appalachian whites. But probably the largest group in this other America in proportion to its size in the Population is the American Negro...

 It may well be that shouts of Black Power and riots in Watts and the Harlems and the other areas, are the consequences of the white backlash rather than the cause of them. What it is necessary to see is that there has never been a single solid monistic determined commitment on the part of the vast majority of white Americans on the whole question of Civil Rights and on the whole question of racial equality. This is something that truth impels all men of good will to admit.

It is said on the Statue of Liberty that America is a home of exiles. It doesn't take us long to realize that America has been the home of its white exiles from Europe. But it has not evinced the same kind of maternal care and concern for its black exiles from Africa. It is no wonder that in one of his sorrow songs, the Negro could sing out, "Sometimes I feel like a motherless child." What great estrangement, what great sense of rejection caused a people to emerge with such a metaphor as they looked over their lives.

What I'm trying to get across is that our nation has constantly taken a positive step forward on the question of racial justice and racial equality. But over and over again at the same time, it made certain backward steps. And this has been the persistence of the so called white backlash...

 So these conditions, existence of widespread poverty, slums, and of tragic conniptions in schools and other areas of life, all of these things have brought about a great deal of despair, and a great deal of desperation. A great deal of disappointment and even bitterness in the Negro communities. And today all of our cities confront huge problems. All of our cities are potentially powder kegs as a result of the continued existence of these conditions. Many in moments of anger, many in moments of deep bitterness engage in riots.

Let me say as I've always said, and I will always continue to say, that riots are socially destructive and self-defeating. I'm still convinced that nonviolence is the most potent weapon available to oppressed people in their struggle for freedom and justice. I feel that violence will only create more social problems than they will solve. That in a real sense it is impracticable for the Negro to even think of mounting a violent revolution in the United States. So I will continue to condemn riots, and continue to say to my brothers and sisters that this is not the way. And continue to affirm that there is another way.

But at the same time, it is as necessary for me to be as vigorous in condemning the conditions which cause persons to feel that they must engage in riotous activities as it is for me to condemn riots. I think America must see that riots do not develop out of thin air. Certain conditions continue to exist in our society which must be condemned as vigorously as we condemn riots.

But in the final analysis, a riot is the language of the unheard. 

And what is it that America has failed to hear?

It has failed to hear that the plight of the Negro poor has worsened over the last few years.
It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met.
And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about 
tranquility and the status quo 
than about justice, equality, and humanity. 

And so in a real sense our nation's summers of riots are caused by our nation's winters of delay. And as long as America postpones justice, we stand in the position of having these recurrences of violence and riots over and over again. Social justice and progress are the absolute guarantors of riot prevention...

 Now one of the answers it seems to me, is a guaranteed annual income, a guaranteed minimum income for all people, and for our families of our country. It seems to me that the Civil Rights movement must now begin to organize for the guaranteed annual income. Begin to organize people all over our country, and mobilize forces so that we can bring to the attention of our nation this need, and this is something which I believe will go a long long way toward dealing with the Negro's economic problem and the economic problem which many other poor people confront in our nation.

Now I said I wasn't going to talk about Vietnam, but I can't make a speech without mentioning some of the problems that we face there because I think this war has diverted attention from civil rights. It has strengthened the forces of reaction in our country and has brought to the forefront the military-industrial complex that even President Eisenhower warned us against at one time. And above all, it is destroying human lives. It's destroying the lives of thousands of the young promising men of our nation. It's destroying the lives of little boys and little girls In Vietnam.

But one of the greatest things that this war is doing to us in Civil Rights is that it is allowing the Great Society to be shot down on the battlefields of Vietnam every day. And I submit this afternoon that
we can end poverty in the United States. 
Our nation has the resources to do it. The National Gross Product of America will rise to the astounding figure of some $780 billion this year. We have the resources: The question is, whether our nation has the will, and I submit that if we can spend $35 billion a year to fight an ill-considered war in Vietnam, and $20 billion to put a man on the moon, our nation can spend billions of dollars to put God's children on their own two feet right here on earth...

 I realize and understand the discontent and the agony and the disappointment and even the bitterness of those who feel that whites in America cannot be trusted. And I would be the first to say that there are all too many who are still guided by the racist ethos. And I am still convinced that there are still many white persons of good will. And I'm happy to say that I see them every day in the student generation who cherish democratic principles and justice above principle, and who will stick with the cause of justice and the cause of Civil Rights and the cause of peace throughout the days ahead. And so I refuse to despair. I think we're gonna achieve our freedom because however much America strays away from the ideals of justice, the goal of America is freedom.

Abused and scorned though we may be, our destiny is tied up in the destiny of America. Before the pilgrim fathers landed at Plymouth we were here. Before Jefferson etched across the pages of history the majestic words of the Declaration of Independence, we were here. Before the beautiful words of the Star Spangled Banner were written, we were here. For more than two centuries, our forebearers labored here without wages. They made cotton king. They built the homes of their masters in the midst of the most humiliating and oppressive conditions. And yet out of a bottomless vitality, they continued to grow and develop.

And I say that if the inexpressible cruelties of slavery couldn't stop us, the opposition that we now face, including the so-called white backlash, will surely fail. We're gonna win our freedom because both the sacred heritage of our nation and the eternal will of the Almighty God are embodied in our echoing demands.

And so I can still sing "We Shall Overcome." We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward Justice. We shall overcome because Carlyle is right, "No lie can live forever." We shall overcome because William Cullen Bryant is right, "Truth crushed to earth will rise again." We shall overcome because James Russell Lowell is right, "Truth forever on the scaffold, Wrong forever on the throne — Yet that scaffold sways the future." With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope.

With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discourse of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith, we will be able to speed up the day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and live together as brothers and sisters, all over this great nation. That will be a great day, that will be a great tomorrow. In the words of the Scripture, to speak symbolically, that will be the day when the morning stars will sing together and the sons of God will shout for joy.


Read the entire speech...


  1. Are you suggesting that the conditions that plagued the black community in King's time are parallel to that which exists today? feo also posted snippets of this speech at my blog (it's in a holding pattern at present) and it has no real relevance. As such, it has no value except to stoke the flames.

    This is the uncomfortable result that comes from "listening to black voices": that people will actually analyze and research that which is put forth and from doing so see what is and isn't true. That doesn't serve, so what is really demanded is not to "listen" to black voices, but to simply accept all that is said as if true without regard to reality, evidence and data that contradicts it.

    No thanks.

    Now go ahead and delete this since, as with your "black voices", you really aren't concerned about discourse and finding truth.

    You slutty whore.

  2. Dr King's words have no value except to stoke flames? They have no real relevance?

    Marshal, staying classy.

  3. Marshal, you will not pervert King's words or message on my blog. Just because I left one message of yours to demonstrate the depths of depravity of so many white men like you doesn't mean you're getting a pass to post here. Not till there's an apology for your previous attacks on women, especially women you don't know.

  4. Marshal: “Are you suggesting that the conditions that plagued the black community in King's time are parallel to that which exists today?”

    In 1968, 25 million Americans — roughly 13 percent of the population — lived below poverty level. In 2016, 43.1 million – or more than 12.7 percent – do.

    Today’s black poverty rate of 22 percent is almost three times that of whites. Compared to the 1968 rate of 32 percent, there’s not been a huge improvement.

    Financial security, too, still differs dramatically by race. Black households earn $57.30 for every $100 in income earned by white families. And for every $100 in white family wealth, black families hold just $5.04.

    Another troubling aspect about black social progress – or should I say the lack thereof – is how many black families are headed by single women. In the 1960s, unmarried women were the main breadwinners for 20 percent of households. In recent years, the percentage has risen as high as 72 percent.

    This is important, but not because of some outmoded sexist ideal of the family. In the U.S., as across the Americas, there’s a powerful connection between poverty and female-headed households.

    Black Americans today are also more dependent on government aid than they were in 1968. Currently, almost 40 percent of African-Americans are poor enough to qualify for welfare, housing assistance and other government programs that offer modest support to families living under the poverty line.

    That’s higher than any other U.S. racial group. Just 21 percent of Latinos, 18 percent Asian-Americans and 17 percent of whites are on welfare.

  5. “There are, of course, positive trends. Today, far more African-Americans graduate from college – 38 percent – than they did 50 years ago.

    Our incomes are also way up. Black adults experienced a more significant income increase from 1980 to 2016 – from $28,667 to $39,490 – than any other U.S. demographic group. This, in part, is why there’s now a significant black middle class.

    Legally, African-Americans may live in any community they want – and from Beverly Hills to the Upper East Side, they can and do.

    But why aren’t those gains deeper and more widespread?

    Some prominent thinkers – including the award-winning writer Ta-Nehisi Coates and “The New Jim Crow” author Michelle Alexander – put the onus on institutional racism. Coates argues, among other things, that racism has so held back African-Americans throughout history that we deserve reparations, resurfacing a claim with a long history in black activism.

    Alexander, for her part, has famously said that racial profiling and the mass incarceration of African-Americans are just modern-day forms of the legal, institutionalized racism that once ruled across the American South.”

  6. Marshal continues to attack women with the most deviant attacks all the while defending the pervert in the White House who has behaved MUCH worse than the women Marshal attacks.

    Marshal is a deviant defender of rapists and sexual predators. It's sad. Marshal, you can't comment here until you apologize for defending perverts and sexual predators and for your attacks upon women.

    You're on the wrong side of reason, history and morality. Repent. You will be sorry for this one day.

  7. Marshal again defends rapists and sexual predators, giving them aid and cover while attacking women.

    Marshal, in his attacks on women, appears to ask with a straight face, how is Trump's behavior worse than a porn star?

    Trump has admitted publicly and laughed about being a sexual predator, boasting that he can get away with sexual assault because of his wealth and white privilege (you can BET that perverts like Marshal would be apoplectic if Obama or other black liberals had 1/100th the misdeeds that Trump has, not to mention if he had boasted and laughed about it...). That predatory behavior alone is much worse than consensual "porn behavior..." at least on the part of women. Keeping in mind that research shows many women have ended up in pornography because of the behavior of predators like Trump and enablers like Marshal.

    That ALONE is worse. Then add to it the corruption, the cheating and abuse of employees, the abuse of his privilege and wealth to get away with it all... that Marshal doesn't give a damn that he fervently supports the most corrupt and perverted POS white predators and conmen in 100 years to hold public office should be (and will be) a public embarrassment to him.

  8. Marshal, your attacks on women you do not know and your defense of sexual predators like the president, will not stand here. I will call you out every time you do this and I will delete those attacks. They will not stand.

    You are part of the problem.

    You are an embarrassment to your family. One day you will stand before the Lord and you will be embarrassed for defending sexual predators, racists, the corrupt, the perverted, the oppressors. You WILL face Justice. You are on the wrong side of morality and reason and history. Shame on you.


  9. Marshal, you will not comment here until you apologize for your attacks on women whom you don't know and your defense of the sexual predator and your refusal to acknowledge that pervert corrupt man for what he is.

    I get that you may disagree and fail to understand that your comments do real harm to real women, but my blog, my rules. If you can't apologize for those attacks (and the filthy disgusting words you use about women BUT refuse to use about the real pervert and deviant), then you can't comment here.

    Open your eyes. You're on the wrong side of justice.

  10. And you should know I'm not really reading your comments more than I need to to see if you're apologizing. But clearly, your arrogant and proud soul, like that of the corrupt one in the white house, has no room for humility or repentance.

  11. Things Marshal and Craig are not equipped to handle:

    1. Is Capitalism Racist?

    "“But for many years now historians have disputed the old Southern agrarian notions about how the South related to capitalism. This form of revisionism, which has blossomed in the academy and beyond during the past decade or so, takes its inspiration from “Capitalism and Slavery,” published in 1944 by Eric Williams, a young historian who later became the first Prime Minister of an independent Trinidad and Tobago. The book, which argued for the centrality of slavery to the rise of capitalism, was largely ignored for half a century; now its thesis is a starting point for a new generation of scholarship. Large-scale Southern slaveholders are today understood as experts in such business practices as harsh, ever-increasing production quotas for workers and the creation of sophisticated credit instruments. Rather than representing an alternative system to industrial capitalism, American plantations enabled its development, providing the textile mills of Manchester and Birmingham with cotton to be spun into cloth by the new British working class. As Walter Johnson, one of our leading historians of slavery, wrote in 2018, “There was no such thing as capitalism without slavery: the history of Manchester never happened without the history of Mississippi.”

    "The new history of slavery seeks to obliterate the economic and moral distinction between slavery and capitalism, and between the South and the North, by showing them to have been all part of a single system.”

    My view in an earlier post that whiteness was negotiable, stretchable, as a strategy to wall off black peoples - hence the “white” of white people is not real is supported:

    “At the World’s Fair of 1904, hosted by St. Louis, Johnson finds a literal exhibit of this enduring legacy: an elaborate celebration of the centennial of the Louisiana Purchase that was “designed to domesticate the restive immigrant workers of St. Louis by turning them into white people,” and to insure white workers’ “proper alignment with the course of freedom-through-capitalism and imperial progress.” Such racial capitalism led to the city’s most notorious incident of racial violence before Ferguson, the East St. Louis massacre of 1917, which left dozens of black people dead and thousands more displaced, and which was sparked by the hiring of black replacement workers during an aluminum-ore processors’ strike.”

    Mr Lemann, though, while aware of the increasing linkages between slavery and the building of the capitol of the US as well as its capital, thereby building the way, undeniably, from the massive profits of slavery and Jim Crow into global colonization and finally into a Super Power, seems to not know and maybe not want to admit how the case that capitalism in the history of this nation is thoroughly and completely built and maintains by racism.

    There are all kinds of recent histories revealing how without slavery and its successors, the US would be just another Western Hemisphere nation.

    The Business of Slavery and the Rise of American Capitalism by Calvin Schermerhorn.
    The Empire of Necessity by Greg Grandin
    The Half Has Never Been Told by Edward Baptist
    River of Dark Dreams: Slavery and Emprie in the Cotton Kingdom by Walter Johnson
    Empire of Cotton by Sven Birkets
    Sweetness and Power: The Place of Sugar in Modern History by Sidney Mintz

  12. And 2.

    History Will Judge the Complicit
    Why have Republican leaders abandoned their principles in support of an immoral and dangerous president?

    White people who conscious or unconsciously maintain an identity desperately rooted in whiteness, do so for two reasons:
    1. they are experiencing or fear to experience a government and economy that is not taking care of them, and
    2. they cannot merge into a community that is diverse - with other people who have long experienced a government that is not taking care of them due to intent - in order to feel included and empowered to fight for better.
    So, they collude with brutal authoritarianism. And feel happier.
    "In a famous essay, The Captive Mind, [Czeslaw Milosz] sketched several lightly disguised portraits of real people, all writers and intellectuals, each of whom had come up with different ways of justifying collaboration with the party. Many were careerists, but Miłosz understood that careerism could not provide a complete explanation. To be part of a mass movement was for many a chance to end their alienation, to feel close to the “masses,” to be united in a single community with workers and shopkeepers. For tormented intellectuals, collaboration also offered a kind of relief, almost a sense of peace: It meant that they were no longer constantly at war with the state, no longer in turmoil. Once the intellectual has accepted that there is no other way, Miłosz wrote, “he eats with relish, his movements take on vigor, his color returns. He sits down and writes a ‘positive’ article, marveling at the ease with which he writes it.” Miłosz is one of the few writers to acknowledge the pleasure of conformity, the lightness of heart that it grants, the way that it solves so many personal and professional dilemmas."

  13. Now Dan...before you delete this, give feo a chance to see the response to his comment.

    feo said to me:

    "I broke your blog again. The second time in a month.

    You’re weak.

    And you lied: you’re not ready to have a conversation on race.

    The 1st step: honor the dead. You can’t even do that."

    First, any asshole can f-up that which belongs to others. We've been seeing that in the news as people like you...those you two support wholeheartedly...destroyed lives and businesses under the guise of "honoring the dead". If I was like you, I would piss all over Dan's blog, posting one sentence, such as "Stormy Daniels is a whore!" one thousand times, just like you did at my blog, Craig's blog and Glenn's blog, including is wife's, you sorry shit stain.

    And I am more than ready to have a conversation on race. Let's do it at YOUR blog and I'll fill your comments section with crap having no relevance to whatever topic your post might be, just as you constantly do at mine...and every other blog you visit, including this one. Now, I'll be reinstating comment moderation because of the "breaking of my blog" that you think speaks well of you, you sorry syphilitic, puss-oozing boil. Only a leaking anus like you would think that something of which to be proud. Good gosh, you're pathetic! But if YOU'RE serious about engaging at my blog, we'll see by the quality, tone and relevance of any comment you decide to try and post at my blog. I won't hold my breath.

    The dead I honor are those like David Dorn. Not another fool who would likely still be alive if he didn't act in a manner that invited his own demise.

  14. Craig and Marshal need to save their soul.

    "President Donald Trump dangerously suggested, with no evidence whatsoever, that a 75-year-old protester shoved by police in Buffalo, New York, last week could be “a set up” by “an ANTIFA provocateur.”

    “Buffalo protester shoved by Police could be an ANTIFA provocateur. 75 year old Martin Gugino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to black out the equipment,” the president tweeted Tuesday morning. “I watched, he fell harder than was pushed. Was aiming scanner. Could be a set up?”

  15. “For those who believe sitting at home is the answer. What have these protests accomplished? THIS. We've gotta keep going ✊🏽. Even small wins count. This is within less than a month. May this list continue to grow!

    5/26 - 4 officers fired for murdering George Floyd
    5/28 Univ of Minn cancels contract with police
    5/29 Officer Chauvin who killed Floyd arrested
    5/29 Louisville Mayor suspends “no-knock” warrants
    5/30 MN AG Ellison takes over prosecution of Chauvin
    5/31 2 abusive officers fired for pulling a couple out of car and tasing them
    6/1 Minn public schools end contract with police
    6/1 Confederate Monument removed - Birmingham, AL
    6/1 CA prosecutor launches campaign to stop DA’s from accepting police union money
    6/1 Tulsa Mayor Bynum agrees to not renew Live PD contract
    6/1 Louisville Police Chief fired after shooting of David Mcatee at BBQ joint
    6/1 Dems and Repubs begin push to shut down a Pentagon program that transfers military weaponry to local law enforcement departments - nationwide
    6/2 Minn AFL-CIO calls for the resignation of Bob Kroll, the President of the Minn Police Union (Bob Kroll is a vocal white supremicist)
    6/2 Racist Ex-Philadelphia Mayor Rizzo statue removed
    6/2 6 abusive officers charged for violence against residents and protestors - Atlanta, GA
    6/2 Confederate soldier statue removed in Alexandria, VA
    6/2 Robert Lee statue removed
    6/2 Civil Rights investigation of Minn Police Dept launched
    6/2 Resolution to prevent law enforcement from hiring officers with history of misconduct announced by San Fran DA Boudin and Supervisor Walton
    6/2 Survey indicating 64% of polled sympathetic to protestors, and 47% disapprove of police handling + 54% think burning down of precinct fully or partially justified
    6/2 NJ AG announces policing reforms
    6/2 Minn City Council members publicly call for disbanding the police and replace safety and outreach capacity
    6/3 Minn Institute of Art, First Avenue, Walker Art Center end use of MPD for events
    6/3 Officer Chauvin charged and taken into custody
    6/3 Officer Chauvin charges upgraded to 2nd Degree Murder and remaining 3 officers also charged and taken into custody
    6/3 VA Gov announces removal of Robert E Lee statue
    6/3 Richmond, VA Mayor Stoney announces RPD reform measures: establish "Marcus" alert for folks experiencing mental health crisis, establish independent Citizen Review Board, an ordinance to remove Confederate monuments and implement racial equity study
    6/3 County Commissioners deny proposal for $23 million expansion of Fulton County jail
    6/3 Minn Parks and Rec cut ties with the Minn Police Dep.
    6/3 US Army tells soldiers to disobey any orders to attack peaceful protestors - nationwide
    6/3 LA Announces $100-150 million cut from LAPD budget, reinvest it into communities, moratorium on gang database, and sharper discipline against abusive cops, in effect immediately
    6/3 Seattle changes mind and withdraws request to end federal oversight/consent decree of police department
    6/4 Breonna Taylor case reopened by the FBI
    6/4 Portland Schools Superintendent discontinues presence of armed police officers in schools
    6/4 MBTA (Metro Boston) Board orders that buses won't transport police to protests or protestors to police
    6/4 King County Labor Federation issue ultimatum to police unions, to admit to and address racism in Seattle PD, or be removed
    6/5 Washington D.C Mayor Muriel Bowser renames a two block section of 16th street Black Lives Matter Plaza

  16. And of course, very little of what feo listed can actually be confirmed as "good" things.

  17. Per usual, Marshal, you’re on the outside of sanity, screaming.

    “America's top general is apologizing for appearing in a photo-op with President Donald Trump after the forceful dispersal of protesters outside the White House last week, saying the move was a "mistake."

    Gen. Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff also said that he was "outraged" by the killing of George Floyd and added that the protests it sparked spoke to "centuries of injustice toward African Americans."

    "As senior leaders, everything you do will be closely watched. And I am not immune. As many of you saw, the result of the photograph of me at Lafayette Square last week. That sparked a national debate about the role of the military in civil society," Milley, said in a pre-recorded speech to a group of graduates from the National Defense University released on Thursday.”

  18. This is beautifully done. We all need to listen and believe and follow.

  19. The brilliance of your address to her points is so bright, Marshal, that I cannot see them. I take pride that I've presented every single one of her point to you in years past and probably all of them in the past year.

    You're not capable of handling these truths. As she said, most white people don't know what racism is.

    Let's start at the beginning: do you know what it means to be white?

  20. Marshal doesn't have the guts to be follow facts to the truth here. He'd prefer to censure the revelation of his crass ignorance at his blog.

  21. Terrorism Researchers Link The Spike In Vehicle Ramming Attacks With The Far Right

    "Over the weekend, there were at least 12 incidents of drivers using their cars to ram into crowds of protesters. Drivers behind vehicle-ramming attacks were arrested at protests in Pasadena and San Jose in California and Portland in Maine. One driver was arrested in Detroit for using his car to target police officers. In four cities, law-enforcement officers themselves were behind the wheel, including one now-notorious incident in New York in which two police cruisers plowed through a crowd of demonstrators in Brooklyn. These incidents suggest that ramming attacks could be a new feature of mass protests in the United States. Using cars and trucks as instruments of terror is already a technique that’s been used extensively globally. Lately, it’s been adopted and honed in the U.S. — particularly by white supremacists. “This is a tactic that has been encouraged on the right as a response to street-blocking protests,” says Ari Weil, deputy research director at the University of Chicago Project on Security and Threats. “In that sense, we should have been prepared for this with a mass protest here.”
    Two local firefighters are facing scrutiny over a recent Facebook post of a cartoon of a sport utility vehicle running over demonstrators with the words “ALL LIVES SPLATTER” above it and “NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR PROTEST” below it.
    West Virginia Fire Chief Fired For Wearing 'All Lives Splatter' Shirt Depicting Car Running Over Protesters
    A state legislator in South Dakota and a sheriff’s department in Washington state are in trouble for sharing a controversial meme that’s making the rounds.
    The drawing shows an SUV running over three stick-figure pedestrians. The slogan above says: “All lives splatter.”
    Below the drawing are the words, “Nobody cares about your protest. Keep your a** out of the road.

  22. Marshal, I am happy to hear that

    1. you acknowledge that the Far Right belongs in the criminal class as they now make strategy out of ramming,
    2. that you put yourself in the Far Right when you laugh at "all lives splatter" as a response to ramming,
    3. and demonstrate your corrupt moral scale when all you have to oppose a policy of ramming is one bad apple on the left.

  23. You said the criminal element has long included ramming people with cars. The Far Right noticed the murder of that woman in Charlottesville of this very kind of crime. And we now learn they've made a policy of it, that white Fire Department officials are in support of it by wearing T-shirts that someone made, sold, and they bought, and, finally, we learned that you yourself thrill to it all.

    So, according to your one admission, ramming people with cars is criminal.

    And, the Far Right has turned to it as a practice.

    And, White Supremacists thrill to it.

    And you, laughing at the gruesomely sick slogan, "all lives splatter," prove yourself to be just one of the many white supremacists who thrill to this new Far Right criminal policy of ramming people who are justly engaged in an exceptional American right: civil disobedience to demand constitutional rights that are not being given.

    Sheer logic, reason, and morality.

    No wonder you need to deny what you appropriately wrote and unthinkingly thought.
