Friday, June 1, 2018

All the Weird Love

They were odd and
quirky and
maladjusted and
just plain

and they enjoyed
their own damned company

within the greater tribes of
Oddballs and Misfits.

They were the moon and
All the Stars in the night sky
to each other.

And love,
and love,
and love...

Happy Anniversary!

Love you, Donna!


  1. My parents have been together more than 60 years.

    The other day I was compiling a list in my mind of how they compared on tightness over money. On one list was that Mom complained that Dad brought home a television set--our first color TV--without consulting her first. She refused to watch it for several days as a matter of principle. She made Dad return a toy to the hobby store that she thought was too expensive to give to one of my cousins for Christmas. On the other list is that Dad would get onto me for leaving the freezer door open while breaking cubes out of the ice tray (remember those?) because the compressor was then going to have to run longer to get the temperature in the freezer back down. And when Dad saw me gulp down a glass of milk in my teens, he complained, "You should just drink water if you're going to chug it down like that." He hates for anybody to walk out of a room in the house without turning off the light.

    ~ Hiram

  2. If Dan will let me go off-topic, I wonder what the regulars think of people like this---

    A high percentage of his tweets spit all over the Biblical principles I was taught in church, yet he'll sometimes tweet about "God's plan" for him. What is going on in a mind like that? Is that pretty much the future of Christianity we are seeing?

    ~ Hiram

  3. The link doesn’t work, so I have no idea. I do feel strongly (based on scripture and life experience) that God does have plans for His followers. Just as a general principle.

  4. Link works for me (I just now pasted it into URL) and I assumed it would work whether or not you are registered at twitter-- but I could be wrong about that.

    ~ Hiram

  5. A number of items on his page are actually retweets of others. If you can't get the link to work, here is a pretty representative sample---

    "do you ever look at a text and just think **** you"

    I have censored one word.

    ~ Hiram

  6. I can't view it either. Not sure of any context or anything so I have no opinion, beyond my being worried about people who proclaim too loudly that they're part of "God's plan..."

  7. Although it’s pretty common among those on the left to ignore or sanction it, I question what the Twitter page of a Christian would be filled with talk of “bitches” and “hos”. But that’s just me.

  8. In case anyone is motivated to look for that web page again, the guy's twitter handle is ChallyGanG. I have not interacted with him, and I'm not asking any of you to interact with him. I just think he is representative of what seems to me like a new breed of Christians who have tossed aside concerns over things like hostile language and casual sex with about anybody who is willing.

    ~ Hiram

  9. I know of no serious Christians or subset of Christians who are supportive of such behavior, either on the left or the right (although some aspects of Mormon extremists might come close). There have always been odd outliers on all sides, but as someone who is pretty plugged in to Christian groups, I don't see that this is a serious collection of the religious or representative of any trends.

  10. I’ve seen absolutely nothing on his Twitter feed that would lead me to conclude that this guy is a believer in any normal sense. There was a trend 10 years a go (roughly) where Christians swore like sailors in the name of being authentic. I thought it was stupid then, and still do when Christians unload expletive filled rants. I admit I occasionally use those words for their shock value (probably wrong) or will sometimes quote someone else.

    But he doesn’t sound like an example to follow.
