Monday, May 14, 2018

All Things are Made, New

To step into an early spring forest
is to step into a new world

The old life has past

and all things are made new.
And yet, no.
The old remains
and all things are made new.


  1. Just or fun, one is never stepping "literally" into a new world, since there is only this old one we now inhabit.

  2. By the way, you're a coward for closing off comments on the previous discussion now that you've realized you're wrong. One would think that one who "embraces grace" faces up to their error and openly cops to it. You never do, preferring to perpetuate falsehood.

    Go ahead and delete this, too, coward.

  3. One might literally be stepping into a metaphorical new world...

  4. A metaphorical new world is not "literally" a new world. It is "metaphorically" a new world. It can't be both.

  5. Literally stepping. A walk in the woods is literally stepping.

    You'll argue about anything, won't you?


  6. But you weren't using the term in reference to merely a walk in the woods. It was to step into a new world. You could have said, "like" stepping into a new world, or you could have said "metaphorically" stepping into a new world. You said "literally" stepping into a new world, when in fact that is not possible. And you also could have said, "nice catch" and left it at that when I clearly stated my comment was just for fun, but once again you show no graciousness and instead choose to get all defensive. Frankly, I don’t really care about the poor word choice in this case. I was just pokin' at you "JUST FOR FUN"! You can tell by how I began my initial comment with those words (assuming you ignore the typo).

  7. And my answers have just been in fun.

    It's poetry, Marshall.

    Lighten up.

  8. There've been rumors of a planned conservative troll/spam attack here on my blog. Crazy, right? People need more positive stuff to do in their lives. Jiminy Cricket.

    Now, that's the price of blogging, of course. But I will be in a position where I'll probably have limited access to internetitude to monitor these planned attacks. So, just for a few days until I'm back in the saddle, I'm gonna limit comments. Feel free to email me if you have questions or anything.

    No one is blocked or anything, just a temporary pause while I'm away from my computer.

    Promote peace out there, people.
