Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy, Happy, Happy New Year

3 Sarahs 2
Originally uploaded by paynehollow
Here's praying and hoping for a grace-full, blessed new year for each of us. May we each find joy and peace and comfort in the simplest pleasures, in our friends and families and stringed hootenannies; in birdsongs and cool breezes and winter hikes and summer swims.

May we find contentment in Enough. In having good food to eat and clean water to drink and a warm place to sleep.

May we seek to help others find that same contentment. May we, by our actions and words and practices, work to be peacemakers, bread-sharers, friend-makers.

May Israel and Palestine find a way to end their warring ways. May we all work to support such. May Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Colombia, the Sudan, the US and all the dangerous places of the world find more peace this year and may we work towards that end.

May our hard-pressed environment and its subset, the economy, find some relief from over-taxation. May we change our practices to better provide that relief.

Here's wishing our incoming president luck - he's going to need it. What a mess we seem to be in these days.

So, here's to a blessed new year for us all. May we find the wisdom for living a-right in these troubled days, and the strength to follow the paths of wisdom and contentment.

Happy New Year.


Geoffrey Kruse-Safford said...

I especially like the bit about finding happiness in "enough". I think this year, with the economy in the state it is in, "less" will probably be "enough" for many.

Happy New Year, Dan and family, from Geoffrey, Lisa, Moriah, and Miriam!

Dan Trabue said...

Thanks and Happy New Year to all the K's, S's and KS's.

Erudite Redneck said...

Happy new year, Dan!

revcrystalk said...

amen and amen! a wonderful blessing, thanks Dan!

Happy New Year to you and yours as well!