Wednesday, February 28, 2007

My Dream Girl, Part 3

Dan and Donna
Originally uploaded by paynehollow.
While still in college, Donna and I kept in contact. She'd come to Louisville every once in a while and I'd sometimes meet her while here.

She decided to attend the Southern Baptist Seminary and, during one trip here to investigate that, my parents invited her to spend the night at our house. I met up with her at the Seminary and, while I had moved past any interest in her (or so I thought), when I saw her that night, her eyes sparkled. She was aglow with energy and wit and I was entranced.

We went home that night and stayed up until the wee hours just talking and laughing in my parents' living room. She told me later, she was glad that we seemed to have moved to a better place in our friendship and was impressed with the ease of the conversation.

For my part, I kept thinking, "I wonder what she would say if I proposed to her right now?"

I didn't propose that night, but we did begin dating again, and soon we were discussing marriage and working on happily ever after.

One of the things I'm glad of is that we have managed to navigate the waters of our continued growth while mostly canoeing in the same direction. By that, I mean that we were both pretty traditional, conservative Christians when we were dating (she, being the more progressive of we two - I would NEVER have considered going to the SB Seminary back then, it was way too liberal for me!).

As we've aged and grown in our faith, we've moved away from the traditional somewhat, but we've moved together. Neither of the Young Dan or Donna would have married the Present Day Dan or Donna, our beliefs would have been too different (I was a Reagan Republican back in the day!).

But here we are, nearly half our lives later, still working on happily ever after.

Happy Birthday, Donna. I love you.


  1. Dan, you are an exceptional person and what a loving tribute. Happy Birthday to your Dream Girl and long life and happiness to you both!

  2. Thanks for sharing a great story, Dan! It's interesting, the twists and turns we take through life. Happy birthday, Donna!

  3. What a great story about you two! That is a great tribute. You have moved me to want to write about my wonderful wife now too! I just need to find that appropriate time!

  4. Great story! I enjoyed reading it.

  5. What! You were a Reagan Republican? Our friendship is over, Bub! Just kidding. At least, unlike me, you never wore a uniform and carried a gun, prepared to kill people for the nation-state.

    I hereby nominate Donna for sainthood for having put up with you EVEN LONGER than Kate has put up with me! :-)

  6. Deep gratitude to all who have wished Dan and me well; you have our wishes as well for a great life and much happiness.

    Dan, it has been the absolute greatest thing in my piddly little life to get to journey close alongside sweet and amazing you -- what a great ride! It appears you are still wooing me, and to that I say, keep a-courtin -- I'm liking it! Here's to the next 22 years and more!


  7. Ladies and Gents, the Mrs! Saint Donna of Bedlam.

  8. beautiful! what a lovely story and it's wonderful to read, and best of all to see your love glowing afterall these years.

    a belated happy birthday to your beautiful wife and congratulations and blessings to you both!

  9. Happy birthday to Donna and congratulations to you both for living a story that inspires us all. :) Thanks for sharing the details.
