Tuesday, February 27, 2007

My Dream Girl, Part 2

Donna and Dan
Originally uploaded by paynehollow.
After high school, I went off to Murray State University in search of woodworking fame and fortune. Unfortunately, I was not college material at the time.

On the plus side, not attending all my classes freed up my time for higher pursuits.


It was a Baptist Student Union retreat when I first saw her. We were playing volleyball and she was wearing a shirt listing the 70 or so kids in her graduating class at Carlisle County High School.

Coming from the Big Town with a class of 500 or so, I felt obliged to tease her about the size of her class. I was smooth.

Having found out her name and dormitory, I smoothly signed up for something called Big Brothers/Little Sisters (or something like that) in which fellas from the male dormitory could "adopt" a young lady from the female dorm. I was not thinking brotherly thoughts, though.

We saw a couple of movies together Friday the 13th and Disney's Lady and the Tramp - there's a stretch! and, despite my ineptitude at the dating arts, we fell for each other. Soon we were walking home in the dark, holding hands and having that first kiss outside her dormitory.

Young love!

But, young love being what it is, it was doomed to not last. After the first failed semester at Murray, I returned to Louisville while she stayed in college. We continued a long-distance relationship for a while, and truly loved each other.

Nonetheless, with much cowardice on my part (I'm not ready for marriage at 20!!), I told her I thought we ought to break it off. Painful, painful.

WILL Dan and Donna get back together?! HOW will their life turn out?!

Tune in tomorrow...


  1. How many parts are there to this story? This isn't going to be one of those soap opera type stories that go on for years is it? My anxious brain can't handle that!

  2. In one church I attended, the one rule for giving prophetic words to other people was "Give no dates and no mates".

    But I'm going to break that rule with your story, I believe (and this is going out on a limb I know)that Dan and Donna will get married, have children and live in Louisville.

    Let me know if this is accurate or not.

  3. Ah-ah-ah! No getting ahead of ourselves.

    Bikingbrady, I'm thinking of giving up the whole topical format for the blog and going to a pure Soap Opera format...are you voting against that?

  4. Dan, I can't even watch a whole movie at home without getting up and doing something (fold clothes, etc), taunting me with a soap opera will cause hair to be pulled out...and it's thinning as it is!

  5. Actually, it would be a soap opera if Dan mysteriously disappeared for 5 years then returned with amnesia, but then it turns out it's not Dan, but his twin brother, who actually used to be a woman but changed genders to hide from the mob boss that owns the whole town who was possessed by the devil.

  6. It is a cute story. I hope things work out for you and Donna. Otherwise, it may be awkward for your wife as you tell this story!

  7. Chance...you must watch Days of Our Lives! My wife used to watch that and somebody was always "possessed" the way it seemed. BTW Dan, congrats on so many years!

  8. Well, all I know is that if things don't work out, my kids will have a much harder time playing with yours!

  9. If not, maybe Dan's kids can go back in time and make sure things do work out.

  10. Er, I didn't mean our kids wouldn't play together if they broke up (perish the thought!), but that things had to work out for Jordan and Sarah to be AROUND for Molly and Miriam. :-)

  11. wow! i take a few weeks off and there's romance blooming!

    how fun!
