Sunday, October 8, 2006

Spirit Bear

Spirit Bear
Originally uploaded by paynehollow.

We had a lovely pre-fall-peak trip to the Smokeys this last weekend. It was just a couple of days, but 'twas quite life-giving. While there, we had a chance to do a bit of nature-watching and made a few attempts at nature photography.

Unfortunately, the batteries gave out on me when we spotted the coyote (I believe it was a coyote) and the dusk was too much for my camera for the black bear and deer shots, which all came out quite fuzzy.

Instead of throwing them away, though, I just manipulated the fuzzy photos to retain a bit of a memory. This black bear bolted across the field and then the road in front of us, only 50 feet away and gave us the thrill of the weekend.


  1. Thanks. Half the fun of taking photos is in the naming of them, right?

  2. Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. It's a plane, it's a bird, it's spirit bear!

  3. I love the effects you added! From blurry photo to work of art.

  4. Love that running bear! Whether accidentally or on purpose, you made a wonderful picture.
