Saturday, October 14, 2006

Father and Child Reunion

Dan and Sarah closeup
Originally uploaded by paynehollow.

I'm posting this just 'cause I like it.

Also, I'll note that I've finally got around to adding Pocket Full of Mumbles to my sidebar, as well as a relative newcomer (new to me) whose page I like to visit, even though we seem to disagree: TigerHawk.

I've removed a couple of other links, not because I was unhappy with them but just because they hadn't been posting. Life gets in the way of blogging sometimes and that's a good thing.


  1. I like it, too. It's a beautiful photo of two beautiful people.

  2. A VERY beautiful photo. Who's the photographer? And the girl? Your daughter?

    This is the kind of photography to which I aspire.

  3. I've got TH on my sidebar too, as you know, Dan, for reasons that have to do with more than distant kinship and despite our divergent politics.

  4. I like the feel of TigerHawk's place, despite disagreeing with him, and am glad to link him here. That's true for you, too, Elashley. You've got a nice site, some great writing.

    Just gotta do something 'bout your reasoning...

    That's my daughter, Sarah.

    And Pam, you only got it half right ("beautiful photo of two beautiful people"), but that kind of lighting can only help my appearance!

    Thank you all for stopping in.

  5. Are you licking Sarah's hair?? Did Donna take this photo?

  6. I'm not licking her hair, but it's a thought.

    I took it myslef using the timer while the camera set on a table, with the camera set on some low-light setting while Sarah and I stood pretty still.

  7. That's not Dan's tongue in the picture, so no he's not licking Sarah's hair (he's bizarre, but not that bizarre). It's his overgrown burly man beard. Enough hair already!


  8. TigerHawk is always good for political analysis with a pique of humor.
