Sunday, February 13, 2005

I'd like to see...

my vision of community

I'd like to see a row of houses,
a block in the city - two blocks, back to back
with gardens where old gray city dirt is
loved and nurtured,
mulched and composted, turned and graced
into deep black warmth.
Where mothers and neighbors, friends and children,
fathers and grandfathers
join together with God and earth and community
to raise corn, okra, potatoes and family.
Where the pride of these united individuals who
share the neighborhood
has banished all of the broken
broken glass and papers and trash.
Yet those who have broken
broken lives and no papers and trash
are received as neighbors,
loved and nurtured, turned and graced,
shared with and sharing with.
Where stories are traded and the blues and praise
ring late into the sunset
and with each passing day
the trust grows tall as sunflowers and as bright
and love roots them all to the ground.

I'd like to see a row of houses,
a block in the city - two blocks, back to back
with an urban forest taking root being
loved and nurtured, tended and trimmed
yet growing Wild and overtaking what
was once only brick and concrete.
Where city kids miss not as much of the country
because the squirrel and rabbit are playing in
and sharing this city country with them.
And the wrens and finches, robins and blue jays,
hummingbirds and whippoorwills weave
dissonant harmonies in
shades of green.
Where, on occasion, as the kids are exploring
this city jungle,
a coldeyed, snarlytoothed possum sends them
running and screaming and laughing
to the safety of the nearest parent.
A maze of greenery in which one is likely to find a
Dragon, or an Angel, or Children Playing -
sculpted in stone by one
or the other of the neighbors.
Shared Art, shared Poetry, shared Grace
all growing in an exuberant urban peace forest.

I'd like to see a row of houses,
a block in the city - two blocks, back to back
with poetic license and creative endeavors.
Where "cable" and "pager" and "cell phone" are
the dirty words
and the tv is used everyday
Where a small market has emerged selling
and trading community vegetables and fruit,
books and music, woodwork and artwork and
Grace and Beauty and Love are given freely.

I'd like to see a row of houses,
a block in the city - two blocks, back to back
which are as practical and everyday
and commonsense as a
new model of how to do cities
(which goes to show that maybe overcrowded
and dirty and concrete
are not necessarily the best way of urban life).
Which is as ethereal and aesthetic and Powerful as
nothing short of the
Kingdom of God
and which shows that the inner city
can be a place where
gardens and forests and imagination and
flourish year after year after year.

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