Don't be deceived... anytime an openly hedonistic, openly corrupt, clearly amoral narcissist leader welcomes the religious into his house, he is always only planning on using them for personal gain and power. It's almost biblical, isn't it?
And I know that I've heard some conservatives note that he is a greedy, filthy man, but that maybe GOD can use "such a man" for saving the church. Again, the only one who will be used are the religious people who lend him their support. Corrupt con men have already told you who they are and what they want - power and money. If they're playing nice with you, it's only to use you. A dog returns to its vomit, St Peter also says.
More from 2 Peter 2:
"These false teachers take pleasure in openly doing evil,
so they are like dirty spots and stains among you.
They delight in trickery while eating meals with you.
Every time they look at a woman they want her,
and their desire for sin is never satisfied.
They lead weak people into the trap of sin,
and they have taught their hearts to be greedy...
They brag with words that mean nothing...
These false teachers promise [the duped followers/supporters] freedom,
but they themselves are not free.
They are slaves of things that will be destroyed.
For people are slaves of anything that controls them"
[and there, it might be noted that this is true for the con man AND his marks,
where the con man is controlled by his unbridled greed and lust and his marks
are controlled by the con man]
Truly, WHO does Peter sound like he's talking about... almost as if these were prophetic words from God.
So, the man who wants to criminalize churches for providing sanctuary to oppressed people - thereby oppressing those churches for practicing their human rights/religious views... and the man (and his followers) who were demanding a Bishop apologize or be fired for following HER religious views... THAT man wants to "criminalize" "anti-Christian actions..."
Understand this: He absolutely does NOT want to stand with Christians and religious liberties... he wants to make ONE particular flavor of ONE particular religion protected, whilst he attacks others. He's wanting to use and abuse you to harm and oppress others.
I'm all for believing in religious liberties (as long as that human religious tradition isn't causing harm to others), but if someone is telling you they want to protect only YOUR religious liberty, that man is a con man out for your money, your support and your loyalty as he denies religious liberty/human rights to others.
Don't be a victim of a conman. Especially when that conman drapes himself in your particular religion but who is also an established vulgar sexual predator and a corrupt felon.
Don't be deceived, God will not be mocked.
I'm so saddened that so many conservative Christians have been deceived by such a corrupt idiot.
Let America be America again. Let it be the dream it used to be. Let it be the pioneer on the plain Seeking a home where he himself is free.
(America never was America to me.)
Let America be the dream the dreamers dreamed— Let it be that great strong land of love Where never kings connive nor tyrants scheme That any man be crushed by one above.
(It never was America to me.)
O, let my land be a land where Liberty Is crowned with no false patriotic wreath, But opportunity is real, and life is free, Equality is in the air we breathe.
(There’s never been equality for me, Nor freedom in this “homeland of the free.”)
Say, who are you that mumbles in the dark? And who are you that draws your veil across the stars?
I am the poor white, fooled and pushed apart, I am the Negro bearing slavery’s scars. I am the red man driven from the land, I am the immigrant clutching the hope I seek— And finding only the same old stupid plan Of dog eat dog, of mighty crush the weak...
O, yes, I say it plain, America never was America to me, And yet I swear this oath— America will be!
~From Langston Hughes, "Let America Be America Again"
The felon-in-chief is now blaming the disabled for this airplane wreck... and all at a time when he literally knows nothing about the wreck. Dear friends, this MUST stop!
My job is to assist those with disabilities get hired by employers who will benefit from their contributions... NOT place them in roles they can't do! That's antithetical to the work we do. DEI is NOT about putting unqualified people into positions they can't do, just to feel good about diversity!
We've been making great progress over the last decade in getting formerly unemployed people into meaningful jobs where they can simply work. We don't want to have it undone by an incompetent jackass speaking from a place of ignorance.
If he's going to be president, we need him to hire actually qualified people to do the jobs they know to do (unlike his cabinet, unfortunately) and then he needs to shut up, get out of the way, and let those qualified do the work.
His words coming from a place of ignorance are/are going to hurt real people. We don't want to - and will NOT - go back to a time before human rights were encouraged for all of us!
if they were actually hiring competent people, the the president and
most of his staff would be removed. All the talk about meritocracy, but
it wasn't one of the many qualified black military leaders in actual
leadership positions that was hired to run the military, it was a low grade news "personality" that got the position because he was a white man and a Trump loyalist!
This is not a meritocracy. It's an oligarchy, a party run by a delusional wannabe strong man and his sycophants.
My church, Jeff St, just had another of our All Music Sundays. In this very trying week, it was a delicious, sweet balm for the soul of those concerned about peace and justice and siding with the poor and marginalized.
Here are the lyrics (from the band, Over the Rhine) for this song, in part:
All my favorite people are broken
Believe me, my heart should know
Some prayers are better left unspoken
I just want to hold you and let the rest go
All my friends are part saint and part sinner
We lean on each other, try to rise above
We are not afraid to admit we are all still beginners
We are all late bloomers when it comes to love
All my favorite people are broken
Believe me, my heart should know
Awful believers, skeptical dreamers, step forward
You can stay right here, you don't have to go
Is each wound you've received just a burdensome gift
It gets so hard to lift yourself up off the ground
But the poet says we must praise a mutilated world
We're all working the graveyard shift
You might as well sing along
Cause all my favorite people are broken
Believe me, my heart should know
As for your tender heart, this world's going to rip it wide open,
A wonderful song by Gabe Dixon, performed here by Kate, Roger, Dan, Donna and David...
A lot of people just tryin' to breathe Others, hesitating, try to decide I don't wanna be caught asleep The world's wakin' if you open your eyes Everybody's got a hand on the wheel Everybody's got a hand in the sky The arc of the moral universe Needs us to point it just right
So bend the curve Bend it down to the ground Bend it down toward justice What we all deserve Bend the curve Bend it down to the ground Bend it down for freedom Let's get to work
Bend the curvе Bend the curve
This land is our land Why'rе we letting it burn to ashes? This sea is our life Don't let it go sleepin' with the fishes This world is talking to us Are we gonna have sense to listen? Might have start making a fuss Plant a seed and come to fruition
Bend the curve Bend it down to the ground Take it down to the Earth 'Cause she needs us now Bend the curve Bend it down for science You know, it's just common sense For what's going 'round
Bend the curve Bend the curve Bend the curve Bend the curve
All right
There's people workin' dawn to dusk But they can't trust that it's enough To have a decent life There's people in an ivory tower Clingin' to power, scared of the hour When we unify And sanctify Just one big ball Just one big life
A conservative who has read my writings (Bubba) recently mistakenly opined...
Dan has
essentially argued that the government establishment has made illegal
immigration such an enormous problem that it is economically unfeasible
to fix it -- and he supports those who created the problem and opposes
those who would try to fix it!
1. This is not what I've argued. Period.
Because I do not think that criminalizing moving from one place to
another place is just or rational or moral lawmaking. There is nothing
inherently criminal, wrong or harmful from a person or family moving from point A to point
B. Reasonable people certainly would agree (I'm guessing) when it comes to moving
from Ohio to Georgia... WHY would that be criminal? No one is being
In short: Making laws criminalizing immigration are
inherently irrational and unjust. It's a made-up crime, not one based upon preventing harm. For those of us who believe in human
rights, humans have a right of self-determination, including where we
2a. Of course, it goes without saying that criminal types who happen to be immigrants cause harm, just as criminal types who happen to be citizens cause harm. A rapist or a murderer is the exception to the citizenry, just as they are (even moreso) to immigrants. Rational adults don't penalize all citizens because some tiny portion are criminals. The same is true for immigrants. Rationally, morally speaking.
3. Having said that, I am not at all opposed to managing
moving from one place to another. For instance, if Phoenix, AZ because
of its lack of water, can only accommodate 100,000 people (for
instance, and just making up the numbers), then it makes some rational sense to manage the population.
But making it criminal? No, of course, not.
4. We further have
the problem that some places are unsafe places to be... sometimes for
individuals or sometimes for the whole population. If Haiti was
destroyed by a hurricane and was temporarily unfit for a large human
...if being a woman or LGBTQ person were criminalized or had
human rights deprived and were at risk for prison or worse in Uganda, for instance...
...if the gangs in a certain nation or city were so dangerous that
you had a greater chance of dying young... or your children had a
greater chance of rape...
IF it is inherently unsafe or unhealthy
in some locations, then rational, moral people will seek to move some
place safer. Any of us would likely want to move some place safer if our
family was at risk of imprisonment, starvation, death or oppression. Of
course, this is a human rights and rational position to take. My Trabue family is alive and well today in the US because the lives of Trabues were threatened in France by Catholics and we're only alive because another nation let us in.
Thus, even moreso than simple immigration, refugees escaping threats at
home should be accommodated. There is righteous international law that the US is
signed on to that obliges us to that much. Again, there is nothing
inherently harmful or immoral in a refugee escaping a threat to find a
safer place to live.
And WHO should get to make that decision of
when and where to move? Some gov't flunkee or the person who is at risk?
The person at risk, of course, from a human rights, self-determination
point of view.
Where am I mistaken so far?
So, back to Bubba's false claim:
has essentially argued that the government establishment has made
illegal immigration such an enormous problem that it is economically
unfeasible to fix it -- and he supports those who created the problem
and opposes those who would try to fix it!
5. Thus,
those who have welcomed and accepted refugees and immigrants are not to
blame in any of this. They are just doing what is rational, moral, just
and in support of human rights (and in support of abundantly consistent
teachings from both Jewish and Christian traditions as found in the
Bible, for what that's worth.)
6. The "problems" of immigration are more rightly laid at the feet of...
Unjust or failed gov'ts elsewhere that fail to promote and protect
human rights (resulting in people at risk seeking to escape danger, and
doing so rationally)
6b. Bad actors/abusive people in failed gov'ts that are abusing/causing harm to innocent civilians in their lands.
Sometimes, weather and land conditions and land policies that cause
drought, famine or environmental catastrophes. These are sometimes out
of our control and sometimes a result of poor policies/land planning and
sometimes both (as in climate change-related "disasters" that could be
prevented or eased if we had more responsible climate-related policies).
Nations that implement policies that result in harm - whether we're
talking anthropogenic climate change or extractive/colonial type
policies that have contributed to poorer nations being made even
poorer/being taken advantage of.
6e. Other nations having
improper procedures and policies for dealing with the predictable and
reasonable move of innocent people from one place to another place
which, again, is a basic human right. Because, why wouldn't it be?
is the question for apparently a majority of the US to consider: On
what rational, moral basis would we criminalize people exercising
self-determination... especially when we're talking about saving or
improving their own lives or the lives of their loved ones?
Bubba, where the "gov't establishment" has failed in the US (and this is
both GOP and Democrat) is in having just, reasonable immigration
policies and a reasonable way to accommodate immigrants and refugees.
NOT the fault of those who merely support others moving from point A to
point B, NOR is it the fault of those who merely want to escape to
someplace safe and with sufficient resources so that they can work and
feed their families.
Finally, what's in the "best interests" of
"our country" matter less to me than what is right, reasonable,
supportive of human rights and what is in the best interest of the
world. And that's because what is in the best interests of humanity writ
large IS in the best interests of our country.
Seems to me.
Where am I mistaken?
While I'm at it, in the same conversation, another conservative (Marshal) attempted to mock me, saying...
what he calls the "self-determination" of foreigners
It's not like I made up the crazy notion of
"self-determination." It's a basic building block of universally
recognized human rights.
And as to the "harm done to our economy"
theory (that both Marshal and Bubba were advocating), it just doesn't hold up. Are YOU personally
harmed when a family from Georgia moves to Texas? Of course, not. And
the data shows that, while there are SOME costs associated with our lack
of rational immigration policies (from both GOP and DNC), there are
also, of course, huge benefits associated with welcoming immigrants.
Nebraska is BEGGING to have some workers - including immigrant
workers... as are other places. The economic costs are overwhelmed by
the economic benefits and WAY overwhelmed by the human rights benefits.
This is supported by many studies and experts. Here is the conclusion found by the crazy leftists at the George W Bush Center...
We can keep loving keep helping those needing help keep welcoming those who are excluded keep being allies with the oppressed keep loving the earth keep siding with the marginalized keep protesting keep doing the right, reasonable and helpful keep finding joy and energy and support in the beloved community
We can keep working
and there ain't no one - no threats, no mocking, no attacks, no laws... there ain't NO ONE -