Sunday, August 25, 2024

Joy and Unity vs Anger and Division

I am so glad that the Democrats are trying to focus on joy, positive, unity and common ground. Aside from just being more pleasant, I think it makes for a strong contrast with the GOP messaging which is... not so much.

One of the great contrasts could be found in the music each party used at their conventions. For instance, look at the contrast between Stevie Wonder - ambassador of love, joy and positivity- for the DNC Convention, vs Kid Rock for the GOP Convention.

Wonder sang his deeply spiritual and uplifting "Higher Ground..."

"Lovers keep on lovin'
Believers keep on believin', um yeah
Sleepers just stop sleepin'
'Cause it won't be too long, oh, yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm so darn glad He let me try it again
'Cause my last time on earth, I lived a whole world of sin
I'm so glad that I know more than I knew then
Gonna keep on tryin'
'Til I reach my highest ground, whoo!"

As someone noted about the song: "The chorus references God, second chances, the choice to turn away from sin, a quest for spiritual redemption, and the constant struggle that comes with self-improvement, all with a sunny, relentless optimism and the boundless energy that comes from Wonder’s vocal delivery."

That was the DNC's musical representation.

As contrasted with Kid Rock's, American Bad Ass, which I can't quote directly here because of the sexism, misogyny and vulgarity...

"They call me cowboy, I'm the singer in black
So throw a finger in the air and let me see where you're at...
F*** all, y'all!
...I'm an American bad ass, watch me kick
You can roll with rock or you can suck my d***
I'm a porno flick, I'm like Amazing grace
I'm gonna f*** some h*** after I rock this place..."


The GOP is making itself the party of vulgarity and loyalty to one man.

The DNC is positioning itself as the party of Joy and Unity and a nation bound together by higher ideals of love and kindness and finding common ground. Did you see all the GOP leaders on the DNC stage?
The contrast is jarring and I think the GOP will suffer for it.


Feodor said...

Diversity is creative and joyful. That's why God is Triune. Fascism is vulgar.

Dan Trabue said...

Amen. Where are the conservatives of my parents' generation? My parents (and myself) and our conservative thinking had SERIOUS problems (I realize now, in hindsight) but still... they would not abide the vulgarity and oppression of the magop. They (I) at least had boundaries.

Dan Trabue said...

Marshal, as always, empty, unsupported, ridiculous claims will be deleted UNLESS you clearly state: "I can't prove ANY of this, it's just my guess that is not supported by any data... It is my and only my subjective, unsupported opinion."

No more unsupported claims.