Saturday, June 15, 2024

Happy Pride Day!

"Goodness is stronger than evil.
Love is stronger than hate.
Light is stronger than darkness.
Life is stronger than death.
Victory is ours through God who loved us."

~Desmond Tutu

"Love him and let him love you. Do you think anything else under heaven really matters?"

~James Baldwin

"and when we speak we are afraid
our words will not be heard
nor welcomed
but when we are silent
we are still afraid
So it is better to speak
we were never meant to survive"

~Audre Lorde

"This is my commandment, That you love one another, as I have loved you."


"Hope will never be silent."

~Harvey Milk

"To be afraid is to behave as if the truth were not true."

~Bayard Rustin

"Without community, there is no liberation."

~Audre Lorde

Thursday, June 13, 2024

She Dreamed

She dreamed of 
a rampaging river
ripping through the cold night sky

She dreamed of impossible
made practical
and doubtful
giving it a try

She dreamed of worlds clashing
and uniting
of day and and of night
of digging deeper holes
of black and of white
and all the colors, implied
in between
She dreamed 
of magick and mastery
of fear and of flight 
of hope and of horror
despair and of fright
but mostly

she dreamed of Hope

And then
she woke up
filled her cups with water
and took them 
to the river
and poured them deep within.

Monday, June 10, 2024

RIP, James Lawson

"...For me, nonviolence is that quality that comes out of all the great world religions, the notion that the creative force of the universe is love, that God is love, and that love is all encompassing. Gandhi insists—and I think this is Gandhi’s great contribution—that the creative force of the universe is the force that we humans must learn to exercise because that force is the only force that can cause the human race to do on earth God’s will.

And nonviolence is power. It is not, as I was originally told in college in 1947, just persuasion. Persuasion is a form of power. Aristotle says that power is the capacity to achieve purpose. It is a God given gift of creation to human beings. Nonviolence has its deep roots in the long journey of the human family as so many people operated out of love and truth in spite of all that was raging around them.

As Gandhi and King also said, nonviolence is the science of how you create your own life in the image of God. Nonviolence is the science of how you create a world that practices justice, truth and compassion."

"My mother’s word was you should not retaliate by fighting. At age eight, in the Spring of the fourth grade, I slapped a boy who yelled racist epithets at me on Main Street. And for the first time, when I returned home from this errand for my mother, I told her about the incident.

She continued to do what she was doing in the kitchen and without turning around to face me, responded, “Jimmy, what good did that do?” And there was a long period of silence in the house as I heard her voice telling me who I was–that I was loved, that I belonged to God, and that we were a family of the church, and how important that community was to us, that I did not need to use my fists on anyone. Her last sentence to me was, “Jimmy, there must be a better way.”"

The Reverend James Lawson, September 22, 1928 – June 10, 2024

Friday, June 7, 2024

A Song of Water and of History

Studying history begins
for me, today
with a long look at
the water running
in no particular hurry
in the stream next to me.

It is, I realize,
the same water my grandmother drank
and boiled her snap beans in
It is the same water we crossed to escape torture
and the same water they drowned us in
before we escaped.

It is the Water that gathered all in one place
and separated the Dry Land from the Dry Land
It is the Water over which the Spirit hovered
and within which life began.

And so, I went down to the river to pray.
Down by the riverside.
Where we laid down our sword and shield
where we hung our harps and wept
bleeding history from our face
for the captors demanded we sing a song
of Zion
of Home
of Sanctuary
and there was

And so, studying history,
I remembered and recalled and imagined
and I built an ark
a boat bound for the promised land
over Jordan's stormy banks
beyond the muddy waters of the Ohio
across the Rio Grande

and like the stream beside me
I sang a song
a song
of Water
and of History
and of that first pair of centipedes that
crawled out of the water
and made a home for the rest of us
and waited for Paradise.