Saturday, August 26, 2023

This is Not Normal

Just remember
if anyone should try to convince you otherwise
go with the obvious meaning
what you see with your own eyes

This is not normal
This is not good
This is not acceptable
This is not a witchhunt
This is not the White Man's Persecution

This is a man who behaves obviously, overtly bad
who by all evidence
is psychotically narcissistic and
devoid of morality or decency

This is just what it seems like

A bad man
(probably damaged by a privileged, dysfunctional upbringing)
who got in trouble
because of his own actions
and is being brought down
by justice officers from across the political spectrum
based upon evidence from and testimony of
his own allies and former allies
conservatives all

History will record it just that way
because that is what has happened

Don't believe anyone who even hints otherwise
The data in the real world doesn't support it


  1. That's hilarious! Not the least bit a reflection of reality, but hilarious! Once again you knowingly lie.

  2. Marshal, you've read the terms of you commenting here. They include you making no unsupported claims. Saying that I am knowingly lying is, of course, itself a false claim.

    This is not a witch hunt.

    This is not normal or good.

    He is, by all evidence, profoundly narcissistic.

    He is being prosecuted by professional justice officers for what appears to be reasonable cause.

    If he is convicted, it will because of his own actions and his own words and the testimony, by and large, of fellow conservatives.

    These are all observable, reasoned facts.

    No more false claims without support. Such comments will be deleted.


  3. Marshal made more unsupported claims and thus, was deleted.

    One comment he made, I'll address:

    Narcissism isn't illegal.

    1. I didn't say narcissism is illegal, so there's that.

    2. Profoundly narcissistic people do not care at all about facts or truth-telling. It's entirely irrelevant to them.

    3. Trump HAS been charged with ineptly trying to undermine the election in a variety of ways. This is reasonable because we all saw him do this in public in real time, and also found out about how he did it in private.

    4. His complete disregard for facts, while itself is not illegal, when it comes to passing on false claims to try to subvert an election, that IS illegal. The narcissism just makes it more believable that he's guilty (unless he wants to plea innocent by way of mental illness... which he won't... because he's a narcissist).

    Which is what some of these trials will prove or not.

    5. You may answer this directly, if you wish, Marshal. If and when Trump is found guilty on one or all of these charges, will you admit he's been found guilty in a legitimate court of law?

    Or will you try to incite a civil war to save your pervert king from himself?

    or just give up, complaining about the mythic "stolen election" and mythic "kangaroo court" that ruled based on the testimony of Trump's own allies/former comrades?

    6. Along those same lines, you could answer this: Guliani has admitted he made up slanderous false claims about two election workers in Georgia. And while he admitted they were false claims, he was STILL repeating the false claims as recently as this week, I've heard!!

    Those same two brave women lost their jobs and have had death threats and otherwise had their lives thrown into chaos because of these slanders and they've sued him. Given that he's admitted he knew they were lies, I can't see how he could possibly win this case.

    Will you condemn Guliani for making up such vulgar lies about these ordinary heroes?

  4. So I responded and you deleted. Are you trying to figure out how to corrupt my response before you post yours? I've supported my claims in my response. Is that why it doesn't appear now?

    You made unsupported claims and that is one of your rules. You want to make a claim? Support it with data. Not merely your empty charges.

    And where's your evidence of these polls workers being "heroic" in any way? On what basis do you apply that word to them? Where's the evidence their lives were ever at risk for their actions?

    People who do the work to help the rest of us ARE heroes, at least in my estimation (and many others). Teachers, doctors, nurses, social workers, reporters, election workers... they're all doing vital work that literally saves/promotes/props up our free Republic.

    Well, they TOLD us about the threats. And it has the air of being credible because this is the US South and they are two black women who liars have accused them of stealing the election. We KNOW as an objective fact that racists are alive and well and some are willing to use abusive, threatening language and even if they weren't racists, we know some of Trump's followers have been threatening violence and civil war. It's in the news, we can see the words they're saying.

    Beyond that, we have no reason to doubt the word of these two heroes. That you are willing to listen to idiot perverted lies from idiot perverts doesn't mean that they are not trustworthy.

    We've heard about the LGBTQ doctor who had to leave Florida because they were receiving death threats. We've heard about other election workers and reporters getting death threats and harassment.

    Here is one example of many...

    Three men have been charged by federal prosecutors, with one of them pleading guilty last month. In that case, Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold was the subject of multiple threatening posts on social media...

    Griswold said the threats have not stopped. Just last week, a caller to her office’s public phone line said: “Hey, I’ve got a message for the secretary and I want you to pass it along. The angel of death is coming for her in the name of Jesus Christ.”

    “The fact of the matter is they’ve only done three prosecutions when we know there are literally thousands and thousands of violent threats going to election workers and secretaries of state,” Griswold said. “People are using threats as part of the attack on democracy to try to intimidate election workers, to try to intimidate county clerks and secretaries of state, and they are succeeding in some places.”

    Open your eyes to the violence being done in the name of the GOP and the MAGA types. Don't be a useful idiot of a pervert conman who just isn't very intelligent.

    You're a liar, Dan. You can't rebut that charge if I lied to help you do it.

    This is an example of a stupidly false unsupported claim. You repeated stomp your feet and call people who disagree with you "liars" and "destroyers," but then I can support my claims and just did.

    You didn't. THAT is why these sort of comments with unsupported claims are deleted. You're not banned. You can comment. BUT, you have rules you need to follow and one of them is supporting your claims.

  5. More support of the violence being threatened and attempted by the modern MAGA types...

    Several other cases involving threats against election workers have drawn attention in recent weeks. Earlier this month, a Texas man who threatened election officials in Arizona and called for a mass shooting of poll workers was sentenced to 3 1/2 years in federal prison.

    Last week, the U.S. Department of Justice filed an indictment against a 37-year-old Indiana man accused of threatening a Michigan election official. The target of that call was Tina Barton, a Republican who is the elections clerk in the Detroit suburb of Rochester Hills.

    In early January, Trump himself singled out Freeman, by name, 18 times in a now-famous call in which he pressed Georgia officials to alter the state’s results. He called the 62-year-old temp worker a “professional vote scammer,” a “hustler” and a “known political operative” who “stuffed the ballot boxes.”

    Freeman made a series of 911 emergency calls in the days after she was publicly identified in early December by the president’s camp. In a Dec. 4 call, she told the dispatcher she’d gotten a flood of “threats and phone calls and racial slurs,” adding: “It’s scary because they’re saying stuff like, ‘We’re coming to get you. We are coming to get you.’”

    Two days later, a panicked Freeman called 911 again, after hearing loud banging on her door just before 10 p.m. Strangers had come the night before, too. She begged the dispatcher for assistance. “Lord Jesus, where’s the police?” she asked, according to the recording, obtained by Reuters in a records request. “I don’t know who keeps coming to my door.”

    “Please help me.”

    ...Trump supporters threatened Moss’s teenage son by phone in tirades laced with racial slurs, said her supervisor, Fulton County Elections Director Richard Barron.

    Given the racism that is still alive and well, given that Trump's team openly accused these women of stealing an election and did so BY NAME, given the thousands (tens of thousands?) of threats and instances of harassment being experienced by educators, election workers and journalists and others, why would you guess these two black women are lying? Why are you not shocked that a public official in a free nation is using the power of the office of the presidency to go after multiple election workers? Why would you not condemn that?!

  6. Examples of Marshal's inane conspiratorial delusions, unsupported nonsense claims that were deleted...

    The answer's've been lying and you stole the damned election. Stop pretending Trump's the bad guy here since so much has come to light which shows your side was not honest in the slightest....

    What a hypocrite!! The manner in which both Obama and Biden have weaponized the many departments under them to attack those with whom they disagree is now legend....

    the DOJ has charged only 14 people with making death threats against election workers of various kinds and only convicted 2 of them. Yet, your Griswold simply states that "thousands and thousands" of threats have been received and you guy it as if it stands as evidence. Exactly how many people is "thousands and thousands" and where is this list which suggests there's anything like that many?

    "Election officials note that there have been thousands of threats nationwide yet relatively few prosecutions. They say they understand the high bar to actually prosecute a case but that more could be done...

    About 1 in 5 election workers know someone who left their election job for safety reasons and 73 percent of local election officials said harassment has increased, according to a Brennan Center survey published in April...

    The task force has reviewed more than 2,000 reports of threats and harassment across the country since its inception, though most of those cases haven’t brought charges from prosecutors who point to the high legal bar set by the Supreme Court for criminal prosecution."

    "he death threats brought Staci McElyea to tears. The caller said that McElyea and other workers in the Nevada Secretary of State’s office were “going to f------ die.” She documented the threats and alerted police, who identified and interviewed the caller. But in the end, detectives said there was nothing they could do – that the man had committed no crime.

    The first call came at 8:07 a.m. on Jan. 7, hours after Congress certified Donald Trump’s loss to Joe Biden in the November 2020 presidential vote. The caller accused McElyea of “stealing” the election, echoing Trump’s false claims of voter fraud. “I hope you all go to jail for treason. I hope your children get molested. You’re all going to f------ die,” he told her.

    He called back three times over the next 15 minutes, each time telling her she was “going to die.”

    Lovely people you're defending there with your conspiracy-madness.

  7. Marshal is now blaming the victims of the harassment/death threats for their own harassment. "What did THEY do which caused people to make these threats...?"

    And again, Marshal claims - with no support - that the election was likely stolen.

    He's living a an anger/hatred-fueled fantasy land, by his own words (that is, he's being driving to hatred and living with great anger regularly because things are going his way).

    He needs help. But he won't get to make his unsupported conspiracy theories here.

  8. Marshal has complained about my wording about Guliani admitting he lied. Allow me to clarify. Here's the statement from Guliani's legal team:

    “While Giuliani does not admit to Plaintiffs’ allegations,
    he — for purposes of this litigation only — does not contest the factual allegations,”
    the filing said.

    Giuliani political adviser Ted Goodman said in an email Wednesday that the filing was made “in order to move on to the portion of the case that will permit a motion to dismiss.”

    So, in the place where it counts - in the court room, where Guliani will be PUNISHED for making knowingly false claims - in THAT setting, Guliani is "not contesting" the "factual allegations."

    This is something that Guliani and others in Trump world have done before. They'll spew all manner of stupidly false allegations and accusations out "in the wild" world where MAGA true believers will believe everything he says. BUT, in the court room, where it matters, where there will be repercussions if he makes false claims, he doesn't make those claims and he admits the factual allegations.

    He's trying to have it both ways. Don't be a useful idiot. He and others in the modern Maga movement will say ANYTHING, any vile and unsupported claim to try to scam the system and cheat and actually try to steal an election (which is what factually we observed in real time in the real world)... BUT they will not make those same claims in a court room.

    Ask yourself, why is it? Does he have some "super secret truths" that he's willing to share with the True Believers but not with legal authorities?

    Or is he just scamming you, once again?

    Occam's Razor, Marshal. Go with the most obvious answer.

    Occam's Razor for ALL these nutso conspiracy theories that you all twist and build and try to build a case upon.

    Is it POSSIBLE that the entire justice system, the DOJ, these election officials from across the US and on both sides of the party are ALL collaborating to steal an election with incredibly complex processes and actions - NONE of which have or can be proven? Sure, in crazy land. But is it likely?

    Come on.

    Don't be a useful idiot.

  9. Marshal is not an idiot. Fundamentally, it has to be acknowledged, Marshal is a moral monster.

  10. The thing is, I, by and large, don't believe in monsters. We're humans. And sometimes we make morally monstrous decisions and, worse, build our world around morally monstrous notions. I do fear that Marshal has done and is doing that. But he remains a mere mortal, just a damaged and damaging one.

    Have you seen his latest post? You'd think that at some point, they'd hit a rock bottom where they'd stop and ask themselves what's WRONG with them that they'd pass on such vulgar nonsense.

    He is undone with his bad moral decisions, that much, I can agree upon.

    I think calling such folks monsters denigrates monsters and gives a pass to humans. We need to be held accountable.

  11. Only white men can assume the privilege of an inflated holier-than-now dismissal of monstrous evil. Only human beings can be monsters. Nothing else in creation can.

    This is a moral failure of white liberals: a shallow spiritual claim of childish preciousness posing as anthropology.

    Marshal doesn’t take bad moral decisions. Marshal has used his own volition - his will - to choke off normal adaptive conscience. Marshal wills to view Others with hate, brutality, and violent wishes.

    A moral monster.

  12. Indeed. It's not grace for nothing, after all.

  13. I have no idea what heaven will do with Marshal. Not in our capacity to know.

    But I do know that the prophets make clear how profoundly clear we must speak about the terror of brutal power and those who assume to wield it. And I know how white people pull back from this implication when addressing our own, if only because we have a conscious hiccup avoiding the reality of believing in the presence of the prophetic authority of god.

  14. Is Craig at all aware that the special prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden was appointed by the Trump administration? Before any plea was accepted, accepting a plea, rejecting the plea, making new indictments… a Trump prosecutor has led it all.

  15. Yes, he knows. Makes no difference, it's all part of a conspiracy.

  16. A Great Left and Right and Middle Wing conspiracy of Republicans and Democrats and the media groups (including rightwing outlets like Fox, at least at times) and large parts of the church and the colleges and school systems and the libraries and "those with educations" and "the union workers" and, well, anyone that isn't for them. And even then, maybe not.

  17. Whiteness. It’s a 500 year old developmental replacement of ethnic identity with an ideology of superiority. It’s very very very hard to give up when that ideology seemed ordained because of the circumstantial - resources, distance, marriage of diligent Protestantism with enlightenment industrialism - fortunes of war and modern banking.
