Friday, March 10, 2023

Them Lyin' Media and Corrupt Politicians!

Far too many conservative extremists have been attacking the "mainstream media" for years, complaining that they're dishonest and shills for liberal causes and knowingly report false claims. This, of course, undermines trust in the reported word and does damage to a free republic in the process. Treating the media as a literal "enemy of the people" of the US is precisely part of the process for authoritarians throughout history. "Don't trust what they're reporting... Trust ME and ONLY ME..." It's a dangerous, twisted road to go down but it's exactly what Trump and his ilk have been doing for years (well before Trump, he's just upped the volume and viciousness). Indeed, Fox News played this same gambit for years. "WE are the fair and balanced ones... Don't listen to any other media!"

Of course, wise citizens have always recognized this con for what it is. But then, there are the gullible citizens. The ones susceptible to cons and grifts.

So, now that Fox News and Trump's own lawyers and allies are making it clear that they were lying about the "stolen election" claims they pushed relentlessly, and that they KNEW they were lying and that they lied ONLY for the reason of hanging on to profits and power (some of the signs of con artists throughout the centuries)... NOW, will that cause those who whine about unsupported and unsubstantiated claims of reputable media outlets to finally open their eyes and recognized they've been played for useful idiots all along? NOW, will they admit they've been suckered? NOW, will they turn their attacks on Fox News and Trump and his allies for these admitted cons?

I have yet to see ANY sign that MAGA country is willing to admit what was always clear and what is indisputably clear now. I have yet to see them condemn Fox News for knowing Trump was an incompetent ass and irresponsible liar and STILL promoting him. Indeed, Fox News acolytes of Trump have made it clear that they literally loathed the corrupt orange idiot. But not one word from any of the Fox Country conservatives out there.

What will it take?

1 comment:

  1. Marshal commented off topic, merely repeating the stupidly false accusations of the MAGA types with "naw, the liberal media is lying" nonsense, ignoring that Fox News is ADMITTING to knowingly pass of stupidly false claims about the election being "stolen..." THAT is the topic of this post.

    Do you acknowledge that your own MAGA types at Fox News have admitted to passing on actual false and dangerous stories to curry the favor of Trump and his acolytes? That they've admitted to secretly loathing him and thinking he's a failed buffoon, but because of their allegiances to making money, acted as if he were a genius leader, knowing full well that he wasn't?

    Those are the questions to answer if you want to comment here. DO you recognize the reality of Fox News lies?
