Thursday, March 2, 2023

"I Hate Your Religious Festivals"

Shame on the GOP.

Shame on the meddlers and busybodies.

Shame on the hypocrites.

Shame on the oppressors.

Shame on those who, on the one hand, are worried that professionals teaching children about the realities of slavery, racism, homosexuality and transgender issues... those who falsely accuse these experts and professionals of the worst motives and behaviors

BUT, who at the same time

insist that THEY are the ones who need to dictate by weight of law
what women should do with their pregnancies
what parents of transgender kids can do to support their children
AND while listening to expert opinion
to save their children's lives.

Meddling oppressors.


Those whose policies are dangerous and deadly.

The ones who are ACTUALLY trying to "groom" children to be petty, graceless oppressors like them.

Shame on them and the hell they are creating for themselves.

AND, shame on those conservatives who may not go so far as the legislators in places like Kentucky and Tennessee in oppressing LGBTQ people and dictating medical decisions upon women
BUT who do not speak up and denounce their fellow conservatives.

All it takes for evil to win is for normal people to remain silent.

Shame on modern conservatism and their oppressive, dictatorial tendencies.

You will be remembered as a stain on history and your children and grandchildren will grow to recognize you as villains and oppressors.
You are dying out and your day of dictatorial rule can't last much longer.

Repent while you can. Stop harming innocent people as you try to force your vile and graceless, loveless "religion" on others.

There are those who turn justice into bitterness
    and cast righteousness to the ground.

The One who made the Pleiades and Orion,

    who turns midnight into dawn
    and darkens day into night,
who calls for the waters of the sea
    and pours them out over the face of the land—
    the Lord is his name.
With a blinding flash God destroys the stronghold

    and brings the fortified city to ruin.

There are those who hate the one who upholds justice in court

    and detest the one who tells the truth.

You levy a straw tax on the poor
    and impose a tax on their grain.
Therefore, though you have built stone mansions,
    you will not live in them;
though you have planted lush vineyards,
    you will not drink their wine.
For I know how many are your offenses
    and how great your sins.

There are those who oppress the innocent and take bribes
    and deprive the poor of justice in the courts...

I hate, I despise your religious festivals;
    your assemblies are a stench to me.
Even though you bring me burnt offerings and grain offerings,
    I will not accept them.
Though you bring choice fellowship offerings,
    I will have no regard for them.
Away with the noise of your songs!
    I will not listen to the music of your harps.
But let justice roll on like a river,
    righteousness like a never-failing stream!"

~The Prophet, Amos


  1. “The ones who are ACTUALLY trying to "groom" children to be petty, graceless oppressors like them.
    Shame on them and the hell they are creating for themselves.”

    That’s right! And the judgment they bring on themselves for giving innocent people brutal and violent treatment in thought, speech, and act.

  2. Marshal, any unsupported claims will be deleted. Any abusive attacks will be deleted. We know your position on this oppression and you're just wrong and your bigotry will not be posted here.

    You're on the wrong side of morality, the wrong side of justice, the wrong side of history. You're an immoral dinosaur on this point and you will be judged harshly for your harmful oppressive views.

    If you want to ask questions in a polite manner - rational, pertinent questions - you may do so. I don't care to hear you or any modern GOP types defend their religious bigotries, though.

    Here's the reality:

    The experts agree:

    * Gender and sexual orientation is on a spectrum.
    * There is nothing innately wrong (of course) with being LGBTQ.
    * Religious conservatives and other bigots are entirely free to NOT be gay or lesbian or transgender in their own lives. That's liberty.
    * But as we see from the fascists in Kentucky and Tennessee and beyond, they're not satisfied with making their own decisions, they want to force their religious bigotry on other parents who do not believe the same bigoted religion as you all hold to, they want to tell parents and LGBTQ what they can and can't do.
    * Experts agree that NOT letting transgender folks get the needed support is damaging, potentially deadly.

    You will not be allowed to defend bigotry or oppression or forcing your religious bigotry on others. Shame on you for defending these dangerous oppressive actions.

  3. You are not citing "experts". You're citing advocates for death and depravity. THIS is the reality, not the God-hating lies you choose to spew without the slightest bit of evidence...hard or otherwise.

    In the meantime, the only bigotry ever on display here is from you and yours, as you express your hatred for those who defend God's will and truth on the issues on which we've engaged in what can only laughingly be regarded as "discourse".

    Shame on you for your moral corruption and rebellion against all which is good and holy on God's terms. You're on the wrong side of Him and it will not go well for you. You've condemned yourself and that's blatantly obvious.

    Once again, what you regard as "bigotry" is simply adherence to the true and clearly revealed will of God. Those like me don't force that on anyone, but rather, those like you force your depravity and moral degradation upon the nation under the guise of compassion, but for other morally bankrupt people. We see you. You are not fooling anyone.

    All your warnings are simply to stifle truth I'd bring to the table. They are not indicative of any threat of "oppressive bigotry" or unsupported claims on my part. That's all on YOU, you hopeless, hapless son of the Father of Lies.

  4. Marshal...

    "You are not citing "experts". You're citing advocates for death and depravity."

    The facts are:

    The AMA, the APA and other mental health professionals recognize the reality of fluid gender and sexual attraction.

    You have NO data or experts who say otherwise (at least none that aren't coming from a religious zealots background, and they are outliers.)

    Parents and loved ones/allies of LGBTQ people can attest to this reality.

    LGBTQ people themselves can attest to the reality of their gender and attraction.

    Now you may espouse that there is this vast conspiracy amongst all these disparate groups, but then you come across as a, well, conspiracy theorist. Wild eyed. Tin foil hat.

    Move on. You will not spew your religious bigotry here.

  5. Marshal...

    "what you regard as "bigotry" is simply adherence to the true and clearly revealed will of God..."

    Yeah, you and the religious extremist Muslims and Mormons all agree. Rational people are unimpressed.


  6. Marshal...

    "You are not citing "experts". You're citing advocates for death...*****"

    The fact is, I AM citing experts. The AMA and APA ARE experts in the area of best practices for supporting transgender people and LGBTQ people. You, in your bubble of ignorance on the topics, may disagree with the experts, but that doesn't make them, not experts.

    "The AMA opposes the dangerous intrusion of government into the practice of medicine and the criminalization of health care decision-making,.."

    "Decisions about whether to seek gender-affirming care, and what specific services to utilize, must be made between a provider, patient, and the patient’s parents or guardians. Such decisions are relative to the youth’s individual clinical situation. Gender affirming care typically includes steps toward social transition, potentially treatments to temporarily postpone puberty, and in some instances, hormone replacement therapy..."

  7. Marshal...

    "as you express your hatred for those who defend God's will and truth on the issues on which we've engaged..."

    The fact is, you can cite not ONE time where I've ever said I hate conservatives or otherwise expressed hatred for people like my parents or myself, back when I was a conservative.

    Of course, I don't hate my parents or other conservatives I was raised around. Disagreeing with your biases and bigotries is not the same as hating.


    Another empty, unsupported and stupidly false claim.

  8. “At CPAC, A Call For Trans People To Be 'Eradicated' Gets Big Cheers
    The conservative movement’s annual confab was creepily obsessed with trans kids and showcased the GOP’s alarming and intensifying anti-trans rhetoric.“

    Marshal and the more “unspoken” thugs are conservative like Satan.

  9. It's crazy how invasive and abusive they are while at the same time, continually whine about how THEY are the oppressed ones.

    It's like they think that if they're not free to impose abusive, anti-science policies upon others, that they're being oppressed. I reckon that's one of the problems of being the controlling majority for so long, they come to expect it, even when they're a minority and operating from a position counter to the experts.


  10. Marshal complained that Feodor's comment about the crazy and dangerous CPAC people said, saying that it's a lie. Here's the quote from Marshal's source:

    “And if it’s false, then we should not indulge it, especially since that indulgence requires taking away the rights and customs of so many people.
    If it is false,
    then for the good of society and especially for the good of the poor people who have fallen prey to this confusion,
    transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely —
    the whole preposterous ideology at every level,”

    I don't know how you think that is any better. As if one could erase "transgenderism" without eradicating those who are transgender.

    And WE DO NOT CARE that you don't believe transgender people are a reality. That is YOUR sick delusion not supporting by expert opinion or reality. Now, move on. You're out of touch with reality.

    And, according to your fellow delusiac, those who are out of touch with reality must be eradicated.

  11. Marshal demonstrated his continued detachment from reality by citing his conspiracy theory that ALL of these experts, people who've studied and researched for years and decades, looked at the data and observed reality... that ALL of these experts are not, in fact, experts. He makes this irrational and emotionally shrill and shriveled claim with no support other than his say so.

    "No. They're not "experts". They're advocates and activists for the cause of sexual immorality."

    You're detached from reality. Move on.

  12. Marshal, I'm eradicating all comments that use harmful, oppressive, anti-science false claims. Don't bother posting those.

  13. Marshal, in a now-deleted comment...

    The only anti-science false claims are coming from you, as evidenced by your inability or unwillingness to back it up with actual scientific evidence.

    It's just a stone cold fact that the thousands of members of the AMA and the APA ARE in fact, experts in their field, having studied for years and been accredited. That you, as a NON-expert, disagree with their expertise and conclusions is meaningless. That you continue to insist that they are not experts just shows you could benefit by getting some help with your detachment from reality. I'd recommend checking with an APA professional.

    But by all means, you can put on a tin foil hat and tune in your radio to listen for advice from the aliens or ancient beings that might be out there providing you "real" facts.

    [rolls eyes]

  14. "Trump lawyer admits her claims of election fraud were all lies."

    "Fox News admits their claims of election fraud were all lies to benefit their bottom line."

    Rather than make nonsensical charges about actual experts, how about showing some integrity and,

    1. Admit the election fraud thing was always clearly bullshit and not even good or clever bullshit, and

    2. Show some intellectual honesty and clearly condemn team Trump and Fox News for their assault on our free republic?

    Be a rational adults, Marshal.

  15. Nice links. I know why you're afraid to provide them.

    You don't know what "rational" means.

    Also nice was deleting my comment again like the lying coward you are. I expect no better.

    I google your first quote. It's a lie. I had to go through a few lefty sites, like Rolling Stone, Politico and one or two others, before finding one which provides context, including an objection to the claim of admitting to lying. The source goes on to suggest problems nonetheless, but does not provide court transcripts to get more detail, nor does the source I am citing:

    In the above article, it provides samples of her "misrepresentations" but notably absent is anything like evidence against it. Going through them one at a time:

    ---"On November 20, 2020, Respondent appeared on Mornings with Maria on Fox Business..."

    How is this one a misrepresentation? Was there any actual trial in which the Trump team could have made their case and presented evidence? It doesn't say and I've seen nothing which indicates such ever happened.

    ---"On November 20, 2020, Respondent appeared on Spicer & Co...."

    Again, as in the previous, what trial event proved this claim was assailable in any way? Could it be the word "stolen", as if YOU were there demanding a strict adherence to the definition as opposed to the FACT that for a cornucopia of illegitimate reasons, the presidency was denied Trump? That's most likely.

    ---"On November 21, 2020, Respondent stated on Twitter under her handle @JennaEllisEsq., ..."

    There it is again...the word "stolen"!! But more importantly, this...along with the above...seems to suggest she was punished for having an opinion without having had the opportunity to fully argue for it.

    ---"On November 23, 2020, Respondent appeared on The Ari Melber Show on MSNBC..."

    Another opinion. How was it proved incorrect? I've never seen ANYONE do that. YOU certainly haven't, but I don't expect you're capable of supporting ANYTHING you say or believe as years of blog debate has demonstrated.

  16. Marshal...

    Nice links. I know why you're afraid to provide them.

    I assume this means you were totally unaware of the stories I was citing.

    I forget. You isolate yourself away from actual reputable news sources so, of course, you haven't seen the stories that are ALL OVER the real journalism sources.

    From NPR:

    "media magnate Rupert Murdoch knew that the hosts on his prized Fox News Channel were endorsing lies from then-President Donald Trump about election fraud.

    And he did nothing to intervene to stop it.

    Instead, Murdoch, the network's controlling owner, followed the lead of the network's senior executives in sidestepping the truth for a pro-Trump audience angered when confronted by the facts...

    Speaking under oath,
    Murdoch confirmed the suggestion by a Dominion lawyer that
    Fox was "trying to straddle the line between spewing conspiracy theories on one hand,
    yet calling out the fact that they are actually false on the other."

    Pressed whether they [the Fox "stars" Dobbs, Carlson, etc] endorsed the narrative of a stolen election, Murdoch finally gave in:

    "Yes. They endorsed."

    From BBC, speaking to how Tucker Carlson from Fox loathed Trump and recognized he was a trainwreck...

    "We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights," he wrote in a text sent on 4 January 2021. "I truly can't wait."

    "I hate him passionately," he added.

    Mr Carlson, the top-rated host on the conservative network, also appeared to denigrate the Trump presidency in these private messages, despite lauding his achievements on air.

    "That's the last four years.
    We're all pretending we've got a lot to show for it,
    because admitting what a disaster it's been is too tough to digest.

    But come on. There isn't really an upside to Trump."

    I could go on and on. Have you truly not heard of this? How siloed are you?

    The upshot is that Fox and its "stars" all recognized Trump as a joke, as a disaster, and yet, continued to endorse him. They KNEW that the stupidly false "stolen election" claims were stupidly false and yet, they continue to repeat them. EVEN NOW, after they've been caught acknowledging they were false claims, they repeat them.

    Do you acknowledge what the con artists and their allies are telling you to your face? That they LIED about the stolen election, that they lied about Trump being a good president? It's their words, not mine. Do you acknowledge that?

  17. As to the lawyer, from the NYT:

    "Jenna Ellis acknowledged that she knowingly misrepresented the facts about election fraud in a disciplinary procedure by Colorado state bar officials...

    But in her stipulation with bar officials,
    she agreed that censure was merited when lawyers
    “knowingly engage” in any
    “conduct that involves dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation.”

    ...On Nov. 20, 2020, for example, Ms. Ellis appeared on Maria Bartiromo’s show on Fox Business describing the evidence that Mr. Trump’s legal team had collected to support their claims of fraud — a position that she now acknowledges was untrue.

    “We have affidavits from witnesses, we have voter intimidation,” she falsely claimed on Ms. Bartiromo’s show, “we have the ballots that were manipulated, we have all kinds of statistics that show that this was a coordinated effort in all of these states to transfer votes either from Trump to Biden, to manipulate the ballots, to count them in secret.”

    Two weeks later, Ms. Ellis appeared on Jeanine Pirro’s show on Fox and declared that Mr. Trump’s legal team had discovered more than 500,000 votes in Arizona “that were cast illegally.” She acknowledged in the statement issued on Wednesday that this claim was also false.

  18. More on the lawyer, from the Wall St Journal:

    WASHINGTON—Jenna Ellis, an attorney who once described herself as part of an elite strike force representing former President Donald Trump, was formally disciplined by a judge after admitting to falsely claiming the 2020 election was stolen from Mr. Trump.

    In a six-page opinion handed down on Wednesday, a Colorado judge who hears ethics complaints against lawyers said he was imposing a public censure of Ms. Ellis, effective immediately.

    Ms. Ellis
    “repeatedly made misrepresentations on national television and on Twitter,
    undermining the American public’s confidence in the 2020 presidential election,”

    said Judge Bryon M. Large, the Colorado Supreme Court’s presiding disciplinary judge.

    As part of a stipulated agreement,
    Ms. Ellis admitted to making 10 misrepresentations, including that
    “the election was stolen and Trump won by a landslide,” that
    “we have over 500,000 votes [in Arizona] that were cast illegally,” and that
    “Hillary Clinton still has not conceded the 2016 election.”

    Ms. Ellis admitted to making these 10 misstatements “with at least a reckless state of mind,” according to the judge’s order..."

    So, while she AGREED to the censure that stated she made wrecklessly false claims, she walks away and doubles down on the lies in spite of the censure.

    In a statement on Thursday, Ms. Ellis said
    agreeing to censure was the best way to resolve ethics complaints against her.
    She said she never lied about the election.

    “I would NEVER lie,” Ms. Ellis said. “Lying requires INTENTIONALLY making a false statement. I never did that, nor did I stipulate to or admit that.”

    Even when they are caught in making such stupidly obviously false claims, they turn around and lie to try to avoid trouble.

    Such petulant and corrupt children you side with.

    And even when they admit lying to your face, you can't accept it.

    Tell me, Marshal: Do you think that judge and all the other judges who dismissed the frivolous stupidly false "stolen election" lies are all in a grand cabal, trying to cover up an actually stolen election?

    Take your tin foil hat off, Marshal. Your head needs to breathe.



  20. Marshal continues to pass on known and stupidly false claims, ignoring what even his own MAGA allies are telling him about the idiocy and corruption of Trump. That's not going to happen here.

    And Marshal continues to try to attack good and decent people that Marshal doesn't even know and has never met and is entirely ignorant of, in his knee jerk religious bigotry and hate. Those comments will not remain, either.

    How about answering this question, Marshal: Have you EVER volunteered to read to a group of children at a library?

    Don't attack helping people who are doing good. Don't let your religious bigotry blind you to good people. You're only hurting yourself, ultimately.

  21. Marshal asked, in a now deleted comment...

    .you keep saying I make "known and stupidly false claims". When are planning on listing a few and providing actual evidence to support THAT stupidly false claim?

    Each time you say I hate conservatives, it is a lie, a stupidly false one, as my parents, much of my family and church family growing up were and are conservatives. I DISAGREE with conservatives on many points, like their hateful attacks against LGBTQ community, but I don't hate them. You have no data to support this stupidly ignorantly patently false claim. I don't have to prove your bullshit is a lie. You'd have to support it and you just can't.

    Each time you say that liberals or LGBTQ people are "bad people" or "of low character," it is a damned lie that you have not and can not support. And it is, itself, a hateful and dangerous lie when used to attack the historically marginalized. People are hurting and in danger because of those sort of low-intellect, dishonest attacks by perverts like you who'd continue to cause harm to children and adults who have been traditionally dumped upon by perverts like you.

    Go away. Find a way to be a better man, Marshal.

  22. Marshal said, in a now deleted commented...

    "Which is EXACTLY like saying, "Each time you say that liars and thieves are "bad people" or "of low character," it is a damned lie that you have not and can not support." The label proves it all by itself."

    No. No, Marshal, it's not. Liars and thieves cause HARM by their lies and thievery. LGBTQ people are, on the other hand, just living life, being who they are, loving who they love. A gay fella loving another gay fella and committing to a life in marriage is NOT causing harm to you or to anyone else. But the person who breaks in and steals your KKK parephenalia or other things that belong to you IS causing harm to you. That person is taking your stuff that isn't theirs. The thief is causing harm, denying you your "stuff." They gay couple, the transgender person, the drag queen is NOT causing harm.

    This is why you've lost this argument. Your attacks and brutality are irrational and they cause harm.

    Be a better person, Marshal. Live and let live. If they're causing you NO harm (and they're not), then just move on with your life.

    Good lord, have mercy on your petty, brutal soul. WHY does anyone have to explain to you the chasm of difference between the two?
