Saturday, July 2, 2022

Stay Away from Conspiracy Theorists

One thing that we all have to keep in mind is that today's conservatives are especially in need of being forced to support their claims precisely because so many conservatives have bought into so many conspiracy theories.

From the way out there types like Q-Anon and the Great Replacement Theory nuts to the more day-to-day insane theories like

* The gov't wants to take my guns away
* The election was stolen
* "Election fraud" in 2016 cost Trump the popular vote
* The gov't is being taken over by a cabal of Hollywood pedophile liberals
* Hillary Clinton and Democrats were running a child-peddling operation out of a pizza joint in DC
* The media is an enemy of the state
* Obama was not a US citizen
* "Climate change" is fake science
* "Covid" is fake science and Fauci et al are spreading lies
* The Clintons killed Epstein, Foster, Rich and others to silence them
* "The earth is only ~6,000 years old and any evidence to the contrary was placed there by Satan...?"
* The "homosexual agenda"

...and on and on and on it goes. One set of crazy stupidly false claims after another, promoted as if they are real or that they MIGHT be real.

Because of this endless cascade of "alternate facts" and stupidly false claims, we just have to start holding Trump-style/supporting "conservatives" to a strict, "Prove it with data" set of guidelines.

There simply is no corresponding set of "liberal conspiracy theories" that are as common and widespread and widely taken seriously. In fact, I did a search and just couldn't find anything serious. Sure, there are outliers like the liberals (and conservatives) who believe that 9/11 was staged, but those are not commonly accepted amongst rational people/liberals.

Don't want to be asked to support your claims? Don't lie down with pigs in their stupidly false claim pit.

Never vote for anyone who takes any of these stupidly false and irrational conspiracy theories seriously. That is a line that should not be crossed.

"None but ourselves can free our minds." ~Bob Marley

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