Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Hold Them All Accountable

 Just to make clear what should be obvious: if Hunter Biden broke any laws, he should be held accountable.  If he acted in a profiteering manner that isn't illegal, he should be held accountable  and maybe we should change laws so that any profiteering off the presidency is illegal.

It's that simple. Why won't modern conservatives behave in a likewise responsible manner?

"A top legal analyst at CNN said it is possible President Biden's son Hunter Biden could be indicted by the U.S. government following an investigation into his foreign business dealings. 

"This is a very real, very substantial investigation of potentially serious federal crimes," Elie Honig said Wednesday morning on the network. "We are seeing federal prosecutors in Delaware do exactly what you would expect to see federal prosecutors do in this situation."


  1. Marshal made an unsupported claim that was contrary to the known facts and so, was deleted. Reminder: If you make a fact claim, you must provide support. Conservatives making endless, stupidly false and unsupported claims have destroyed their credibility and thus, at least here, MUST support their inane claims.

    Here's a claim for you to deal with, Marshal: young GOP nitwit congressperson Cawthorne recently made an allegation that Washington leadership was a cesspool of sex orgies and cocaine parties. Is he correct to make that claim and where is the supporting proof?

  2. Here's the story of yet another GOP wacko just making shit up (and that, accordingto fellow conservatives)...

    "Most recently, Cawthorn [GOP] sparked an uproar after claiming on a podcast that people in Washington have invited him to participate in orgies and used cocaine in front of him. Even fellow members of the House Freedom Caucus, a far-right crew with a penchant for controversy, have turned on Cawthorn: They've floated the idea of kicking him out of the group if he didn't clarify his wild accusations, according to GOP sources, though such a step seems unlikely...

    Amid complaints from members, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy [GOP] hauled Cawthorn into his office Wednesday morning and pressed him on the unsettling allegations, which he said Cawthorn admitted were untrue, and told the freshman lawmaker he needs to get his act together or else he could face internal consequences."

  3. Voting fraud, yet again, by the GOP.

    “Matt Mowers, the former Trump administration aide who is running for Congress in New Hampshire, voted twice during the 2016 primary, according to voting records obtained by CNN, opening the Republican candidate up to criticism from his opponents and charges of hypocrisy from Democrats.”

  4. That's no doubt why the GOP insists that they know that election fraud is happening: They keep doing it.

    I wonder if there's been any research about the party most likely to commit voter fraud?

  5. Lock him up. He’s *actually* dirty.

    “F.B.I. Preparing to Investigate How Classified Material Went to Trump’s Home
    Federal authorities want to know more about how sensitive national security information came to be in 15 boxes of documents and mementos sent to Mar-a-Lago from the White House.”

  6. “Mark Meadows removed from North Carolina voter rolls amid state investigation into voter fraud allegations.”

    White House chief of Staff for a lawless White House.
