Wednesday, May 12, 2021

In Praise of Honest and Decent Conservatives

Even though I disagree with Liz Cheney on most policy opinions, she is right on here. Speak that Truth to Power, Representative Cheney!

"Today we face a threat America has never seen before. A former president, who provoked a violent attack on this capital in an effort to steal the election, has resumed his aggressive effort to convince Americans that the election was stolen from him.

He risks inciting further violence.
Millions of Americans have been misled by the former president, they have heard only his words, but not the truth. As he continues to undermine our democratic process, sowing seeds of doubt about whether democracy really works at all...

"I am a conservative Republican, and the most conservative of conservative principles is reverence for the rule of law.

"The Electoral College has voted.
More than 60 state and federal courts,
including multiple judges the former president appointed,
have rejected his claims.

The Trump Department of Justice investigated
the former president's claims of widespread fraud and
found no evidence to support them.

The election is over.

That is the rule of law. That is our constitutional process.
Those who refuse to accept the rulings of our courts are at war with the Constitution.
Our duty is clear. Every one of us who has sworn the oath must act to prevent the unraveling of our democracy.

"This is not about policy. This is not about partisanship. This is about our duty as Americans.
Remaining silent and ignoring the lie emboldens the liar.
I will not participate in that. I will not sit back and watch in silence, while others lead our party down a path that abandons the rule of law and joins the former president's crusade to undermine our democracy."

~Liz Cheney, in a speech on May 11 that helps mark the downfall of the modern GOP and much of modern conservatism and modern white conservative evangelicalism.

I'm glad that Cheney, W Bush, Romney and other responsible and decent conservatives have been speaking out or have started speaking out. I would hope that they could also recognize the part that they played in leading the US to this crisis time where a pervert conman could overtake the GOP that they helped shape... and maybe they do. But stepping up to clearly denounce a great existential threat to a free Republic is a starting point.

Oh, what has become of modern conservatism... Where facts, truth, decency, honesty, integrity used to matter? I truly believe that to be true, because I was raised amongst conservatives who held to those ideals.

And while I recognize that there are sort of three camps of conservatives -
those who've sold their souls to Trump-style corruption and dishonesty,
those who recognize Trump as a deviant but remain silent to appease their fellow conservatives and
those few who have publicly spoken up to denounce this for the deviant and dangerous corruption it is -
the latter seem to be a pretty small group and the Silent group is enabling the Deviant groups to maintain power.

Maybe, when people like Cheney and George W Bush speak out, the silent ones will find their spines and sense of decency and join those who are breaking away from the deviants. Time will tell and history will judge.


  1. You're freakin' hilarious, in a pathetic, lying sort of way. I love how you think you understand conservatism; how you think you can dictate what truth is based on what you'd prefer it to be; how you dare speak of "facts, truth, decency, honesty, integrity" as if any of those things actually matter to you. As you were raised among those who claimed to be Christian yet never learned what Christianity is all about, so too you claim to have been raised among conservatives yet have no freakin' idea what conservatism is.

    The only thing that Trump incited was the belief that we could be better than we were under Obama and even GW Bush. He did that by making the country better than it was under those presidents...and under Clinton and GHW Bush as well. face a threat America has never seen before. And we have haters like you to thank for it, vengeful types like Cheney to thank, and suspect other conservatives and establishment Republicans who opposed an unusual but effective president because of superficial character traits and tweets. You're a moron. A pathetic moron who is complicit in the suffering of America. May God have mercy on your black, empty soul.

  2. Sigh. One Chance and one chance only. Tell me one thing you think I don't understand about conservatism.

    These ad hom nonsense attacks are just so dreadfully inane.

  3. Almost certainly, any response you give will not be my actual positions. You're almost certainly just misunderstanding things I've said. Of course. Again.

  4. Marshal... "He did that by making the country better than it was under those presidents..."


    " face a threat America has never seen before."

    Delusions. Lies. Insanity.

    History will harshly judge the pervert king and his useful idiot defenders/supporters.

    I would ask "What threat?" but any answer you give will only be irrational fear-mongering and unsupported stupidly false claims, so, I'll pass.

  5. That was me. Not sure why it said Unknown.

  6. Marshal is a white supremacist. RE Trump Craig and Stan refuse the shit Marshal eats. You shouldn't give him an outlet. Let him eat devour his faith and his children like Ugolino.

    RE Liz Cheney, Dan, you should remind yourself who she is: an enemy of democracy. Applauding her only serves to make Trump the scapegoat of all the brutality that half of white people have been doing long before Trump.

    "As if we don’t know what they are, as if the horribleness of Trump redeems them for relative measure. Nah. No amnesia for me, thank you. With respect to Dick Cheney, I ask you to recall just one thing: the torture program under the Bush administration. He’s said that if he had it to do over, he would torture again. The torture gene must run in the family, for Liz Cheney praised the Trump administration’s review of the treatment of terrorism suspects.

    As HuffPost reported:
    “Cheney also asserted that waterboarding works, and that it helped in securing crucial information leading to the capture of Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden (a debunked theory). ‘It’s been clear, certainly since we stopped the enhanced interrogation program, we’re not even in a position anymore, frankly, where we’re very often capturing people,’ Cheney said. ‘We have nothing to do with people when we do capture them.’”

    Furthermore, in 2009, she refused to denounce birthers on CNN, saying instead of Barack Obama, “People are fundamentally uncomfortable, and they’re fundamentally increasingly uncomfortable with an American president who seems to be afraid to defend America.” She later had to clarify that she, personally, didn’t question Obama’s right to be president.
    In 2010, an ad by Liz Cheney’s “Keep America Safe” group attacked Eric Holder’s Justice Department. It featured an Investor’s Business Daily headline that read, “DOJ: Department of Jihad?” and referred to some of the lawyers the department had hired as the “Al Qaeda 7.”

    Even Republican lawyers, including Ken Starr, condemned the ad, writing in a letter:
    “To suggest that the Justice Department should not employ talented lawyers who have advocated on behalf of detainees maligns the patriotism of people who have taken honorable positions on contested questions and demands a uniformity of background and view in government service from which no administration would benefit.”
    A few weeks before the 2016 election, when an old tape of Trump boasting about sexually assaulting women became public, Cheney said, according to The Associated Press, that while Trump’s comments were appalling, she was still supporting him and that, somehow, Hillary Clinton’s handling of her emails was worse than the Trump admission."

  7. Marshal, you had ONE task: Tell me something that I don't understand about conservatism. Cite some point that I have made and show me how it's wrong, WITH support. You opted for dozens (hundreds?) of words in TWO comments and not one instance of me failing to understand conservatism.

    You blew it. Move on. I gave you one chance and you blew it. You're done here on this post.

    Feodor, I clearly note that these conservatives (Cheney, Bush, et al) are also responsible for getting us to Trump, so I'm blaming the whole modern conservative process. I've no delusions about how bad she has been. I'm just noting the one time when she's now stepping up and doing some of the right thing.

    Even then, it's no doubt not an effort to repent so much as it is an effort to keep her "more restrained" version of GOP in power. There's a bit of schadenfreude in seeing these people consumed by the monster/process they created.

    But who knows? Maybe something like this could open the eyes of some conservatives so that they see how this is on them.

  8. Marshal can't take, "You lost" for an answer. I wonder if, when he got an F in school, he whined and called the teacher names and attacked them because HE failed?

    Just to clarify something, he said, in a now-deleted rant, "You don't provide shit to support your whining criticisms of conservatism, so how can I point to anything substantive? You have to first provide substance."

    ? IF I had said something to indicate that I don't understand conservatism - EVEN IF it lacked substance (maybe especially if!) - then he could cite that idea which lacked substance. IF I had said, "All conservatives are racists!" and provided nothing to support the claim, THEN Marshal could point to that as evidence and go from there.

    IF I had said, "Conservative Christians generally believe in the Penal Substitutionary Theory of Atonement, which means that they like abusing children and believe God wants us to enslave children..." and I provided nothing of substance to support that, Marshal could point to that.

    He can't point to anything I've said that indicates a lack of understanding of conservatism. I've given him opportunities and he has completely bailed and NOT EVEN TRIED to support the stupidly false claim. And he has the audacity to suggest this is somehow MY fault that he failed.

    It's your F, man. Own it. Or complain to your parents and see if you can get the principal involved.

    How embarrassing for him.

  9. AOC on Marjorie Taylor-Green: "I used to work as a bartender. These are the kinds of people that I threw out of bars all the time."

    Marshal needs to get thrown out. He's inebriated with hate and brutality.

  10. “Michael Flynn, who served as President Donald Trump's national security adviser, told a crowd at a QAnon conference in Dallas, Texas, this weekend that the US should have a coup like the one in Myanmar.”

  11. “An educational agency backed by Betsy DeVos just lost recognition for reportedly signing off on a fake college.”

  12. Pretty freaky freaks, there. The GOP done gone off the deep end. And that's saying something.

  13. Craig, Stan and the other goons cry out about the myth that Christian rights are being torn down by government.

    And they support state and local governments tearing down of voting access rights for working people and especially target black communities.

    Duplicitous evil.
