Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Top Ten Reasons to Vote For Biden (As Opposed to Against Trump)

Reasons why liberals, moderates and conservatives should all vote for Biden. I'm writing this especially for those who may identify as more progressive/liberal. And I do recognize that some conservatives will hold some policy positions that are vital to them that are never going to be embraced by Democrats and thus, they may not be able to vote for a Democrat. But at the least, I'd hope that those conservatives would recognize that they also can't vote for a corrupt, immoral, chaotic and irrational president. The vote for Biden is not in isolation apart from the horrible choice on the other side and that must be acknowledged.

Before beginning my list, I'd like to say that these last four years and especially these last eight months have pointed out important and serious problems with our system of doing things, including problems found with our two party system as it exists...

A. Given the racial strife that has been a problem for the entirety of our nation's history,
B. Given the very real disadvantages that the poor and marginalized have that makes it very difficult to "rise above" problems/circumstances
C. Given the health and housing inequities that we are faced with
D. Given that neither party has effected changes/fixes sufficient to even begin addressing these problems...

Given ALL that, when these troubled years are over, we can't be satisfied to just "get back to normal." Normal was that immigrant families seeking safety were separated and not helped and seeking refuge was criminalized, Normal was that adults with disabilities too often were left behind and outside the opportunities for a good life, Normal was a systemic racism that has not been eradicated lo, these 50 years after black people got the right to vote... given the very real problems that exist under Democrat and Republican administrations, we can't go back to normal.

We need to be better than the normal that we were willing to live with for the lifetime of our nation.
While I think there may have been better choices to get us back to a path to something better than normal than Biden, Biden IS our chance to begin to recover from the chaos of these last four years and beyond.

Reasons I think this is true (my Top Ten Reasons to Vote for Biden):

1. Biden is sane, reasonable and doesn't regularly engage in childish name calling ("sleepy Joe," "Pocahantas," "mad woman"). That last is such a low bar that shouldn't have to be pointed out but we DO have to point it out. But beyond not engaging in grade school bullying, Biden is rational and can be reasoned with. He gives every indication of recognizing that now is a season where we have a chance for change.

We will need to push him, I'm sure, to get the change we need, but we CAN push him to see reason and make at least some of these changes.

1a. Kamala Harris, like her or not, has established that she is tough, smart and reasonable. IF Biden should start to indicate that he's not performing well or living up to his promises or, God forbid, start to decline mentally, it appears that Biden will have Harris and other people who will not just let things slide. Biden is reasonable enough to surround himself with reasonable, independent people he will have to listen to.

2. Biden is a decent human being who recognizes some basic level of morality.
He has engaged in bad behavior in the past, no doubt, but he has the basic moral reasoning to recognize his error and change.

Again, this is a very low bar, and yet, it needs to be pointed out, given our current reality.
I am not one who believes our politicians need to be saints, Godly people or even believers in a particular faith or any faith. However, if these last four years of moral chaos have taught us nothing, it's that having an amoral leader who gives no indication of having a moral compass is just not tenable.

3. Biden recognizes the threat of climate change and is willing to listen to experts. I've recently heard an ultra-conservative complain about the current president's narcissistic wish to change environmental regulations to let shower heads use more water. This particular conservative lives in the arid west and while he's no tree hugger, he recognizes that we need to conserve water, at least in arid places, just as a matter of reason. This is just obvious based upon the data and the advice of experts.

Biden will listen to scientific experts when it comes to climate change.

4. On that same page, Biden will listen to medical experts when it comes to dealing with Covid. Again, this is a very low bar and yet, it's where we are. We NEED our leaders to listen to experts in each field when making policy. Biden will do this.

5. In our lifetime, the data shows that the policies of Democrat presidents have improved the economy and tended to decrease the debt. Looking at the data, Reagan, Bush, Bush, Trump... all have left us in deeper debt and tended to not improve the economy to the degree of the Democrat presidents. While it is true that the ultra-wealthy have done better under GOP presidencies, it doesn't tend to be true for the rest of the population. Biden is likely to continue that trend. WITH THE CAVEAT: We need policies that improve the economic status of those with disabilities, immigrants, women, black people... all the US, not just the better off. We'll need to push Biden, I think, to do this and keep an eye on the betterment of all of us.

6. On that line of thinking, Biden IS appealing to a very Big Tent. His campaign is including all of us and looks like all of America. It's nice to see women, minorities, gay folk, trans folk, people with disabilities, immigrants, refugees, liberal and moderate... all being part of the party. This one is easily one of the more solid reasons to vote for Biden.

7. Draining the swamp. This is a mixed bag. Biden has heavy connections to the DEMOCRAT machine. This runs the risk of him relying upon people who make up the Swamp. But Biden's campaign is already looking less swampy than past Democrats and certainly more so than the current GOP administration.

As is true for all the GOP presidents in the last 60 years, this current administration is littered with criminals and corrupt actors. The data shows that there are just vastly more criminals and indicted types in GOP presidential administrations (something like 50:1, GOP criminality vs Democrat). The Obama/Biden administration was relatively squeaky clean on this front. There's no indication that Biden will foster a criminal/corrupt administration and hopefully, he'll truly drain the swamp and rely upon seasoned, reasonable experts and public servants, not those with agendas contrary to their public service duties (ie, not hiring a coal business millionaire to run the EPA, not hiring an anti-public school millionaire to head up the Education cabinet, etc)

8. The man is Amtrak Joe. He believes in public transport, in public schools, in public life. He believes in government for the good of the people. He doesn't believe in conspiracy theories about Deep State Baddies.

He's Amtrak Joe. For 36 years, he rode public transport. He's walked that walk, at the least.

9. More than two dozen former GOP congresspeople have endorsed Joe Biden. Not to mention the many conservatives who were not in Congress. If even conservative leaders recognize that Biden is the better choice, that says something.

I know that may cause my more liberal friends be suspicious, but the thing is, we are not a majority liberal nation. We are a nation of conservatives, moderates, liberals and all of us are all over the map. We need a leader who can unite this nation and take us in a forward direction. If liberals, moderates and conservatives can all agree on Biden/Harris, I see that as a good thing.

10. Biden trusts the media and won't wage attacks on them.

As with many of these, this is such a low bar that it shouldn't be necessary to point out. And yet, it is. We will not see Biden calling Fox News - who are very problematic from a professional journalism point of view - "an enemy of the people." He won't call the media fake and dodge reasonable questions and generally attack and undermine the free press.

This is vital and we need a change in our nation on this front. The media is composed of humans and, that being the case, will always be flawed and have biases, but professional journalism - and especially the higher ideals of it as found at NPR and BBC and similar classy groups dedicated to high standards of journalism - is vital to our nation and reporters should be recognized as heroes to human rights and liberty, not venomously and endlessly attacked.

Biden will not do this. He just won't. And that's vital.
For starters.

I'm not the biggest fan of Biden, but like Obama before him, he has demonstrated himself to be a reasonable public servant who does recognize that now is a time for change.

If anyone has other reasons to vote FOR Biden (as opposed to voting against Trump) please add them in the comments.


  1. Wow. That's quite the fantasy world you inhabit. I can easily debunk pretty much every word with facts, evudence and hard data, but I have no delusions that, like the party you support, you'll deny me like the hypocritical coward you are, and continue proving yourself to be. Someday you should turn to Christ.

  2. 11. Because he's done such an amazing job implementing solutions to all of the problems that plague our country during his almost half century career as a politician.

    12. Because the Chinese want Biden instead of Trump.

  3. 11. Because he will make Russia pay for putting bounties on US soldiers and paying for US dead.

    "The intelligence finding was briefed to President Trump, and the White House’s National Security Council discussed the problem at an interagency meeting in late March, the officials said. Officials developed a menu of potential options — starting with making a diplomatic complaint to Moscow and a demand that it stop, along with an escalating series of sanctions and other possible responses, but the White House has yet to authorize any step, the officials said."

  4. 12. Because hate attacks will diminish from Trump era highs.

  5. I guess the big tent isn't quite big enough for the 20 million pro-life dems that Biden has actively excluded from having a voice in the party.

  6. 13. Because prominent white supremacist Richard Spencer wants into the big tent.

  7. Everyone has a voice in the DEM party. Even Republicans. Kasich is pro life and he spoke. "Ohio Gov. John Kasich just signed one of the most restrictive abortions bans in the nation."

    What will not be tolerated - indeed, cancelled - unlike Trump and the GOP, is endorsing candidates to be in the nation's House of Representatives who believe that Jews are trying to take over the world and that high level Democrats are stealing children and drinking their blood.

  8. Richard Spencer can claim for himself whatever he likes. That's how Democrats can remind you that this is a free country. He will be argues against and opposed - as Biden has already done. That's how Democrats can remind you that a free country means rational debate against irreason.

    But what Richard Spencer cannot do is run and win as a Democratic candidate. That's how Democrats can remind you that there is only one of the two major parties that is rational.

    The other has a bunch of Marshals and Craigs - like "GOP congressional candidate Marjorie Taylor Greene [who] wrote two conspiracy-laden blog posts speculating that the 2017 white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, that led to one counter-protester's death was an "inside job" and promoting a debunked conspiracy alleging some Democratic Party leaders were running a human-trafficking and pedophilia ring -- known as "Pizzagate" -- was real. Greene, running now to represent in the northwest corner of Georgia in the US House, made the comments in 2017 and 2018, writing for the now-defunct website of American Truth Seekers, a conspiracy-laden blog."

  9. “Some Christian leaders, including a couple of prominent conservative evangelicals, have denounced the conspiracy theory movement gaining traction in conservative circles known as QAnon. Created by an anonymous online figure in 2017, QAnon claims that President Donald Trump is in a war with a “Deep State” government, battling entities like elitist pedophile rings and satanism.”

    “President Trump has flirted with the convoluted QAnon conspiracy theory for months. Last week, he gave a full embrace to its followers, telling reporters that its believers are patriots “who love our country.” Over 70 QAnon supporters have run for Congress as Republicans this year. At least one of them, Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, will probably join the House next year. Despite her QAnon advocacy and a history of racist and Islamophobic rants on social media, Mr. Trump hailed her as a “future Republican star.”

  10. I'm going to let these comments from Craig and Marshall stand, but you're on a short leash. Respond to comments made and don't engage in little snipe attacks and vague innuendo. and don't attack the poor and marginalized in your comments.

    Feodor, good comments and solid points. I would ask that you not attack Craig and Marshal personally, just their inane arguments if and when they offer them.

    Craig... 12. Because the Chinese want Biden instead of Trump.

    Because practically the whole world wants Biden instead of Trump (with the exception of Russia and maybe a few others). The world is embarrassed for us. Many parts of the world may rightfully dislike American imperialism and "exceptionalism," they don't want to see us succumb to idiocy. Biden represents normal adult leadership in the US and the world supports that.

    Of course. Why wouldn't they?

    Also, do you have ANY data that says China actually wants Biden? They may prefer to have an idiot to deal with that they can push around and get away with it. Trump has allowed China to be a much larger player in world leadership by Trump's abandonment of world leadership.

    I'm not at all sure that China would want Biden. But if they did, it would be understandable because who wants to deal with an irrational child-man?

  11. Craig... 11. Because he's done such an amazing job implementing solutions to all of the problems that plague our country during his almost half century career as a politician.

    Well, as a point of fact, I think that the world IS a better place with better solutions thanks to Biden's decades of leadership. CERTAINLY and without a single doubt, his leadership has made the world better than Trump's decades of enriching himself and playing a fool on TV and on the national stage. No doubt at all. No debate, no contest.

    But beyond that generality, a more specific generality is that the nation tends to be better off economically with Democratic administrations than with Republican ones.

    Economists Agree: Democratic Presidents Better at Making Us Rich

    The economy has grown more under Democrats
    The national debt has increased more under so-called "fiscally responsible" Republicans
    Unemployment has increased more under GOP administrations

    We have no reason to doubt that Biden will do anything significantly different in that general front that makes him the better choice, just based upon history.


    Now, with THAT as a caveat: Democrats AND Republicans have failed to deliver to the poor, to minorities, to immigrants and refugees, to women and to other marginalized groups as these last six months have made clear. They need to do MORE than just "return to normal," where "normal" still kept such large inequities for marginalized people.

    And by most indications, Biden is at least beginning to recognize that and know that we need to do better than return to normal.

    But also, make no mistake: Democrat "normal" has established itself as being better for everyone than GOP "normal." EVEN under "normal" GOP administrations. Now, we have a sub-normal/abnormal GOP that has become Trump's bitch and that will only lead to soaring unemployment, worsening national debt, greater racial strife and, well, just what we're seeing under Trump's lack of leadership.

    So, to your number 11, Craig, YES, Biden has demonstrated he's much more adept and able to work for positive solutions than Trump has demonstrated.


  12. Craig... I guess the big tent isn't quite big enough for the 20 million pro-life dems that Biden has actively excluded from having a voice in the party.

    1. As Feodor noted, the DNC HAD conservative Republicans speak at their party. How likely is it that the GOP will do the same?

    2. Both (all) parties have planks that they stand for. When I first switched to being a Democrat (because there was no room for me in the GOP small tent), I still considered myself pro-life/anti-abortion. I joined the Democrats nonetheless (in name, at least - I have long been much more of a Green Party guy) and was not made not welcome. I just had to recognize that this was a plank of the Democrats and I knew I was not going to change that.

    The point being that both parties have planks that they're not likely to change. That doesn't make them NOT a Big Tent party, it's just that they have planks that represent their positions.

    What makes a party NOT a Big Tent party is when they actively discourage whole groups of people away because of the group they're in. IF you're black (or white) and support BLM, you will not be welcome in the GOP. If you're transgender, you will not be welcomed in the GOP. If you're gay or lesbian, you won't be welcome. If you're liberal, you will not be welcome. If you think we need to listen to the scientists when it comes to climate change or Covid, you will not be welcome. If you're not a God believer or if you're a Muslim, you won't be welcome.

    I say you won't be welcome because the leader of the GOP actively mocks all these groups as being part of the problem and even being an enemy of the people seeking to destroy the US. (Having said that, ONE redeeming point about Trump is that he has not been actively hostile towards gay folk. His policies have been actively harmful, but I don't think he has actively mocked or belittled them like he has just about everyone else who isn't "normal" according to his GOP. Maybe I'm wrong. Regardless, clearly LGBTQ people and their allies are not welcome in the GOP.)

  13. Meanwhile, following months of attacks by the president on BLM and following two days of demonizing the protesters, there was more deadly violence in Kenosha last night at the riots...

    When a radicalized white right wing teenager shot and killed three protesters.

    THIS is why we must vote FOR Biden (who will not demonize those who disagree as monsters and thugs seeking to destroy the nation) and against Trump, who enables these sorts of murders with his words.


  14. Dan,

    Please point to proof that the guy in Kenosha shot in anything but self defense or that he was a radical.

    I guess looting, burning, and beating isn’t radical enough for the left anymore.

  15. “Before the two deadly shootings, the Kenosha County Board sent a letter Tuesday to Democratic Gov. Tony Evers requesting that at least 2,000 more National Guard troops be sent. Evers initially dispatched 150 troops on Monday and increased that to 250 on Tuesday. On Wednesday, the board sent a second request, for 1,500 troops.

    "Our county is under attack. Our businesses are under attack. Our homes are under attack. Our local law enforcement agencies need additional support to help bring civility back to our community," board leaders wrote.”

    From the piece you cited.

    Perhaps the governor bears a degree of responsibility for all of the actions in Kenosha.

    The article you cited does not offer any proof of your “radicalized”, claim.

    The article is clear that he fell down, was surrounded by a large number of people and fired as a response to the circumstances.

    Perhaps you should read the articles you offer as proof of your claims.

  16. Craig... Please point to proof that the guy in Kenosha shot in anything but self defense or that he was a radical.

    We don't know the details. What we know is that, like the white conservatives who are armed and storm state capitols or take over gov't buildings, the police let this armed young white man enter into a volatile situation. As often is the case, the armed white guys ready to shoot get a de facto blessing from the cops and as a result, murder happens.

    The police should not have let him pass into that scenario armed as he was.

    It's part of the system of harm and oppression that have caused deaths, imprisonment and harm to occur to black people and poor people for centuries and, after the damage is done, they just shrug and say, "self defense, nothing could have prevented this..." and pretend as if it's the fault of the victims.

    This is why 80-90% of black people don't vote GOP.

  17. Also, Craig, if you're going to make claims, support them. Do you admit that you can't support your claim that China wants Biden? That it's just another of those empty and unsupported false claims that are common to conservatives in the Trump era?

  18. The article you cited does not offer any proof of your “radicalized”, claim.

    The evidence is that an armed teenaged boy entered into a volatile BLM scenario with the blessing of the police and harm resulted. These deaths were predictable in this situation and he appears to have gone as a radicalized "Blue Lives Matter" defender. It does not appear he was there defending his business or anything other than Trump conservatives are saying that our nations are "under siege" and "someone" has to "do something."

    WHY is a teen-aged boy taking a rifle into that kind of situation if he's not been radicalized by the types of words that Trump falsely puts out to fan flames of a race war?

  19. Thank you ever so much for acknowledging that the article you linked to, nor any other actual data, demonstrates that your “radicalized” claim is anything but an assumption on your part. Of course, had you stopped after “We don’t know the details” and acknowledged your poor word choice that would have been fine.

    The abject irony of you demanding that I support my claim, after you just admitted that you couldn’t support yours is freakin hilarious.

    As a start, Biden spent quite a bit of time in the DFL debates extolling his close relationship with the CCP. But, you’re right, that’s clearly not any indication at all.

    When I’m not on my phone, I’ll try to grab some more.

    Or, you could prove your “radicalized” claim. That’d be novel. Or you could read the article description of him being attacked on the ground by multiple assailants. Or watch the video. It sure looks like they were going for his gun.,,

    But “we just don’t know the details”, so maybe you should dial back your assumptions and wait until we do.

    Of course If waiting for details was common Kenosha probably wouldn’t be in flames.

  20. The kid, Rittenhouse, isn't even from Kenosha. He's from Illinois.

    "Rittenhouse, of Antioch, Ill., also did a video interview with the Daily Caller in front of a boarded up building.

    "People are getting injured and our job is to protect this business," Rittenhouse says in the clip. "And my job also is to protect people. If someone is hurt, I’m running into harm’s way. That’s why I have my rifle; I’ve gotta' protect myself, obviously. But I also have my med kit."

    Earlier Tuesday, a local militia known as the Kenosha Guard created a Facebook event called “Armed Citizens to Protect our Lives and Property.” The invite was picked up by the far-right website Infowars...

    In another video clip, Rittenhouse appears with members of the armed group shown earlier, getting bottles of water from a law enforcement officer in an armored vehicle. The officer thanks the armed men for their help, though they are clearly civilians in violation of the city's 8 p.m. curfew.

    “We appreciate you guys,” the officer says. “We really do.”"


    Far right nuts listening to Trump and inspiring other far right nuts with inflammatory language.

    How long will you stand by and watch your president pour gas on a fire and then defend those with the matches and gasoline and blame the victims and protesters?

  21. Nope, I didn't attack Marshal and Craig personally. I pointed out that the mere fact that they hold something in common with a QAnon GOP congressional candidate: believing in bizarre conspiracy theories that foment racism and hate.

    Craig wants so much for the white supremacist infiltrator to be innocent because he killed protestors of police brutality in self-defense.

    Well, he's not charged like a guy who acted in self-defense: Kyle Rittenhouse, 17, faces a first-degree intentional homicide charge and has been charged there as a fugitive from justice.

  22. Craig... Of course If waiting for details was common Kenosha probably wouldn’t be in flames

    What white people like you fail to understand or acknowledge is that black people have been waiting for centuries.

    "Just a little longer and then, you'll get your justice... maybe by the turn of the next century and things will be okay... just wait patiently. YES, it will appear that your needs are being ignored and your oppression continues unabated, but just HANG IN THERE just a few more decades... or centuries... but you have to wait or you're in the wrong."

    Open your eyes. Riots are the language of the unheard.

  23. Craig and Marshal also hold some responsibility for this shooting and all those like it. If we had strict, enforceable gun laws we could drastically cut down on white supremacist murderers. Early reports say this kid had an illegal rifle. Assault rifle, as anyone of conscience can recognize; meant only for killing. Citizens shouldn't have it.

  24. Dan,

    You still haven’t proven your claim, and now you’re making sweeping generalizations about what I think, based on your presumptions about “whites” as a group.

    But, you do you man. Don’t worry about things like proving your claims or adherence to the standards you demand of others.

    I’m glad you finally came out as pro-riot though.

  25. Craig hasn't admitted that he was wrong about the Democrats barring anti-abortion crusaders from having a voice in the Democratic Party.

    Craig hasn't admitted that his attempt at diversion re Richard Spencer blew up in his face and actually brings up how the GOP welcomes bizarre irrational conspiracy theorists. Even the President of the United States loves someone from a group who hates Jews and thinks children are being systemically stolen under direction of Hillary Clinton who then drinks their blood.

    But he's happy to deny that Americans have a Constitutional right to protest.

    At no time has Craig expressed pity over 200,000 Americans dead of the coronavirus. "It is what it is," is his attitude. But he's - again - actively defending a white supremacist murderer.

    Such is the Republican Party. All the Christians have abandoned Jesus. All the black folks abandoned their brothers and sisters of oppression. All the Asians and Latinos hoping to be seen as white enough to escape Trump's fascist targeting.

  26. Biden openly weeps at unjust deaths and unnecessary deaths. As a Christian that seems his obligation: to mourn the dead.

    He is not who I wanted or whom the country needs so critically.

    But I will vote for him and he's going to win. America will return to a baseline of decency.

  27. “Kyle Rittenhouse, the law enforcement–obsessed 17-year-old who was charged with shooting and killing two people and injuring another in Kenosha, Wisconsin, during protests for Jacob Blake appeared in the front row at a Donald Trump rally in January. Kyle Howard Rittenhouse’s social media presence is filled with him posing with weapons, posting “Blue Lives Matter,” and supporting Trump for president. Footage from the Des Moines, Iowa, rally on Jan. 30 shows Rittenhouse feet away from the president, in the front row, to the left of the podium. He posted a TikTok video from the event.”

    He obtained his AR-15 illegally.

  28. Rittenhouse is in custody, he’s been charged and we’ll find out what evidence there is at his trial.

    I know it’s radical to oppose simply declaring Rittenhouse, the 4 MPLS cops, and the Kenosha cops guilty and locking them up, but why wait for actual accurate information before you burn things down and brutalize the innocent.

  29. Craig, unable to deal with being shown wrong, keeps diverting. And anarchist, anti-patriot that he is, he infers that he doesn’t trust the District Attorneys and Judges of Kenosha that brought the charges they deemed appropriate. Legal lives matter, too, Craig.

    If only Mr Rittenhouse was a cop. He’d still be free. And un-accused.

    Odd how Craig is so soothed by the wheels of justice with the swift arrest of Rittenhouse and charges brought less than 24 hours later.

    I bet black folks would be soothed by the same rapid wheel when their husbands and sons and fathers are murdered.

  30. Craig... I’m glad you finally came out as pro-riot though.

    Of course, I never said that, did I?

    But let's give you a chance to explain yourself. Why would you say that I "came out as pro-riot" when I never said that?

    Please answer that before making any other commentary here.

  31. I suspect a large part of the problem - not just Craig and Marshal, but with all Trump-type conservatives - is that too many conservatives don't understand nuance, irony, art, poetry or symbolism. But we shall see.

  32. Sorry, that’s not Dan. That’s MLK.

    “I contend that the cry of ‘Black power’ is, at bottom, a reaction to the reluctance of white power to make the kind of changes necessary to make justice a reality for the Negro. And I think we’ve got to see that a riot is the language of the unheard,” he told correspondent Mike Wallace. “And what is it that America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the economic plight of the Negro poor has worsened over the last few years.”

  33. Craig put up a response, apparently, by quoting my words which were, of course, MLK's words, as Feodor notes.

    "Riots are the language of the unheard."

    If that's your answer to my question, I'll ask it again:

    I did not say I support riots. Why do you make that claim then?

    Is it because I quoted MLK? But MLK's quote didn't say he supported riots.

    So, try again. Why does that quote make you think I support riots am "pro-riots"?

  34. "I did not say I support riots... MLK's quote didn't say he supported riots."


    Craig cannot talk about the plight of the poor with compassion. So he willfully misreads and misleads toward diversions.

  35. Perhaps, Dan, you should write a post about the long rolling, violent history of deadly clashes between Appalachian miners, particularly in Harlan Co., where mine owners hired men to beat up miners and shoot up the homes of miners, and gun fights ending in deaths across a century.

    Just so Craig doesn't think protest, disruption, and wars against corporate greed is just a black thing.

    "Among coal miners, Harlan County, Kentucky, is known as "Bloody Harlan." The name comes from a series of United Mine Workers strikes and labor-management battles which ended in a gunfight between deputized mine guards and miners on May 4, 1931, in the tiny community of Evarts. When the smoke had cleared, the bodies of three guards and one miner were found, and an undetermined number of other dead and dying had been carried away into the mountains."

    "Kentucky coal miners bled and died to unionize. Their workplaces became war zones, and gun battles once punctuated union protests. In past decades, organizers have been beaten, stabbed and shot while seeking better pay and safer conditions deep underground."

    "The first day of the Harlan County train blockade, July 29, 2019, also marked the 89th day of a 24/7 protest in Kingsport, Tennessee, over a monopolistic health care provider’s move to downgrade a hospital’s emergency services and close its neonatal intensive care unit, where sick newborns are treated."

    " In 2018, more than 20,000 teachers in all of West Virginia’s 55 counties went on strike for two weeks to secure better pay and benefits—and in the end were successful. That action inspired similar teacher strikes in Kentucky, Oklahoma, and elsewhere."

  36. Since you haven’t said you condemn riots, and you keep using the King quote out of context, it’s reasonable to conclude that you’re supportive of the rioters.

    But if you’d rather keep playing games, start your deletion bullshit, and not be clear, that’s cool. It’s just you doing you.

  37. Craig hasn't admitted that he was wrong about the Democrats barring anti-abortion crusaders from having a voice in the Democratic Party.

    Craig hasn't admitted that his attempt at diversion re Richard Spencer blew up in his face and actually brings up how the GOP welcomes bizarre irrational conspiracy theorists. Even the President of the United States loves someone from a group who hates Jews and thinks children are being systemically stolen under direction of Hillary Clinton who then drinks their blood.

    He’s just happy to divert with fake blame.

  38. In his speech last night, Mike Pence mentioned that a cop was killed during protests in Oakland.

    He didn't mention he was killed by a far-right militiaman who implored a Boogaloo Facebook group to undermine BLM protests and "Use their anger to fuel our fire."

  39. https://www.npr.org/2020/08/07/900245813/u-s-intelligence-warns-china-opposes-trump-reelection-russia-works-against-biden




    See, it's not that hard to support your claims. You should try it more often.

  40. Oh, and great job doubling down on the use of sweeping generalizations unsupported by proof.

  41. If the Trump administration had not choked our own intelligence agencies and instead worked for three years to block ALL foreign influence in our elections, then China wouldn't be able to attempt it.

    Thank you for bringing up yet another glaring failure of national security under Trump, Craig.

  42. Your terrible fate, Craig, is that any of your diversions and dodges just end up in another Republican failure of leadership and decency. The shit is so high, that's why you keep finding it happening: every dead end ends in Trump and McConnell.

  43. Craig... Since you haven’t said you condemn riots, and you keep using the King quote out of context, it’s reasonable to conclude that you’re supportive of the rioters.

    This is off topic here and, if you still don't understand how very factually wrong you are after this explanation, I can create a new post to deal with your lack of understanding of my position on the topic.

    But to be clear: I am not saying that I'm "supportive of" the riots. You can tell by the way I never said that nor said anything to suggest that. That I didn't say anything to condemn the riots? Well, you haven't said anything to condemn every bad action in the world. That one does not condemn every potentially bad action in the world is not a sign that one supports them.

    What you are failing to understand, I believe, is just what King was intending: Riots are the language of the unheard. IF one oppresses a group of people for years - for centuries! - and when calls for reform go unheard, riots and violent responses WILL happen. It's a cause and effect - AND YOU MUST NOT MISTAKE, the CAUSE is the white oppression. The effect that results IS DIRECTLY AND INDISPUTABLY FROM the white oppression.

    Am I opposed to white people continuing down the path of continued oppression of black people that results in people rioting against the injustice and oppression? YES, I am unequivocally opposed to that white oppression that results in riots.

    But you can't mistake the point that the CAUSE of the riots is the white oppression. THAT is what moral people concerned about justice must condemn and oppose.

    When one over-consumes alcohol, one will likely be impaired and have a hangover the next day. Am I opposed to hangovers? Well, yes, I guess. But it's the over-drinking that was at fault. The hangover isn't to be blamed for the hangover. It is just the natural and inevitable result of over-drinking.

    The problem with "blaming the rioters" is that it misses the point.

    Read King's words and you can see why he and I are NOT supportive of rioting, just acknowledging that it is the result of calls for justice going unheard.

    From Time Magazine:
    "King’s point, though subtle, is clear. He does not support violent tactics, including riots, but he argues that the way to stop citizens from rioting is to acknowledge and fix the conditions that they are rioting against. And in the larger context of that speech, he got a chance to explain how exactly that mending should occur. The Other America speech is, at its heart, a speech about economics. (That’s why it’s popular with Rand Paul.) The solutions included fair-housing legislation, a federal law ensuring fair access to justice—about 50 civil rights workers had been killed in Mississippi since 1963 and there had been not a single conviction, he noted—and the institution of a national guaranteed annual income, which could be paid for by ending the war in Vietnam.

    King also makes the point that those who talk about riots being counterproductive because they caused white backlash
    are missing the whole picture.

    “It may well be that shouts of Black Power and riots in Watts and the Harlems and the other areas, are the consequences of the white backlash rather than the cause of them,” he said. Even as major steps forward were taken, steps backward—the backlash, often harder to pin down—were constantly on the horizon. Desegregation was the law of the land and the Civil Rights Act had been passed, but economic inequality and racism were alive and well. The result was, he posited, despair. Despair is linked to anger, and thus to riots."

    Don't miss the whole picture, Craig.

    Do you understand now why you are just flatly mistaken - stupidly so - in your false claim that I support riots?

    Please answer before commenting further.

  44. And this is why I said... "I suspect a large part of the problem - not just Craig and Marshal, but with all Trump-type conservatives - is that too many conservatives don't understand nuance, irony, art, poetry or symbolism. But we shall see."

    Craig sees me citing King's words about the inevitable nature of riots in the face of oppression and fails to note the distinction between saying "riots are an inevitable result of white oppression" and "therefore, I support riots."

  45. Apparently I am mistaken that you support riots. I should have said that you fail to condemn them, that you understand why they are happening and think them inevitable.

    Actually, your final comment is just one more false claim.

    I've addressed the notion of King's out of context quote elsewhere, and at length.

    So, now that I've pointed out your false claim, driven by your prejudices and preconceptions, you can either acknowledge your mistake or apologize.

    I'm not petty enough to try to force you to use certain words.

  46. Dan,

    It seems that the concept of actually proving your claims eludes you. Your response didn't offer anything to prove your sweeping generalization, just an unproven hunch.

    How about if you try dealing with people as individuals, not simply as members of whatever group you perceive them to be a part of.

    The only way to suggest that Stan or I are "Trump-type" conservatives is to intentionally ignore the thousands of words that demonstrate otherwise. Again, that's not surprising.

  47. I'm sorry. Are you suggesting that this kid, this Trump rally-goer... This kid who illegally took a rifle across state lines deliberately to seek out people he's been told are violent people, you don't think he's radicalized?

    Well, I guess we're out of class may be a matter of opinion. You don't think he fits the notion of radicalized. I think clearly he does.

    That you don't recognize the sort of white nationalists threat is part of the problem.

    And, keep your other point, this is part of what makes you a Trump conservative. You have demonstrated that you are fine with radicalized false claims attacking media, attacking liberals, attacking black people and making them An Enemy of the State. By Trump conservative, I don't mean someone who voted for Trump. I mean someone who has embraced Trump's deviant philosophies.

  48. Nice try. The question isn't what my opinion is, the question is can you prove your claim.

    I'm sorry if "I think clearly" isn't anyone's idea of proof, let alone objective proof. It's clearly your hunch, the problem is that you phrased it as a claim of fact, and now need to dodge that claim.

    As to your "Trump conservative" screed. Please, provide proof (links and quotes) to demonstrate that I actually believe what you just claimed.

    I know it's tough to live up to what you demand of others, but either provide proof of your claims or retract them and apologize.

    Your choice.

  49. "We don't know the details."

    This was your first dodge, fortunately for you it's also the more rational approach. We certainly don't have "the details" and definitely not all of "the details".

    Maybe you should have stuck to your earlier position, instead of doubling down on your inability to prove your claims.

    Or, maybe you should stop making claims you can't prove and start dealing with people as individuals.

  50. Craig: "I guess the big tent isn't quite big enough for the 20 million pro-life dems that Biden has actively excluded from having a voice in the party."

    John Kasich spoke at the DNC - "Ohio Gov. John Kasich just signed one of the most restrictive abortions bans in the nation."
    Jeff Flake endorsed Biden
    140 former staff for Bush and McCain have just endorsed Biden

  51. And so just to be clear,

    1. Dan thinks it's rational and clear that this kid who took a rifle illegally across state lines to protest the so-called dangerous protesters and then murdered two of them... Dan thinks this kid is radicalized. Craig appears to not think so. That or he wishes to split hairs instead of just admitting the obvious.

    2. Craig falsely claimed that Dan supported rioting. Here you have an example again of Craig reading words and failing to understand them and instead of recognizing his Frailty when it comes to reading and understanding, chose to make a false claim based on his lack of understanding.

    3. He did this in spite of knowing that the claim came from Dr King and perhaps understanding the meaning when King said it.

    4. Dan believes that this lack of understanding when it comes to nuance and understanding words is a sign of Trump conservativism and that by that definition, Craig and Stan and others fit into the mode of Trump conservatives.

  52. The Kenosha County District Attorney charged Rittenhouse with first-degree intentional homicide, attempted first-degree intentional homicide and two counts of first-degree reckless endangerment. He would face a mandatory life sentence if convicted of first-degree intentional homicide, the most serious crime in Wisconsin.

    We can only assume the DA acted with reasonable judgment when charging Mr Rittenhouse after seeing all available video. After all, a county judge had to agree.

    Two highest level officials in Kenosha County find him plausibly accountable for intentional homicide and want a jury to decide.

    Legal lives matter.

    Craig, seemingly taking comfort in swift action (action denied to Mr Blake) nonetheless - WITHOUT EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY - defends the guy. Ann Coulter wants him as President.

    Speaks volumes about Craig's "christian values."

  53. "This kid who illegally took a rifle across state lines deliberately to seek out people he's been told are violent people, you don't think he's radicalized?"

    Didn't intend to post on something like this, finding so much goofiness in the post itself, but lacking time at present. Just trying to keep up (easy when ignoring one person's every comment). But the above quote suggests something I've not heard anywhere else...that Rittenhouse intended to "seek out" violent people. Everything I've heard states he went to help defend private property from the very real prospect that those with fake concern for another troublemaker would attempt to destroy that property. Who is saying he came with the intention you're (Dan) suggesting? Do you have a link?

    One other quick point: if you (Dan) honestly believe Craig and Stan "fit into the mode of Trump conservatives", you neither pay attention to either Stan or Craig and/or have no idea what makes anyone support Trump in the first place. I don't mean the latter to give you a reason to disparage Trump supporters, but rather that as you don't have any understanding of conservatism in the first place, you also have no understanding of the many valid reasons intelligent and honest people support him.

  54. You know, Dan, the more we push him the more Craig goes full-on brutality. He sympathetically identifies with the police (agents of force) and violent white extremists (even if only 17) but not District Attorneys and Judges (agents of reason and laws).

    You're the one he says is responsible for making him think about voting for Trump.

    Also speaks volumes about his fragile character and thrill to hurt.

  55. Marshal acknowledges that he doesn’t care that Rittenhouse - with his soon-to-be arrested mother accomplice - broke laws that prohibit a 17 year old from carrying an assault rifle, prohibit carrying that rifle across state lines, and prohibit anyone from acting without sanction as A police officer.

    Much less not caring about the mindset of such a twisted kid.

  56. The hero only conscience and Christian love can acknowledge:

    “A skateboarder demanding justice on behalf of Jacob Blake, a Black father shot seven times in the back by a police officer, immediately sprang into action when gunfire erupted amid a protest in Wisconsin earlier this week.

    Anthony Huber and his girlfriend, Hannah Gittings, were walking down a crowded street in downtown Kenosha late Tuesday when the violence erupted. It marked the third straight night of protests in the city, where 29-year-old Blake was gunned down in front of his children on Sunday.

    Gitting in an interview with CNN published Friday said she watched her 26-year-old boyfriend run toward the gunman, armed only with a skateboard, in the moments after he shot Rosenbaum. Rosenbaum, who was unarmed, was the first to attempt to take Rittenhouse’s AR-15, prompting the gunman to fire off four shots. In a phone call placed immediately after, he said he “just killed somebody” and took off running, according to a criminal complaint.

    Huber caught up with gunman first and charged, his skateboard raised. According to the complaint, Huber attempted to pull the gun from Rittenhouse’s hands but was also shot.”

  57. 1. I don't give a rats ass what Dan "thinks". The reality is that Dan made a claim of fact about this kid and he can't prove his claim. There is literally an interview with him at the protest that casts doubt on your false claim. It says much more about Dan that he can't simply admit that he can't prove his claim, than anyone else. It also highlights the irony of Dan demanding that I support my claim (which I did), when he can' be bothered to offer anything beyond "I think...". Not even close to proof.

    2. I guess ignoring the fact that I corrected myself and clarified myself doesn't matter. It's much easier to deflect from the myriad of false claims in this thread, than to acknowledge the Truth.

    3. The fact that I've addressed the out of context King quote in detail elsewhere, means that I'm not going to repeat that here. If Dan can't muster more of a response to the wave of brutal destruction and the plight of innocents being harmed by those he supports than an out of context King quote, then maybe it's not that I can't understand. Maybe it's a case of poor communication.

    4. Again, Dan makes 2 claims in one point. Without proving either.

    But anything to move the conversation in the direction that makes him feel safer.

  58. Craig: “I guess the big tent isn't quite big enough for the 20 million pro-life dems that Biden has actively excluded from having a voice in the party.

    DNC Convention Prime Time Soeaker: John Kasich, signed nation’s strictest major anti-abortion law into law.

    Craig: Please point to proof that the guy in Kenosha shot in anything but self defense or that he was a radical.

    Kenosha County DA and judge: charged Rittenhouse with first-degree intentional homicide, attempted first-degree intentional homicide and two counts of first-degree reckless endangerment.

    Craig: “ I guess ignoring the fact that I corrected myself and clarified myself doesn't matter.”

    Reality: “Craig is a liar.”

  59. Kyle Rittenhouse will be branded as a sole gunman.

    Had he been black, Craig and Marshal would have said he represented the entire BLACK LIVES MATTER movement.

  60. Craig... The fact that I've addressed the out of context King quote in detail elsewhere

    You keep making this empty claim as if it means a damn thing. That you don't understand King's words any better than you understand mine just means that you have difficulty understanding words. You've not proven that anyone has taken King's words out of context and reality shows that this has not happened.

    Disagreeing with reality gets you nowhere.

    Now, do you have anything to say on topic of THIS post?

  61. Well done Dan!!!!

    Yes, the claim does mean something. It means that I've addressed King's entire speech from which the out of context quote comes, and you chose not to interact with what I said then. The fact that you choose to make unfounded assumptions, based on your prejudices, instead of doing your research is your problem not mine.

    As to staying on topic. I started on topic, I've simply responded to what you've said. It's as if you "led" me off topic, and now plan to use what you've done to blame me.

    I'll simply note that you've chosen this path as opposed to the path where you prove your claims.

    I think your silence is quite eloquent at this point.

  62. Hypocrite.

    Craig: “I guess the big tent isn't quite big enough for the 20 million pro-life dems that Biden has actively excluded from having a voice in the party.
    DNC Convention Prime Time Soeaker: John Kasich, signed nation’s strictest major anti-abortion law into law.

    Craig: [Silence]

    Craig: Please point to proof that the guy in Kenosha shot in anything but self defense or that he was a radical.
    Kenosha County DA and judge: charged Rittenhouse - rabid Trump supporter; attended Trump rally; social media police wannabe - with first-degree intentional homicide, attempted first-degree intentional homicide and two counts of first-degree reckless endangerment.

    Craig: [Silence]

    Craig: “ I guess ignoring the fact that I corrected myself and clarified myself doesn't matter.”

    Reality: “Craig is a liar.”

  63. "You've not proven that anyone has taken King's words out of context and reality shows that this has not happened."

    You've not proven any of the claims you've made in this thread, and you clearly haven't bothered to look at what I've actually said. It's so much easier to just make shit up and let your prejudices do the talking.

    "Disagreeing with reality gets you nowhere."

    I'm not disagreeing with "reality", I'm disagreeing with you, your unproven claims, and your prejudice driven hunches. Perhaps the problem is that you're conflating yourself and your hunches with "reality".

    That must explain why you won't/can't prove your claims and need this sort of diversion instead.

  64. Willful, committed, corrupt Hypocrite.

    Craig: “I guess the big tent isn't quite big enough for the 20 million pro-life dems that Biden has actively excluded from having a voice in the party.
    DNC Convention Prime Time Soeaker: John Kasich, signed nation’s strictest major anti-abortion law into law.

    Craig: [Silence]

    Craig: Please point to proof that the guy in Kenosha shot in anything but self defense or that he was a radical.
    Kenosha County DA and judge: charged Rittenhouse - rabid Trump supporter; attended Trump rally; social media police wannabe - with first-degree intentional homicide, attempted first-degree intentional homicide and two counts of first-degree reckless endangerment.

    Craig: [Silence]

    Craig: “ I guess ignoring the fact that I corrected myself and clarified myself doesn't matter.”

    Reality: “Craig is a liar.”

  65. Do you have anything on topic to say, Craig?

  66. I've said plenty on topic. I'm sorry if some of it points out your inability to prove the claims you've made.

  67. Biden won't seek to tear gas or beat or kill protestors.

    "Then they came to Jerusalem. And he entered the temple and began to drive out those who were selling and those who were buying in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves; 16 and he would not allow anyone to carry anything through the temple. He was teaching and saying, “Is it not written,

    ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations’?
    But you have made it a den of robbers.”

    And when the chief priests and the scribes heard it, they kept looking for a way to kill him."

  68. Mine will ALL be on topic:

    "1. Biden is sane, reasonable and doesn't regularly engage in childish name calling ("sleepy Joe," "Pocahantas," "mad woman")."

    ---Biden called a young woman a "lying, dog-faced pony soldier" when she responded that she had indeed attended a caucus. She was attacked for having asked what she felt was a legitimate question.

    ---Biden called and Iowa farmer a fat, dumb liar after questioning Biden about his son's Ukrainian position.

    ---Biden insulted former Iowa state representative Ed Fallon after Fallon urged Biden to stop supporting the building of new pipelines. Biden had the audacity to poke Fallon in the chest while doing so.

    ---Biden told a Detroit man he's full of shit and called him a horse's ass for suggesting Biden will take away guns.

    ---Biden's referred to millions of Americans who support Donald Trump as dregs of society.

    ---Biden routinely insults blacks by being too stupid to speak intelligently about black issues.

    Except for the former Iowa rep, Biden insults average Americans and does so routinely. Most, if not all of Trump's targets are celebs or politicians who have first attacked him. This doesn't excuse Trump, but he clearly has a greater fondness of the average American than does Biden...and really for most any Dem or left-leaning politician or celebrity.

    All of my above points can be easily verified...since they're all true and on video...and as such negates your first point.

    More later.

  69. Probably not on topic enough, but I'll leave this here as my parting gift.

    "The word that symbolizes the spirit and the outward form of our encounter is nonviolence, and it is doubtless that factor which made it seem appropriate to award a peace prize to one identified with struggle. Broadly speaking, nonviolence in the civil rights struggle has meant not relying on arms and weapons of struggle. It has meant noncooperation with customs and laws which are institutional aspects of a regime of discrimination and enslavement. It has meant direct participation of masses in protest, rather than reliance on indirect methods which frequently do not involve masses in action at all.

    Nonviolence has also meant that my people in the agonizing struggles of recent years have taken suffering upon themselves instead of inflicting it on others. It has meant, as I said, that we are no longer afraid and cowed. But in some substantial degree it has meant that we do not want to instill fear in others or into the society of which we are a part. The movement does not seek to liberate Negroes at the expense of the humiliation and enslavement of whites. It seeks no victory over anyone. It seeks to liberate American society and to share in the self-liberation of all the people.

    Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. I am not unmindful of the fact that violence often brings about momentary results. Nations have frequently won their independence in battle. But in spite of temporary victories, violence never brings permanent peace. It solves no social problem: it merely creates new and more complicated ones. Violence is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all. It is immoral because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather than win his understanding: it seeks to annihilate rather than convert. Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love. It destroys community and makes brotherhood impossible. It leaves society in monologue rather than dialogue. Violence ends up defeating itself. It creates bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers."

  70. Of course, Dr King didn’t have to face young white men allowed to prowl around with semi-auto assault rifles killing innocent protestors.

    Why is murder an appropriate response to property damage, but property damage isn't an appropriate response to murder?

  71. Two things, Craig.

    1. Do you truly think that we are not familiar with dr. King's words?

    2. Many black people will tell you that when conservatives use and abuse Dr King's words to suggest that black people should be patient in the face of oppression and oppressors, but they are misusing King's words to evil effect, to aid in oppression.

    The answer to my own first question is, of course we are familiar with King's words. Don't be arrogant and ignorant.

    Now, do you have anything on topic to say?

  72. The problem that too many white conservatives (and oftentimes white liberals, as well) have with King is that they are just familiar enough with him and just supportive enough of a small section of what he says to use it to try to limit people's rights and increase oppression, but not familiar or supportive enough of him to believe much of what he says or apply it to their own lives.

    "I fully support black people being non-violent and protesting peacefully..." these white conservatives say... "BUT, we must condemn Colin Kaepernick in the most violent of ways for his peaceful protest... Also, don't ask OUR 17 year old white boys to lay down THEIR guns... WE don't embrace non-violent protests, but we do support THOSE BLACK PEOPLE engaging in non-violent protest..." Until they do.

    If your "support" for King's words are limited to encouraging the others to be non-violent but not embracing it yourself or calling for it on the part of whites, you don't support King. You're abusing and oppressing his name for your cause of white supremacy.

  73. 1. I suspect you’re less familiar than you pretend, but familiar enough to pull some things out of context to try to give rioters cover.

    2. Once again, you equate “many” with right, and you assume motives that you can’t prove. At least King had the guts to admit that violence is immoral and impractical. You can’t even bring yourself to acknowledge that rioters causing harm to innocent people is immoral. I guess that brutally attacking an elderly man and burning his business, doesn’t get any empathy from you.

    Ahhhhhh, more claims that you can’t prove to be true.

  74. No none disputes that breaking and looting a small business is violence.

    Dr King, and Dan, and I find that to be less violent than seven bullets in the back; choking someone to death for 9 minutes; shooting someone to death while sleeping in their bed; or being hunted while jogging.

    You, Craig believe the opposite, and are dammed for that willful choice.

    You, Craig, are dammed for the racist motivations of your choice.

    And you are damned, Craig, for your hard-hearted inhuman incapacity to find human sympathy for those who break glass because cops break their fathers in half.

  75. Intended to stay specifically on the points listed in the post, but I have to take issue with the arrogant suggestion that it is Craig, or conservatives in general, who abuse or distort King's words and meaning. It's merely another weak and cheap assertion without basis or evidence in support. The quote regarding what a riot is stands as your own perversion, as you seek to draw a parallel between King's time and ours, when there is none. What we're seeing today isn't people who haven't been heard. We're seeing simple anarchy and selfish, craven greed and hate by people who use the deaths of those who were not innocent angels, who died while resisting arrest or the directives of cops engaged in the lawful course of their duties. There have been no John Lewis characters in any of the recent deaths exploited for the purpose of enriching those who don't live righteous, humble law-abiding lives. (I'm referring to the Lewis of the 60's who suffered true racist beatings, but did nothing noteworthy since.)

    "1a. Kamala Harris, like her or not, has established that she is tough, smart and reasonable."

    "Tough, smart and reasonable" in the cause of personal gain are not at all laudable traits. There are many testimonies to her lack of ethics and morals, not to mention that which is put forth as reasons for rejecting Trump. But this post is about Biden, so I'll leave my evidence against Harris for another time.

    "2. Biden is a decent human being who recognizes some basic level of morality."

    I doubt the worst person, who is not clinically psychopathic, fails to recognize a basic level of morality. That means nothing if one ignores that morality. But even by many leftists, Biden fails in the morality realm:


    Again, this is a guy who supports abortion and the homosexual agenda (which is NOT the same as defending the human rights of homosexuals). In my previous comment, we see he's not shy about insulting and bullying constituents, and his debate with Paul Ryan during the Obama/Romney campaign was basically ridicule and mockery as opposed to serious defense of Dem platform or serious arguments against the GOP platform. I could provide more which debunks this claim of Biden's decency and morality, but I don't have that kind of time. I'll just leave it at the link which seems to be, based on the things it finds objectionable, to be a leftist's list. And given how fluid is you lefties' definition of morality...well...it would take a separate blog post to do the point justice.

    "However, if these last four years of moral chaos have taught us nothing, it's that having an amoral leader who gives no indication of having a moral compass is just not tenable."

    Always amusing to hear a "progressive" "Christian" pretend he has the integrity to speak on morality.

    More later.

  76. There is plenty of evidence that Trump is a narcissist who is amoral/does not give a damn about ethics or morality beyond using them as tools to abuse and attack.

    There is no evidence of that for Biden.

    And note: There is no evidence of that for Bush, or Romney or most of our national leaders. Not at the scale of Trump.

    Trump's own family and team have come out to say that he is every bit as amoral as he projects himself to be. His own behavior and words bloviate of amorality and immorality.

    This just isn't true of most of our national leaders. Amorality is a rather unique condition in most of humanity, more of a symptom of psychopathy and mental disorder than just merely not being as moral as one should be.

    Trump appears, by all the evidence we have, to be an emotionally troubled man. One deserving of sympathy if it wasn't for where he has thrust himself into this unique position of power.

    An amoral leader is a recipe for disaster.

    Biden is just not that. Not by all evidence (and you have presented no evidence to suggest otherwise, Marshal).

    One other thing, DISAGREEING with a fellow citizen of good faith about the moral preference of one policy over another (invading a nation unprovoked, supporting a family's right to choose abortion or not, increasing or decreasing pollution regulations, etc)... NONE of these say that the people involved are either amoral or immoral. People who support abortion rights do so for reasons of MORALITY, not for immorality or amorality. People who oppose all or most abortions ALSO do so for reasons of morality.

    You see? We may disagree about the moral efficacy or propriety of one policy or another, it's not to say that the other person supports their position because they are opposed to a moral position, it's just a disagreement about the moral questions involved.

    Before you go further, Marshal, please answer that question: Do you understand that the person who fights FOR abortion to be a personal decision (and the gov't to get out of a family's medical decisions) and the person who fights AGAINST legalized abortion, they both do for reasons of morality?

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. That you are suspicious of the morality does not mean that people are not doing it for reasons of morality.

    Do you not understand the notion that the family should be the ones to make decisions about medical treatment up to and including how to handle death? That some people do not want, as a matter of human rights, justice and morality, government to make those sorts of decisions?

    I mean, I'm sure you can understand the moral reasoning of those opposed if a Catholic gov't wanted to make the decision for everyone that no birth control measures can be used, right?

    Please answer this question before commenting further.

  79. The modern world cannot take moral lessons from anyone who thinks the fetus is a full human being but denies a full array of contraceptive health choices in order to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

    Craig, that your antiquated repression of sex cancels your offer of healthy preventions of abortion - which your lips profess you want - discredits any thing you want to say about it.

  80. I apologize, off topic, simply increased lies, so I’m done.

    I’ve pointed out the moral inconsistencies elsewhere.

  81. When he's out of diversion, he diverts himself out.

  82. Democratic platform 2020 on abortion: “Like the majority of Americans, Democrats believe that every woman should be able to access high-quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion”... Democrats also commit to restoring federal funding for Planned Parenthood, opposing state laws that limit abortion rights, repealing the Hyde Amendment, which bars the use of federal funds to pay for abortion services, and codifying the Roe v. Wade court case that provides a legal defense of abortion.“

    Roe v Wade allows states to limit abortions upon viability.

    Craig chooses a lie every time.

  83. Imagine a political party that said it had no platform, just blind obedience to its leader.

    What would you call that?

  84. "Do you understand that the person who fights FOR abortion to be a personal decision (and the gov't to get out of a family's medical decisions) and the person who fights AGAINST legalized abortion, they both do for reasons of morality?"

    I agree the claim can be made and possibly supported if those who support abortion at all can provide an argument to that end. But that's not a question of any value when speaking on whether a candidate is or isn't moral.

    If you wish to say that you believe it's moral to defend a "woman's right to choose" to abort, it doesn't matter. It's not at all moral to defend what the woman is doing when she exercises what you corruptly refer to as that right. It goes to your character to say that it is moral as much as it would be if you weren't equivocating on what murder is and why it applies to this procedure.

    So yeah, I can agree that each side can claim to be acting on reasons of morality. But again, it's meaningless to pose the question. A common practice of yours to pose such questions.

    "There is plenty of evidence that Trump is a narcissist who is amoral/does not give a damn about ethics or morality beyond using them as tools to abuse and attack."

    And yet you provide none. Testimonies by those who don't like them don't count as evidence, because you can't know well enough the people giving those testimonies for them to matter. So here's a question for you: Can an amoral person promote moral policies? I'll wait here while you ignore the question.

  85. Marshal's shallow mind is showing. He is unaware that with his claim that we are all responsible for the way other people use the freedom we protect for them, then Marshal - if he truly respects life - needs to call for the abolition of all guns. And all knives. And all bats. Etc.

    The only moral answer for legal action that both respects women' rights over their bodies - a bedrock moral truth - AND moves to sweep away abortion is to provide a full sweep of women health services and access to contraception without reserve.

    That, of course, is the Democratic platform. What do the Republicans say? Nothing. They are not standing on any policy in 2020: just whatever Trump wants.

  86. Among so many studies, this is very recent aggregate one:

    "Using World Bank income groups, we found an inverse relationship between unintended pregnancy and income, whereas abortion rates varied non-monotonically across groups. In countries where abortion was restricted, the proportion of unintended pregnancies ending in abortion had increased compared with the proportion for 1990–94, and the unintended pregnancy rates were higher than in countries where abortion was broadly legal.

    Between 1990–94 and 2015–19, the global unintended pregnancy rate has declined, whereas the proportion of unintended pregnancies ending in abortion has increased. As a result, the global average abortion rate in 2015–19 was roughly equal to the estimates for 1990–94. Our findings suggest that people in high-income countries have better access to sexual and reproductive health care than those in low-income countries. Our findings indicate that individuals seek abortion even in settings where it is restricted. These findings emphasise the importance of ensuring access to the full spectrum of sexual and reproductive health services, including contraception and abortion care, and for additional investment towards equity in health-care services."

    The Lancet 7/22/20


  87. Dan: "There is plenty of evidence that Trump is a narcissist who is amoral/does not give a damn about ethics or morality beyond using them as tools to abuse and attack."

    Marshal: "And yet you provide none"

    Facts on video: "After President Trump was sworn in, he relayed his dream of actually being carved on the mountain, according to South Dakota Rep. Kristi Noem. Noem said the two struck up a conversation in their first meeting at the Oval Office.

    "He said, 'Kristi, come on over here. Shake my hand,'" Noem said. "I shook his hand, and I said, 'Mr. President, you should come to South Dakota sometime. We have Mount Rushmore.' And he goes, 'Do you know it's my dream to have my face on Mount Rushmore?'

    Noem thought he was joking. "I started laughing," she said. "He wasn't laughing, so he was totally serious."

    Noem, who is running for South Dakota Governor in the Republican primary in June, relayed the story to Vermillion native Mitchell Olson while the two were filming a segment for Olson's South Dakota edition of carpool karaoke. A spokesperson for the White House didn't respond to an email asking to verify the story and whether or not Trump aims to be carved onto Mount Rushmore."


  88. Craig likes to bow out and engage you at his place: he can block me there and you, too, on occasion - while whining about being blocked himself.

    But the truth remains that he has to resolve his own deep, crippling contradictions before he can try to engage with the only moral position that currently exists on abortion.

    The modern world cannot take moral lessons from anyone who thinks the fetus is a full human being but denies a full array of contraceptive health choices in order to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Craig's antiquated repression of sex cancels all moral ability to offer healthy preventions of abortion - which his lips profess he wants - and discredits any thing he wants to say about it.

    The only moral answer for legal action that both respects women' rights over their bodies - a bedrock moral truth - AND moves to sweep away abortion is to provide a full sweep of women health services and access to contraception without reserve.

  89. Dan, if you don't mind, I'd like to put my response to Stan's latest right here:

    Stan, your credibility was lost the day you claimed Princeton published a study that opposed abortion. But your link was to a student club of 8 people cutting and pasting quotes from decades old textbooks. When I pointed that out, you doubled down on your lie in denial.

    Liars don't know the truth. Especially biblical truth.

    Read Galatians, Stan. Do you think St. Paul stopped commenting in passion to Judaizers?

    You're a Judaizer. You lie about the gospel - just yesterday about assurance and Sovereignty and Romans 8 and the theological nature of the human person.

    How many things do you want to lie about? And why? Because you are steeped in a 19th century sectarian politics retooled to make whiteness your assurance.

    And so you are lost. It's hard to watch without speaking out: because human persons, being in the image of god, have compassion and are innately like god seeking the truth of love... not opposed to god.

  90. When you ridicule a 17 year old girl for championing climate issues but defend a rogue 17 year old boy for seeking murder opportunities, you’re a broken person.

  91. "3. Biden recognizes the threat of climate change and is willing to listen to experts."

    Not quite accurate. Biden accepts the claim that a threat of climate change exists, such that we are somehow endangered and capable of altering the climate by our actions. Listening only to "experts" who further that claim does not make him a good choice for president, as there are plenty of other, and I would insist better experts who disagree with that claim. To listen to only one side of the issue is not a trait of a president for which intelligent people hope.

    "I've recently heard an ultra-conservative complain about the current president's narcissistic wish to change environmental regulations to let shower heads use more water. This particular conservative lives in the arid west and while he's no tree hugger, he recognizes that we need to conserve water, at least in arid places, just as a matter of reason. This is just obvious based upon the data and the advice of experts."

    And other experts reject this is a reason to regulate products throughout the nation where there are no problems with water shortages. A president who makes sweeping suggestions based on the opinions of some "experts" is not a thinking president, and by lifting federal regulations on such things in no way prevents individual states, where such concerns may be legitimate, to institute their own regulations to address those concerns. This is just obvious based on logic and intelligence.

    "Biden will listen to scientific experts when it comes to climate change."

    Biden will be played by those who have an agenda. His diminishing mental capabilities, far more obvious to most than have any attributed to Trump, will not allow him to intelligently process whatever his "experts" might say.

    "4. On that same page, Biden will listen to medical experts when it comes to dealing with Covid. Again, this is a very low bar and yet, it's where we are. We NEED our leaders to listen to experts in each field when making policy. Biden will do this. "

    On that same page, which "experts"? There are many, for example, who strongly encourage the use of hydroxychloroquine and are more than willing and able to provide evidence that they've successfully used it. The data with regard to death rates in countries where it is widely used compared to those where it is restricted demonstrates the "experts" in this country have their heads up their backsides with regard to this particular drug. This "low bar" as you refer to it in your not so subtle jab at Trump, is one in which Trump has hurdled easily and often, suggested all manner of potential options for addressing this "crisis" that seems less and less to be a crisis. Yet, with every expression of potential benefit a given substance or process might bring to bear, the opponents of Trump attack and criticize until the evidence is so overwhelming that not agreeing with the experts Trump references will reflect badly.

    I would submit as more likely, those who would otherwise allow for just about any potential cure or remedy will no longer consider their support or rejection based on whether or not it will aid Trump, should Trump not be president. Thus, Biden will have more input openly discussed in order to make him the hero. Lefties and other Trump haters exist in the medical world and they don't care about lives as much as they do defeating Trump.

  92. Marshal tries to ignore his fail like a Trumpet.

    Marshal's shallow mind is showing. He is unaware that with his claim that we are all responsible for the way other people use the freedom we protect for them, then Marshal - if he truly respects life - needs to call for the abolition of all guns. And all knives. And all bats. Etc.

  93. "5. In our lifetime, the data shows that the policies of Democrat presidents have improved the economy and tended to decrease the debt."

    Typical of all leftists, Dan here again spins the data. Actually, he does worse. He simply repeats what others have spun. The reality is different.




    "While it is true that the ultra-wealthy have done better under GOP presidencies, it doesn't tend to be true for the rest of the population."

    This is nonsensical, leftist class warfare propaganda. As we've seen as a result of the Trump economic policies, 80% of the American population saw improvements in their personal situations. Naturally, the wealthy will see what appears to lefties to be an unfair level of improvement. But lefties disregard the fact that lower income levels don't have as much to work with as regards tax breaks. If one doesn't pay a lot, how can one be expected to feel much difference, regardless of whether or not that difference is positive or negative. As it happens, however, the lower classes saw a greater improvement by percentage than did the upper classes. But lefties insist on looking at raw dollars and expect that those who weren't paying a lot in taxes in raw dollars should somehow still get more back than they were paying. The notion that only the wealthy benefited is lefty bullshit...not reality.

    "6. On that line of thinking, Biden IS appealing to a very Big Tent."

    I don't know what game Dan is watching. Support for Trump among blacks is said to be around 24% by some polls. That's a huge number. Thomas Sowell once said that 30% support of the black vote for a Republican will almost guarantee a GOP win. Black support is rarely as high as 20%...if ever. There is also a renewed level of support from Log Cabin Republicans. Across the board, Trump is attracting all sorts of people from all demographics. Dan is engaging in wishful thinking. What he's really seeing...if he's actually looking at all...is lefties of all sorts, but only those who toe the party line.

    More coming later...

    (I have concerns as to whether the second link will open for you. If it does not, let me know and I'll try again to post it.)

  94. President Donald Trump did not want injured veterans to be present at a military parade because he believed it would make spectators uneasy, The Atlantic reported Thursday.

    "Nobody wants to see that," Trump said during a White House meeting ahead of a planned military parade in 2018, sources told The Atlantic's editor in chief. The president was widely reported to have wanted to hold a massive military parade in Washington, DC, that year to coincide with Veterans Day weekend and the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I.

    Cost estimates for such a parade reached $92 million, according to multiple reports, and the parade was eventually delayed.

  95. President Donald Trump launched an unprecedented public attack against the leadership of the US military on Monday, accusing them of waging wars to boost the profits of defense manufacturing companies.

    "I'm not saying the military's in love with me -- the soldiers are, the top people in the Pentagon probably aren't because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy," Trump told reporters at a White House news conference.
    Trump's extraordinary comments come as several defense officials tell CNN relations between the President and Pentagon leadership are becoming increasingly strained.
    They also followed efforts by Trump to convince the public that he had not made a series of reported disparaging remarks about US military personnel and veterans, which were first reported by The Atlantic magazine.

  96. Marshal: "If you wish to say that you believe it's moral to defend a "woman's right to choose" to abort, it doesn't matter. It's not at all moral to defend what the woman is doing when she exercises what you corruptly refer to as that right."

    Feodor: "Marshal's shallow mind is showing. He is unaware that with his claim that we are all responsible for the way other people use the freedom we protect for them ("what the woman is doing when she exercises what you corruptly refer to as that right"), then Marshal - if he truly respects life - needs to call for the abolition of all guns. And all knives. And all bats. Etc.

    The only moral answer for legal action that both respects women' rights over their bodies - a bedrock moral truth - AND moves to sweep away abortion is to provide a full sweep of women health services and access to contraception without reserve.

    Marshal: 🦗

  97. The silence from Craig and Marshal and Stan is terrifying:

    "On Feb. 7, during a taped interview with Bob Woodward, President Trump acknowledged that the coronavirus could be transmitted through the air, that it was very dangerous and that it would be difficult to contain. “This is deadly stuff,” he told the investigative journalist.

    “You just breathe the air, and that’s how it’s passed,” the president warned.

    Despite his apparent understanding of the severity of the disease and its method of transmission, over the next month, in five cities around the country, Mr. Trump held large indoor rallies, which were attended by thousands of his supporters.

    Mr. Trump spent weeks insisting in public that the coronavirus was no worse than a seasonal flu. It would “disappear” when the seasons changed, he promised in late February. “We’re doing a great job,” he said in early March.

    Why lie to the American people? Why — as the administration accuses the Chinese government of doing — lie to the world about the severity of what was declared a pandemic only days later?"

  98. "7. Draining the swamp."

    Democrats are the swamp. While there are some Repubs that need to go, the real swamp creatures are among the Democrats due to the consistent drive to implement all manner of self-serving nonsense disguised as help for the little guy. As to corruption, there's this:




    It's a game we can play at length, but the fact is there is little integrity among Democrats to go after their own. This isn't the case with the GOP by and large, as those who are truly corrupt do not get support by their own once their misdeeds are made known. Dems will rationalize anything and everything.

    "8. The man is Amtrak Joe. He believes in public transport, in public schools, in public life. He believes in government for the good of the people. He doesn't believe in conspiracy theories about Deep State Baddies."

    This is hilarious! He takes the train to work, so Dan thinks that's special! No doubt, like all lefties, Biden believes in public everything, because that's the government controlling and dictating, and that's the way the left likes it. And like all lefties, Biden believe government IS the good for the people, whereas true Americans see government as a necessary evil, the less of it the better. That's because more government means less liberty, and that's never so true as when looking at Democrat policy. And yeah, he doesn't believe in "Deep State Baddies" (so you say) because he's one of them.

  99. Devoid of any argument; full of desperate irrationality.

    You’ve sold your soul to hate, Marshal, because you’re afraid of decency. Pathetic.

  100. Ah, you pro-life folks: you’ve got jokes.

    Trump administration officials ejected nearly 9,000 unaccompanied migrant children from the U.S. without court hearings — taking no precautions to protect them from traffickers.

    Border Patrol Deputy Chief Raoul Ortiz revealed in a court declaration Friday that 8,800 unaccompanied minors have ben kicked out of the country since March 20 because of COVID-19 health restrictions, CBS News was the first to report.

    Department of Homeland Security officials have suspended humanitarian protections for most migrants crossing the border, claiming that public health law takes precedence over asylum, immigration and anti-trafficking safeguards during a pandemic, according to CBS.

  101. You “pro life” folks have jokes:

    At least three teachers have died from complications of Covid-19 in recent weeks, according to CNN reporting and local media reports.

    Demetria Bannister, a 28-year-old elementary school teacher in Columbia, South Carolina, was diagnosed with the virus last Friday and died Monday from Covid-19 complications, a week into the start of the school year there. AshLee DeMarinis, a 34-year-old middle school teacher in Potosi, Missouri, died Sunday after battling complications related to Covid-19 for three weeks. Thomas Slade, a teacher at Vancleave High School in Jackson County, Mississippi, passed away last week, Superintendent John Strycker said in a statement on Wednesday.

  102. Thank you, Trump.

    We had 1,027 deaths Saturday. ⁣
    Canada had 0.

  103. "9. More than two dozen former GOP congresspeople have endorsed Joe Biden. Not to mention the many conservatives who were not in Congress. If even conservative leaders recognize that Biden is the better choice, that says something.
    I know that may cause my more liberal friends be suspicious, but the thing is, we are not a majority liberal nation."

    There are at least as many lefties voting for Trump this time around than there are RINOs voting for Biden. You like to hang your hat on referring to those you regard as "conservative leaders" without considering that most of them aren't all that conservative. Among those who are truly conservative, one must look at who they are and what they're complaints with Trump are. Most of them are of the insignificant variety and they indict themselves for ignoring the conservative policies Trump has put in place. Bottom line is that I've heard from many lefties and former "NeverTrumpers" who will now vote for Trump this coming November. I've heard very little (actually, nothing) from those who voted for Trump in 2016 now voting for Biden or not voting at all.

    "We need a leader who can unite this nation and take us in a forward direction."

    This is hilarious. Biden was vice-prez to one of the most divisive presidents in recent times. And there's little doubt that what he proposes to do, and what his handlers propose to do in his name, will widen the divide Obama created and Trump exposed. What's more, after almost 50 years in government, this putz has done nothing to bring people together.

    "If liberals, moderates and conservatives can all agree on Biden/Harris, I see that as a good thing."

    Of course you do. You're morally corrupt and intellectually bankrupt. Given the Dem party platform, as well as the recent history of Dem impotence in dealing with the egregious problems in Dem controlled states and cities, there's no possible way ANYONE "agreeing" on Biden/Harris could be good for anyone, much less the nation itself.

    more coming...

  104. "10. Biden trusts the media and won't wage attacks on them."

    More hilarity. Why wouldn't Biden trust a media that does nothing to challenge him? Why would he attack such a media which pitches slow, underhand softballs? But just like his boss Obama, he will no doubt attack any member of the press that doesn't make life easy for him, who will hold him accountable for every actual misstep, not just invented ones as we see so commonly now with Trump the target.

    "I'm not the biggest fan of Biden, but like Obama before him, he has demonstrated himself to be a reasonable public servant who does recognize that now is a time for change."

    "Change" is a punchline to Dem politicians and their chumps in the electorate eat it up. The question is, to what do they intend to change the nation? We saw with Obama, we see now with the leftist rioters and BLM marxists and we see that Biden is too stupid to do anything but support the type of change that will leave us "America" in name only.

    You've done nothing to make a case for Biden, as everything you've put forth is pure fantasy not at all supported by fact. Sad and pathetic.

  105. Vote your conscience if you have one.

    The United States Postal Service drafted an ambitious proposal in April to send a pack of five face masks to every residential address in the U.S. before top White House officials killed the idea, according to an analysis by the Washington Post of documents acquired by the watchdog organization American Oversight.

    American Oversight, which obtained over 9,000 pages related to the USPS via the Freedom of Information Act, released the documents in late August. One of the records, entitled “U.S. Postal Service to Deliver Face Coverings to Every American Household,” is a draft of a press release indicating that USPS planned to “distribute 560 million reusable cotton face masks on behalf of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to every residential delivery point in America, beginning in areas which HHS has identified as experiencing high transmission rates of COVID-19 and to workers providing essential services throughout the nation during this pandemic.”

    Composed in April, the draft stated that “letter carriers, rural carriers and others will deliver one pack of five face coverings to each residential delivery point and PO Box,” with the first shipments intended to reach residents that month. The Orleans and Jefferson parishes of Louisiana were targeted for delivery first, followed by Washington’s King County, Michigan’s Wayne County, and New York.

  106. Vote your conscience if you have one.

    A former top aide to Vice President Mike Pence assailed President Donald Trump's response to the pandemic in a new video Thursday, adding to the growing list of former Trump administration officials who have criticized the President and, in several cases, endorsed his Democratic opponent Joe Biden.

    Olivia Troye, who was a homeland security adviser to Pence and his lead staffer on the White House's coronavirus task force, charged in the two-minute video that Trump failed to protect the American public because he only cared about himself and getting reelected. Troye's criticism is particularly striking because of her role working on the coronavirus task force, which Pence leads.

  107. Vote your conscience if you have one.

    Christopher A. Wray, the director of the F.B.I., warned a House committee on Thursday that Russia is actively pursuing a disinformation campaign against former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and expressed alarm about violent extremist groups.

    “Racially motivated violent extremism,” mostly from white supremacists, has made up a majority of domestic terrorism threats, Mr. Wray told the House Homeland Security Committee.

  108. Seriously. Vote your conscience if you have one.

    On Wednesday, U.S. Attorney General William Barr absurdly compared stay-at-home orders and other measures instituted by local officials to curb the spread of coronavirus to slavery, the centuries-long policy of anti-Black murder, rape and theft.

    During a speech at the private, conservative Hillsdale College in Michigan on Wednesday, Barr misled listeners about the steps health officials have actually taken to curb the virus, electing instead to compare their actions to violent slave drivers.

    “You know, putting a national lockdown, stay-at-home orders, is like house arrest,” the attorney general said. “Other than slavery, which was a different kind of restraint, this is the greatest intrusion on civil liberties in American history,” he said.

  109. The perverted hypocrisy that is the bedrock character of today’s GOP.

    ‘You don’t see any hypocrisy?’ Chris Wallace filets Tom Cotton by replaying his Merrick Garland speech”

    Wallace continued following the clip: “Garland was nominated nine months before the election and you were saying then, nine months before the election, it was wrong to deny voters a chance to weigh in. So if it was wrong then nine months before the election, why is it OK now six weeks before the election?

    “You really don’t think there is any hypocrisy at all,” Wallace pressed, “in saying, we need to give voters — because you can parse the 2014 election, the 2018 election any way you want — but you stated a pretty firm principle in 2016 about Merrick Garland: It’s wrong to deny voters a chance to weigh in.”

    “You don’t see any hypocrisy between that position then and this position now?” the Fox News host wondered.

    “Chris, the Senate majority is performing our constitutional duty and fulfilling the mandate that the voters gave us,” Cotton opined.

  110. Vote your conscience if you have one.

    President Donald Trump called it “the most beautiful thing” that MSNBC journalist Ali Velshi was struck in the knee with a rubber bullet while he was covering a peaceful protest... Trump inexplicably deemed it “law and order” as a campaign rally crowd in Minnesota cheered him on Friday. Velshi was breaking no law — nor were protesters — when he was injured by police. Trump mistakenly recounted in his tale that Velshi was painfully struck by a tear gas canister and complained afterward. “Oh my knee, oh my knee,” the president mocked.

    MSNBC also lashed out after Trump’s comment. “Freedom of the press is a pillar of our democracy,” the network said in a statement. “When the president mocks a journalist for the injury he sustained while putting himself in harm’s way to inform the public, he endangers thousands of other journalists and undermines our freedoms.”

    The Velshi slam wasn’t the only jaw-dropping comment Trump made at the rally.

    He also boasted that his overwhelmingly white supporters at the rally in Bemidji (Minnesota is 84% white) have “good genes,” raising an ominous Aryan specter from the 1940s. “You have good genes, you know that, right? A lot of it is about the genes, isn’t it, don’t you believe? The racehorse theory,” Trump said.

  111. Vote your conscience if you have one.

    Trump Ally Offered Assange Pardon To ‘Resolve’ Kremlin Link To Dem Hacks

    Former Rep. Dana Rohrabacher discussed some kind of pardon if Julian Assange would play ball about Russian ties, Assange's lawyer said in a courtroom statement.

  112. Marshal's boy.

    Ah, conservatives.

    The total sum nine of Trump’s companies have paid as expenses to style Ivanka Trump’s hair.

    The amount written off as expenses to hire a photographer taking photographs at the Mar-a-Lago club.

    What Trump declared his earnings to be in the 2018 presidential public annual financial disclosure.

    $47.4m in losses
    What he had declared to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for tax purposes over the same period.

    Outstanding loans that Trump owes, most of which becomes due within the next four years.

    Revenue generated from outside the US, presenting a potential conflict of interest with US foreign policy.
