Wednesday, July 1, 2020

A Message on Racism from the Veggie Tales Creator

This video is very helpful and educational and comes from the very traditional creator of the Christian animated series, "Veggie Tales." Well done, Phil Vischer.


  1. Marshall, Craig, feel here documents pretty methodically the systemic racism that has penalized and oppressed specifically black communities and people of color. Can you, at the very least, acknowledge that this is a compelling case? You can answer this. I'd like to know your answer.

  2. "This didn't happen by accident. It happened by policy."

  3. If Craig thinks it's news that Roosevelt was white with an ability to be racist then he hasn't been reading and listening to black historians and cultural critics; cf The Case for Reparations by Ta-Nehisi Coates in The Atlantic. Or Jewish ones for that matter; c.f. When Affirmative Action Was White by Ira Katznelson.

    Hell, Eleanor said so.

    If Craig thinks we haven't been saying that Washington, Jefferson, Madison, et al were slave owners, the LBJ behaved in racist ways, too, then he hasn't been listening to that either.

    Where is the news here?

    Here: that Craig defines Roosevelt and LBJ as racist while, of course, the rest of us who can hold two thoughts in our heads at the same time, also define their administrations as making great progress in justice, fairness, and actually caring for the American people.

    Exactly as we view Biden: terribly passive, bumbling as a moral individual but whose administration is guaranteed to massively restore decency and re-establish renewed levels of justice, fairness, and actually caring for the American people. How far will he go to restore values or even establish new, higher norms? No one can say.

    But Craig cannot vote for the Roosevelt or LBJ of the day. He'll vote for the other party.

    That's the news here.

    Because his subconscious hate and rage and fear of losing his unmerited status overcomes whatever smoke and mirror argument he just put up or will put up.

  4. Tamir Rice, a black son, would have graduated high school this year.

    Except that at 12 he was gunned down in 4 seconds from the other side of a police car by a Cleveland police officer who was found to be justified in the shooting. He was hired by the Cleveland PD even though in his previous job as a police officer in the Cleveland suburb of Independence he had been deemed an emotionally unstable recruit and unfit for duty.

    Tamir was holding a plastic pistol.

    Three days ago in a wealthy St. Louis neighborhood, Mark and Patricia McCloskey, a white couple, came out of their house and pointed a pistol and rifle at protestors walking down the street.

    They are still alive and well and at home.

  5. Dan,

    You asked if we can admit that Vischer makes a compelling case. The answer is, only if one ignores that which he chose not to mention. Even then it's dicey. I had a variety of problems with his video, and I was trying to figure out how best to express them. Then I came upon the following link that really does a good job articulating what my concerns were. One problem I will state is how, like your King and Hughes references, he spends a lot of time reviewing that which has little relevance today. No one honest would suggest that his recounting of history is wrong...even if incomplete or slanted. But how it matters to black people today is more a matter of choice than any true imposition. That is, an excuse.

    I've been unable to find anything that speaks to Vischer's politics or if it's appropriate to call him a conservative Christian or not. This video suggests "not". In any case, I know you need him to be in order to feel there is no way to oppose your own radical leftism. So here's the link:

    Do something different and actually check out a link I offer for your edification.

  6. I put the juxtaposition of Tamir Rice’s murder and the McCloskey’s behavior precisely because I knew Marshall’s strategy of dodge and diversion would be to try to draw a line between some ill defined “then” and now.

    And here he crawls up with his moral evasions.

    Young Mr Rice was murdered just six years ago. Hundreds have been lynched since. And the McCloskey’s showed us exactly why just this past Sunday.

    And the woman who lied about Emmet Till is still living.

  7. Look at God! See what the Lord can do?!

    “Black Lives Matter May Be the Largest Movement in U.S. History

    The recent Black Lives Matter protests peaked on June 6, when half a million people turned out in nearly 550 places across the United States. That was a single day in more than a month of protests that still continue to today. Four recent polls — including one released this week by Civis Analytics, a Democratic data firm — suggest that about 15 million to 26 million people in the United States have participated in demonstrations over the death of George Floyd and others in recent weeks. These figures would make the recent protests the largest movement in the country’s history, according to interviews with scholars and crowd-counting experts.”

  8. Typical of feo to use the inflammatory word "murder". What better way to promote racial harmony.

    There's no "dodge" in pointing out the apples/oranges difference between the two incidents he falsely ..and purposely so...attempts to frame as identical. Two homeowners defending their property against "protesters" known to morph into a destructive mob versus a kid pointing what is thought to be a weapon at random passersby in a public setting is a wilfully deceitful ploy.

  9. Lie about the facts to blame a 12 year old for his murder. Marshal is a racist.

    “A caller reported that a male was pointing "a pistol" at random people at the Cudell Recreation Center, a park in the City of Cleveland's Public Works Department. At the beginning of the call and again in the middle, he says of the pistol "it's probably fake."

  10. Lies aren’t facts. The officers were caught in a couple of lies.

    “The officers reported that upon their arrival, they both continuously yelled "show me your hands" through the open patrol car window, however according to Judge Ronald B. Adrine, after viewing footage of the incident, "...On the video the zone car containing Patrol Officers Loehmann and Garmback is still in the process of stopping when Rice is shot."

  11. And this a corrupt lie of a racist:

    “... known to morph into a destructive mob”

    1. Violent white supremacy infiltrators went home a month ago.
    2. Clergy were conducting the walk.
    3. You just manufactured it to divert from the facts by providing justification for shooting anyone of color walking down the street.

    Sick in your head.

  12. Hell to pay.

    “Oakland University has fired the Michigan man whose wife was caught on video pointing a gun at a black woman and her teenage daughter following a wild shouting match outside a fast-food restaurant this week.

    Eric Wuestenberg — who briefly engaged in the expletive-filled argument and was also armed — was the coordinator of the school’s veterans support services before being arrested and fired Thursday, a day after footage of the incident went viral on social media.

    “We have seen the video and we deem his behavior unacceptable,” a university representative said in a statement to the Daily News. “The employee has been notified that his employment has been terminated by the university.”

  13. Hell to pay.

    “Astar high school athlete recruited to play football for Cornell University will no longer be attending the school after a Snapchat video of him using a racial slur went viral. Marquette University revoked an incoming freshman’s admission offer because of a Snapchat post mocking the death of George Floyd.

    And an honors student bound for the University of Florida now has to make other college plans after the university learned of an Instagram post in which the student declared she was “most definitely” a racist. Amid a national accounting over entrenched and systemic racism after Mr. Floyd’s death in police custody on Memorial Day, at least a dozen schools have rescinded admissions offers to incoming students over instances of racism that circulated widely online, often after outraged students and university alumni demanded swift action.”

  14. Hell to pay.

    “The Aurora [Colorado] Police Department has fired two of the three officers who posed for photos at the Elijah McClain memorial. The other officer resigned. One photo shows the officers reenacting the chokehold used on McClain, who later died.“

  15. A cop murdered a little boy within 4 seconds of arriving and Marshal defends this cop:

    “It was revealed that Loehmann, in his previous job as a police officer in the Cleveland suburb of Independence, had been deemed an emotionally unstable recruit and unfit for duty. Loehmann did not disclose this fact on his application to join the Cleveland police, and the Cleveland police never reviewed his previous personnel file before hiring him.“

    Marshal is a sick racist justifying the murder of any black person - will let emotionally problematic white men kill them - and ratifies threatening and beating any and all protesters from those peacefully walking the Edmund Pettus bridge in 1965 to those peacefully walking in St Louis on Sunday because if black people are involved Marshal believes violence isn’t far away.

    Marshal is a sick racist with a brutalizing demon possessing him.

  16. Marshal couldn’t keep his head above water continuing to defend Timothy Loehmann so he’s dodged and diverted down a famous alley: where we find the only magic negro Conservative who is head and shoulders smarter than they are. The One. A paper tiger.

  17. "Marshal: Tamir Rice was a 12 year old monster about to eat me!"

    Yeah, I get it. You're not the least bit intellectual. I need no more evidence than this laughable assessment of my position and the fact-based explanation of why Rice was not "murdered" in any honest sense of the word...again acknowledging as always that you and honesty are diametrically opposed.

    Where did I describe Rice as a monster? Where did I so much as hint that he was even a bad kid? Where did I make any statement that referenced his character at all? Can you pull your head out of your ass long enough to try to find such suggestions? You certainly can't find any evidence that I'm a racist.

  18. You’re a sick racist fuck, Marshal. You’re possessed by demons.

    The video shows a 12 year old kid. Cleveland coroner: Tamir's appearance was "consistent with the reported age of 12 years old or older.”

    But Marshal finds a voice that communicates Marshal’s imagination: Tamir was a big black. Unusually big. Threatening. Dark. Dangerous. Monstrous.

    Who is that voice?

    Bob Owens writing in Bearing Guns: “Tamir Rice wasn’t your average 12-year-old. He was quite large according to the medical examiner who did his autopsy, at 5’7″and weighing a stout 195lbs. He was so large that the man who called 911 on his antics assumed that he must be in his 20s.”

    This Bob Owens: “Bob Owens, editor of the popular pro-gun blog, died Monday in what authorities have ruled a suicide. Officials say Owens shot himself in the head near his North Carolina home. Shortly before Owens’s death, he apparently wrote a chilling message on Facebook: “In the end, it turns out that I’m not strong. I’m a coward, and selfish son of a bitch. I’m sorry.”

  19. Marshal spends hours and internet labor hunting and seeking the justifications for killing a 12 year old boy within 4 seconds of seeing him. They rolled right up on the park to within 10 feet having heard about “a gun.” That in itself is stupendously foolish. They were looking to take someone down, anyone down, and if black down by gunfire.

    But Marshal lives to use his moral imagination and reason to justify a 12 year old.’s death. A 14 year iOS’s death. A 16 year old’s. A 21 year old’s death. A 24 year old’s death. 25. 27. 28. 29. 32. 34. 36. 37. 38. 40. 41. 44. 47. 56. 59. 63. 64. 70. 74.

    Because Marshal’s moral imagination and reasoning have been corrupted by demons. Demons that Marshal loves.

    Marshal is steeped in misogyny and bigotry and racism. Brutalizing everyone not fitting his 4000 year-old leather book of ancient social practices. White supremacy only goes back 400 years.

    Alive and revived today and given legitimacy by the historically incompetent and pathological narcissist whom Marshal loves.

    Marshal cannot love himself to save himself. He’s murdered his divine image leaving him to be just a beast. He loves other men: demonic men.
