Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Disinformation President

The author of this The Atlantic article, McKay Coppins, is talking on NPR right now. Please, if you're conservative or progressive or somewhere in between, read this article. Trump is using strategies of disinformation that undermine the idea of facts and truth and ultimately, a free republic. Please read this article.

"The president’s reelection campaign was then in the midst of a multimillion-dollar ad blitz aimed at shaping Americans’ understanding of the recently launched impeachment proceedings. 

Thousands of micro-targeted ads had flooded the internet, portraying Trump as a heroic reformer cracking down on foreign corruption while Democrats plotted a coup. That this narrative bore little resemblance to reality seemed only to accelerate its spread. 

Right-wing websites amplified every claim. Pro-Trump forums teemed with conspiracy theories. An alternate information ecosystem was taking shape around the biggest news story in the country, and I wanted to see it from the inside."

Don't Be Deceived

Seriously, don't be deceived, don't be an idiot, don't buy a con from an inept con man and don't be part of the problem of giving a single bit of support to this man. He and his followers are, whether on purpose or not, part of the greatest threat our nation has faced since probably the Cold War. What is amazing to so many of us - no doubt, at least half the nation and most of the world - is why so very many people (~30-40% of the nation??) are buying into a con that is so obviously a con.

Make no mistake: Trump is a moron, he is not an intelligent man. This is something that is measurable, observable. He speaks like a very unintelligent person. But he is quite a genius when it comes to conning a certain subset of people... people who buy into ridiculously stupid misinformation when it plays into their fears and prejudices/biases (and here, I don't mean racial prejudices - although that certainly is part of it for some subset of that subset), but their cultural biases and prejudices. But how can SO many people be fooled by such a buffoon who, in addition to being a buffoon, is a generally awful human being?

Read the article. Open your eyes. Don't be deceived.

No comments are necessary, I'm not looking for conversation, just pointing to something that should be obvious.


  1. I fully intend to read this article, especially given your overwrought plea that all must in order not to be deceived. Until I can take the time, I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest it's very likely a projection of what the article itself, as well as other opponents of Trump, is doing with regard to the impeachment attempt.

    As to "no comments are necessary". Be honest. None are wanted. This caution compels me more to read the piece, and certainly if you're going to be your usual self with regard to denying commentary, then it will simply be fodder for a post at my own blog where commentary is not denied those who don't abuse the I never do.

    You WANT your hateful opinion of Trump to be seen as an obvious fact. I've no doubt this article will only serve to prove it.

  2. I just finished the article and you should be ashamed of yourself. This article engages in the very level of disinformation of which the author accuses the Trump campaign. And like the gullible people it believes are most vulnerable to the tactics it attributes to Trump, you swallow the accusation of evil willingly, eagerly and because of your vile hatred of Trump, wickedly. Again, shame on you.

  3. Trump is a national security threat.

    “Iran has nearly tripled its stockpile of enriched uranium since early November, the United Nations’ atomic agency said Tuesday, prompting warnings from experts and diplomats that Tehran has slashed the time it would need to amass enough fuel for a nuclear weapon. When the nuclear agreement between Iran and six world powers took effect in January 2016, U.S. officials estimated that it would take at least a year for Iran to produce sufficient enriched uranium for a single nuclear weapon if it broke out of the agreement.

    But after the Trump administration quit the accord in May 2018 and Iran stopped adhering to key limits, that “breakout time” has substantially shrunk and could now be below four months, one prominent expert said.”
