Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule: Survival of the Smartest


  1. Really? What do you have in mind? Longevity of the merciful, the gracious? Do you have some examples? Professors often live long lives.

  2. I just mean that we should heed the notion of the Golden Rule NOT because it's in the Bible (or some other version of it in other faith traditions and their sacred teachings), but because it's rational.

    An eye for an eye makes the world blind, as the saying goes, but each person looking out for each other is rational and just plain smart.

  3. Agreed. Altruism is as much in our psycho-social DNA as clan mentality.

  4. Survival of the smartest, and more moral:

    72 months
    0 charges
    0 indictments/pleas
    0 prison sentences
    Clinton testified for 11 hours

    Email investigation
    0 indictments

    Uranium One Investigation
    0 indictments

    Trump Justice Department
    review of business dealings
    tied to Hillary Clinton
    Just closed
    0 indictments

    22 months
    215 charges
    38 indictments/pleas
    5 prison sentences
    Trump testified for 0 hours

    Trump Foundation
    Shut down for fraud

    Trump University
    Shut down for fraud

    17 Open investigations
    for corruption

    Impeachment Trial

  5. When you can get the rest of the well as your own abide that Rule, then perhaps we can get somewhere. In the meantime, it only stands as not "survival of the smartest", but "risky for the moral". "Smart" is peace through strength in this fallen world. To be the baddest dog on the block is smart. When one is the baddest but also the kindest, then one is truly smart and surviving. That's reality for both the Christian and the non-Christian.

  6. I don't see how feo's last comment bears any relevance to this post. What's more, the fact that a one is not convicted does not mean one isn't guilty. The opposite is also true...that being accused doesn't mean one isn't innocent. feo's comment simply represents the common attitude of the left toward the right, which is, no matter what, the left is always good and the right is always bad. That's not how a Christian demonstrates an understanding of the Golden Rule.

  7. So why do you cling so tightly to lies and falsehoods?

  8. Only facts were presented.

    Only you could not remain in relation to them.

    The Golden Rule: Survival of the Smartest

  9. This post is about the Golden Rule. Making false accusations against others doesn't fit the topic, Marshal.

    Besides, you have questions waiting for you to answer/reality to admit to at the last post you were involved in. Please answer those first.

  10. If this post is about the Golden Rule, then feo's comments clearly depart from that theme, particularly his comment from January 11, 2020 at 11:55 AM.

    As to the post, I again say that what you are trying to impart requires that ALL abide it. There is no "survival of the smartest" if those you think are not among them don't abide the Rule. It's the same old story we hear from you lefties about diplomacy instead of battle, as if the assholes of the world care about diplomacy if they think they have the power to take over. I again refer to a case from some years ago, offered in a conversation from that time, of three people who traveled to the Middle East to "make friends" with some radical islamists (Al Queda, maybe). One of the three was named Fox, if that rings a bell at all. All three were summarily beaten and murdered for their troubles. There was a more recent case involving a couple...may have been only last year. Same result. The point being that they went to do unto them as they would have them to unto the fools who tried this lame stunt.

    There's no "survival" aspect to the employment of this Rule, as it was meant for us in how we deal with others. I can do unto a real asshole as I would hope and prefer he'd do unto me, but that guarantees me nothing except God's pleasure at my choice of behavior. One employs the concept without expectation...doing it only because we're encouraged to do so. Thus, how does one anticipate surviving...whatever?

    By your own words, there's nothing particularly "smart" about living by the Rule, because the encouragement doesn't speak of any worldly rewards...if it speaks of any at all. We might survive eternal damnation, but that requires having accepted Christ. Those who don't? Who knows? But here on earth, it guarantees us nothing should we be surrounding by evil.

    So on what do you base your position other than by your wishful thinking?

  11. You, Dan, set up the vicious circle Marshall is running because in order to recognize that being smart is one capacity needed for living out the Golden Rule one needs to be smart.

    My contribution to Marshal’s confusion is this: being smart begins with recognizing facts.

  12. See above. You rejected it all because your position doesn't hold up otherwise.

  13. I rejected it because it's irrelevant to the topic on the table, and also because an actual "smart" person knows that what you've listed doesn't reflect the reality of those situations, particularly as regards what it takes (or took) to investigate either party for allegations leveled against them. For example, the moment Comey stated that Hillary was guilty of mishandling classified materials, she should have been prosecuted under the Espionage Act because despite Comey's statements, she's guilty regardless of intent. Had it been Trump...or likely any Republican at lefty liars wouldn't have hesitated to have had him shot. So you again fail in your attempt to posture as intellectually superior.

  14. Rejecting facts isn’t smart. It’s dumb. As dumb as one can get.

    Dumb doesn’t get the golden rule. Because dumb thinks nice guys finish last.

  15. Let me be more clear for smart people like you: I reject, not so much the "facts" that you list, as much as the implications and the fact that you ignore the reality behind them. Facts are one thing. How liars like you apply or present them is quite another. Another fact I simply can't reject is that no one is as "dumb" as you. You're just too "dumb" to know it.


  16. Only facts were presented.

    Only you could not remain in relation to them.

    The Golden Rule: Survival of the Smartest

  17. Facts are meaningless without context. You're meaningless all the time.

  18. Jesus rose from the dead.

    Marshal, trying to hide himself in liberal clothing in order to evade detection as someone missing a spine: “Facts are meaningless without context.”

  19. Not hiding at all. When being truthful and honest, there's no need. Being false, you wouldn't know that.

  20. Hiding: “I reject, not so much the "facts..." - you intend to infer that the facts can indeed be denied, by posing as if you really reject more something else.

    Hiding: “... as much as the implications.” - you intend to divert from the facts by suggest that something more important but related is false even while unable to prove it. The proving is not the goal; the diversion and cover up of the facts are the goals by such rhetorical cover up.

    Hiding: “... and the fact is that you ignore the reality” - you intend to dodge the true, historical facts by destroying reason and preposterously counter-charging the source of facts.

    These three masterful lies come from just one sentence. You are a master at lies.

    Hiding: “Facts are one thing.” - another diversion that gives a head fake in the direction of facts but rhetorical points away from them - unaccepted and rhetorically diminished ("we don't really need to pay attention to them; they're just one small thing") - and toward the inferred “other thing/s.”

    This is age-old strategies by corrupt people to ignore facts. You a corrupt master at lies.

    Hiding: using a lot of empty, fuming words to obscure the shifty, corrupt treatment of reason you just exhibited. A final diversion in an attempt to wrap things up. This smoke and mirror fuming is both for the audience and for your conscience. It is necessary precisely because your conscience is deeply disturbed and in order to override it, you employ a loud, fuming ego voice to convince yourself as much as any reader. The Implications - a word you know but do not know how implications are honestly made - is that your confidence is weak and lacking the support of conscience which operates on inner senses of morality. So you prop up corrupt position with blustering lies and innuendo and hate.

    You are the epitome of Donald's Trump influence of evil, the Trump take down of Republican morals. And you are the willing, re-enacting, re-brutalizer legacy of 400 year history, right up to tomorrow and the day after, of violent brutal reasoning in white Americans that led to the near complete genocide of one race, the murderous enslavement of another, and the wide horizon of violence toward all those who are not straight, white men... and toward yourselves in self-destructive revenge wishes.

    This is your brother:

    "You list the fact of 6 million Jews murdered in the holocaust, but just because they are dead doesn't mean they are murdered. And just because they died in camps run by the Nazis doesn't mean they were innocent. But I don't reject the facts so much as I reject the implications underlying the facts. Facts are one thing, but how does one know these are the truest facts? Do they have 6 million bodies? Are all the bodies Jews? And who are these people bringing us these facts? Journalists, academics, and entrenched, "scientific" government workers. Those are all well known bleeding heart liberals who hate the Right and anyone who argues that we should be a proud nation and a strong nation. They think the Right is always bad. That's the motivation behind trying to pin dead Jews on strong nationalists.

    And this is you in 5 years. Ok, so the Trump administration was corrupt. All administrations are corrupt. But Trump wasn't impeached, god rest his soul. Besides that's all in the past. The important thing is now and are we going to let Democrats blow up the national debt which already $20 trillion and they hate those of the right who call them out on it. Just pay attention to today and let's vote for Roy Moore for President and make the US strong again!

  21. It’s not smart to poison your conscience, to kill off your capacity for reason and moral reason in order to deny facts when the motivation is to cover up corruption and brutality. It isn’t following the golden rule.

    And it is a betrayal of Christ.

    Dan’s point proved. By you.

  22. I think of the Joker, twisted in pain and moving swiftly toward destruction, laughing his ass off all along the way.

  23. I think of a false priest, morally twisted and moving in circles, posturing arrogantly thinking himself wise fooling no one but himself.

  24. Your recent responses exhibit your inchoate rage and your inability to answer to substance.

    In short, your credibility has no value.

  25. Your last response exhibits your typical self-stroking opinion of yourself.

    In short, you're pathetic.

  26. It's a good move by you to step away from your achilles heal - arguing rational points - and turn to your true strengths - vapid rant.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. It's not a good move for you to continue pretending you're winning. It proves how pathetic you are. I only say this because I care.

  29. It’s beginning to look like I have to provide a vocabulary so you can put a sentence together. You ran out of ideas because you couldn’t think anymore and then ran out of your own words, so now you parrot what I said like a... tiny brained parrot.

    Best description of you, in fact.

  30. Oh the things you like to tell yourself!

  31. Just so you know, sad troll, I'm not going to be carrying on indefinitely with our back and forth, despite the fun I have exposing your faux intellect. I'm sure Dan isn't keen on it.

  32. Don’t play yourself, you were stumped seven of your comments back.

  33. Word to the wise from today’s lectionary:

    “Yet day after day they seek me
    and delight to know my ways,
    as if they were a nation that practiced righteousness
    and did not forsake the ordinance of their God;
    they ask of me righteous judgments,
    they delight to draw near to God.
    “Why do we fast, but you do not see?
    Why humble ourselves, but you do not notice?”
    Look, you serve your own interest on your fast day,
    and oppress all your workers.
    Look, you fast only to quarrel and to fight
    and to strike with a wicked fist.
    Such fasting as you do today
    will not make your voice heard on high.
    Is such the fast that I choose,
    a day to humble oneself?
    Is it to bow down the head like a bulrush,
    and to lie in sackcloth and ashes?
    Will you call this a fast,
    a day acceptable to the Lord?

    Is not this the fast that I choose:
    to loose the bonds of injustice,
    to undo the thongs of the yoke,
    to let the oppressed go free,
    and to break every yoke?
    Is it not to share your bread with the hungry,
    and bring the homeless poor into your house;
    when you see the naked, to cover them,
    and not to hide yourself from your own kin?
    Then your light shall break forth like the dawn...”

  34. The arrogance of one who sees this as not concerning himself but only those he opposes. What a shocker!

  35. I’m glad you’re beginning to condemn your past behavior, Marshal.

    Marshal: “The bible isn’t really concerned about the poor.”

    The Bible: “Is it not to share your bread with the hungry,
    and bring the homeless poor into your house;
    when you see the naked, to cover them,
    and not to hide yourself from your own kin?
    Then your light shall break forth like the dawn...”

  36. When you can provide a link to wherever you got that quote you say is mine, providing date and time to make the search easy, then we'll talk. I don't believe I've ever expressed myself in quite those words.

  37. Well, one, you never own your words, especially when you get Scripture wrong, and two, Marshal Trump, that's not the response you should be looking for.

    Here's the answer you need: "Of course, I think the poor and the homeless and the imprisoned and the oppressed are at the heart of biblical concern and that caring for them is the true focus of faithful people rather than trying to keep cheap ides of law! This text from Isaiah proves it!"

  38. Well, for one thing, you just proved you made shit up rather than cite an actual comment of mine, for the wicked intention of demonizing me.

    Two, just because you can't show you're capable of understanding my words, of extracting them without losing the context in which they were found and dismissing the point being made in order to demonize and/or score points you don't deserve, none of that means I won't own my own words. Of course I do, as there's no reason not to do so. I just won't own your twisting of them or how you try to falsely present them

    Three, you haven't shown how I've ever gotten Scripture wrong.

    Four, the Isaiah text doesn't to anything of the sort. It speaks to the use of fasting as a substitute for all the things listed in the verse. There are others verses like it, one of which Dan has tried to use, with regard to sacrifices, also without mitigating the point being made.

    What you and he always seem to miss with these weak attempts to admonish, is that all of these types of verses aren't about helping the less fortunate. They're about encouraging those who call themselves followers or believers that true belief in God/Jesus is manifested in such behaviors. That is to say, if one truly believes, the poor will be taken care of. Thus, the concern isn't the poor, but the salvation of those who aren't helping them. So anything I say that YOU think suggests I'm saying God doesn't care about the poor refers to that truth. One would think a superior intellect would have picked up on that.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. “New Labor Department statistics show that despite Trump’s repeated boasts, job creation was a lot higher during Barack Obama's final years.”

    Given your litmus test, “.. if one truly believes, the poor will be taken care of,” Obama is the far better Christian.

    Survival of the smartest.

  41. That's funny. Obama's own guy would disagree:

    "“We find that 94% of net job growth in the past decade was in the alternative work category,” said Krueger. “And over 60% was due to the [the rise] of independent contractors, freelancers and contract company workers.” In other words, nearly all of the 10 million jobs created between 2005 and 2015 were not traditional nine-to-five employment."

    In the meantime:

    And of course, with more people working (lowest unemployment rate since the 60s, the poor clearly are better cared for than before Trump was elected.

    Your dodge didn't work this time, either. Clearly you can't survive.

  42. I don’t know what to tell you. It’s your guy’s Labor Department numbers just put out. You reference something from 2016; in other words, of zero use because zero accounting for Trump.

    Marshal Trump, denting, diverting, dodging, lying. NOT the golden rule.

  43. Ah! I see. So you finally trust Trump world over Obama world given my response began with Obama's own people. However, what you posted is no more than a cherry-picked period of time that allows the claim to be made. It lacks perspective and context because both put the truth to the lie, the truth being the economy is better now and the allowed to become so due to Trump's policies. There is no policy of Obama's that stimulated anything but leftist fantasy.

  44. The Labor Department reported the numbers today as they must. The clock is running until Trump lies about it. Just like you, a former Tea Party supporter demanding deficit reduction; now you’ve made that a lie being in the bag for a President who will add $8 trillion to it.

    Trump quote: 'Who the hell cares about the budget?': Trump tears into critics of mounting federal spending and debt under his watch.

  45. I still demand deficit reduction. That I still wait while it hasn't happened doesn't mean it won't. But liars like you pretend you care while expecting the world from any center-right administration. I can't say for certain that he'll ever address it, either by the end of the year or during his second term. I hope so and will be greatly disappointed if he doesn't. But that wouldn't diminish the fact that he's been far more beneficial for all Americans than his predecessor and no doubt will have proven to be so should enough people as stupid as you assemble to defeat him. It happened to get Obama elected twice and none of you have learned from it, so I place no wagers.

    Not overlooked is your typical cowardice in citing the source of the Trump quote you posted. I'm guessing it's another deceptive paraphrase of something taken out of context. It's how you roll.

  46. The only way to go through life as the deluded liar you are, Marshal Trump, is to breath denials, dodges, diversions, and lies.

    Marshal: “The bible isn’t really concerned about the poor.”

    The Bible: “Is it not to share your bread with the hungry,
    and bring the homeless poor into your house;
    when you see the naked, to cover them,
    and not to hide yourself from your own kin?
    Then your light shall break forth like the dawn...”

    Marshal: "... these types of verses aren't about helping the less fortunate."

    The Bible: “Is it not to share your bread with the hungry,
    and bring the homeless poor into your house;
    when you see the naked, to cover them,
    and not to hide yourself from your own kin?
    Then your light shall break forth like the dawn...”

    Marshal: "That is to say, if one truly believes, the poor will be taken care of. Thus, the concern isn't the poor...

    "Yet day after day they seek me
    and delight to know my ways...
    Is not this the fast that I choose:
    to loose the bonds of injustice,
    to undo the thongs of the yoke,
    to let the oppressed go free,
    and to break every yoke?"

    Marshal: "... with more people working (lowest unemployment rate since the 60s, the poor clearly are better cared..."

    Trump's Labor Department: "Revised numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that job growth fell to an eight-year low in 2019 despite 2.1 million new jobs. Trump's best year was 2018, when the economy created 2.31 million jobs, which still fell short of the job gains in any of Obama's last three years in office”

    Marshal: "... the truth being the economy is better now and the allowed to become so due to Trump's policies."

    Trump's Treasury Department: The federal budget deficit surpassed $1 trillion in 2019, the Treasury Department reported on Monday, as tax cuts and spending increases continued to force heavy government borrowing amid a record-long economic expansion. The deficit grew by 17 percent from 2018 to 2019, the Treasury data shows. That was a slowdown from the 28 percent growth in 2018, the first year President Trump’s signature tax cuts were in full effect. Trump is on target to increase the debt by $8 trillion.

    Marshal: "I still demand deficit reduction. That I still wait while it hasn't happened doesn't mean it won't."

    Marshal: "if one truly believes, the poor will be taken care of."

    The Bible: "Is not this the fast that I choose:
    to loose the bonds of injustice,
    to undo the thongs of the yoke,
    to let the oppressed go free,
    and to break every yoke?
    Is it not to share your bread with the hungry,
    and bring the homeless poor into your house;
    when you see the naked, to cover them,
    and not to hide yourself from your own kin?
    Then your light shall break forth like the dawn...”

  47. You can repost that passage all you like and it still won't be concern for the poor. It's concern for those being addressed by it. Hard to believe this is such a difficult concept for you. It was addressing people engaging in behavior that wasn't truly pleasing to God because it was done instead of that which truly was. Again, the passage wasn't a concern for the poor. Indeed, it assumes that God's preference was already known and disregarded in favor of that which was only ritual. Try to keep up.

    When I typed that Labor Dept. quote in the search bar, I got only three citations, all left-wing. Despite being out of time at present, I read the first from Alternet. It again fails to speak of the types of jobs Obama created in favor of raw numbers, most of which are, again, government jobs (government produces nothing), part-time and temporary jobs, most of which don't pay well.

    As to your Treasury Dept. bit, it ignores the lack of spending cuts that are the true reason for debt and deficit increase. Of course Trump will seek spending in areas he finds worthy. But his budget seeks to make cuts to both discretionary spending and entitlement. Your people will be most opposed to either, so don't pretend Trump's the bad guy here. Your people NEVER cut anything but spending to protect the nation. YOUR people and the policies YOU support are the greatest source of suffering and harm to our fellow citizens. That's a fact about which you continue to breath denials, dodges, diversions, and lies.

    Because you're the false priest. It's what you do.

  48. “It still won't be concern for the poor. It's concern for those being addressed by it.”

    So given what the Lord says outright,

    “Is not this the fast that I choose:
    to loose the bonds of injustice,
    to undo the thongs of the yoke,
    to let the oppressed go free,
    and to break every yoke?“

    You, Marshal Trump, claim that God is not concerned for those whom he literally says, “I choose,” but really is only concerned for himself?
    You’re sick but the head and you’re faith is fucked yo if you have to live such a corrupt life of lies that you’d do this to scripture and to the representation of a utterly self-centered, selfish God. You have absolute zero understanding of what the Father and the Son accomplished or why they did it.

  49. Marshal: “I googled it and got only three citations”

    “Employment —Total nonfarm employment grew by nearly 6.7 million since the president took office, according to the most recent figures available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That continued an unbroken chain of monthly gains in total employment that started in October 2010. The economy has now added jobs every month for more than nine years, including the first two years and 11 months of the Trump administration. Yet Trump is far behind the pace needed to fulfill his campaign boast that he will be “the greatest jobs president that God ever created.” At this rate he will not even come up to the gains made during Obama’s final term. The average monthly gain under Trump so far is 191,000 — compared with an average monthly gain of 217,000 during the four years before he took office.”

    Labor Department numbers showing Trump’s 6.7 total. I’ll let you look up Obama’s 7.8 billion.

    Marshal: “Not overlooked is your typical cowardice in citing the source of the Trump quote you posted. I'm guessing it's another deceptive paraphrase of something taken out of context.”

    I guess you didn’t have the courage to google this.

    Business Insider: “President Trump ripped into critics of rising federal spending under his watch, according to leaked audio files of a lavish fundraiser held at Mar-a-Lago on Friday.

    "Who the hell cares about the budget? We're going to have a country," Trump said, according to The Washington Post, which published the remarks over the weekend.

    The Post reported that he bragged about increasing the defense budget by at least $2.5 trillion, a sum that could be attained after adding several years' of government defense spending. The Pentagon's budget for the 2020 fiscal year totals $738 billion.

    The freewheeling comments offer remarkable insights into the president's approach on federal spending and the debt, which barreled past $23 trillion late last year.

    Trump campaigned in 2016 on eliminating the federal debt in eight years and reining in the deficit, a key concern of Republicans throughout President Obama's two terms in office. They often accused Democrats of being excessive spenders, which racked up the deficit. However, Trump veered the opposite direction as president, and Republicans tempered their previous criticism.”

  50. "You claim that God is not concerned for those whom he literally says, “I choose,” but really is only concerned for himself?"

    You, feo Screwtape, have comprehension problems to go along with all your other problems. To whom is God speaking when he says...

    “Is not this the fast that I choose:
    to loose the bonds of injustice,
    to undo the thongs of the yoke,
    to let the oppressed go free,
    and to break every yoke?“

    Whomever it is, that is the person for whom God is showing concern with this verse, not the bound, yoked or oppressed. Stay away from the children. You're leading them astray if you're leading them in Bible study. You're too stupid.

    More education for you later.

  51. Brilliant! Marshal Trump, you are exactly right! God is speaking to you!! That person is you, unless you’re dead to scripture.

    You should choose the fast that god chooses. You should follow the way of the cross that Christ chooses.

    You, too, should loose the bonds of injustice,
    You, too, should undo the thongs of the yoke,
    You, too, should let the oppressed go free,
    and to break every yoke.

    You need to pick up your cross and follow the one who gives sight to the blind, heals the lame, cleanses the lepers, makes the deaf hear, raises the dead, and brings good tidings to the poor. Be a true disciple, not a corrupt hater. You live finally pictured what Dan and I have been saying to you for years! Now you need to repent and be about God’s business. The Bible is so concerned about the uncared for that every faithful follower must be involved in healing and bringing equity and salvation to the oppressed, the marginalized, and the poor.

    Is it not to share your bread with the hungry,
    and bring the homeless poor into your house;
    when you see the naked, to cover them,
    and not to hide yourself from your own kin?
    Then your light shall break forth like the dawn,
    and your healing shall spring up quickly;
    your vindicator[a] shall go before you,
    the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.
    Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer;
    you shall cry for help, and he will say, Here I am.
    If you remove the yoke from among you,
    the pointing of the finger, the speaking of evil,
    if you offer your food to the hungry
    and satisfy the needs of the afflicted,
    then your light shall rise in the darkness
    and your gloom be like the noonday.
    The Lord will guide you continually,
    and satisfy your needs in parched places,
    and make your bones strong;
    and you shall be like a watered garden,
    like a spring of water,
    whose waters never fail.
    Your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt;
    you shall raise up the foundations of many generations;
    you shall be called the repairer of the breach,
    the restorer of streets to live in.
    If you refrain from trampling the sabbath,
    from pursuing your own interests on my holy day;
    if you call the sabbath a delight
    and the holy day of the Lord honorable;
    if you honor it, not going your own ways,
    serving your own interests, or pursuing your own affairs;
    then you shall take delight in the Lord,
    and I will make you ride upon the heights of the earth;
    I will feed you with the heritage of your ancestor Jacob,
    for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.

  52. Excuse me, but continually posting passages you've shown you don't understand won't help with your false, never-supported opinion of me personally. It only further indicts your false character.

    The fact is that I already regard Scripture as speaking to me personally, while acknowledging that it is intended to speak to all who dare call themselves believers and followers of the One True God. As to the passage you continue to cite, it was God speaking to specific people, and NOW to each of us as well. And what it says is demonstrating concern for the listener (or reader), rather than the aforementioned bound, yoked, etc. That is to say, it is His concern for those from whom He expects will demonstrate concern for those listed. Said yet another way, He expects US to have concern for those listed, without which He would be directly addressing those listed.

    Furthermore, you show with stark regularity that you are not so concerned with how Scripture speaks to you, or with the Will of God, as you continue to champion immorality and murder. Pretending you care for anyone but how you're regarded is laughable. More so is you thinking you're capable of teaching me something I don't know.

  53. You know, Marshal Trump, when they try someone in court for libel they present what that person said and how their behavior reveals that that person doesn’t follow what they’ve said, they don’t really believe what they themselves have said.

    But the accused cannot ever see the crime. The lies have corrupted their conscience.

    Thanks for testifying in your defense.

  54. Then, feo screwtape, there are those who don't see the crime for which they stand accused because the accuser is some twisted mixture of stupid and liar. But at least you're good for a laugh. With enemies like you, who needs a village idiot? But I forgive you for your constant false and hateful attacks.

  55. Again, thank you for your testimony. It’s always the clearest corroboration of your deceitful treatment of simple reason.

  56. Again, thank you for proving you see what you want to see rather than what is, as honest people do. Of course, you'd proven your corruption long ago. I only deal honestly with simple-MINDED reason such as yours as well as the sound reasoning of rational, honest people. You wouldn't know honesty and truth if it kicked you in the groin. You make that clear with every comment you post. But thanks for playing. Again, I forgive you.

  57. Thank you again for testifying in your defense. Unfortunately, again, you reveal how you must escape scripture because cannot stand the clear meaning of scripture and the call to follow Christ to serve the marginalized and oppressed.

  58. I neither fail to understand the clear meaning of Scripture (that problem is clearly yours), nor do I ignore Christ's call to help the needy. Never have, nor could you possibly prove I ever did. But hey, bring on the laughs with another attempt to prove what isn't true.

  59. Again, thank you for your testimony. It’s always the clearest corroboration of your deceitful treatment of simple reason.

    “The report centers on Darrell Scott, a pastor from Cleveland who is a prominent ally of the president and has been running a possibly illegal program designed to win over black voters for the president that literally involves handing them envelopes stuffed with cash at mini-rallies.

    At the center of the controversy is a new charity called the Urban Revitalization Coalition led by Ohio Pastor Darrell Scott,” the report states which has, “Raised red flags saying the cash events may violate tax laws that bar nonprofits from engaging in political campaign activities and could jeopardize the group’s tax-exempt status. In an interview, Scott said he’s careful to follow the law., but groups like the NAACP accuse him of trying to buy support for President Trump.”

    CNN shared clips from the rallies where the envelopes were handed out and, in one, a rally organizer can be seen exhorting attendees to attend the next rally by saying, “Come back in February when we give you $50,000.”

  60. Thanks for that totally irrelevant and inconsequential report. It has absolutely nothing to do with anything but its own implications regarding the pastor himself. So, thanks for the laughs at your newest weak attempt to posture yourself as intelligent. When you try to make out the right as the greater of two evils, it's hilarious.

  61. Lying is a betrayal of the Golden Rule. But you, Marshal Trump, support or divert from every lie.

    “Trump campaign manager deletes dramatic Air Force One photo At Daytona after people point out it's from 2004.“

  62. Thanks, feo Screwtape, for that totally irrelevant and inconsequential report. But I'm not Trump's campaign manager.

  63. Nor are you his porn star prostitute, or his lawyer paying her off, or his advisor squeezing other nations for lies that help his campaign, nor his Russian funder go-between with Putin to pollute an American election, nor his in-house self-hating Jewish hate mongers, nor his illegal entry paid bride, nor his Justice Department corrupting Attorney General, nor his jailed campaign manager, nor his other jailed campaign manager, nor his soon to be jailed best friend and advisor, nor his soon to be jailed, shortest tenured ever, secret Russian money grabbing National Security Advisor.

    But you do love rooting in the mud grunting your cheers and your support for all their lies.

  64. Nor am I a promoter and defender of sexual immorality and the murder of the unborn. You support your own lies with far more vigor than any you desperately need to believe I support or promote. You're submerged in mud, false priest, so given over to your evil as you are. I truly feel sad for you and I pray you're redeemable, despite how impossible it seems. You project so much onto me in order to rationalize your hatred for those who don't abide your heresies. So sad. So pathetic.

  65. Trump paid for abortions.

    I haven’t.

  66. First of all, Marshal, you need to know that you will not and cannot attack women on my blog. That will not fly here. So take your misogynist attacks to hell with you.

    Secondly, Marshal, you're in over your head. You are embarrassing yourself so just retreat.

    Thirdly, both of you, this is just boring. Feodor, you are correct, of course, in the content of your comments. But these back and forth attacks on each other are just boring. Let's let it go.

  67. Perhaps the one time Trump hasn’t lied:

    Maureen Dowd: “I had to ask: When he was a swinging bachelor in Manhattan, was he ever involved with anyone who had an abortion?”

    Trump: “Such an interesting question,” he said. “So what’s your next question?”

  68. Evangelicals 1998: if Bill Clinton will lie to his wife and daughter to conceal his marital infidelity, what will prevent him from lying to the American public?

    Evangelicals 2020: I think Trump’s infidelity - Stormy Daniels and the 8 others and so forth - is a private matter for him and his family to deal with. It’s nobody’s business.

  69. Trump always refuses to dignify anything. He literally answers everything with lies and self centered praise. Except this one question from Ms Dowd. He answered all her other questions with lies and self centered praise.

    One question he will not answer: was he ever involved with anyone who had an abortion?

  70. Marshal, you are a coward and a pig and a defender of rapists. You are the enemy of women and shame on you, you low life rapeboy. You will NOT comment here again until such time as you apologize to women for your pathetic, misogynistic attacks on them and promise to never utter such words again, at least here.

    Do you kiss your mother/daughter with those filthy lips, you pig?
