Sunday, December 9, 2018

"Merry Christmas" Ain't Everything... (or, Really, Anything...)

Trump: "When people wrong you, go after those people, because it's a good feeling... I always get even..."

Jesus: "Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you."

Trump: "I'm putting people on notice who are coming here from Syria as part of that mass migration, that if I win, they're going back!"

Jesus: "I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed me in."

Trump: "Why do I have to repent? Why do I have to ask for forgiveness if I'm not making mistakes?"

Jesus: "Unless you repent, you will all likewise perish..."

Trump: "Part of the beauty of me is that I'm very rich."
"I'm very greedy."

Jesus: "Do not store up treasures for yourself on earth, for where your treasure is, there your heart is, as well..."

James: "Is it not the rich who oppress you?"

"Come now, you rich, weep and howl for the miseries that are coming upon you. Your riches have rotted and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver have corroded, and their corrosion will be evidence against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have laid up treasure in the last days. Behold, the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, are crying out against you..."

Trump: "Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything."

Jesus: "Oh, come on, people! This man is a charlatan and an oppressive pervert of the worst sort!"
(Okay, I made that last one up, but you get the point... And I could go on and on, but that will suffice)
For my fellow Christians who think that Trump is a great Christian because his Christmas cards say "merry christmas...," there's more to it than that.

Just sayin'...


  1. Stop while you're behind, Marshall. I won't allow you to try to defend perverts who laugh about attacking and assaulting women. You have the freedom of speech to engage in that sort of defense at your blog, but that dog won't hunt here.


  2. The reality is, evangelicals have more or less enthusiastically embraced a man as their leader who is the antithesis of Jesus' teachings. I'm not saying that a person has to be a perfect man or a decent Christian to be president, but we're not talking about a near miss here.

    The man is a vulgar, dangerous and stupid liar/conman whose behavior is just vile beyond the pale.

    Now, if he were a poor fella out of the prison system whose life was a mess and he needed support, you can know that he'd find some support with people like me and my tribe. But that does not mean I would support him as a president.

    You have to wonder if there will ever come a time when even white evangelicals will recognize with disgust that their man in the White House has more in common with King Ahab than King Jesus.

  3. “The man is a vulgar, dangerous and stupid liar/conman whose behavior is just vile...”

    I agree.

  4. Again, you defending sexual assailants and perverts who oppressed people is not going to happen on this blog, Marshall.

    What's ironic, however, is that you call me, a married man faithful to one woman for 33 years, loving father and mentor to many children and young adults in my church and in my community - a flawed person to be sure but by normal standards, quite a good person as far as outward ehavior goes... That you call ME a pervert but defend this braggart of sexual assaults, this man who laughs at objectifying and ogling women and teenage girls, this overtly deviant and unfaithful man who objectifies his own daughter, this man who assaults women and laughs at it... HE gets a pass from you, but I'm a pervert.

    Your blindness... Well, words escape me.

  5. And lest anyone misunderstand... I'm NOT calling myself a paragon of virtue nor am I saying I'm offended by Marshall's silly little name-calling. It's a ridiculous and silly little charge and I'm not at all concerned about what he has to say about me. It's just the irony of him finding me or ANYone of relatively normal behavior "perverted" while giving a pass to the deviant in chief.

  6. I hate it when people call me funny.

  7. You're posting abusive, vulgar words that I can't allow here. If you can't defend yourself without these abusive, vulgar words, I don't know how to help you. Defend yourself at your blog and people can read it there.

    And just to be clear, by "vulgar," I don't mean that you use naughty words, shit, fuck, poop, doo doo... I mean you are using words that blame victims rather than the rapists and assailants.

    THAT dog won't hunt here. THAT is vulgar beyond your worst vomit.

  8. To the degree that "normal guys" use that rapey sort of language, that doesn't help your case. It certainly isn't the case that I or my friends and families that I know of use that sort of rapey "locker room" language, and that includes both my conservative and liberal friends. But even if it were true that, say, 51% of guys use rapey language and call it "locker room" to try to normalize their rapey behavior, that would not make language that endorses rapey sort of thinking anything but vulgar and abusive and ugly.

  9. You're an inveterate liar. Had I actually used "abusive, vulgar words"... which I absolutely did not...letting my comment stand and then pointing out those words would have shown at least a token attempt at honesty and integrity. Then I would have listed ACTUAL vulgar words you continue to use at the blogs of others demonstrating again both your hypocrisy as well as your moral bankruptcy. But you again take tge cowardly way out...delete and lie about what you've deleted. Typical.

  10. BTW, only talk which includes a desire or plan to rape can honestly be "rapey". But again, as a liar with no legitimate argument against Trump or others who engage in tawdry speech...a number far greater than "51%", no matter how much you try to pretend you and yours are "holier than thou".

  11. (Oops!--- hit "publish" too soon)

    ...overstating and distorting is all you've got.

  12. Dan’s mad about “abusive vulgar words”, maybe he should stop using them himself. I’m sorry, but this is hilarious.

  13. You still don't understand. I don't give a fucking shit about cuss words. I care about ACTUAL vulgar words... "she was asking for it..." "She was a slut, and put herself in a situation to be raped..." Shit like that. THAT is vulgar because they are abusive, oppressive, harmful.

    No one ever got killed or raped because of a fucking cuss word.

    We need to and should get upset about important things, not vowels and consonants arranged in a "wrong" manner.

    And I hope to God that you're not fucked up enough to find rape or defense of rape hilarious.

    And I hope to God that you're not sick enough to not understand the difference between mere cuss words and actual words that cause harm.

  14. And in case you're missing the point, I'm using these curse words by way of an object lesson. Trying to emphasize the difference between silly little syllables and actual vulgar harm. Between the merely crude and the actually vulgar and harmful.

  15. Obama was roasted by people like Marshall and Craig for being unpresidential in a tan suite.

    Marshall’s morals are situational. Cinservative extremists can do no real wrong.

  16. Danny, Danny, Danny. You couldn't provide a legitimate example supporting your equivocation if your life depended upon it. Only a progessive "Christian" would assert the words you use isn't ACTUALLY vulgar. No one does cheap rationalization like you, Dan. Count that as one more way I lag behind you!

  17. Of course you are, it couldn’t be any other reason. If couldn’t be provocation, or an inability to express anger without expletives, it’s got to be presented as something healthy and good.

    “No one ever got killed or raped because of a cuss word.”

    That’s quite a claim, care to prove it? You certainly can’t “cite” proof of your 500BC-500AD claim, maybe this’ll be easier.

  18. Oh, please, Craig. You were shut down when you tried to demote the poor. You were shut down when you tried to infer the historicity of creating humans from clay and giants and fallen angels got interested in our daughters.

    You finally settled for the existence of royal accountants counting olives as proof of the prophecy of Jesus.

  19. "We need to and should get upset about important things..."

    Clearly you mean those things that are important to you.

    "And I hope to God that you're not fucked up enough to find rape or defense of rape hilarious."

    Not "f'd up" at all, but you clearly are if you truly insist you see even so much as a hint of such a defense in either Craig or myself.

    "And I hope to God that you're not sick enough to not understand the difference between mere cuss words and actual words that cause harm."

    You've yet to explain the distinction you feel exists. Your examples so far don't cut it in the least, particularly since they are after the fact this argument you're using to rationalize your foul language.

    "No one ever got killed or raped because of a fucking cuss word."

    No one has because of ANY word. They have because of craven desires and the actions they manifested. The exceptions are cases where someone uses language you like to use to someone who takes offense and kicks the butt of the speaker. That's self inflicted harm from cuss words. Other than that, it never really happens.

  20. When rapists and sexually assailants are defended by people's words, they promote harm, they promote rape, they promote abuse. When rape and sexual assault victims are blamed, rapists and sexual assailants have their job made easier and harm results from those words of blame.

    When people use their words to endorse sexual predators like Trump, Moore and others, they cause harm, because they normalize sexual assault and continue to dismiss the concerns of victims.

    Words DO cause and promote harm. Actual harm. But "fuck" isn't one of them.

  21. Now, let's try to keep comments to the point of this post: This current president is very much anti-Christ in practically his every view point, it would appear.
    He is pro greed,
    pro-racists (i.e., the lends support and comfort to racists, they say themselves that they are empowered by Trump),
    pro-narcissim and selfishness,
    anti-forgiveness and grace,
    unconcerned about the poor and marginalized (at best, actively hostile towards them, at worst)
    pro-sexual deviancy and harassment


    One wonders why white evangelicals (and other religious conservatives) are supporting such a man at all.

    And I say specifically White Evangelicals (and other religious conservatives) because black evangelicals by and large do NOT support him and recognize his racism and anti-poverty stances for the anti-Christ attitudes they are.

    And by "anti-Christ," I'm not talking to a Demonic Bad Guy Actor to appear in The Final Days. I just mean it literally... someone who is opposed to Jesus' teachings practically across the board.

  22. When you defend a sexual predator and pretend that he isn't, THAT is a way of attacking the victims of sexual assault and standing on the side of rapists and predators. THOSE are the sorts of comments that will not stand here.

    When you try to shift blame to victims of sexual assault because of the way they dress, rather than just blame the rapist. Period. THOSE are the sorts of comments that won't stand here.

    Stop defending rapists and sexual predators.

    Now, do you have anything to say on topic?

  23. That last was addressed to Marshall.

    Look, I'm not saying that Trump is guilty of a crime like rape (he may be, there have been allegations, but I'm not saying he IS demonstrably guilty). But given his OWN WORDS testifying against him, the man is a straight up self-confessed sexual predator, a deviant who is comfortable with assaulting women and saying that they wanted it. THAT is the language of the sexual predator and rapist, not a decent man.

    The man is indecent by his own testimony. We need no more. And he is clearly an established liar, recognized as an amoral liar BY HIS ALLIES.

    Now, on topic... Why DO the white evangelicals defend a deviant liar? That is the question at hand.

    If you want to say (as I think you do) that, "We don't believe the reality of those charges, no matter how clear it is even to his allies...") say that and then be done.

  24. "Now, let's try to keep comments to the point of this post.."

    Yeah. Let's. Let us also be man enough to confront them rather than delete them.

    "This current president is very much anti-Christ in practically his every view point, it would appear."

    Only if you impose your corrupt distortions upon his points of view.

    "He is pro greed,"

    With the first one you show your willingness to ignore context. When he said he's greedy, he was leading up the punchline, which was that he's now greedy for the United States. That is, his focus is on what's best for the nation. No where has he promoted greed as a trait Americans should where has he advocated for the notion in any way.


    Absolute and purposeful lies. Insisting our laws be respected does not equate to either of those slanders. Protecting our borders against those who would ignore our laws does not, either.


    Also an egregious and evil lie. It doesn't matter in the least that actual racists are attracted to him for whatever reasons they state. It doesn't make him pro-racist at all. feo's a racist. Trump works for Americans, regardless of their race.

    "pro-narcissim and selfishness"

    No more or less than was your guy Obama. He just isn't as smooth as Obama is with regard to those traits.

    "anti-forgiveness and grace"

    You clearly bent way over backwards to pull this out your butt with your teeth. I have no idea what you're referencing here.

    "unconcerned about the poor and marginalized"

    Similar to the above with the exception that there are far fewer poor now that so many more are employed than there's been in a long time. Weird how such a greedy guy has helped so many with his greedy policies!

  25. I'm sorry... Are you seriously saying that you do not think the Trump is an incredibly greedy self-centered man who is all about getting money at whatever cost?

    Are you naive enough to believe that? Stupid enough to believe that? Unaware enough to believe that?

    Be serious. It'd be one thing to say, "yeah Trump is greedy and he's all about the money, but I think that's going to be good for the us because..." And give your reasons. But to try to pretend that he's not truly greedy? Again, are you serious?

    Craig, this would be a perfect opportunity for you to make clear where you stand.

  26. "pro-sexual deviancy and harassment"

    Some people equate adultery and womanizing as "sexual deviancy", but it technically isn't. The immorality YOU support, celebrate and enable? Different story according to Scripture (Here comes the cowardly deletion!)

    As for either of the above, are you suggesting he works to promote either in some way? Let's see you support that bit of nonsense!


    For himself, least in the past. No stories about him stepping out lately. But again, are you suggesting he promotes infidelity? Evidence please!


    Here again you simply overstate this characteristic, never once providing an example of a lie he's told that is as bad as the lies told by Obama, Hillary, Sanders and the Democratic Party as a matter of party policy. Indeed, you're completely dishonest about Trump's dishonesty.

    "One wonders why white evangelicals (and other religious conservatives) are supporting such a man at all."

    That you still wonder means you're incredibly stupid or dishonest (or some combination) as this has been explained quite plainly many times. Do you really need to hear it yet again?

    "And I say specifically White Evangelicals (and other religious conservatives) because black evangelicals by and large do NOT support him and recognize his racism and anti-poverty stances for the anti-Christ attitudes they are."

    Are those the same black evangelicals who have been suckered by the Democratic Party since the Civil Rights era? At least you recognize Trump's anti-poverty position! Good for you!

    " I just mean it literally... someone who is opposed to Jesus' teachings practically across the board."

    Your assertions don't equate to fact at all. What's more, I'm more than willing to address your own (and your party's) anti-Christ character any day of the week. Likely I'll have to do it at my blog because you lack the courage to face the truth.

  27. " my whole life I've been greedy, greedy, greedy. I got all the money I could. I'm so greedy."

  28. " the point is, you can't be too greedy."

    Page 48 of his book. I can't find the context, but I seen nothing to suggest he is meaning anything beyond just what he says.

  29. I'd say that he is less interested in getting "money at all costs" as he is in getting power, recognition, and control. I think the money is just a by product or the way to keep score. Earlier in his life he was probably more interested in money, I think at some point, money becomes secondary. Too many people are too self centered and interested in having power over other and in exercising control.

  30. Craig, I agree that it appears to be about power and the play for power, in a clueless, buffoonish and greedy sort of way.

  31. Marshall wrote (and I deleted the rest because it was a defense of this sort of thing, but by way of education for Marshall, I'm re-posting this quote, to try to help him understand...)

    The rapist is guilty of his own actions, while the victim is responsible for hers that put her in a position to be attacked.

    No. No. NO. The victim is NOT responsible in ANY SENSE IN ANY FUCKING WAY for being raped. THAT is a defense of rapists and an attack on victims.


    Now, if you disagree, then you can post that sort of rapist defense on your blog, but it is sick as hell and will not stand here.

    Do you understand?

  32. But, Craig, do you agree with Trump, and with just obvious reality that Trump is greedy?

  33. Dan: "Now, let's try to keep comments to the point of this post.."

    Marshall: “Yeah. Let's. Let us also be man enough to confront them rather than delete them.”

    Marshall delete what he wants. And blocks what overwhelms him.

    Extreme fundamentalists support Trump for the same reason Marshall double-standard deals in hypocrisy - and Craig for that matter: double-standard dealing in hypocrisy preserves the appearance of white male supremacy. It is white male supremacy as practiced by colonizing powers that used Christian faith as cover for thoroughgoing brutality.

  34. I completely agree that Trump is greedy, I just don’t think greed is limited to money and I don’t think money is his current primary motivation.

  35. Marshall’s buggin. And playing the fool. He’s come completely undone.

  36. And why is Marshall buggin? Because the slow process of American law is now telling us every week that all Trump knows about being President is that he thinks he should be able to do anything he wants. Trump is thoroughly anti-American.

    Marshall needs to denounce Trump and should for the sake of his soul.

  37. You can only hope to "educate" me, Dan, by providing facts and truth, both of which are completely absent in everything you say, both about the comments I try to post (and which you unjustly delete), as well as in your respinses to them. If you could maybe borrow a pair of testicles, we could perhaps actually engage in discourse, rather than you pretending I'm saying anything that results in you suffering the vapors.

  38. Good God! What an aberrant, criminal time throughout the White House.

    “Trump Inauguration Spending Under Criminal Investigation by Federal Prosecutors”
