Saturday, December 23, 2017

The Case for Winter Walks

A late December hike
on a cool and damp winter day
is a rare chance
for finding reckless sophistication
in a stripped-down Winter Woods.

The lichen on the Oak trees
and ghost leaves upon the Beech
can best be seen
on days such as this.

Without walking through these woods
on a gray day like today,
How would I know what I missed?

 Wildlands are all the more Wild
on a day that promise sleet
and discomfort.

The woodpecker's thick laughter, 
all the more mad.

 The bright crimson flash
of cardinals darting through the trees
is deftly balanced by 
the deep leather embrace
of the damp leaves at my feet.

And if I slip on wet leaves
and fall on my pride

and I will
and I have

it is worth it.

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