Monday, December 1, 2014

Ring Them Bells

Music and artwork to begin the Advent season...

The artwork is a collage, made from reclaimed "Black Friday" ads. Our theme for Advent is the Alternative Narrative, and taking the themes of Buy, Get, Acquire from the commercial ads and subverting those messages to create a message of a new hope, a new season, a new Way... seemed appropriate to us.

"Ring Them Bells," by Bob Dylan, performed by some friends at Jeff St Baptist...

Happy Advent Season.


  1. Again, my comments at "a post for Marshall" do not "publish". I don't know why. Very frustrating.

  2. As I've explained, the comments have a two week limit and then they have to be approved by me. No problem, it's in waiting, just let me know you've posted something.

    Nothing's lost. Your post is there.
