Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Words of the Prophets...

Weep And Howl by paynehollow
Weep And Howl, a photo by paynehollow on Flickr.


  1. Were written on the studio walls.

  2. That would be "subway walls", Craig, and tenement halls. Just sayin'.

  3. That would depend on who you choose to listen to, now wouldn't it.

  4. I suppose. But to whom are you listening?

  5. Ah! I am unfamiliar with his reference. But at least I now know the source of yours. Thanks.

  6. I'm a little surprised you've never heard Spirit of the Radio by Rush, I assumed it was pretty well known.

  7. No. Not a Rush fan. I'm often sucked into their songs by their pretty cool musical composition and musicianship. But then Geddy Lee opens his mouth and it's like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. Then I'm filled with dread expecting him to sing about the Lollipop Guild. I figure he's about 3.5' high.

    I'm sure I must have heard that song at some point if it garnered regular air play, but couldn't put a name to any of their songs if my life depended upon it.

  8. I understand I've developed an appreciation for them over time. Also dig some Simon and garfunkle or just simon.
