Friday, May 17, 2013

Best Final Episode Ever?

Flowers Watercolor by paynehollow
Flowers Watercolor, a photo by paynehollow on Flickr.

The TV show, The Office had its final episode last night. Now, I am no fan of TV, as a general rule, and think we'd do better to spend less time watching it. I am, therefore, loathe to spend any time talking up a TV show, but, well, here we go....

I have enjoyed The Office over the years. The last few seasons, the quality of the shows has declined, as is common in even good TV shows, and I didn't watch it as regularly. Still, I tuned in last night for the final episode and must say that I thought it was great, perhaps the best final episode of any TV show ever.

(NOTE: Since most Final Episodes have not been all that good, that may be feint praise... my previous favorite Final Episode was Newhart.)

This Office finale was almost certainly too sentimental. Some might complain that being sweet and sentimental forced some characters to play out of character. But it's a final episode, I can cut them some slack for even over-the-top sentimentality.

I thought it had a nice balance of wistful remembrances and solid humor.

But probably the reason I enjoyed the show so much was because they took the opportunity to wax poetic and philosophical - and a departing is a perfect time to do that - and they did so in a way that I didn't find preachy or treacly, just pleasant.

A few favorite quotes...

Jim, reflecting upon his years in the incredibly inane and unimportant "paper selling" business...

“Even if I didn’t love every minute of it, everything I have I owe to this job. This stupid, wonderful, boring amazing job.”


“I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.”

What do you think? Any Office mates out there?


  1. Alas, if it doesn't have time traveling aliens, or a crazy island full of secrets, or scary mad scientists trying to take over the world, or zombies, I don't watch it. :)

  2. It was pretty good. Hard to say BFEE... thats sort of eye of the beholder kind of thing. But, it was very well done.

  3. At least the show didnt decline to the point some others have. It seemed to exit at the right time.

  4. I haven't watched The Office so I can't comment on it. I thought STTNG's last episode was a tad self-indulgent (and ignored by the folks who wrote for STDS9, which had Worf marrying that one alien instead of Troy). I'd say the same for Seinfeld's last episode, except that was kind of the point of the characters of the show. I still think Lost's last episode was a good wrap-up and one of the best, most positive descriptions of death I've ever seen. I'm one of those rare birds, though, who didn't hink the show jumped the shark in it's last couple seasons, though, but rather the storytelling made sense in terms of the overarching tale the whole series was telling.

  5. Haven't watched The Office, so I have to stick with Newhart.
