Monday, May 7, 2012

Graduation Day

Graduation Day by paynehollow
Graduation Day, a photo by paynehollow on Flickr.
My eldest child graduated from college Saturday.

With the caveat that sitting through a 3+ hour graduation ceremony with over 1000 graduates is a less-than-rational idea, we had a grand time this weekend and we're all very proud of our boy.

Jordan is not only graduating this year (having completed his college classes in only three years!), but he's also turning 21, and has also had a record deal signed for his band (Beady), and is having that CD come out in a couple of months, and has a job lined up to start this week, and is planning on taking a trip to Taiwan (after saving his own money for it) this fall...

It is a Very Big Year for my baby boy and I can't tell you what a great young man he has become. Kind, compassionate, rational, hard-working, musical, lyrical, loving brother and son, full of Big Ideas and living in Small, Respectful Ways... he is just a great guy, aside from his many accomplishments. Even if he hadn't graduated, or even gone to college; even if he didn't write and play music and clever lyrics that I greatly enjoy; even if he didn't have a job lined up already, etc, etc, he is just a fine, fine young man. A parent could not ask for more. The graduation is just icing on the cake.

Congratulations, J.