Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas!

My beloved wife and I received a Christmas present early this year. Our children went to the recording studio Monday along with their bandmates and recorded five songs for a new more professional EP. We were like kids on Christmas morning, waiting for them to get home, CD in hand, to hear them singing.

You can hear those new songs on their Beady myspace page (my personal favorites are Abbey's Song and When I'm Twenty).

With this simple, lovely gift from my beautiful children, with the possibility of a white Christmas here and many places around the US, with the hopes of a peaceful, pleasant new year - one perhaps with less needless strife over petty matters and with more strong stands on points that need them (and the wisdom to know the difference) - I wish everyone a Merry, Merry Christmas, a Happy Holidays and a wondrous new year.

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas, Dan, to you and all the Trabues. May the spirit of the season touch your life through all the new year.
