Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Family Friendly...

Oak Square Girls
Originally uploaded by paynehollow
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Check this out.

[WARNING: when you enter your blog name and press "Rate it!" the first page you get to asks you to sign up for a dating service or something like that. You have to go to the bottom and hit "NO THANKS, take me to my results..."]

This is a fun bit of nothing-ness. I don't know why, but I found it so enjoyable that I'm posting it up here just for kicks. It's a website that will "rate" your blog, like a movie (G, PG, R, etc). It apparently has some rather odd parameters (the mere appearance of the word "abortion" or "missionary" can contribute to a more "adult" rating), but it's fun for what it's worth.

I saw this over at Brother Stan's blog Winging It, which received an R rating.

Neil over at the Eternity Matters blog got an NC-17!

And, while I got a G rating, my church's blog, Life at Jeff St got an R.

Go figure.

Have fun...


  1. HWMNBN got an NC-17!

    Bwah! Ha! Ha! Ha!.

    Must be all the gay porn over there. LOL

    Excellent. Thanks for making my day. :)

  2. Yeah, I liked that bit o' irony.

  3. Mine is rated PG based on the presence of the word "bomb", not as some (*ahem* HWMNBN) might suspect, because of all the gay porn. LOL

  4. Was it a "gay bomb" allusion, though??

  5. Actually I had to look to find out where it was. It's in the name of a blog in my blog roll.

    But yeah, it's totally a coded reference nonetheless. :)

  6. Ha! I figured I would have received an "R", but . . . PG-13. Guess I have to work harder, huh?

  7. I'm not blogging anymore and have deleted "On the Homefront". However, I did leave my son's "Letters from Baghdad". That got an NC-17:

    "This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:

    hell(7x) gun(6x) suck(5x) shoot(4x)dangerous(3x) ass (2x) murder(1x)".

  8. I got a G although it did point out that I have used the word bitch one time.

  9. Sue! I got to hear from two of my favorite friends in one day (Roger made a comment on an earlier entry)! How awesome.

    I think this rating system must only look at the current page's worth of entries, not your entire history. I think I deserve something more atrocious than a G. I've said "boogerhead" way more than once, I'm sure of it!

    Thanks for stopping by.

  10. Don't be disappointed by your rating, Dan. Your language and pics might be clean, but your ideas are very subversive.

  11. Well, thank you, John! You always know just the right thing to say to pick a fella up when he's feeling down...
