Monday, May 24, 2010

Donna and Dan -2

Originally uploaded by paynehollow
One week left. Next week is our 25th anniversary.

For the past 24-ish weeks, I've been posting a poem, a memory, a story - and lots of photos - from our history together. Sometimes, you just do some things for yourself, but thanks for any who've been following our story with us...

Over and Over Again

You sometimes ask me
Would I do it all over again?

Would I really want to live our life over again?
Just as it's been
With heads worn raw from hanging drywall ceilings on our own
And stepping through the bathroom floor
Into the damp cellar below...

Would I want to be pulled over by the cops again
For driving while playing a dulcimer?

Would I want to hike in the rain with a
Cold sad child
Clinging and shivering?

Or camp in a storm
Getting stuck in the mud
Bone-tired and chilled?

Would I really want to
learn all that music together again?
Mandolin and banjo
Guitar and dulcimer
Singing harmonies with you all over again?

If I had the choice
Would I choose to hear the music again
in cheap concert halls
And cry at the sound of a raw homeless voice
moaning and mumbling?

Would I trade a thousand dirty diapers
Shared with you
And vacations with beautiful screaming children -
Sometimes not even our own?

Would I give up Christmases with your
Strong confident mother and sweet, sweet father
Hearing stories of softball games and
tap dances on the porch and bucking mules
and fences built with love for his daughter
So she could have an unridden horse?

Would I give up ten thousand kisses
Soft and perfect
Would I give up one million stars
And dozens of full moons
Would I give up all the sand on the beaches
Rolling under the surf
And walks through the forest
And secret bird symphonies
And the curve of the small of your back
And a thousand sunsets warm on my face
And the way you fit perfectly into my arms?

If I had the chance, you ask,
would I do it all over again?

And I honestly don't know
What else I could possibly do differently
That could make my life any more perfect
Than it is today.

Of course, I would.

Over and over again.

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