Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Joke of the Day

Originally uploaded by paynehollow
A former aide to George W Bush (Bush speechwriter, Matt Latimer) has just released a book, which includes this hilarious snippet...

'Bush came in one day to rehearse a speech, fuming. "This is a dangerous world and this cat (Obama) isn't remotely qualified to handle it. This guy has no clue, I promise you".'

That's George W Bush suggesting that Barack Obama has no clue and is not remotely qualified to be president. Isn't that rather like Chuckles the clown questioning Einstein on the intricacies of nuclear physics (or, as Bush would say, "all that nucyular science mumbo jumbo...")

Funny stuff. But doubtlessly true. Who, after all, IS qualified for that kind of job?

On a more enlightening note, you may wish to visit my Jeff Street church blog to see a recent wonderful sermon from my pastor, in which she points out how vital it is to be a part of, and community with, "the least of these." Vital for OUR sake, as much as theirs.


  1. "this 'cat'"?

    lol. Did Bush somehow come to the conclusion that the death of Sammy Davis Jr. left an opening in the Rat Pack that he could fill?

  2. You just know that he had to be playing "Oceans 11" all day long while meetings were going on with Uncle Dick, right? Dress up in his tuxedo and pretend to score a heist... "Gotta get some good use out of this monkey suit, heh-heh-heh..."

  3. Gotta admit though, that dame, Laura, had nice pins and plenty of moxie.

  4. Well, you need to speak Austrian if you're going to be a good President.

    Who's qualified? I don't give too much credance to experience; I prefer an ideology close to mine.
