Monday, August 31, 2009

Considering a Name Change...

Flying Yellow Butterfly
Originally uploaded by paynehollow
After having blogged under the name, "A Payne Hollow Visit," for lo, these nearly five years, now, I am considering a name change.

It has been pointed out to me that I don't really talk about my blog's name's sake (A Payne Hollow Visit) very often. And it's true, I don't. It was never my intent.

I only chose Payne Hollow Visit as a way to honor the Hubbards (Harlan and Anna) who lived a simple life on the river a few miles east of me for the last half of their lives. My intention, when I started, was to speak of simple living ideals, peaceful ideals, practical ideals - ideals that I learned somewhat from the Hubbards in Harlan's books about their lives. So, in honor of those ideals, I had chosen that name.

However, I have tended to spend a good bit of time talking about politics and religion - two topics that the Hubbards were pretty quiet about. And, as a result, I'm not sure if it's helpful to the memory of the Hubbards and the work at the actual Payne Hollow to continue using the name when I'm really not spending as much time talking specifically about their ideals.

So, at least for now, I have renamed myself to Through the Woods, while I consider what path might best fit this blog. For now, the address will remain the same, although that, too might change. I expect the content to remain the same as it has been.

I'd be glad for any thoughtful suggestions and/or comments or name ideas, but there is a good chance they may be ignored... Maybe I'll just rename the blog each week, depending upon my mood?

Stay tuned...


  1. I wouldn't make any suggestions, as it's a very personal decision. Your new blog name is quite fitting.

  2. I like Through the Woods. It can have many meanings.

    Almost every time I look at the cover of one of my Wendell Berry novels - the paperbacks with the paintings by Harlan Hubbard on the front cover - I think of you and "A Payne Hollow Visit."

  3. Hey, Mike, good to hear from you. Thanks for the comments.

    And thanks to you, too, John.

  4. O, be some other name!
    What's in a name? that which we call a rose
    By any other name would smell as sweet

  5. By this logic, I should blog more about the 17th C. Levellers or change my blog name. I LIKE A Paynehollow Visit.

  6. Thanks, Michael. I thought of situations like yours as I thought about this. Still, I am thinking it is a worthwhile change.

    And "through the woods" is growing on me...
