Monday, July 20, 2009

On a cool July day...

Donna and Dan 1
Originally uploaded by paynehollow
The weather of late has been phenomenal. July in the midwest is supposed to be sweltering, humid, uncomfortable at best - something with which to contend and put up with. However, we've been enjoying 70 degree days and pleasantly cool 60 degree evenings these last few days.

Such weather demands praise and respect. It should be expected that one not neglect such grace, or that you do so at your own risk. A sacrificial offering of a walk in the park, perhaps, or along a stream or by the riverside, lost in the loving shade of a grove of trees.

Donna and I worshiped at the park on Sunday. Hallelujah, what a glorious green day! The rabbits were all out, enjoying the day and refused to believe any harm could come their way, allowing me to approach within just a few feet of them before they scampered away.

The bird sanctuary was alive with song and praise and the trees all waved their branches with ecstatic whispered shouts.

My one complaint is that this was an urban park and I could still hear the sound of the Devil Automobeel. That constant growl and hiss is a cancer to my soul, scraping at my insides like an angry rust determined to eat me alive.

"Satan, get thee behind me!"

Nonetheless, Donna and I were able to enjoy the rhapsody of Creation on a short walk through Eden.

Enjoy cool summer days without fail, without delay. Such gifts are short-lived and soon-forgotten. The glory found is life-giving and certain to lead to resurrection for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.


  1. Not only has it been cooler and much more enjoyable this July for those of us just an hour and half drive south of you but the amount of rain we have gotten this July has been quiet unexpected...

    By now the grass in drying up and the flowers are wilting from the heat and drought like conditions...

    This summer has been quiet a pleasurable treat for those of us who enjoy the outdoors

  2. I couldn't help but notice your beautiful wife is a redhead. As a member of the tribe, may I just say, you, Sir, are blessed.

    These are beautiful days, indeed, and am enjoying them as best I can between work and other commitments. There is no better time to be alive than right now.

  3. Thanks, fellas. Good days, indeed.

    (And my wife is actually more of a brunette with red overtones, it's just the way the sun is catching her hair mostly, but thanks just the same, I AM blessed...)

  4. I'd think you'd be cursing your god for exposing "global-warming" for the fraud it truly is!

    Maybe our Creator is tiring of your War on Weather!

    Besides, enjoying God's creation is a common occurrence here in N. Central Arkansas.

  5. This has been a beautiful summer up here too. The grass is even still mostly green, which is unusual for Michigan in late July. We've only had a few days of really hot weather (which for us is over 32 ... that's ˚C, not ˚F, though it's Michigan, so anything over 32 ˚F is also nice.) :)

    I only wish I had more time to enjoy it.

  6. It's hot here in Texas. Temps up in the 100s and very little rain. You feel like you're suffocating when you go out in it. It's miserable. But it's still good to be alive...

    I'm waiting for autumn...cooler weather...colorful landscapes.
