Thursday, April 23, 2009

Some Earth Day Thoughts...

Cedar Waxwing 1
Originally uploaded by paynehollow
Today, I thought I'd drop a few excerpts from a journal I'd kept for several years, these excerpts are from 2001 - just some nature observations...

March 2001

Monday, as I arrived at work, a smooth fog laid across the Ohio like a blanket over a just made bed...

The weather’s turned warmer but slightly damper. A fine mist gently moistened me this morning on my ride to work.

The moisture in the air had the effect of drooping the just-budding tree branches with crystal droplets. As the sun attempted to break through the clouds, these graceful crystals glistened like lights on a Christmas tree. It made for an especially beautiful March morn...

It has, in the last day and a half, turned from frigid to fantastic. I’m sitting outside now, as the kids play on the playground at Riverfront Park. My jacket sits beside me and there is a lightly gusty wind which serves to keep the full-blown sun overhead from feeling too warm as it lights upon the back of my neck.

The temperature must be in the 60s and the sky is perfectly blue except for generous streaks of barely-there clouds.

The river appears to have nearly reached the playground. The water has come to rest about 20 feet from the playground’s edge. A goodly collection of driftwood has been deposited along the shore and the river is racing by in front of me.

Beauty and majesty are all about.

On top of the river front’s natural beauty today, I am also blessed by the beauty of humanity that dances, plays, runs and shouts all about.

This park, perhaps more than any other local park, appears to be a great gathering place representing our city. There are children and adults of all ages, races and, I would suppose, economic brackets at play here every time I bring the kids here. It is resplendent with our diversity, all present in peace and joy...

July 2001

Finally, storms came last night, washing the ground albeit briefly, at least in our neighborhood. It’s been threatening rain for a month, now, but we’ve mostly seen only clouds with no rain.

Empty promises.

I took a break from work today for a walk over by the river. The temperature was pleasant in the shade.

The floods earlier this spring grounded a log not too far off shore and there’s always a line of ducks resting on the log. They seem to be a fairly content community.

I noticed one taking to flight today. It was a beautiful thing.

He suddenly sped away from the log, where he’d been resting, beating his wings gracefully, regularly, swooping just inches from the water’s surface as he headed downstream.

For 50 feet, 100 feet, 500 feet he loped easily along just above the water. I kept expecting him to swoosh to a landing but he just kept skating, skimming down the river toward the canal until I lost him in the glint of the setting sun reflecting off the river.

What a life...


  1. It's poetry month! Where are your haikus?

    I started a moribund blog and posted haikus thinking of you.

  2. Well, that's a crazy thing to do.

    How 'bout this one:


    I try to do haiku
    But have never been good at counting
    wonder why?

  3. Is this new or tried and true?

  4. What? That halfku? I wrote that a couple of years ago, I reckon. Or are you talking about something else?

    I'm not much of a haiku kind of guy. I like many of them when I see them, but have rarely imbibed myself.

  5. I'm more of a limerick kind of guy. Here's one I wrote for my beloved on her 40th bday...


    There once was a girl named Donna
    Of whom I am kinda fonda
    She's smart and purty
    Even tho' she's now 40
    So give her a hug, if you wanna.


  6. No sorrys. Sweet was the s word I'd look for.

    Wasn't it you that had a haiku last Fall or sometime before the election?

  7. Not true that you can't haiku.
    Not true that you can't sue
    your love to your love true.
    Not true, not true, you Dan Trabue.

    Apologies to the memory of the good Doctor.

  8. No. Unless your, "there once was," is some sign of malevolent intent.

  9. Acrostic and Haiku


    Carrying people
    Appreciated i am
    Racing is my game


    Once my sister had the flu
    I was afraid she might give it to me too
    Her nose was bright red
    She only stayed in bed
    I didn’t want to catch it, what could I do?
