Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Weekend

Originally uploaded by paynehollow
As we have prepared for Easter at my church, we celebrated Lent in color. Each week for the last six weeks, we've tried to find God in Yellow, then Orange, then Red, right down the rainbow to Green this last week. We've found God in the Green Creation of our God, in the Blue skies and stuffed puppies of our children, in the Red skateboard of our teens and the Yellow of flowers and peppers.

And as we've sought God in these colors, we've been encouraged to bring to church and lay some of these symbols of God upon the altar. You can see images of our Lenten season at the Jeff Street blog, if you are so inclined.

This Friday and Saturday, we breathe softly in anticipation of Easter morning, when we celebrate as a community Jesus' triumph over the powers of darkness and hatred. We could use more of that these days.

Happy Easter, to my Christian friends and others who can enjoy the celebration.

Goodness is stronger than evil,
love is stronger than hate,
light is stronger than darkness,
life is stronger than death,
victory is ours through him who loved us.

~Bishop Desmond Tutu

Christ is risen!


  1. Happy Easter, Dan, to you and your whole family. Many blessings on the day.

    Christ is risen!

  2. Happy Easter, Dan!

    Congratulations on the 13th birthday of your daughter, too!

    Speaking of her birthday, God commanding Abraham to sacrifice his 12 year son, Isaac, has been mentioned on your blog a time or two, but I'd never heard this reason until the other day.

    Why did God command Abraham to sacrifice his 12 year old son?

    Because if he were 13, it wouldn't be a sacrifice!

    Ha! I'm sure with your fine teens you have no idea why this is funny, but thought you'd 'preciate it anyway.

  3. Happy Resurrection Day! BTW, Dan, I am starting a new series on moral discernment. It will be followed by one on the death penalty--and interspersed with pleas for people to push Obama to do more on human rights (like prosecute torturers) and not to escalate Afghanistan (Development, not war).

  4. Thanks, all. Happy Easter to you, too.

    Funny joke, Roger, or it would be if it didn't hit so close to home...

    (Just kidding, my kids are sweethearts! Usually.)
